import { NzI18nService } from "./chunk-SIWHY5U5.js"; import { NzTooltipDirective } from "./chunk-HGCFPTHW.js"; import "./chunk-BGVPPB2M.js"; import "./chunk-RKDI7MDU.js"; import "./chunk-YFXR6SLR.js"; import { helpMotion } from "./chunk-HF5YUKES.js"; import { NzOutletModule, NzStringTemplateOutletDirective } from "./chunk-II6F7O4R.js"; import { NzGridModule } from "./chunk-P2PA3N7Y.js"; import "./chunk-I4PM4FPC.js"; import { NzFormStatusService } from "./chunk-E6X5K3WX.js"; import { NzIconDirective, NzIconModule } from "./chunk-LE6DQ524.js"; import "./chunk-JGP5BR6B.js"; import { NzConfigService, WithConfig } from "./chunk-R3YQA6NO.js"; import "./chunk-KBVCKJGB.js"; import { Directionality } from "./chunk-XJ6U6HBE.js"; import "./chunk-MQMU2B2N.js"; import { InputBoolean, toBoolean } from "./chunk-JXVDBMEG.js"; import "./chunk-DLJPVZ6P.js"; import "./chunk-EIAJJHP2.js"; import "./chunk-Q3CVYH5T.js"; import "./chunk-U3HDGNZW.js"; import { AbstractControl, FormControlDirective, FormControlName, NgControl, NgModel } from "./chunk-CGZ73UGK.js"; import { NgClass, NgIf } from "./chunk-GRUKGTMG.js"; import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ContentChild, Directive, Host, Input, NgModule, Optional, SkipSelf, ViewEncapsulation$1, setClassMetadata, ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature, ɵɵProvidersFeature, ɵɵStandaloneFeature, ɵɵadvance, ɵɵattribute, ɵɵclassProp, ɵɵcontentQuery, ɵɵdefineComponent, ɵɵdefineDirective, ɵɵdefineInjector, ɵɵdefineNgModule, ɵɵdirectiveInject, ɵɵelement, ɵɵelementContainerEnd, ɵɵelementContainerStart, ɵɵelementEnd, ɵɵelementStart, ɵɵloadQuery, ɵɵnextContext, ɵɵprojection, ɵɵprojectionDef, ɵɵproperty, ɵɵpureFunction1, ɵɵqueryRefresh, ɵɵtemplate, ɵɵtext, ɵɵtextInterpolate } from "./chunk-A6CRNF4U.js"; import { Subject, Subscription, __decorate, filter, map, startWith, takeUntil, tap } from "./chunk-ZAWZRDJR.js"; import { __spreadValues } from "./chunk-HSNDBVJ3.js"; // node_modules/ng-zorro-antd/fesm2022/ng-zorro-antd-form.mjs var _c0 = ["*"]; function NzFormControlComponent_div_3_ng_container_2_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵelementContainerStart(0); ɵɵtext(1); ɵɵelementContainerEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const ctx_r2 = ɵɵnextContext(2); ɵɵadvance(1); ɵɵtextInterpolate(ctx_r2.innerTip); } } var _c1 = (a0) => [a0]; var _c2 = (a0) => ({ $implicit: a0 }); function NzFormControlComponent_div_3_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵelementStart(0, "div", 4)(1, "div", 5); ɵɵtemplate(2, NzFormControlComponent_div_3_ng_container_2_Template, 2, 1, "ng-container", 6); ɵɵelementEnd()(); } if (rf & 2) { const ctx_r0 = ɵɵnextContext(); ɵɵproperty("@helpMotion", void 0); ɵɵadvance(1); ɵɵproperty("ngClass", ɵɵpureFunction1(4, _c1, "ant-form-item-explain-" + ctx_r0.status)); ɵɵadvance(1); ɵɵproperty("nzStringTemplateOutlet", ctx_r0.innerTip)("nzStringTemplateOutletContext", ɵɵpureFunction1(6, _c2, ctx_r0.validateControl)); } } function NzFormControlComponent_div_4_ng_container_1_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵelementContainerStart(0); ɵɵtext(1); ɵɵelementContainerEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const ctx_r3 = ɵɵnextContext(2); ɵɵadvance(1); ɵɵtextInterpolate(ctx_r3.nzExtra); } } function NzFormControlComponent_div_4_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵelementStart(0, "div", 7); ɵɵtemplate(1, NzFormControlComponent_div_4_ng_container_1_Template, 2, 1, "ng-container", 8); ɵɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const ctx_r1 = ɵɵnextContext(); ɵɵadvance(1); ɵɵproperty("nzStringTemplateOutlet", ctx_r1.nzExtra); } } function NzFormLabelComponent_span_2_ng_container_1_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵelementContainerStart(0); ɵɵelement(1, "span", 3); ɵɵelementContainerEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const tooltipIconType_r2 = ctx.$implicit; const ctx_r1 = ɵɵnextContext(2); ɵɵadvance(1); ɵɵproperty("nzType", tooltipIconType_r2)("nzTheme", ctx_r1.tooltipIcon.theme); } } function NzFormLabelComponent_span_2_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵelementStart(0, "span", 1); ɵɵtemplate(1, NzFormLabelComponent_span_2_ng_container_1_Template, 2, 2, "ng-container", 2); ɵɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const ctx_r0 = ɵɵnextContext(); ɵɵproperty("nzTooltipTitle", ctx_r0.nzTooltipTitle); ɵɵadvance(1); ɵɵproperty("nzStringTemplateOutlet", ctx_r0.tooltipIcon.type); } } var _NzFormItemComponent = class _NzFormItemComponent { setWithHelpViaTips(value) { this.withHelpClass = value; this.cdr.markForCheck(); } setStatus(status) { this.status = status; this.cdr.markForCheck(); } setHasFeedback(hasFeedback) { this.hasFeedback = hasFeedback; this.cdr.markForCheck(); } constructor(cdr) { this.cdr = cdr; this.status = ""; this.hasFeedback = false; this.withHelpClass = false; this.destroy$ = new Subject(); } ngOnDestroy() { this.destroy$.next(true); this.destroy$.complete(); } }; _NzFormItemComponent.ɵfac = function NzFormItemComponent_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NzFormItemComponent)(ɵɵdirectiveInject(ChangeDetectorRef)); }; _NzFormItemComponent.ɵcmp = ɵɵdefineComponent({ type: _NzFormItemComponent, selectors: [["nz-form-item"]], hostAttrs: [1, "ant-form-item"], hostVars: 12, hostBindings: function NzFormItemComponent_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 2) { ɵɵclassProp("ant-form-item-has-success", ctx.status === "success")("ant-form-item-has-warning", ctx.status === "warning")("ant-form-item-has-error", ctx.status === "error")("ant-form-item-is-validating", ctx.status === "validating")("ant-form-item-has-feedback", ctx.hasFeedback && ctx.status)("ant-form-item-with-help", ctx.withHelpClass); } }, exportAs: ["nzFormItem"], standalone: true, features: [ɵɵStandaloneFeature], ngContentSelectors: _c0, decls: 1, vars: 0, template: function NzFormItemComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵprojectionDef(); ɵɵprojection(0); } }, encapsulation: 2, changeDetection: 0 }); var NzFormItemComponent = _NzFormItemComponent; (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NzFormItemComponent, [{ type: Component, args: [{ selector: "nz-form-item", exportAs: "nzFormItem", preserveWhitespaces: false, changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation$1.None, host: { class: "ant-form-item", "[class.ant-form-item-has-success]": 'status === "success"', "[class.ant-form-item-has-warning]": 'status === "warning"', "[class.ant-form-item-has-error]": 'status === "error"', "[class.ant-form-item-is-validating]": 'status === "validating"', "[class.ant-form-item-has-feedback]": "hasFeedback && status", "[class.ant-form-item-with-help]": "withHelpClass" }, template: ` `, standalone: true }] }], () => [{ type: ChangeDetectorRef }], null); })(); var NZ_CONFIG_MODULE_NAME = "form"; var DefaultTooltipIcon = { type: "question-circle", theme: "outline" }; var _NzFormDirective = class _NzFormDirective { getInputObservable(changeType) { return this.inputChanges$.pipe(filter((changes) => changeType in changes), map((value) => value[changeType])); } constructor(nzConfigService, directionality) { this.nzConfigService = nzConfigService; this.directionality = directionality; this._nzModuleName = NZ_CONFIG_MODULE_NAME; this.nzLayout = "horizontal"; this.nzNoColon = false; this.nzAutoTips = {}; this.nzDisableAutoTips = false; this.nzTooltipIcon = DefaultTooltipIcon; this.nzLabelAlign = "right"; this.nzLabelWrap = false; this.dir = "ltr"; this.destroy$ = new Subject(); this.inputChanges$ = new Subject(); this.dir = this.directionality.value; this.directionality.change?.pipe(takeUntil(this.destroy$)).subscribe((direction) => { this.dir = direction; }); } ngOnChanges(changes) { this.inputChanges$.next(changes); } ngOnDestroy() { this.inputChanges$.complete(); this.destroy$.next(true); this.destroy$.complete(); } }; _NzFormDirective.ɵfac = function NzFormDirective_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NzFormDirective)(ɵɵdirectiveInject(NzConfigService), ɵɵdirectiveInject(Directionality, 8)); }; _NzFormDirective.ɵdir = ɵɵdefineDirective({ type: _NzFormDirective, selectors: [["", "nz-form", ""]], hostAttrs: [1, "ant-form"], hostVars: 8, hostBindings: function NzFormDirective_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 2) { ɵɵclassProp("ant-form-horizontal", ctx.nzLayout === "horizontal")("ant-form-vertical", ctx.nzLayout === "vertical")("ant-form-inline", ctx.nzLayout === "inline")("ant-form-rtl", ctx.dir === "rtl"); } }, inputs: { nzLayout: "nzLayout", nzNoColon: "nzNoColon", nzAutoTips: "nzAutoTips", nzDisableAutoTips: "nzDisableAutoTips", nzTooltipIcon: "nzTooltipIcon", nzLabelAlign: "nzLabelAlign", nzLabelWrap: "nzLabelWrap" }, exportAs: ["nzForm"], standalone: true, features: [ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature] }); var NzFormDirective = _NzFormDirective; __decorate([WithConfig(), InputBoolean()], NzFormDirective.prototype, "nzNoColon", void 0); __decorate([WithConfig()], NzFormDirective.prototype, "nzAutoTips", void 0); __decorate([InputBoolean()], NzFormDirective.prototype, "nzDisableAutoTips", void 0); __decorate([WithConfig()], NzFormDirective.prototype, "nzTooltipIcon", void 0); __decorate([WithConfig(), InputBoolean()], NzFormDirective.prototype, "nzLabelWrap", void 0); (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NzFormDirective, [{ type: Directive, args: [{ selector: "[nz-form]", exportAs: "nzForm", host: { class: "ant-form", "[class.ant-form-horizontal]": `nzLayout === 'horizontal'`, "[class.ant-form-vertical]": `nzLayout === 'vertical'`, "[class.ant-form-inline]": `nzLayout === 'inline'`, "[class.ant-form-rtl]": `dir === 'rtl'` }, standalone: true }] }], () => [{ type: NzConfigService }, { type: Directionality, decorators: [{ type: Optional }] }], { nzLayout: [{ type: Input }], nzNoColon: [{ type: Input }], nzAutoTips: [{ type: Input }], nzDisableAutoTips: [{ type: Input }], nzTooltipIcon: [{ type: Input }], nzLabelAlign: [{ type: Input }], nzLabelWrap: [{ type: Input }] }); })(); var _NzFormControlComponent = class _NzFormControlComponent { get disableAutoTips() { return this.nzDisableAutoTips !== "default" ? toBoolean(this.nzDisableAutoTips) : this.nzFormDirective?.nzDisableAutoTips; } set nzHasFeedback(value) { this._hasFeedback = toBoolean(value);{ status: this.status, hasFeedback: this._hasFeedback }); if (this.nzFormItemComponent) { this.nzFormItemComponent.setHasFeedback(this._hasFeedback); } } get nzHasFeedback() { return this._hasFeedback; } set nzValidateStatus(value) { if (value instanceof AbstractControl || value instanceof NgModel) { this.validateControl = value; this.validateString = null; this.watchControl(); } else if (value instanceof FormControlName) { this.validateControl = value.control; this.validateString = null; this.watchControl(); } else { this.validateString = value; this.validateControl = null; this.setStatus(); } } watchControl() { this.validateChanges.unsubscribe(); if (this.validateControl && this.validateControl.statusChanges) { this.validateChanges = this.validateControl.statusChanges.pipe(startWith(null), takeUntil(this.destroyed$)).subscribe(() => { if (!this.disableAutoTips) { this.updateAutoErrorTip(); } this.setStatus(); this.cdr.markForCheck(); }); } } setStatus() { this.status = this.getControlStatus(this.validateString); this.innerTip = this.getInnerTip(this.status);{ status: this.status, hasFeedback: this.nzHasFeedback }); if (this.nzFormItemComponent) { this.nzFormItemComponent.setWithHelpViaTips(!!this.innerTip); this.nzFormItemComponent.setStatus(this.status); } } getControlStatus(validateString) { let status; if (validateString === "warning" || this.validateControlStatus("INVALID", "warning")) { status = "warning"; } else if (validateString === "error" || this.validateControlStatus("INVALID")) { status = "error"; } else if (validateString === "validating" || validateString === "pending" || this.validateControlStatus("PENDING")) { status = "validating"; } else if (validateString === "success" || this.validateControlStatus("VALID")) { status = "success"; } else { status = ""; } return status; } validateControlStatus(validStatus, statusType) { if (!this.validateControl) { return false; } else { const { dirty, touched, status } = this.validateControl; return (!!dirty || !!touched) && (statusType ? this.validateControl.hasError(statusType) : status === validStatus); } } getInnerTip(status) { switch (status) { case "error": return !this.disableAutoTips && this.autoErrorTip || this.nzErrorTip || null; case "validating": return this.nzValidatingTip || null; case "success": return this.nzSuccessTip || null; case "warning": return this.nzWarningTip || null; default: return null; } } updateAutoErrorTip() { if (this.validateControl) { const errors = this.validateControl.errors || {}; let autoErrorTip = ""; for (const key in errors) { if (errors.hasOwnProperty(key)) { autoErrorTip = errors[key]?.[this.localeId] ?? this.nzAutoTips?.[this.localeId]?.[key] ?? this.nzAutoTips.default?.[key] ?? this.nzFormDirective?.nzAutoTips?.[this.localeId]?.[key] ?? this.nzFormDirective?.nzAutoTips.default?.[key]; } if (!!autoErrorTip) { break; } } this.autoErrorTip = autoErrorTip; } } subscribeAutoTips(observable) { observable?.pipe(takeUntil(this.destroyed$)).subscribe(() => { if (!this.disableAutoTips) { this.updateAutoErrorTip(); this.setStatus(); this.cdr.markForCheck(); } }); } constructor(nzFormItemComponent, cdr, i18n, nzFormDirective, nzFormStatusService) { this.nzFormItemComponent = nzFormItemComponent; this.cdr = cdr; this.nzFormDirective = nzFormDirective; this.nzFormStatusService = nzFormStatusService; this._hasFeedback = false; this.validateChanges = Subscription.EMPTY; this.validateString = null; this.destroyed$ = new Subject(); this.status = ""; this.validateControl = null; this.innerTip = null; this.nzAutoTips = {}; this.nzDisableAutoTips = "default"; this.subscribeAutoTips(i18n.localeChange.pipe(tap((locale) => this.localeId = locale.locale))); this.subscribeAutoTips(this.nzFormDirective?.getInputObservable("nzAutoTips")); this.subscribeAutoTips(this.nzFormDirective?.getInputObservable("nzDisableAutoTips").pipe(filter(() => this.nzDisableAutoTips === "default"))); } ngOnChanges(changes) { const { nzDisableAutoTips, nzAutoTips, nzSuccessTip, nzWarningTip, nzErrorTip, nzValidatingTip } = changes; if (nzDisableAutoTips || nzAutoTips) { this.updateAutoErrorTip(); this.setStatus(); } else if (nzSuccessTip || nzWarningTip || nzErrorTip || nzValidatingTip) { this.setStatus(); } } ngOnInit() { this.setStatus(); } ngOnDestroy() { this.destroyed$.next(); this.destroyed$.complete(); } ngAfterContentInit() { if (!this.validateControl && !this.validateString) { if (this.defaultValidateControl instanceof FormControlDirective) { this.nzValidateStatus = this.defaultValidateControl.control; } else { this.nzValidateStatus = this.defaultValidateControl; } } } }; _NzFormControlComponent.ɵfac = function NzFormControlComponent_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NzFormControlComponent)(ɵɵdirectiveInject(NzFormItemComponent, 9), ɵɵdirectiveInject(ChangeDetectorRef), ɵɵdirectiveInject(NzI18nService), ɵɵdirectiveInject(NzFormDirective, 8), ɵɵdirectiveInject(NzFormStatusService)); }; _NzFormControlComponent.ɵcmp = ɵɵdefineComponent({ type: _NzFormControlComponent, selectors: [["nz-form-control"]], contentQueries: function NzFormControlComponent_ContentQueries(rf, ctx, dirIndex) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵcontentQuery(dirIndex, NgControl, 5); } if (rf & 2) { let _t; ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx.defaultValidateControl = _t.first); } }, hostAttrs: [1, "ant-form-item-control"], inputs: { nzSuccessTip: "nzSuccessTip", nzWarningTip: "nzWarningTip", nzErrorTip: "nzErrorTip", nzValidatingTip: "nzValidatingTip", nzExtra: "nzExtra", nzAutoTips: "nzAutoTips", nzDisableAutoTips: "nzDisableAutoTips", nzHasFeedback: "nzHasFeedback", nzValidateStatus: "nzValidateStatus" }, exportAs: ["nzFormControl"], standalone: true, features: [ɵɵProvidersFeature([NzFormStatusService]), ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature, ɵɵStandaloneFeature], ngContentSelectors: _c0, decls: 5, vars: 2, consts: [[1, "ant-form-item-control-input"], [1, "ant-form-item-control-input-content"], ["class", "ant-form-item-explain ant-form-item-explain-connected", 4, "ngIf"], ["class", "ant-form-item-extra", 4, "ngIf"], [1, "ant-form-item-explain", "ant-form-item-explain-connected"], ["role", "alert", 3, "ngClass"], [4, "nzStringTemplateOutlet", "nzStringTemplateOutletContext"], [1, "ant-form-item-extra"], [4, "nzStringTemplateOutlet"]], template: function NzFormControlComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵprojectionDef(); ɵɵelementStart(0, "div", 0)(1, "div", 1); ɵɵprojection(2); ɵɵelementEnd()(); ɵɵtemplate(3, NzFormControlComponent_div_3_Template, 3, 8, "div", 2)(4, NzFormControlComponent_div_4_Template, 2, 1, "div", 3); } if (rf & 2) { ɵɵadvance(3); ɵɵproperty("ngIf", ctx.innerTip); ɵɵadvance(1); ɵɵproperty("ngIf", ctx.nzExtra); } }, dependencies: [NgClass, NzOutletModule, NzStringTemplateOutletDirective, NgIf], encapsulation: 2, data: { animation: [helpMotion] }, changeDetection: 0 }); var NzFormControlComponent = _NzFormControlComponent; (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NzFormControlComponent, [{ type: Component, args: [{ selector: "nz-form-control", exportAs: "nzFormControl", preserveWhitespaces: false, animations: [helpMotion], encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation$1.None, changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, template: `
{{ innerTip }}
{{ nzExtra }}
`, providers: [NzFormStatusService], host: { class: "ant-form-item-control" }, imports: [NgClass, NzOutletModule, NgIf], standalone: true }] }], () => [{ type: NzFormItemComponent, decorators: [{ type: Optional }, { type: Host }] }, { type: ChangeDetectorRef }, { type: NzI18nService }, { type: NzFormDirective, decorators: [{ type: Optional }] }, { type: NzFormStatusService }], { defaultValidateControl: [{ type: ContentChild, args: [NgControl, { static: false }] }], nzSuccessTip: [{ type: Input }], nzWarningTip: [{ type: Input }], nzErrorTip: [{ type: Input }], nzValidatingTip: [{ type: Input }], nzExtra: [{ type: Input }], nzAutoTips: [{ type: Input }], nzDisableAutoTips: [{ type: Input }], nzHasFeedback: [{ type: Input }], nzValidateStatus: [{ type: Input }] }); })(); function toTooltipIcon(value) { const icon = typeof value === "string" ? { type: value } : value; return __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, DefaultTooltipIcon), icon); } var _NzFormLabelComponent = class _NzFormLabelComponent { set nzNoColon(value) { this.noColon = toBoolean(value); } get nzNoColon() { return this.noColon !== "default" ? this.noColon : this.nzFormDirective?.nzNoColon; } set nzTooltipIcon(value) { this._tooltipIcon = toTooltipIcon(value); } // due to 'get' and 'set' accessor must have the same type, so it was renamed to `tooltipIcon` get tooltipIcon() { return this._tooltipIcon !== "default" ? this._tooltipIcon : toTooltipIcon(this.nzFormDirective?.nzTooltipIcon || DefaultTooltipIcon); } set nzLabelAlign(value) { this.labelAlign = value; } get nzLabelAlign() { return this.labelAlign !== "default" ? this.labelAlign : this.nzFormDirective?.nzLabelAlign || "right"; } set nzLabelWrap(value) { this.labelWrap = toBoolean(value); } get nzLabelWrap() { return this.labelWrap !== "default" ? this.labelWrap : this.nzFormDirective?.nzLabelWrap; } constructor(cdr, nzFormDirective) { this.cdr = cdr; this.nzFormDirective = nzFormDirective; this.nzRequired = false; this.noColon = "default"; this._tooltipIcon = "default"; this.labelAlign = "default"; this.labelWrap = "default"; this.destroy$ = new Subject(); if (this.nzFormDirective) { this.nzFormDirective.getInputObservable("nzNoColon").pipe(filter(() => this.noColon === "default"), takeUntil(this.destroy$)).subscribe(() => this.cdr.markForCheck()); this.nzFormDirective.getInputObservable("nzTooltipIcon").pipe(filter(() => this._tooltipIcon === "default"), takeUntil(this.destroy$)).subscribe(() => this.cdr.markForCheck()); this.nzFormDirective.getInputObservable("nzLabelAlign").pipe(filter(() => this.labelAlign === "default"), takeUntil(this.destroy$)).subscribe(() => this.cdr.markForCheck()); this.nzFormDirective.getInputObservable("nzLabelWrap").pipe(filter(() => this.labelWrap === "default"), takeUntil(this.destroy$)).subscribe(() => this.cdr.markForCheck()); } } ngOnDestroy() { this.destroy$.next(true); this.destroy$.complete(); } }; _NzFormLabelComponent.ɵfac = function NzFormLabelComponent_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NzFormLabelComponent)(ɵɵdirectiveInject(ChangeDetectorRef), ɵɵdirectiveInject(NzFormDirective, 12)); }; _NzFormLabelComponent.ɵcmp = ɵɵdefineComponent({ type: _NzFormLabelComponent, selectors: [["nz-form-label"]], hostAttrs: [1, "ant-form-item-label"], hostVars: 4, hostBindings: function NzFormLabelComponent_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 2) { ɵɵclassProp("ant-form-item-label-left", ctx.nzLabelAlign === "left")("ant-form-item-label-wrap", ctx.nzLabelWrap); } }, inputs: { nzFor: "nzFor", nzRequired: "nzRequired", nzNoColon: "nzNoColon", nzTooltipTitle: "nzTooltipTitle", nzTooltipIcon: "nzTooltipIcon", nzLabelAlign: "nzLabelAlign", nzLabelWrap: "nzLabelWrap" }, exportAs: ["nzFormLabel"], standalone: true, features: [ɵɵStandaloneFeature], ngContentSelectors: _c0, decls: 3, vars: 6, consts: [["class", "ant-form-item-tooltip", "nz-tooltip", "", 3, "nzTooltipTitle", 4, "ngIf"], ["nz-tooltip", "", 1, "ant-form-item-tooltip", 3, "nzTooltipTitle"], [4, "nzStringTemplateOutlet"], ["nz-icon", "", 3, "nzType", "nzTheme"]], template: function NzFormLabelComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵprojectionDef(); ɵɵelementStart(0, "label"); ɵɵprojection(1); ɵɵtemplate(2, NzFormLabelComponent_span_2_Template, 2, 2, "span", 0); ɵɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { ɵɵclassProp("ant-form-item-no-colon", ctx.nzNoColon)("ant-form-item-required", ctx.nzRequired); ɵɵattribute("for", ctx.nzFor); ɵɵadvance(2); ɵɵproperty("ngIf", ctx.nzTooltipTitle); } }, dependencies: [NgIf, NzOutletModule, NzStringTemplateOutletDirective, NzTooltipDirective, NzIconModule, NzIconDirective], encapsulation: 2, changeDetection: 0 }); var NzFormLabelComponent = _NzFormLabelComponent; __decorate([InputBoolean()], NzFormLabelComponent.prototype, "nzRequired", void 0); (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NzFormLabelComponent, [{ type: Component, args: [{ selector: "nz-form-label", exportAs: "nzFormLabel", preserveWhitespaces: false, encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation$1.None, changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, template: ` `, host: { class: "ant-form-item-label", "[class.ant-form-item-label-left]": `nzLabelAlign === 'left'`, "[class.ant-form-item-label-wrap]": `nzLabelWrap` }, imports: [NgIf, NzOutletModule, NzTooltipDirective, NzIconModule], standalone: true }] }], () => [{ type: ChangeDetectorRef }, { type: NzFormDirective, decorators: [{ type: Optional }, { type: SkipSelf }] }], { nzFor: [{ type: Input }], nzRequired: [{ type: Input }], nzNoColon: [{ type: Input }], nzTooltipTitle: [{ type: Input }], nzTooltipIcon: [{ type: Input }], nzLabelAlign: [{ type: Input }], nzLabelWrap: [{ type: Input }] }); })(); var _NzFormSplitComponent = class _NzFormSplitComponent { }; _NzFormSplitComponent.ɵfac = function NzFormSplitComponent_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NzFormSplitComponent)(); }; _NzFormSplitComponent.ɵcmp = ɵɵdefineComponent({ type: _NzFormSplitComponent, selectors: [["nz-form-split"]], hostAttrs: [1, "ant-form-split"], exportAs: ["nzFormSplit"], standalone: true, features: [ɵɵStandaloneFeature], ngContentSelectors: _c0, decls: 1, vars: 0, template: function NzFormSplitComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵprojectionDef(); ɵɵprojection(0); } }, encapsulation: 2, changeDetection: 0 }); var NzFormSplitComponent = _NzFormSplitComponent; (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NzFormSplitComponent, [{ type: Component, args: [{ selector: "nz-form-split", exportAs: "nzFormSplit", preserveWhitespaces: false, encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation$1.None, changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, template: ` `, host: { class: "ant-form-split" }, standalone: true }] }], null, null); })(); var _NzFormTextComponent = class _NzFormTextComponent { }; _NzFormTextComponent.ɵfac = function NzFormTextComponent_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NzFormTextComponent)(); }; _NzFormTextComponent.ɵcmp = ɵɵdefineComponent({ type: _NzFormTextComponent, selectors: [["nz-form-text"]], hostAttrs: [1, "ant-form-text"], exportAs: ["nzFormText"], standalone: true, features: [ɵɵStandaloneFeature], ngContentSelectors: _c0, decls: 1, vars: 0, template: function NzFormTextComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵprojectionDef(); ɵɵprojection(0); } }, encapsulation: 2, changeDetection: 0 }); var NzFormTextComponent = _NzFormTextComponent; (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NzFormTextComponent, [{ type: Component, args: [{ selector: "nz-form-text", exportAs: "nzFormText", preserveWhitespaces: false, changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation$1.None, template: ` `, host: { class: "ant-form-text" }, standalone: true }] }], null, null); })(); var _NzFormModule = class _NzFormModule { }; _NzFormModule.ɵfac = function NzFormModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NzFormModule)(); }; _NzFormModule.ɵmod = ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: _NzFormModule, imports: [NzFormDirective, NzFormItemComponent, NzFormLabelComponent, NzFormControlComponent, NzFormTextComponent, NzFormSplitComponent], exports: [NzGridModule, NzFormDirective, NzFormItemComponent, NzFormLabelComponent, NzFormControlComponent, NzFormTextComponent, NzFormSplitComponent] }); _NzFormModule.ɵinj = ɵɵdefineInjector({ imports: [NzFormLabelComponent, NzFormControlComponent, NzGridModule] }); var NzFormModule = _NzFormModule; (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NzFormModule, [{ type: NgModule, args: [{ imports: [NzFormDirective, NzFormItemComponent, NzFormLabelComponent, NzFormControlComponent, NzFormTextComponent, NzFormSplitComponent], exports: [NzGridModule, NzFormDirective, NzFormItemComponent, NzFormLabelComponent, NzFormControlComponent, NzFormTextComponent, NzFormSplitComponent] }] }], null, null); })(); export { DefaultTooltipIcon, NzFormControlComponent, NzFormDirective, NzFormItemComponent, NzFormLabelComponent, NzFormModule, NzFormSplitComponent, NzFormTextComponent }; //#