"FROM high_order b join high_child_order a on b.id = a.order_id WHERE a.order_id = b.id and a.giveaway_type = 0 and b.Identification_code = 60 and b.pay_type in (1, 2, 3, 5) and b.order_status in (2, 3)and a.goods_type in (1, 8) and Identification_code = #{code} ",
@ -740,6 +740,8 @@ public interface HighOrderMapperExt {
" and b.Identification_code = #{map.identificationCode}"+
" and b.pay_type in (1,2,3,5)"+
" and b.order_status in (2,3)"+
" and b.order_status in (2,3)"+
" and a.goods_type in (1, 8)"+
" <if test='map.orderNo != null'> and b.order_no = #{map.orderNo} </if>"+
" <if test='map.paySerialNo != null'> and b.pay_serial_no = #{map.paySerialNo} </if>"+
" <if test='map.payModel != null'> and b.pay_model = #{map.payModel} </if>"+