package com.hai.dao ;
import com.hai.entity.HighOrder ;
import com.hai.entity.OutRechargeOrder ;
import com.hai.model.OrderCountModel ;
import com.hai.model.OutOrderModel ;
import com.hai.model.OutRechargeOrderModel ;
import com.hai.model.OutUserOrderModel ;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param ;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Result ;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Results ;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select ;
import org.apache.ibatis.type.JdbcType ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Map ;
/ * *
* mapper扩展类
* /
public interface OutRechargeOrderMapperExt {
@Select ( value = {
"<script>" ,
"SELECT DATE_FORMAT(create_timed, '%Y-%m-%d') as day," ,
"count(1) as count," ,
"sum(pay_price) as pay_price," ,
"sum(order_price) as order_price," ,
"`pay_status`" ,
"from out_recharge_order" ,
"where " ,
" create_timed between #{finishTimeS} and #{finishTimeE} " ,
"<if test='status != null'> and pay_status = #{status} </if>" ,
"GROUP BY day" ,
} )
@Results ( {
@Result ( column = "count" , property = "count" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT ) ,
@Result ( column = "day" , property = "day" , jdbcType = JdbcType . TIMESTAMP ) ,
@Result ( column = "pay_price" , property = "payPrice" , jdbcType = JdbcType . DECIMAL ) ,
@Result ( column = "order_price" , property = "orderPrice" , jdbcType = JdbcType . DECIMAL ) ,
@Result ( column = "pay_status" , property = "payStatus" , jdbcType = JdbcType . INTEGER ) ,
} )
List < OutOrderModel > getListOrderCount ( String finishTimeS , String finishTimeE , Integer status ) ;
@Select ( value = {
"<script>" ,
"select agent_name, count(1) as count, sum(pay_price) as pay_price" ,
"from high_agent ha" ,
"right join out_recharge_order oro on ha.agent_key = oro.agent_key" ,
"where ha.type = 2 and oro.status in (3)" ,
" and finish_time between #{finishTimeS} and #{finishTimeE} " ,
"GROUP BY agent_name" ,
} )
@Results ( {
@Result ( column = "count" , property = "count" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT ) ,
@Result ( column = "agent_name" , property = "agentName" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "pay_price" , property = "payPrice" , jdbcType = JdbcType . DECIMAL ) ,
} )
List < OutUserOrderModel > getListUserCount ( String finishTimeS , String finishTimeE ) ;
@Select ( { "<script>" +
" order_no as orderNo," +
" operator_name as operatorName," +
" labor_union_card as laborUnionCard," +
" refund_time as refundTime," +
" create_timed as createTime," +
" case recharge_type when 1 then '快充' when 2 then '慢充' end rechargeTypeName ," +
" case pay_type when 2 then '微信支付' when 3 then '工会卡支付' when 4 then '银联支付' when null then '积分抵扣' end payTypeName," +
" recharge_content as rechargeContent,recharge_price as rechargePrice,pay_price as payPrice,discount_deduction_price as discountDeductionPrice,integral_deduction_price as integralDeductionPrice,pay_real_price as payRealPrice," +
" user_name as userName, user_phone as userPhone, create_timed as createTimed, pay_time as payTime," +
" case pay_status when 100 then '已完成' when 101 then '待支付' when 102 then '已支付' when 104 then '已取消' when 105 then '已退款' end payStatusName," +
" case recharge_status when 201 then '充值中' when 202 then '充值成功' when 203 then '充值失败' when 204 then '未充值' end rechargeStatusName" +
" FROM" +
" out_recharge_order a where 1 = 1 " +
"<if test='map.companyId != null'> and `company_id` = #{map.companyId} </if>" ,
"<if test='map.payType != null'> and `pay_type` = #{map.payType} </if>" ,
"<if test='map.rechargeStatus != null'> and `recharge_status` = #{map.rechargeStatus} </if>" ,
"<if test='map.payStatus != null'> and `pay_status` = #{map.payStatus} </if>" ,
"<if test='map.orderNo != null'> and `order_no` = #{map.orderNo} </if>" ,
"<if test='map.rechargeType != null'> and `recharge_type` = #{map.rechargeType} </if>" ,
"<if test='map.operatorType != null'> and `operator_type` = #{map.operatorType} </if>" ,
"<if test='map.rechargeContent != null'> and `recharge_content` LIKE '%${map.rechargeContent}%' </if>" ,
"<if test='map.laborUnionCard != null'> and `labor_union_card` LIKE '%${map.laborUnionCard}%' </if>" ,
"<if test='map.userPhone != null'> and `user_phone` = #{map.userPhone} </if>" ,
"<if test='map.createTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and create_timed >= #{map.createTimeS} ]]> </if>" ,
"<if test='map.createTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and create_timed <= #{map.createTimeE} ]]> </if>" ,
"<if test='map.payTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and pay_time >= #{map.payTimeS} ]]> </if>" ,
"<if test='map.payTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and pay_time <= #{map.payTimeE} ]]> </if>" ,
" a.create_timed DESC " +
} )
List < OutRechargeOrderModel > selectOrderCount ( @Param ( "map" ) Map < String , Object > map ) ;
@Select ( { "SELECT * FROM out_recharge_order ho WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,ho.create_timed,SYSDATE()) > 15 AND ho.pay_status = 101" } )
@Results ( {
@Result ( column = "id" , property = "id" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT , id = true ) ,
@Result ( column = "order_no" , property = "orderNo" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "mem_discount_id" , property = "memDiscountId" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT ) ,
@Result ( column = "mem_discount_name" , property = "memDiscountName" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "user_id" , property = "userId" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT ) ,
@Result ( column = "user_name" , property = "userName" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "user_phone" , property = "userPhone" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "recharge_model" , property = "rechargeModel" , jdbcType = JdbcType . INTEGER ) ,
@Result ( column = "pay_type" , property = "payType" , jdbcType = JdbcType . INTEGER ) ,
@Result ( column = "pay_price" , property = "payPrice" , jdbcType = JdbcType . DECIMAL ) ,
@Result ( column = "order_price" , property = "orderPrice" , jdbcType = JdbcType . DECIMAL ) ,
@Result ( column = "pay_real_price" , property = "payRealPrice" , jdbcType = JdbcType . DECIMAL ) ,
@Result ( column = "pay_serial_no" , property = "paySerialNo" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "deduction_price" , property = "deductionPrice" , jdbcType = JdbcType . DECIMAL ) ,
@Result ( column = "status" , property = "status" , jdbcType = JdbcType . INTEGER ) ,
@Result ( column = "recharge_content" , property = "rechargeContent" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "recharge_name" , property = "rechargeName" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "id_card" , property = "idCard" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "create_timed" , property = "createTimed" , jdbcType = JdbcType . TIMESTAMP ) ,
@Result ( column = "pay_time" , property = "payTime" , jdbcType = JdbcType . TIMESTAMP ) ,
@Result ( column = "cancel_time" , property = "cancelTime" , jdbcType = JdbcType . TIMESTAMP ) ,
@Result ( column = "finish_time" , property = "finishTime" , jdbcType = JdbcType . TIMESTAMP ) ,
@Result ( column = "remarks" , property = "remarks" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "out_refund_no" , property = "outRefundNo" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "refund_time" , property = "refundTime" , jdbcType = JdbcType . TIMESTAMP ) ,
@Result ( column = "refund_id" , property = "refundId" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "refund_fee" , property = "refundFee" , jdbcType = JdbcType . DECIMAL ) ,
@Result ( column = "agent_key" , property = "agentKey" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "object_id" , property = "objectId" , jdbcType = JdbcType . INTEGER ) ,
@Result ( column = "Identification_code" , property = "identificationCode" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT )
} )
List < OutRechargeOrder > getCloseOrder ( ) ;
@Select ( value = {
"<script>" ,
"select sum(order_price) orderPrice, sum(pay_real_price) payRealPrice , count(*) count " ,
"from out_recharge_order where pay_status in (102,100) and company_id = 23" ,
} )
@Results ( {
@Result ( column = "payPrice" , property = "payPrice" , jdbcType = JdbcType . DECIMAL ) ,
@Result ( column = "orderPrice" , property = "orderPrice" , jdbcType = JdbcType . DECIMAL ) ,
@Result ( column = "count" , property = "count" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT ) ,
} )
OrderCountModel rechargeOrderByIndex ( Integer code ) ;
@Select ( "select * from out_recharge_order where recharge_status = 202 and pay_status = 100 and pay_type != 3 and pay_real_price > 0 and whether_rebate = false " )
@Results ( {
@Result ( column = "id" , property = "id" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT , id = true ) ,
@Result ( column = "recharge_price" , property = "rechargePrice" , jdbcType = JdbcType . DECIMAL ) ,
@Result ( column = "type" , property = "type" , jdbcType = JdbcType . INTEGER ) ,
@Result ( column = "operator_name" , property = "operatorName" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "operator_type" , property = "operatorType" , jdbcType = JdbcType . INTEGER ) ,
@Result ( column = "order_no" , property = "orderNo" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "recharge_type" , property = "rechargeType" , jdbcType = JdbcType . INTEGER ) ,
@Result ( column = "mem_discount_id" , property = "memDiscountId" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT ) ,
@Result ( column = "mem_discount_name" , property = "memDiscountName" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "user_id" , property = "userId" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT ) ,
@Result ( column = "user_name" , property = "userName" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "user_phone" , property = "userPhone" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "goods_id" , property = "goodsId" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT ) ,
@Result ( column = "recharge_content" , property = "rechargeContent" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "pay_type" , property = "payType" , jdbcType = JdbcType . INTEGER ) ,
@Result ( column = "labor_union_card" , property = "laborUnionCard" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "integral_num" , property = "integralNum" , jdbcType = JdbcType . DECIMAL ) ,
@Result ( column = "discount_deduction_price" , property = "discountDeductionPrice" , jdbcType = JdbcType . DECIMAL ) ,
@Result ( column = "integral_deduction_price" , property = "integralDeductionPrice" , jdbcType = JdbcType . DECIMAL ) ,
@Result ( column = "pay_price" , property = "payPrice" , jdbcType = JdbcType . DECIMAL ) ,
@Result ( column = "pay_real_price" , property = "payRealPrice" , jdbcType = JdbcType . DECIMAL ) ,
@Result ( column = "pay_serial_no" , property = "paySerialNo" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "create_timed" , property = "createTimed" , jdbcType = JdbcType . TIMESTAMP ) ,
@Result ( column = "pay_time" , property = "payTime" , jdbcType = JdbcType . TIMESTAMP ) ,
@Result ( column = "cancel_time" , property = "cancelTime" , jdbcType = JdbcType . TIMESTAMP ) ,
@Result ( column = "finish_time" , property = "finishTime" , jdbcType = JdbcType . TIMESTAMP ) ,
@Result ( column = "out_refund_no" , property = "outRefundNo" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "order_price" , property = "orderPrice" , jdbcType = JdbcType . DECIMAL ) ,
@Result ( column = "refund_time" , property = "refundTime" , jdbcType = JdbcType . TIMESTAMP ) ,
@Result ( column = "tp_refund_order_no" , property = "tpRefundOrderNo" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "refund_id" , property = "refundId" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "refund_fee" , property = "refundFee" , jdbcType = JdbcType . DECIMAL ) ,
@Result ( column = "company_id" , property = "companyId" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT ) ,
@Result ( column = "pay_status" , property = "payStatus" , jdbcType = JdbcType . INTEGER ) ,
@Result ( column = "merch_id" , property = "merchId" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "recharge_status" , property = "rechargeStatus" , jdbcType = JdbcType . INTEGER ) ,
@Result ( column = "ext_1" , property = "ext1" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "ext_2" , property = "ext2" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "ext_3" , property = "ext3" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "recharge_name" , property = "rechargeName" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "remarks" , property = "remarks" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "agent_key" , property = "agentKey" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "object_id" , property = "objectId" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIGINT ) ,
@Result ( column = "abnormal_msg" , property = "abnormalMsg" , jdbcType = JdbcType . VARCHAR ) ,
@Result ( column = "whether_rebate" , property = "whetherRebate" , jdbcType = JdbcType . BIT )
} )
List < OutRechargeOrder > integralRebateRechargeOrder ( ) ;