package com.hai.dao;

import com.hai.entity.HighOrder;
import com.hai.model.*;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Result;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Results;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
import org.apache.ibatis.type.JdbcType;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * mapper扩展类
public interface HighOrderMapperExt {

    @Select({"SELECT * FROM high_order ho WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,ho.create_time,SYSDATE()) > 15 AND ho.order_status = 1"})
            @Result(column="id", property="id", jdbcType= JdbcType.BIGINT, id=true),
            @Result(column="order_no", property="orderNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_id", property="memId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="mem_name", property="memName", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="pay_model", property="payModel", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_type", property="payType", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_gold", property="payGold", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_price", property="payPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="pay_real_price", property="payRealPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="pay_serial_no", property="paySerialNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="order_status", property="orderStatus", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="total_price", property="totalPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="create_time", property="createTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="pay_time", property="payTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="cancel_time", property="cancelTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="finish_time", property="finishTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="remarks", property="remarks", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_1", property="ext1", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_2", property="ext2", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_3", property="ext3", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR)
    List<HighOrder> getCloseOrder();

    @Select({"select distinct * from high_order a left join high_child_order b on = b.order_id where order_status in (1,2) and goods_type in (4,9,10) group by;"})
            @Result(column="id", property="id", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT, id=true),
            @Result(column="order_no", property="orderNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_discount_id", property="memDiscountId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="mem_discount_name", property="memDiscountName", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_id", property="memId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="mem_name", property="memName", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_phone", property="memPhone", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_card_id", property="memCardId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="mem_card_type", property="memCardType", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="mem_card_no", property="memCardNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="pay_model", property="payModel", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_type", property="payType", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_gold", property="payGold", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_price", property="payPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="pay_real_price", property="payRealPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="pay_serial_no", property="paySerialNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="deduction_price", property="deductionPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="order_status", property="orderStatus", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="total_price", property="totalPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="create_time", property="createTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="pay_time", property="payTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="cancel_time", property="cancelTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="cancel_remarks", property="cancelRemarks", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="finish_time", property="finishTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="remarks", property="remarks", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="refund_time", property="refundTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="refund_price", property="refundPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="refund_content", property="refundContent", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="refusal_refund_content", property="refusalRefundContent", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="Identification_code", property="identificationCode", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="profit_sharing_status", property="profitSharingStatus", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIT),
            @Result(column="profit_sharing_ratio", property="profitSharingRatio", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="account_merchant_num", property="accountMerchantNum", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="print_status", property="printStatus", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIT),
            @Result(column="print_num", property="printNum", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="region_id", property="regionId", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_1", property="ext1", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_2", property="ext2", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_3", property="ext3", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR)
    List<HighOrder> getThirdOrder();

            "coupon_code_id, child_order_id, goods_name , giveaway_type , order_no,mem_name,mem_phone,pay_model,a.pay_type as pay_type, coupon.merchant_id as merchant_id, store_id,pay_gold,pay_price,pay_real_price, ",
            "pay_serial_no,order_status,total_price,a.create_time as create_time ,order_id,company_id, goods_type ",
            "from high_coupon coupon join (  select * from high_order od ",
            "join (select as coupon_code_id, co.goods_name , co.giveaway_type ,   cc.child_order_id, merchant_id,coupon_id,order_id,store_id, goods_type ",
            "from high_coupon_code cc join high_child_order co on cc.child_order_id = cocc on cocc.order_id = ",
            ") a on = a.coupon_id ",
            "where ",
            "1 = 1 ",
            "<if test='map.companyId != null'> AND company_id = #{map.companyId}  </if>",
            "<if test='map.merchantId != null'> AND merchant_id = #{map.merchantId}  </if>",
            "<if test='map.storeId != null'> AND store_id = #{map.storeId}  </if>",
            "<if test='map.memPhone != null'> AND mem_phone = #{map.memPhone}  </if>",
            "<if test='map.orderNo != null'> AND order_no = #{map.orderNo}  </if>",
            "<if test='map.payModel != null'> AND pay_model = #{map.payModel}  </if>",
            "<if test='map.payType != null'> AND pay_type = #{map.payType}  </if>",
            "<if test='map.orderStatus != null'> AND order_status = #{map.orderStatus}  </if>",
            " order by create_time  desc ",
            @Result(column="id", property="id", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT, id=true),
            @Result(column="order_no", property="orderNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_id", property="memId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="mem_name", property="memName", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_phone", property="memPhone", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="pay_model", property="payModel", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_type", property="payType", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_gold", property="payGold", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_price", property="payPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="goods_name", property="goodsName", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="giveaway_type", property="giveawayType", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIT),
            @Result(column="pay_real_price", property="payRealPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="pay_serial_no", property="paySerialNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="order_status", property="orderStatus", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="total_price", property="totalPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="create_time", property="createTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="pay_time", property="payTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="cancel_time", property="cancelTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="finish_time", property="finishTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="child_order_id", property="childOrderId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="company_id", property="companyId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="merchant_id", property="merchantId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="store_id", property="storeId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="goods_type", property="goodsType", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
    List<HighOrderData> selectOrderDataList(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);

    @Select({"<script>" +
            " SELECT" +
            " (select mer.merchant_name from high_merchant mer where EXISTS (select 1 from high_coupon cou where = a.goods_id and = cou.merchant_id)) merchantName," +
            " case a.goods_type when 1 then '卡券' when 2 then '金币充值' when 3 then '加油缴费' end goodsType, " +
            " a.goods_name goodsName, " +
            " a.goods_type goodsTypeId," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 1 then '赠送' when 0 then '购买' end giveawayType," +
            " b.order_no orderNo," +
            " b.mem_name memName," +
            " b.mem_phone memPhone," +
            " case b.pay_model when 1 then '金币' when 2 then '第三方' end payModel, " +
            " case b.pay_type when 1 then '支付宝' when 2 then '微信' when 3 then '金币' when 4 then '工会卡' when 5 then '银联' end payType," +
            " b.pay_serial_no paySerialNo," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then b.total_price when 1 then 0 end totalPrice," +
            " b.mem_discount_name memDiscountName," +
            " b.deduction_price deductionPrice," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then case when b.pay_gold is null then 0 else pay_gold end when 1 then 0 end payGold," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then b.pay_price when 1 then 0 end payPrice," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then case when b.pay_gold is not null then convert(b.pay_gold / 100,decimal(10,2)) else b.pay_real_price end when 1 then 0 end payRealPrice," +
            " case b.order_status when 1 then '待支付' when 2 then '已支付' when 3 then '已完成' when 4 then '已退款' when 5 then '已取消' when 6 then '退款中' when 7 then '退款失败' end orderStatus, " +
            " b.order_status orderStatusId," +
            " b.create_time createTime," +
            " b.pay_time payTime," +
            " b.cancel_time cancelTime," +
            " b.refund_time refundTime," +
            " b.refund_content refundContent," +
            " b.refusal_refund_content refusalRefundContent" +
            " FROM" +
            " high_child_order a," +
            " high_order b" +
            " WHERE" +
            " a.order_id =" +
            " and a.goods_type = 1" +
            " and a.giveaway_type = 0" +
            " and EXISTS (select 1 from high_coupon c where = a.goods_id " +
            " <if test='map.companyId != null'> and c.company_id = #{map.companyId} </if> " +
            " <if test='map.memDiscountName != null'> and c.coupon_name = #{map.memDiscountName} </if>",
            " <if test='map.merchantId != null'> and c.merchant_id = #{map.merchantId} </if> )" +
            " <if test='map.orderNo != null'> and b.order_no = #{map.orderNo}</if>",
            " <if test='map.paySerialNo != null'> and b.pay_serial_no = #{map.paySerialNo} </if>",
            " <if test='map.payModel != null'> and b.pay_model = #{map.payModel} </if>",
            " <if test='map.payType != null'> and b.pay_type = #{map.payType} </if>",
            " <if test='map.memPhone != null'> and b.mem_phone = #{map.memPhone} </if>",
            " <if test='map.orderStatus != null'> and b.order_status in (#{map.orderStatus}) </if>",
            " <if test='map.createTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time >= #{map.createTimeS} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.createTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time <= #{map.createTimeE} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.payTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time >= #{map.payTimeS} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.payTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time <= #{map.payTimeE} ]]> </if>",
            " GROUP BY" +
            " ORDER BY b.create_time desc" +
    List<HighOrderModel> selectGoodsOrderList(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);

    @Select({"<script>" +
            " SELECT" +
            " (select st.store_name from high_merchant_store st where = a.goods_id) merchantName," +
            " case a.goods_type when 1 then '卡券' when 2 then '金币充值' when 3 then '加油缴费' end goodsType," +
            " orderId, " +
            " a.goods_name goodsName, " +
            " a.goods_type goodsTypeId," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 1 then '赠送' when 0 then '购买' end giveawayType," +
            " b.order_no orderNo," +
            " b.mem_name memName," +
            " b.mem_phone memPhone," +
            " case b.pay_model when 1 then '金币' when 2 then '第三方' end payModel, " +
            " case b.pay_type when 1 then '支付宝' when 2 then '微信' when 3 then '金币' when 4 then '工会卡' when 5 then '银联'  end payType," +
            " b.pay_serial_no paySerialNo," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then b.total_price when 1 then 0 end totalPrice," +
            " b.mem_discount_name memDiscountName," +
            " b.deduction_price deductionPrice," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then case when b.pay_gold is null then 0 else pay_gold end when 1 then 0 end payGold," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then b.pay_price when 1 then 0 end payPrice," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then case when b.pay_gold is not null then convert(b.pay_gold / 100,decimal(10,2)) else b.pay_real_price end when 1 then 0 end payRealPrice," +
            " case b.order_status when 1 then '待支付' when 2 then '已支付' when 3 then '已完成' when 4 then '已退款' when 5 then '已取消' when 6 then '退款中' when 7 then '退款失败' end orderStatus, " +
            " b.order_status orderStatusId," +
            " b.create_time createTime," +
            " b.pay_time payTime," +
            " b.cancel_time cancelTime," +
            " b.refund_time refundTime," +
            " b.refund_content refundContent," +
            " b.refusal_refund_content refusalRefundContent" +
            " FROM" +
            " high_child_order a," +
            " high_order b" +
            " WHERE" +
            " a.order_id =" +
            " and a.goods_type = 3" +
            " and a.giveaway_type = 0" +
            " and EXISTS (select 1 from high_merchant_store c where = a.goods_id " +
            " <if test='map.companyId != null'> and c.company_id = #{map.companyId} </if> " +
            " <if test='map.merchantId != null'> and c.merchant_id = #{map.merchantId} </if> )" +
            " <if test='map.orderNo != null'> and b.order_no = #{map.orderNo}</if>",
            " <if test='map.paySerialNo != null'> and b.pay_serial_no = #{map.paySerialNo} </if>",
            " <if test='map.payModel != null'> and b.pay_model = #{map.payModel} </if>",
            " <if test='map.payType != null'> and b.pay_type = #{map.payType} </if>",
            " <if test='map.orderStatus != null'> and b.order_status in (#{map.orderStatus}) </if>",
            " <if test='map.createTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time >= #{map.createTimeS} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.createTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time <= #{map.createTimeE} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.payTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time >= #{map.payTimeS} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.payTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time <= #{map.payTimeE} ]]> </if>",
            " GROUP BY ORDER BY b.create_time desc" +
    List<HighOrderModel> selectGasOrderList(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);

    @Select({"<script>" +
            " SELECT" +
            " (select st.store_name from high_merchant_store st where = a.goods_id) merchantName," +
            " case a.goods_type when 1 then '卡券' when 2 then '金币充值' when 3 then '加油缴费' end goodsType," +
            " orderId, " +
            " a.goods_name goodsName, " +
            " a.goods_type goodsTypeId," +
            " a.total_price goodsTotalPrice," +
            " a.goods_actual_price goodsActualPrice," +
            " a.sale_count saleCount," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 1 then '赠送' when 0 then '购买' end giveawayType," +
            " b.order_no orderNo," +
            " b.mem_name memName," +
            " b.mem_phone memPhone," +
            " case b.pay_model when 1 then '金币' when 2 then '第三方' end payModel, " +
            " case b.pay_type when 1 then '支付宝' when 2 then '微信' when 3 then '金币' when 4 then '工会卡' when 5 then '银联'  end payType," +
            " b.pay_serial_no paySerialNo," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then b.total_price when 1 then 0 end totalPrice," +
            " b.mem_discount_name memDiscountName," +
            " b.deduction_price deductionPrice," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then case when b.pay_gold is null then 0 else pay_gold end when 1 then 0 end payGold," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then b.pay_price when 1 then 0 end payPrice," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then case when b.pay_gold is not null then convert(b.pay_gold / 100,decimal(10,2)) else b.pay_real_price end when 1 then 0 end payRealPrice," +
            " case b.order_status when 1 then '待支付' when 2 then '已支付' when 3 then '已完成' when 4 then '已退款' when 5 then '已取消' when 6 then '退款中' when 7 then '退款失败' end orderStatus, " +
            " b.order_status orderStatusId," +
            " b.create_time createTime," +
            " b.pay_time payTime," +
            " b.cancel_time cancelTime," +
            " b.refund_time refundTime," +
            " b.refund_content refundContent," +
            " b.refusal_refund_content refusalRefundContent" +
            " FROM" +
            " high_child_order a," +
            " high_order b" +
            " WHERE" +
            " a.order_id =" +
            " and a.goods_type = 4" +
            " and a.giveaway_type = 0" +
/*            " and EXISTS (select 1 from high_merchant_store c where = a.goods_id " +
            " <if test='map.companyId != null'> and c.company_id = #{map.companyId} </if> " +
            " <if test='map.merchantId != null'> and c.merchant_id = #{map.merchantId} </if> )" +*/
            " <if test='map.orderNo != null'> and b.order_no = #{map.orderNo}</if>",
            " <if test='map.paySerialNo != null'> and b.pay_serial_no = #{map.paySerialNo} </if>",
            " <if test='map.payModel != null'> and b.pay_model = #{map.payModel} </if>",
            " <if test='map.payType != null'> and b.pay_type = #{map.payType} </if>",
            " <if test='map.orderStatus != null'> and b.order_status in (#{map.orderStatus}) </if>",
            " <if test='map.createTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time >= #{map.createTimeS} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.createTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time <= #{map.createTimeE} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.payTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time >= #{map.payTimeS} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.payTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time <= #{map.payTimeE} ]]> </if>",
            " GROUP BY ORDER BY b.create_time desc" +
    List<HighOrderModel> selectKfcOrderList(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);

    @Select({"<script>" +
            " SELECT" +
            " (select st.store_name from high_merchant_store st where = a.goods_id) merchantName," +
            " case a.goods_type when 1 then '卡券' when 2 then '金币充值' when 3 then '加油缴费' end goodsType," +
            " orderId, " +
            " a.goods_name goodsName, " +
            " a.goods_type goodsTypeId," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 1 then '赠送' when 0 then '购买' end giveawayType," +
            " b.order_no orderNo," +
            " b.mem_name memName," +
            " b.mem_phone memPhone," +
            " case b.pay_model when 1 then '金币' when 2 then '第三方' end payModel, " +
            " case b.pay_type when 1 then '支付宝' when 2 then '微信' when 3 then '金币' when 4 then '工会卡' when 5 then '银联'  end payType," +
            " b.pay_serial_no paySerialNo," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then b.total_price when 1 then 0 end totalPrice," +
            " b.mem_discount_name memDiscountName," +
            " b.deduction_price deductionPrice," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then case when b.pay_gold is null then 0 else pay_gold end when 1 then 0 end payGold," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then b.pay_price when 1 then 0 end payPrice," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then case when b.pay_gold is not null then convert(b.pay_gold / 100,decimal(10,2)) else b.pay_real_price end when 1 then 0 end payRealPrice," +
            " case b.order_status when 1 then '待支付' when 2 then '已支付' when 3 then '已完成' when 4 then '已退款' when 5 then '已取消' when 6 then '退款中' when 7 then '退款失败' end orderStatus, " +
            " b.order_status orderStatusId," +
            " b.create_time createTime," +
            " b.pay_time payTime," +
            " b.cancel_time cancelTime," +
            " b.refund_time refundTime," +
            " b.refund_content refundContent," +
            " b.refusal_refund_content refusalRefundContent" +
            " FROM" +
            " high_child_order a," +
            " high_order b" +
            " WHERE" +
            " a.order_id =" +
            " and a.goods_type = 5" +
            " and a.giveaway_type = 0" +
/*            " and EXISTS (select 1 from high_merchant_store c where = a.goods_id " +
            " <if test='map.companyId != null'> and c.company_id = #{map.companyId} </if> " +
            " <if test='map.merchantId != null'> and c.merchant_id = #{map.merchantId} </if> )" +*/
            " <if test='map.orderNo != null'> and b.order_no = #{map.orderNo}</if>",
            " <if test='map.paySerialNo != null'> and b.pay_serial_no = #{map.paySerialNo} </if>",
            " <if test='map.payModel != null'> and b.pay_model = #{map.payModel} </if>",
            " <if test='map.payType != null'> and b.pay_type = #{map.payType} </if>",
            " <if test='map.orderStatus != null'> and b.order_status in (#{map.orderStatus}) </if>",
            " <if test='map.createTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time >= #{map.createTimeS} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.createTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time <= #{map.createTimeE} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.payTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time >= #{map.payTimeS} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.payTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time <= #{map.payTimeE} ]]> </if>",
            " GROUP BY ORDER BY b.create_time desc" +
    List<HighOrderModel> selectCinemaOrderList(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);

    @Select({"<script>" +
            " SELECT" +
            " (select st.store_name from high_merchant_store st where = a.goods_id) merchantName," +
            " case a.goods_type when 1 then '卡券' when 2 then '金币充值' when 3 then '加油缴费' end goodsType," +
            " orderId, " +
            " a.goods_name goodsName, " +
            " a.goods_type goodsTypeId," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 1 then '赠送' when 0 then '购买' end giveawayType," +
            " b.order_no orderNo," +
            " b.mem_name memName," +
            " b.mem_phone memPhone," +
            " case b.pay_model when 1 then '金币' when 2 then '第三方' end payModel, " +
            " case b.pay_type when 1 then '支付宝' when 2 then '微信' when 3 then '金币' when 4 then '工会卡' when 5 then '银联'  end payType," +
            " b.pay_serial_no paySerialNo," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then b.total_price when 1 then 0 end totalPrice," +
            " b.mem_discount_name memDiscountName," +
            " b.deduction_price deductionPrice," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then case when b.pay_gold is null then 0 else pay_gold end when 1 then 0 end payGold," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then b.pay_price when 1 then 0 end payPrice," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then case when b.pay_gold is not null then convert(b.pay_gold / 100,decimal(10,2)) else b.pay_real_price end when 1 then 0 end payRealPrice," +
            " case b.order_status when 1 then '待支付' when 2 then '已支付' when 3 then '已完成' when 4 then '已退款' when 5 then '已取消' when 6 then '退款中' when 7 then '退款失败' end orderStatus, " +
            " b.order_status orderStatusId," +
            " b.create_time createTime," +
            " b.pay_time payTime," +
            " b.cancel_time cancelTime," +
            " b.refund_time refundTime," +
            " b.refund_content refundContent," +
            " b.refusal_refund_content refusalRefundContent" +
            " FROM" +
            " high_child_order a," +
            " high_order b" +
            " WHERE" +
            " a.order_id =" +
            " and a.goods_type = 6" +
            " and a.giveaway_type = 0" +
/*            " and EXISTS (select 1 from high_merchant_store c where = a.goods_id " +
            " <if test='map.companyId != null'> and c.company_id = #{map.companyId} </if> " +
            " <if test='map.merchantId != null'> and c.merchant_id = #{map.merchantId} </if> )" +*/
            " <if test='map.orderNo != null'> and b.order_no = #{map.orderNo}</if>",
            " <if test='map.paySerialNo != null'> and b.pay_serial_no = #{map.paySerialNo} </if>",
            " <if test='map.payModel != null'> and b.pay_model = #{map.payModel} </if>",
            " <if test='map.payType != null'> and b.pay_type = #{map.payType} </if>",
            " <if test='map.orderStatus != null'> and b.order_status in (#{map.orderStatus}) </if>",
            " <if test='map.createTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time >= #{map.createTimeS} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.createTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time <= #{map.createTimeE} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.payTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time >= #{map.payTimeS} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.payTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time <= #{map.payTimeE} ]]> </if>",
            " GROUP BY ORDER BY b.create_time desc" +
    List<HighOrderModel> getMobileOrderList(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);
    @Select({"<script>" +
            "           SELECT" +
            "            (select mer.merchant_name from high_merchant mer where EXISTS (select 1 from high_coupon cou where = a.goods_id and = cou.merchant_id))  merchantName," +
            "            case a.goods_type when 1 then '卡券' when 2 then '金币充值' when 3 then '加油缴费' end goodsType, " +
            "            a.goods_name goodsName, " +
            "            a.goods_type goodsTypeId," +
            "            case a.giveaway_type when 1 then '赠送' when 0 then '购买' end giveawayType," +
            "            b.order_no orderNo," +
            "            b.mem_name memName," +
            "            b.mem_phone memPhone," +
            "            case b.pay_model when 1 then '金币' when 2 then '第三方' end payModel, " +
            "            case b.pay_type when 1 then '支付宝' when 2 then '微信' when 3 then '金币' when 4 then '工会卡' when 5 then '银联' end payType," +
            "            b.pay_serial_no paySerialNo," +
            "            case a.giveaway_type when 0 then b.total_price when 1 then 0 end totalPrice," +
            "            b.mem_discount_name memDiscountName," +
            "            b.deduction_price deductionPrice," +
            "            case a.giveaway_type when 0 then case when b.pay_gold is null then 0 else pay_gold end when 1 then 0 end payGold," +
            "            case a.giveaway_type when 0 then b.pay_price when 1 then 0 end payPrice," +
            "            case a.giveaway_type when 0 then case when b.pay_gold is not null then convert(b.pay_gold / 100,decimal(10,2)) else b.pay_real_price end when 1 then 0 end payRealPrice," +
            "            case b.order_status when 1 then '待支付' when 2 then '已支付' when 3 then '已完成' when 4 then '已退款' when 5 then '已取消' when 6 then '退款中' when 7 then '退款失败' end orderStatus, " +
            "            b.order_status orderStatusId," +
            "            b.create_time createTime," +
            "            b.pay_time payTime," +
            "            b.cancel_time cancelTime," +
            "            b.refund_time refundTime," +
            "            b.refund_content refundContent," +
            "            b.refusal_refund_content refusalRefundContent" +
            "            FROM" +
            "            high_child_order a," +
            "            high_order b" +
            "            WHERE" +
            "            a.order_id =" +
            "            and a.giveaway_type = 0" +
            "            and b.Identification_code = #{map.identificationCode}" +
            "            <if test='map.orderNo != null'> and b.order_no = #{map.orderNo} </if>" +
            "            <if test='map.paySerialNo != null'> and b.pay_serial_no = #{map.paySerialNo} </if>" +
            "            <if test='map.payModel != null'> and b.pay_model = #{map.payModel} </if>" +
            "            <if test='map.memDiscountName != null'> and a.goods_name = #{map.memDiscountName} </if>" +
            "            <if test='map.memPhone != null'> and b.mem_phone = #{map.memPhone} </if>" +
            "            <if test='map.payType != null'> and b.pay_type = #{map.payType} </if>" +
            "            <if test='map.memPhone != null'> and b.mem_phone = #{map.memPhone} </if> " +
            "            <if test='map.orderStatus != null'> and b.order_status in (#{map.orderStatus}) </if>" +
            "            <if test='map.createTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time >= #{map.createTimeS} ]]> </if>" +
            "            <if test='map.createTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time <= #{map.createTimeE} ]]> </if>" +
            "            <if test='map.payTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time >= #{map.payTimeS} ]]> </if>" +
            "            <if test='map.payTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time <= #{map.payTimeE} ]]> </if>" +
            "            GROUP BY" +
            "           ORDER BY b.create_time desc" +
    List<HighOrderModel> getOrderListByIdCode(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);

     * 查询处于已经支付和待支付的话费订单
    @Select({"SELECT" +
            " b.*" +
            " FROM" +
            " high_child_order a," +
            " high_order b" +
            " WHERE" +
            " a.order_id =" +
            " and a.goods_type = 6" +
            " and b.order_status in (1,2) " +
            " and a.giveaway_type = 0" +
            " GROUP BY"})
            @Result(column="id", property="id", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT, id=true),
            @Result(column="order_no", property="orderNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_discount_id", property="memDiscountId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="mem_discount_name", property="memDiscountName", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_id", property="memId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="mem_name", property="memName", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_phone", property="memPhone", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="pay_model", property="payModel", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_type", property="payType", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_gold", property="payGold", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_price", property="payPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="pay_real_price", property="payRealPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="pay_serial_no", property="paySerialNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="deduction_price", property="deductionPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="order_status", property="orderStatus", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="total_price", property="totalPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="create_time", property="createTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="pay_time", property="payTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="cancel_time", property="cancelTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="cancel_remarks", property="cancelRemarks", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="finish_time", property="finishTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="remarks", property="remarks", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="refund_time", property="refundTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="refund_price", property="refundPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="refund_content", property="refundContent", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="refusal_refund_content", property="refusalRefundContent", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_1", property="ext1", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_2", property="ext2", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_3", property="ext3", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR)
    List<HighOrder> selectAlreadyPaidMobileOrder();

     * 查询处于已经支付和待支付的KFC订单
    @Select({"SELECT " +
            " b.*" +
            " FROM" +
            " high_child_order a," +
            " high_order b" +
            " WHERE" +
            " a.order_id =" +
            " and a.goods_type = 4" +
            " and b.order_status in (1,2) " +
            " and a.giveaway_type = 0" +
            " GROUP BY"})
            @Result(column="id", property="id", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT, id=true),
            @Result(column="order_no", property="orderNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_discount_id", property="memDiscountId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="mem_discount_name", property="memDiscountName", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_id", property="memId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="mem_name", property="memName", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_phone", property="memPhone", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="pay_model", property="payModel", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_type", property="payType", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_gold", property="payGold", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_price", property="payPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="pay_real_price", property="payRealPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="pay_serial_no", property="paySerialNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="deduction_price", property="deductionPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="order_status", property="orderStatus", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="total_price", property="totalPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="create_time", property="createTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="pay_time", property="payTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="cancel_time", property="cancelTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="cancel_remarks", property="cancelRemarks", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="finish_time", property="finishTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="remarks", property="remarks", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="refund_time", property="refundTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="refund_price", property="refundPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="refund_content", property="refundContent", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="refusal_refund_content", property="refusalRefundContent", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_1", property="ext1", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_2", property="ext2", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_3", property="ext3", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR)
    List<HighOrder> selectAlreadyPaidKfcOrder();

     * 查询处于已经支付和待支付的电影票订单
    @Select({"SELECT" +
            " b.*" +
            " FROM" +
            " high_child_order a," +
            " high_order b" +
            " WHERE" +
            " a.order_id =" +
            " and a.goods_type = 5" +
            " and b.order_status in (1,2)" +
            " and a.giveaway_type = 0" +
            " GROUP BY"})
            @Result(column="id", property="id", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT, id=true),
            @Result(column="order_no", property="orderNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_discount_id", property="memDiscountId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="mem_discount_name", property="memDiscountName", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_id", property="memId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="mem_name", property="memName", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_phone", property="memPhone", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="pay_model", property="payModel", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_type", property="payType", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_gold", property="payGold", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_price", property="payPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="pay_real_price", property="payRealPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="pay_serial_no", property="paySerialNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="deduction_price", property="deductionPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="order_status", property="orderStatus", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="total_price", property="totalPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="create_time", property="createTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="pay_time", property="payTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="cancel_time", property="cancelTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="cancel_remarks", property="cancelRemarks", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="finish_time", property="finishTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="remarks", property="remarks", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="refund_time", property="refundTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="refund_price", property="refundPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="refund_content", property="refundContent", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="refusal_refund_content", property="refusalRefundContent", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_1", property="ext1", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_2", property="ext2", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_3", property="ext3", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR)
    List<HighOrder> selectAlreadyPaidCinemaOrder();

    @Select("select,a.order_no,TRIM(BOTH '\"' FROM b.transaction_id)  pay_serial_no from " +
            "(select id,order_no from high_order where order_status = 5 and create_time >= '2021-06-21 00:00:00') a" +
            "LEFT JOIN (select JSON_EXTRACT(body_info,'$.out_trade_no') out_trade_no,JSON_EXTRACT(body_info,'$.transaction_id') transaction_id from high_pay_record where create_time >= '2021-06-21 00:00:00' and res_type = 2 GROUP BY JSON_EXTRACT(body_info,'$.out_trade_no')) b on a.order_no = b.out_trade_no where b.out_trade_no is not null")
            @Result(column="id", property="id", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT, id=true),
            @Result(column="order_no", property="orderNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_discount_id", property="memDiscountId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="mem_discount_name", property="memDiscountName", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_id", property="memId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="mem_name", property="memName", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_phone", property="memPhone", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="pay_model", property="payModel", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_type", property="payType", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_gold", property="payGold", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_price", property="payPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="pay_real_price", property="payRealPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="pay_serial_no", property="paySerialNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="deduction_price", property="deductionPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="order_status", property="orderStatus", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="total_price", property="totalPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="create_time", property="createTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="pay_time", property="payTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="cancel_time", property="cancelTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="cancel_remarks", property="cancelRemarks", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="finish_time", property="finishTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="remarks", property="remarks", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="refund_time", property="refundTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="refund_price", property="refundPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="refund_content", property="refundContent", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="refusal_refund_content", property="refusalRefundContent", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_1", property="ext1", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_2", property="ext2", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_3", property="ext3", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR)
    List<HighOrder> selectTest();

    @Select({"select orderId, childOrderId from high_order a,high_child_order b where = b.order_id and b.goods_type = 3 and a.order_status = 2 and TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,a.pay_time,SYSDATE()) > 60*24 GROUP BY"})
    List<Map<String,Object>> selectFinishGasOrder();

    @Select({"<script>" +
            " SELECT" +
            " op.pre_order_no preOrderNo , " +
            " op.order_no orderNo , " +
            " op.pay_real_price payRealPrice , " +
            " op.goods_name goodsName , " +
            " op.pre_user_name preUserName , " +
            " op.pre_user_phone preUserPhone , " +
            " op.pre_user_remark preUserRemark , " +
            " op.status_fail_desc statusFailDesc , " +
            " op.reach_time reachTime , " +
            " op.reach_address reachAddress , " +
            " ms.store_name storeName , " +
            " ms.address address , " +
            " op.create_time createTime , " +
            " case op.status when 1 then '预约中' when 2 then '预约成功' when 3 then '预约完成' when 4 then '预约失败' end status" +
            " FROM" +
            " high_order_pre op join high_merchant_store ms on op.merchant_store_id = " +
            " WHERE" +
            " 1=1" +
            " <if test='map.companyId != null'> and op.company_id = #{map.companyId} </if> " +
            " <if test='map.merchantStoreId != null'> and op.merchant_store_id = #{map.merchantStoreId} </if>",
            " <if test='map.merchantId != null'> and op.merchant_id = #{map.merchantId} </if> " +
            " <if test='map.orderNo != null'> and op.order_no = #{map.orderNo}</if>",
            " <if test='map.preOrderNo != null'> and op.pre_order_no = #{map.preOrderNo} </if>",
            " <if test='map.pre_user_name != null'> and op.pre_user_name = #{map.pre_user_name} </if>",
            " <if test='map.pre_user_phone != null'> and op.preUserName = #{map.pre_user_phone} </if>",
            " <if test='map.goods_name != null'> and op.goodsName = #{map.goods_name} </if>",
            " <if test='map.status != null'> and op.status = #{map.status} </if>",
            " <if test='map.createTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and op.create_time >= #{map.createTimeS} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.createTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and op.create_time <= #{map.createTimeE} ]]> </if>",
                    " ORDER BY op.create_time desc" +
    List<HighOrderPreModel> ExportPreOrderList(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);

    @Select({"<script>" +
            " SELECT" +
            " (select mer.merchant_name from high_merchant mer where EXISTS (select 1 from high_coupon cou where = a.goods_id and = cou.merchant_id)) merchantName," +
            " case a.goods_type when 1 then '卡券' when 2 then '金币充值' when 3 then '加油缴费' when 4 then 'KFC' when 5 then '电影票' when 6 then '话费充值' when 7 then '优惠券包' when 8 then '汇联通充值' end goodsType, " +
            " a.goods_name goodsName, " +
            " a.goods_type goodsTypeId," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 1 then '赠送' when 0 then '购买' end giveawayType," +
            " b.order_no orderNo," +
            " b.mem_name memName," +
            " b.mem_phone memPhone," +
            " case b.pay_model when 1 then '金币' when 2 then '第三方' end payModel, " +
            " case b.pay_type when 1 then '支付宝' when 2 then '微信' when 3 then '金币' when 4 then '工会卡' when 5 then '银联' end payType," +
            " b.pay_serial_no paySerialNo," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then b.total_price when 1 then 0 end totalPrice," +
            " b.mem_discount_name memDiscountName," +
            " b.deduction_price deductionPrice," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then case when b.pay_gold is null then 0 else pay_gold end when 1 then 0 end payGold," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then b.pay_price when 1 then 0 end payPrice," +
            " case a.giveaway_type when 0 then case when b.pay_gold is not null then convert(b.pay_gold / 100,decimal(10,2)) else b.pay_real_price end when 1 then 0 end payRealPrice," +
            " case b.order_status when 1 then '待支付' when 2 then '已支付' when 3 then '已完成' when 4 then '已退款' when 5 then '已取消' when 6 then '退款中' when 7 then '退款失败' end orderStatus, " +
            " b.order_status orderStatusId," +
            " b.create_time createTime," +
            " b.pay_time payTime," +
            " b.cancel_time cancelTime," +
            " b.refund_time refundTime," +
            " b.refund_content refundContent," +
            " b.refusal_refund_content refusalRefundContent" +
            " FROM" +
            " high_child_order a," +
            " high_order b" +
            " WHERE" +
            " a.order_id =" +
            " and a.giveaway_type = 0" +
            " and EXISTS (select 1 from high_coupon c where = a.goods_id " +
            " <if test='map.goodsType != null'> and a.goods_type = #{map.goodsType} </if> " +
            " <if test='map.companyId != null'> and c.company_id = #{map.companyId} </if> " +
            " <if test='map.memDiscountName != null'> and c.coupon_name = #{map.memDiscountName} </if>",
            " <if test='map.merchantId != null'> and c.merchant_id = #{map.merchantId} </if> )" +
            " <if test='map.orderNo != null'> and b.order_no = #{map.orderNo}</if>",
            " <if test='map.paySerialNo != null'> and b.pay_serial_no = #{map.paySerialNo} </if>",
            " <if test='map.payModel != null'> and b.pay_model = #{map.payModel} </if>",
            " <if test='map.payType != null'> and b.pay_type = #{map.payType} </if>",
            " <if test='map.memPhone != null'> and b.mem_phone = #{map.memPhone} </if>",
            " <if test='map.orderStatus != null'> and b.order_status in (#{map.orderStatus}) </if>",
            " <if test='map.createTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time >= #{map.createTimeS} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.createTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time <= #{map.createTimeE} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.payTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time >= #{map.payTimeS} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='map.payTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time <= #{map.payTimeE} ]]> </if>",
            " GROUP BY" +
                    " ORDER BY b.create_time desc" +
    List<HighOrderModel> selectDiscountPackageOrderList(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);

    @Select(value = {
            "select sum(total_price) orderPrice, sum(pay_real_price)  payRealPrice , count(*) count ",
            "from high_order where order_status in (2,3) and pay_type = 4 and Identification_code = #{code} ",
            @Result(column="payPrice", property="payPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="orderPrice", property="orderPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="count", property="count", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
    OrderCountModel orderByIndex(Integer code);

    @Select(value = {
            "select sum(b.total_price) orderPrice, sum(b.pay_price) payRealPrice, count(*) count ",
            "FROM high_order b  join high_child_order a on = a.order_id WHERE a.order_id = and a.giveaway_type = 0 and b.Identification_code = 60 and b.pay_type in (1, 2, 3, 5) and b.order_status in (2, 3)and a.goods_type in (1, 8) and Identification_code = #{code} ",
            @Result(column="payRealPrice", property="payRealPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="orderPrice", property="orderPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="count", property="count", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
    OrderCountModel HLTOrderByIndex(Integer code);

    @Select({"<script>" +
            "           SELECT" +
            "            (select mer.merchant_name from high_merchant mer where EXISTS (select 1 from high_coupon cou where = a.goods_id and = cou.merchant_id))  merchantName," +
            "            case a.goods_type when 1 then '卡券' when 2 then '金币充值' when 3 then '加油缴费' when 4 then 'KFC' when 5 then '电影票' when 6 then '话费充值' when 7 then '优惠券包' when 8 then '汇联通充值' end goodsType, " +
            "            a.goods_name goodsName, " +
            "            a.goods_type goodsTypeId," +
            "            case a.giveaway_type when 1 then '赠送' when 0 then '购买' end giveawayType," +
            "            b.order_no orderNo," +
            "            b.mem_name memName," +
            "            b.mem_phone memPhone," +
            "            case b.pay_model when 1 then '金币' when 2 then '第三方' end payModel, " +
            "            case b.pay_type when 1 then '支付宝' when 2 then '微信' when 3 then '金币' when 4 then '工会卡' when 5 then '银联' end payType," +
            "            b.pay_serial_no paySerialNo," +
            "            case a.giveaway_type when 0 then b.total_price when 1 then 0 end totalPrice," +
            "            b.mem_discount_name memDiscountName," +
            "            b.deduction_price deductionPrice," +
            "            case a.giveaway_type when 0 then case when b.pay_gold is null then 0 else pay_gold end when 1 then 0 end payGold," +
            "            case a.giveaway_type when 0 then b.pay_price when 1 then 0 end payPrice," +
            "            case a.giveaway_type when 0 then case when b.pay_gold is not null then convert(b.pay_gold / 100,decimal(10,2)) else b.pay_real_price end when 1 then 0 end payRealPrice," +
            "            case b.order_status when 1 then '待支付' when 2 then '已支付' when 3 then '已完成' when 4 then '已退款' when 5 then '已取消' when 6 then '退款中' when 7 then '退款失败' end orderStatus, " +
            "            b.order_status orderStatusId," +
            "            b.create_time createTime," +
            "            b.pay_time payTime," +
            "            b.cancel_time cancelTime," +
            "            b.refund_time refundTime," +
            "            b.refund_content refundContent," +
            "            b.refusal_refund_content refusalRefundContent" +
            "            FROM" +
            "            high_child_order a," +
            "            high_order b" +
            "            WHERE" +
            "            a.order_id =" +
            "            and a.giveaway_type = 0" +
            "            and b.Identification_code = #{map.identificationCode}" +
            "            and b.pay_type  in (1,2,3,5)" +
            "            and b.order_status  in (2,3)" +
            "            and b.order_status  in (2,3)" +
            "            and a.goods_type in (1, 8)" +
            "            <if test='map.orderNo != null'> and b.order_no = #{map.orderNo} </if>" +
            "            <if test='map.paySerialNo != null'> and b.pay_serial_no = #{map.paySerialNo} </if>" +
            "            <if test='map.payModel != null'> and b.pay_model = #{map.payModel} </if>" +
            "            <if test='map.memDiscountName != null'> and a.goods_name = #{map.memDiscountName} </if>" +
            "            <if test='map.memPhone != null'> and b.mem_phone = #{map.memPhone} </if>" +
            "            <if test='map.memPhone != null'> and b.mem_phone = #{map.memPhone} </if> " +
            "            <if test='map.createTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time >= #{map.createTimeS} ]]> </if>" +
            "            <if test='map.createTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time <= #{map.createTimeE} ]]> </if>" +
            "            <if test='map.payTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time >= #{map.payTimeS} ]]> </if>" +
            "            <if test='map.payTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time <= #{map.payTimeE} ]]> </if>" +
            "            GROUP BY" +
            "           ORDER BY b.create_time desc" +
    List<HighOrderModel> selectOrderList(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);

    @Select(value = {
            "select sum(pay_real_price)  from high_order where " +
                    "<if test=' != null'> to_days(pay_time) = to_days(now()) and </if> " +
                    " order_status in (2,3) ",
    BigDecimal orderPriceTotal(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);

    @Select(value = {
            "select sum(pay_real_price) from out_recharge_order where" +
                    " <if test=' != null'>  to_days(pay_time) = to_days(now()) and </if> " +
                    " pay_status in (102,100) ",
    BigDecimal rechargePriceTotal(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);

    @Select(value = {
            "select count(pay_real_price) from high_order where " +
                    "<if test=' != null'>  to_days(pay_time) = to_days(now()) and </if> " +
                    " order_status in (2,3) ",
    Long orderPriceCount(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);

    @Select(value = {
            "select count(pay_real_price) from out_recharge_order where " +
                    "<if test=' != null'>  to_days(pay_time) = to_days(now()) and </if>  " +
                    "pay_status in (102,100) ",
    Long rechargePriceCount(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);

    @Select(value = {
            "select a.click_date as datetime, " +
                    "ifnull(b.num,0) as price " +
                    "from ( " +
                    "SELECT curdate() as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 2 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 3 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 4 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 5 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 6 day) as click_date " +
                    ") a " +
                    "left join ( " +
                    "select date(create_time) as datetime, " +
                    "sum(pay_real_price) as num " +
                    "from high_order  where order_status in (2,3)" +
                    "group by date(create_time) " +
                    ") b " +
                    "on a.click_date = b.datetime " +
                    "ORDER BY a.click_date ASC ",
    List<OrderSumModel> getOrderSumOrderByDate();

    @Select(value = {
            "select a.click_date as datetime, " +
                    "ifnull(b.num,0) as price " +
                    "from ( " +
                    "SELECT curdate() as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 2 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 3 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 4 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 5 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 6 day) as click_date " +
                    ") a " +
                    "left join ( " +
                    "select date(create_timed) as datetime, " +
                    "sum(pay_real_price) as num " +
                    "from out_recharge_order  where pay_status in (102,100)" +
                    "group by date(create_timed) " +
                    ") b " +
                    "on a.click_date = b.datetime " +
                    "ORDER BY a.click_date ASC ",
    List<OrderSumModel> getOrderSumRechargeByDate();

    @Select(value = {
            "select a.click_date as datetime, " +
                    "ifnull(b.num,0) as num " +
                    "from ( " +
                    "SELECT curdate() as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 2 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 3 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 4 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 5 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 6 day) as click_date " +
                    ") a " +
                    "left join ( " +
                    "select date(create_time) as datetime, " +
                    "count(*) as num " +
                    "from high_order  where order_status in (2,3)" +
                    "group by date(create_time) " +
                    ") b " +
                    "on a.click_date = b.datetime " +
                    "ORDER BY a.click_date ASC ",
    List<DateCountModel> getDateCountByOrder();

    @Select(value = {
            "select a.click_date as datetime, " +
                    "ifnull(b.num,0) as num " +
                    "from ( " +
                    "SELECT curdate() as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 2 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 3 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 4 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 5 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 6 day) as click_date " +
                    ") a " +
                    "left join ( " +
                    "select date(create_timed) as datetime, " +
                    "count(*) as num " +
                    "from out_recharge_order  where pay_status in (102,100)" +
                    "group by date(create_timed) " +
                    ") b " +
                    "on a.click_date = b.datetime " +
                    "ORDER BY a.click_date ASC ",
    List<DateCountModel> getDateCountByRecharge();

    @Select(value = {
            "select a.click_date as datetime, " +
                    "ifnull(b.num,0) as num " +
                    "from ( " +
                    "SELECT curdate() as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 2 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 3 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 4 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 5 day) as click_date " +
                    "union all " +
                    "SELECT date_sub(curdate(), interval 6 day) as click_date " +
                    ") a " +
                    "left join ( " +
                    "select date(reg_time) as datetime, " +
                    "count(*) as num " +
                    "from high_user " +
                    "group by date(reg_time) " +
                    ") b " +
                    "on a.click_date = b.datetime " +
                    "ORDER BY a.click_date ASC ",
    List<DateCountModel> getDateCountByUser();

    @Select({"select count(1) from high_order " +
            "where id in (select b.order_id from high_child_order b where goods_type = 3 and mem_id = #{userId} and child_orde_status in (2,3)) " +
            "and year(pay_time)=year(now()) and month(pay_time) = month(now()) and day(pay_time) = day(now())"})
    int selectGasTheDayOrderNum(@Param("userId") Long userId);

    @Select(value = {
            "select sum(pay_real_price)  as tradePrice,sum(deduction_price) as discountedPrice,sum(total_price) as orderPrice ",
            "from ",
            "(select pay_price, pay_real_price, deduction_price, ho.total_price as total_price from high_order ho join high_child_order hco on = hco.order_id ",
            "where hco.goods_type = 3 and ho.order_status in (2, 3) ",
            "<if test='map.payType != null'> and ho.pay_type = #{map.payType} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.gasOilNo != null'> and hco.gas_oil_no = #{map.gasOilNo} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.gasOilType != null'> and hco.gas_oil_type = #{map.gasOilType} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.goodsId != null'> and hco.goods_id = #{map.goodsId} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.createTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and ho.create_time >= #{map.createTimeS} ]]> </if> " +
            "<if test='map.createTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and ho.create_time <= #{map.createTimeE} ]]> </if> " +
            "<if test='map.companyId != null'> AND hco.gas_org_id in (select id from bs_organization WHERE company_id = #{map.companyId} and `status` = 1) </if>  " +
            "<if test='map.gasSalesmanId != null'> and hco.gas_salesman_id = #{map.gasSalesmanId}  </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.orgId != null'> and hco.gas_org_id = #{map.orgId}  </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.agentId != null'> and hco.gas_agent_id = #{map.agentId}  </if> " ,
            ") as hh; " ,
            @Result(column="tradePrice", property="tradePrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="discountedPrice", property="discountedPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="orderPrice", property="orderPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
    TyOrderCountModel TyOrderCount(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);

    @Select(value = {
            "select count(total_price)  ",
            "from ",
            "(select pay_price, pay_real_price, deduction_price, ho.total_price as total_price from high_order ho join high_child_order hco on = hco.order_id ",
            "where hco.goods_type = 3 and ho.order_status in (2, 3) ",
            "<if test='map.payType != null'> and ho.pay_type = #{map.payType} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.gasOilNo != null'> and hco.gas_oil_no = #{map.gasOilNo} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.gasOilType != null'> and hco.gas_oil_type = #{map.gasOilType} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.goodsId != null'> and hco.goods_id = #{map.goodsId} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.createTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and ho.create_time >= #{map.createTimeS} ]]> </if> " +
            "<if test='map.createTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and ho.create_time <= #{map.createTimeE} ]]> </if> " +
            "<if test='map.companyId != null'> AND hco.gas_org_id in (select id from bs_organization WHERE company_id = #{map.companyId} and `status` = 1) </if>  " +
            "<if test='map.gasSalesmanId != null'> and hco.gas_salesman_id = #{map.gasSalesmanId}  </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.orgId != null'> and hco.gas_org_id = #{map.orgId}  </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.agentId != null'> and hco.gas_agent_id = #{map.agentId}  </if> " ,
            ") as hh; " ,

    int TyOrderNum(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);

    @Select(value = {
            "select count(total_price)  ",
            "from ",
            "(select pay_price, pay_real_price, deduction_price, ho.total_price as total_price from high_order ho join high_child_order hco on = hco.order_id ",
            "where hco.goods_type = 3 and ho.order_status in (2, 3) ",
            "<if test='map.payType != null'> and ho.pay_type = #{map.payType} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.gasOilNo != null'> and hco.gas_oil_no = #{map.gasOilNo} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.gasOilType != null'> and hco.gas_oil_type = #{map.gasOilType} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.goodsId != null'> and hco.goods_id = #{map.goodsId} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.totalPrice != null'> <![CDATA[ and ho.total_price < #{map.totalPrice} ]]> </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.createTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and ho.create_time >= #{map.createTimeS} ]]> </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.createTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and ho.create_time <= #{map.createTimeE} ]]> </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.companyId != null'> AND hco.gas_org_id in (select id from bs_organization WHERE company_id = #{map.companyId} and `status` = 1) </if>  " +
            "<if test='map.gasSalesmanId != null'> and hco.gas_salesman_id = #{map.gasSalesmanId}  </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.orgId != null'> and hco.gas_org_id = #{map.orgId}  </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.agentId != null'> and hco.gas_agent_id = #{map.agentId}  </if> " ,
            ") as hh; " ,

    int TyOrderNumByPrice(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);

    @Select(value = {
            "select count(*) as value , " +
            "case pay_type when 1 then '支付宝' when 2 then '微信' when 3 then '金币' when 4 then '工会卡' when 5 then '银联' end name " +
            "from high_order ho join high_child_order hco on = hco.order_id ",
            "where hco.goods_type = 3 and ho.order_status in (2, 3) ",
            "<if test='map.payType != null'> and ho.pay_type = #{map.payType} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.companyId != null'> AND hco.gas_org_id in (select id from bs_organization WHERE company_id = #{map.companyId} and `status` = 1) </if>  " +
            "<if test='map.gasOilNo != null'> and hco.gas_oil_no = #{map.gasOilNo} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.gasOilType != null'> and hco.gas_oil_type = #{map.gasOilType} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.goodsId != null'> and hco.goods_id = #{map.goodsId} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.gasSalesmanId != null'> and hco.gas_salesman_id = #{map.gasSalesmanId}  </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.orgId != null'> and hco.gas_org_id = #{map.orgId}  </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.agentId != null'> and hco.gas_agent_id = #{map.agentId}  </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.createTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and ho.create_time >= #{map.createTimeS} ]]> </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.createTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and ho.create_time <= #{map.createTimeE} ]]> </if> " ,
            "group by pay_type " ,
            @Result(column="value", property="value", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="name", property="name", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
    List<TyOrderGorpModel> TyOrderNumGroupByPayType(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);

    @Select(value = {
            "select count(*) as value , hco.gas_oil_no as name from high_order ho join high_child_order hco on = hco.order_id ",
            "where hco.goods_type = 3 and ho.order_status in (2, 3) ",
            "<if test='map.payType != null'> and ho.pay_type = #{map.payType} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.gasOilNo != null'> and hco.gas_oil_no = #{map.gasOilNo} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.gasOilType != null'> and hco.gas_oil_type = #{map.gasOilType} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.goodsId != null'> and hco.goods_id = #{map.goodsId} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.companyId != null'> AND hco.gas_org_id in (select id from bs_organization WHERE company_id = #{map.companyId} and `status` = 1) </if>  " +
            "<if test='map.gasSalesmanId != null'> and hco.gas_salesman_id = #{map.gasSalesmanId}  </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.orgId != null'> and hco.gas_org_id = #{map.orgId}  </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.agentId != null'> and hco.gas_agent_id = #{map.agentId} </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.createTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and ho.create_time >= #{map.createTimeS} ]]> </if> " ,
            "<if test='map.createTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and ho.create_time <= #{map.createTimeE} ]]> </if> " ,
            "group by hco.gas_oil_no " ,
            @Result(column="value", property="value", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="name", property="name", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
    List<TyOrderGorpModel> TyOrderNumGroupByGasOilNo(@Param("map") Map<String,Object> map);

    @Select({" select" +
            " case when SUM(b.total_price) is null then 0 else SUM(b.total_price) end price," +
            " count(1) count" +
            " from high_child_order a,high_order b " +
            " where a.order_id = and goods_type = 3 and goods_id = #{storeId} and b.order_status in (${status}) " +
            " and to_days(pay_time) = to_days(now())"})
    Map<String, Object> selectGasTheDayOrderCount(@Param("storeId") Long storeId, @Param("status") String status);

    @Select({" select" +
            " case when SUM(b.total_price) is null then 0 else SUM(b.total_price) end price," +
            " count(1) count" +
            " from high_child_order a,high_order b " +
            " where a.order_id = and goods_type = 3 and gas_staff_id = #{gasStaffId} and b.order_status in (${status}) " +
            " and to_days(pay_time) = to_days(now())"})
    Map<String, Object> selectGasStaffTheDayOrderCount(@Param("gasStaffId") Long gasStaffId, @Param("status") String status);

    @Select({" select" +
            " case when SUM(b.total_price) is null then 0 else SUM(b.total_price) end price," +
            " count(1) count" +
            " from high_child_order a,high_order b " +
            " where a.order_id = and goods_type = 3 and goods_id = #{storeId} and b.order_status in (${status}) "})
    Map<String, Object> selectGasHistoryOrderCount(@Param("storeId") Long storeId, @Param("status") String status);

    @Select({" select" +
            " case when SUM(b.total_price) is null then 0 else SUM(b.total_price) end price," +
            " count(1) count" +
            " from high_child_order a,high_order b " +
            " where a.order_id = and goods_type = 3 and gas_staff_id = #{gasStaffId} and b.order_status in (${status}) "})
    Map<String, Object> selectGasStaffHistoryOrderCount(@Param("gasStaffId") Long gasStaffId, @Param("status") String status);

            "<script> " +
            " select " +
            " orderId," +
            " b.order_no orderNo," +
            " a.gas_order_no gasOrderNo," +
            " b.pay_type payType," +
            " b.total_price totalPrice," +
            " b.deduction_price deductionPrice," +
            " b.pay_real_price payRealPrice," +
            " b.order_status status," +
            " REPLACE(b.mem_phone, SUBSTR(b.mem_phone,4,4), '****') merPhone," +
            " a.goods_name gasName," +
            " (select address from high_merchant_store where id = a.goods_id) gasAddress," +
            " a.goods_img gasLogo," +
            " a.gas_oil_type gasOilType," +
            " a.gas_oil_no gasOilNo," +
            " a.gas_gun_no gasGunNo," +
            " a.gas_staff_name gasStaffName," +
            " a.gas_price_gun gasPriceGun," +
            " a.gas_oil_liters gasOilLiters," +
            " a.gas_discount gasDiscount," +
            " a.gas_oil_subsidy gasOilSubsidy," +
            " a.gas_liters_preferences gasLitersPreferences," +
            " a.gas_price_preferences gasPricePreferences," +
            " b.create_time createTime," +
            " b.pay_time payTime," +
            " b.refund_time refundTime," +
            " b.refund_price refundPrice," +
            " b.refund_content refundContent," +
            " b.print_status printStatus," +
            " b.print_num printNum" +
            " from high_child_order a,high_order b " +
            " where a.order_id = " +
            " and goods_type = 3 " +
            "<if test='param.storeId != null'> and goods_id in (${param.storeId})  </if>" +
            "<if test='param.gasStaffId != null'> and a.gas_staff_id = #{param.gasStaffId}</if>" +
            "<if test='param.gasOilNo != null'> and a.gas_oil_no = #{param.gasOilNo}</if>" +
            "<if test='param.status != null'> and b.order_status in (${param.status})</if>" +
            "<if test='param.createTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time >= #{param.createTimeS} ]]> </if>",
            "<if test='param.createTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time <= #{param.createTimeE} ]]> </if>",
            "<if test='param.payTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time >= #{param.payTimeS} ]]> </if>",
            "<if test='param.payTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time <= #{param.payTimeE} ]]> </if>",
            "<if test='param.orderNo != null'> and b.order_no LIKE concat('%', #{param.orderNo}, '%')</if>" +
            " ORDER BY create_time desc" +
    List<GasOrderModel> selectGasStoreOrderList(@Param("param") Map<String, Object> param);

            "<script> " +
            " select" +
            " case when sum(b.total_price) is not null then sum(b.total_price) else 0 end refuelPrice," +
            " count(1) refuelNum," +
            " case when sum(a.gas_oil_liters) is not null then sum(a.gas_oil_liters) else 0 end refuelLiters" +
            " from high_child_order a,high_order b " +
            " where a.order_id = " +
            " and goods_type = 3 " +
            " <if test='param.storeId != null'> and goods_id in (${param.storeId})  </if>" +
            " <if test='param.gasStaffId != null'> and a.gas_staff_id = #{param.gasStaffId}</if>" +
            " <if test='param.gasOilNo != null'> and a.gas_oil_no = #{param.gasOilNo}</if>" +
            " <if test='param.status != null'> and b.order_status in (${param.status})</if>" +
            " <if test='param.createTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time >= #{param.createTimeS} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='param.createTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.create_time <= #{param.createTimeE} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='param.payTimeS != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time >= #{param.payTimeS} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='param.payTimeE != null'> <![CDATA[ and b.pay_time <= #{param.payTimeE} ]]> </if>",
            " <if test='param.orderNo != null'> and b.order_no LIKE concat('%', #{param.orderNo}, '%')</if>" +
            " ORDER BY create_time desc" +
    Map<String, Object> countGasStoreOrder(@Param("param") Map<String, Object> param);

            "order_no , goods_name as oil_station_name , gas_staff_name , gas_oil_type , gas_oil_no ,gas_gun_no , gas_price_official , gas_price_gun , gas_oil_liters , b.total_price as gas_price , mem_phone as user_phone , pay_time ,create_time , order_status ",
            "from high_order a join high_child_order b on = b.order_id where  ",
            " b.goods_id in (${goodsId}) ",
            " group by a.order_no ",
            @Result(column="order_no", property="orderNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="oil_station_name", property="oilStationName", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="gas_staff_name", property="gasStaffName", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="gas_oil_type", property="gasOilType", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="gas_oil_no", property="gasOilNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="gas_gun_no", property="gasGunNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="gas_price_official", property="gasPriceOfficial", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="gas_price_gun", property="gasPriceGun", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="gas_oil_liters", property="gasOilLiters", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="gas_price", property="gasPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="user_phone", property="userPhone", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="create_time", property="createTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="pay_time", property="payTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="order_status", property="orderStatus", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
    List<SelfOilStationModel> getSelfOilStationOrderList(@Param("goodsId") String goodsId);

    @Select("select * from high_order where order_status = 3 and pay_type != 3 and pay_real_price > 0 ")
            @Result(column="id", property="id", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT, id=true),
            @Result(column="order_no", property="orderNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_discount_id", property="memDiscountId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="mem_discount_name", property="memDiscountName", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_id", property="memId", jdbcType=JdbcType.BIGINT),
            @Result(column="mem_name", property="memName", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="mem_phone", property="memPhone", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="pay_model", property="payModel", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_type", property="payType", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_gold", property="payGold", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="pay_price", property="payPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="pay_real_price", property="payRealPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="pay_serial_no", property="paySerialNo", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="deduction_price", property="deductionPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="order_status", property="orderStatus", jdbcType=JdbcType.INTEGER),
            @Result(column="total_price", property="totalPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="create_time", property="createTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="pay_time", property="payTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="cancel_time", property="cancelTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="cancel_remarks", property="cancelRemarks", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="finish_time", property="finishTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="remarks", property="remarks", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="refund_time", property="refundTime", jdbcType=JdbcType.TIMESTAMP),
            @Result(column="refund_price", property="refundPrice", jdbcType=JdbcType.DECIMAL),
            @Result(column="refund_content", property="refundContent", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="refusal_refund_content", property="refusalRefundContent", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_1", property="ext1", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_2", property="ext2", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR),
            @Result(column="ext_3", property="ext3", jdbcType=JdbcType.VARCHAR)
    List<HighOrder> integralRebateOrder();