package com.hai.dao ;
import com.hai.entity.HighGoldRec ;
import com.hai.entity.HighGoldRecExample ;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param ;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Result ;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Results ;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select ;
import org.apache.ibatis.type.JdbcType ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Map ;
/ * *
* mapper扩展类
* /
public interface HighGoldRecMapperExt {
@Select ( { "<script>" +
" gold_type , SUM(gold) AS sum FROM high_gold_rec" +
" WHERE" +
" 1 = 1" +
" <if test='map.createTimeS != null'> AND create_time BETWEEN '${map.createTimeS}' AND '${map.createTimeE}'</if> " +
" <if test='map.resType != null'> AND res_type = #{map.resType}</if> " +
" <if test='map.goldType != null'> AND gold_type = #{map.goldType}</if>" +
" GROUP BY gold_type" +
" </script>" } )
// 查询申请记录
List < Map < Long , Long > > queryGold ( @Param ( "map" ) Map < String , Object > map ) ;
@Select ( "select * from high_gold_rec WHERE status = 1 and res_type = 4 and DATE_ADD(create_time,INTERVAL #{day} DAY) < NOW() and user_id = #{userId} " )
@Results ( {
@Result ( column = "id" , property = "id" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT , id = true ) ,
@Result ( column = "user_id" , property = "userId" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT ) ,
@Result ( column = "gold_type" , property = "goldType" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT ) ,
@Result ( column = "gold" , property = "gold" , jdbcType = JdbcType . INTEGER ) ,
@Result ( column = "update_time" , property = "updateTime" , jdbcType = JdbcType . TIMESTAMP ) ,
@Result ( column = "create_time" , property = "createTime" , jdbcType = JdbcType . TIMESTAMP ) ,
@Result ( column = "res_type" , property = "resType" , jdbcType = JdbcType . INTEGER ) ,
@Result ( column = "res_id" , property = "resId" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT ) ,
@Result ( column = "remark" , property = "remark" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "status" , property = "status" , jdbcType = JdbcType . INTEGER ) ,
@Result ( column = "ext_1" , property = "ext1" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "ext_2" , property = "ext2" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "ext_3" , property = "ext3" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR )
} )
List < HighGoldRec > selectByExpiringSoon ( @Param ( "userId" ) Long userId , @Param ( "day" ) Integer day ) ;
@Select ( "select * from high_gold_rec WHERE status = 1 and res_type = 4 and DATE_ADD(create_time,INTERVAL #{day} DAY) < NOW()" )
@Results ( {
@Result ( column = "id" , property = "id" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT , id = true ) ,
@Result ( column = "user_id" , property = "userId" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT ) ,
@Result ( column = "gold_type" , property = "goldType" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT ) ,
@Result ( column = "gold" , property = "gold" , jdbcType = JdbcType . INTEGER ) ,
@Result ( column = "update_time" , property = "updateTime" , jdbcType = JdbcType . TIMESTAMP ) ,
@Result ( column = "create_time" , property = "createTime" , jdbcType = JdbcType . TIMESTAMP ) ,
@Result ( column = "res_type" , property = "resType" , jdbcType = JdbcType . INTEGER ) ,
@Result ( column = "res_id" , property = "resId" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT ) ,
@Result ( column = "remark" , property = "remark" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "status" , property = "status" , jdbcType = JdbcType . INTEGER ) ,
@Result ( column = "ext_1" , property = "ext1" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "ext_2" , property = "ext2" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "ext_3" , property = "ext3" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR )
} )
List < HighGoldRec > selectByExpiringSoonByAll ( @Param ( "day" ) Integer day ) ;