package com.hai.dao; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * mapper扩展类 */ public interface HighMerchantAccountMapperExt { @Select({"select " + " case when sum(b.total_price) is not null then sum(b.total_price) ELSE 0 end " + " from high_child_order a, high_order b" + " where goods_type = 3 " + " and a.order_id =" + " and goods_id in (SELECT id from high_merchant_store where merchant_id = #{merId}) " + " and b.order_status in (2,3,6,7)"}) BigDecimal countMerGasOilAmount(@Param("merId") Long merId); @Select({ " SELECT, ms.store_name, ms.address," + " (select " + " case when sum(b.total_price) is not null then sum(b.total_price) else 0 end" + " from high_child_order a, high_order b" + " where a.order_id =" + " and goods_type = 3" + " and goods_id =" + " and b.order_status in (2,3,6,7)) countPrice" + " from high_merchant_store ms where ms.merchant_id = #{merId}" + " ORDER BY countPrice desc" }) List> selectStoreGasOilAmountByMer(@Param("merId") Long merId); }