
胡锐 6 months ago
parent 3c6ef38e73
commit bb4f322037
  1. 2
  2. 2
  3. 2

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public interface BsAgentMerAccountMapperExt {
" FROM" +
" bs_agent_mer_account a" +
" LEFT JOIN bs_merchant b ON a.mer_no = b.mer_no" +
" where 1 = 1" +
" where 1 = 1 and a.status = 1" +
" <if test='param.agentStaffId != null'> and mer_id in (select mer_id from bs_agent_mer where agent_staff_id = #{param.agentStaffId} and `status` = 1) </if>" +
" <if test='param.provinceCode != null'> and b.province_code = #{param.provinceCode} </if>" +
" <if test='param.cityCode != null'> and b.city_code = #{param.cityCode} </if>" +

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public interface BsAgentMerMapperExt {
" LEFT JOIN bs_agent_mer b on b.mer_id = a.id and b.`status` <![CDATA[ <> ]]> 0" +
" <if test='param.agentId != null'> and b.agent_id = #{param.agentId} </if>" +
" where 1 = 1" +
" <if test='param.isAgentStaffAllot != null and param.isAgentStaffAllot == true'> and b.agent_staff_id is not null and b.mer_id in (select mer_id from bs_agent_mer where agent_staff_id = #{param.agentStaffId} and `status` <![CDATA[ <> ]]> 0) </if>" +
" <if test='param.isAgentStaffAllot != null and param.isAgentStaffAllot == true'> and b.agent_staff_id is not null and b.agent_staff_id = #{param.agentStaffId} and b.mer_id in (select mer_id from bs_agent_mer where agent_staff_id = #{param.agentStaffId} and `status` <![CDATA[ <> ]]> 0) </if>" +
" <if test='param.isAgentStaffAllot != null and param.isAgentStaffAllot == false'> and b.agent_staff_id is null and b.mer_id not in (select mer_id from bs_agent_mer where agent_staff_id = #{param.agentStaffId} and `status` <![CDATA[ <> ]]> 0) </if>" +
") a where 1 = 1" +
" <if test='param.provinceCode != null'> and a.provinceCode = #{param.provinceCode} </if>" +

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public class OrderCreateService {
if (orderChild.getAgentMerId() != null) {
// 查询代理
BsAgentMer agentMer = agentMerService.getDetail(orderChild.getAgentMerId());
if (agentMer == null) {
if (agentMer == null || agentMer.getStatus() != 1) {
throw ErrorHelp.genException(SysCode.System, ErrorCode.COMMON_ERROR, "无法交易,代理商二维码已失效");
try {
