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1124 lines
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1124 lines
36 KiB
package com.hai.entity;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
public class HighTyAgentPriceExample {
protected String orderByClause;
protected boolean distinct;
protected List<Criteria> oredCriteria;
private Integer limit;
private Long offset;
public HighTyAgentPriceExample() {
oredCriteria = new ArrayList<Criteria>();
public void setOrderByClause(String orderByClause) {
this.orderByClause = orderByClause;
public String getOrderByClause() {
return orderByClause;
public void setDistinct(boolean distinct) {
this.distinct = distinct;
public boolean isDistinct() {
return distinct;
public List<Criteria> getOredCriteria() {
return oredCriteria;
public void or(Criteria criteria) {
public Criteria or() {
Criteria criteria = createCriteriaInternal();
return criteria;
public Criteria createCriteria() {
Criteria criteria = createCriteriaInternal();
if (oredCriteria.size() == 0) {
return criteria;
protected Criteria createCriteriaInternal() {
Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
return criteria;
public void clear() {
orderByClause = null;
distinct = false;
public void setLimit(Integer limit) {
this.limit = limit;
public Integer getLimit() {
return limit;
public void setOffset(Long offset) {
this.offset = offset;
public Long getOffset() {
return offset;
protected abstract static class GeneratedCriteria {
protected List<Criterion> criteria;
protected GeneratedCriteria() {
criteria = new ArrayList<Criterion>();
public boolean isValid() {
return criteria.size() > 0;
public List<Criterion> getAllCriteria() {
return criteria;
public List<Criterion> getCriteria() {
return criteria;
protected void addCriterion(String condition) {
if (condition == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Value for condition cannot be null");
criteria.add(new Criterion(condition));
protected void addCriterion(String condition, Object value, String property) {
if (value == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Value for " + property + " cannot be null");
criteria.add(new Criterion(condition, value));
protected void addCriterion(String condition, Object value1, Object value2, String property) {
if (value1 == null || value2 == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Between values for " + property + " cannot be null");
criteria.add(new Criterion(condition, value1, value2));
public Criteria andIdIsNull() {
addCriterion("id is null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andIdIsNotNull() {
addCriterion("id is not null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andIdEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("id =", value, "id");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andIdNotEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("id <>", value, "id");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andIdGreaterThan(Long value) {
addCriterion("id >", value, "id");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andIdGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("id >=", value, "id");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andIdLessThan(Long value) {
addCriterion("id <", value, "id");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andIdLessThanOrEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("id <=", value, "id");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andIdIn(List<Long> values) {
addCriterion("id in", values, "id");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andIdNotIn(List<Long> values) {
addCriterion("id not in", values, "id");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andIdBetween(Long value1, Long value2) {
addCriterion("id between", value1, value2, "id");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andIdNotBetween(Long value1, Long value2) {
addCriterion("id not between", value1, value2, "id");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andBelongTypeIsNull() {
addCriterion("belong_type is null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andBelongTypeIsNotNull() {
addCriterion("belong_type is not null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andBelongTypeEqualTo(Integer value) {
addCriterion("belong_type =", value, "belongType");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andBelongTypeNotEqualTo(Integer value) {
addCriterion("belong_type <>", value, "belongType");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andBelongTypeGreaterThan(Integer value) {
addCriterion("belong_type >", value, "belongType");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andBelongTypeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Integer value) {
addCriterion("belong_type >=", value, "belongType");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andBelongTypeLessThan(Integer value) {
addCriterion("belong_type <", value, "belongType");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andBelongTypeLessThanOrEqualTo(Integer value) {
addCriterion("belong_type <=", value, "belongType");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andBelongTypeIn(List<Integer> values) {
addCriterion("belong_type in", values, "belongType");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andBelongTypeNotIn(List<Integer> values) {
addCriterion("belong_type not in", values, "belongType");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andBelongTypeBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) {
addCriterion("belong_type between", value1, value2, "belongType");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andBelongTypeNotBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) {
addCriterion("belong_type not between", value1, value2, "belongType");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationIdIsNull() {
addCriterion("oil_station_id is null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationIdIsNotNull() {
addCriterion("oil_station_id is not null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationIdEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("oil_station_id =", value, "oilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationIdNotEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("oil_station_id <>", value, "oilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationIdGreaterThan(Long value) {
addCriterion("oil_station_id >", value, "oilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationIdGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("oil_station_id >=", value, "oilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationIdLessThan(Long value) {
addCriterion("oil_station_id <", value, "oilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationIdLessThanOrEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("oil_station_id <=", value, "oilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationIdIn(List<Long> values) {
addCriterion("oil_station_id in", values, "oilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationIdNotIn(List<Long> values) {
addCriterion("oil_station_id not in", values, "oilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationIdBetween(Long value1, Long value2) {
addCriterion("oil_station_id between", value1, value2, "oilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationIdNotBetween(Long value1, Long value2) {
addCriterion("oil_station_id not between", value1, value2, "oilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationNameIsNull() {
addCriterion("oil_station_name is null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationNameIsNotNull() {
addCriterion("oil_station_name is not null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationNameEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_station_name =", value, "oilStationName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationNameNotEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_station_name <>", value, "oilStationName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationNameGreaterThan(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_station_name >", value, "oilStationName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationNameGreaterThanOrEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_station_name >=", value, "oilStationName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationNameLessThan(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_station_name <", value, "oilStationName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationNameLessThanOrEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_station_name <=", value, "oilStationName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationNameLike(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_station_name like", value, "oilStationName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationNameNotLike(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_station_name not like", value, "oilStationName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationNameIn(List<String> values) {
addCriterion("oil_station_name in", values, "oilStationName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationNameNotIn(List<String> values) {
addCriterion("oil_station_name not in", values, "oilStationName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationNameBetween(String value1, String value2) {
addCriterion("oil_station_name between", value1, value2, "oilStationName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilStationNameNotBetween(String value1, String value2) {
addCriterion("oil_station_name not between", value1, value2, "oilStationName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTyAgentOilStationIdIsNull() {
addCriterion("ty_agent_oil_station_id is null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTyAgentOilStationIdIsNotNull() {
addCriterion("ty_agent_oil_station_id is not null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTyAgentOilStationIdEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("ty_agent_oil_station_id =", value, "tyAgentOilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTyAgentOilStationIdNotEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("ty_agent_oil_station_id <>", value, "tyAgentOilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTyAgentOilStationIdGreaterThan(Long value) {
addCriterion("ty_agent_oil_station_id >", value, "tyAgentOilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTyAgentOilStationIdGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("ty_agent_oil_station_id >=", value, "tyAgentOilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTyAgentOilStationIdLessThan(Long value) {
addCriterion("ty_agent_oil_station_id <", value, "tyAgentOilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTyAgentOilStationIdLessThanOrEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("ty_agent_oil_station_id <=", value, "tyAgentOilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTyAgentOilStationIdIn(List<Long> values) {
addCriterion("ty_agent_oil_station_id in", values, "tyAgentOilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTyAgentOilStationIdNotIn(List<Long> values) {
addCriterion("ty_agent_oil_station_id not in", values, "tyAgentOilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTyAgentOilStationIdBetween(Long value1, Long value2) {
addCriterion("ty_agent_oil_station_id between", value1, value2, "tyAgentOilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTyAgentOilStationIdNotBetween(Long value1, Long value2) {
addCriterion("ty_agent_oil_station_id not between", value1, value2, "tyAgentOilStationId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoNameIsNull() {
addCriterion("oil_no_name is null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoNameIsNotNull() {
addCriterion("oil_no_name is not null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoNameEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_no_name =", value, "oilNoName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoNameNotEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_no_name <>", value, "oilNoName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoNameGreaterThan(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_no_name >", value, "oilNoName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoNameGreaterThanOrEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_no_name >=", value, "oilNoName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoNameLessThan(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_no_name <", value, "oilNoName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoNameLessThanOrEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_no_name <=", value, "oilNoName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoNameLike(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_no_name like", value, "oilNoName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoNameNotLike(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_no_name not like", value, "oilNoName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoNameIn(List<String> values) {
addCriterion("oil_no_name in", values, "oilNoName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoNameNotIn(List<String> values) {
addCriterion("oil_no_name not in", values, "oilNoName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoNameBetween(String value1, String value2) {
addCriterion("oil_no_name between", value1, value2, "oilNoName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoNameNotBetween(String value1, String value2) {
addCriterion("oil_no_name not between", value1, value2, "oilNoName");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoIsNull() {
addCriterion("oil_no is null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoIsNotNull() {
addCriterion("oil_no is not null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_no =", value, "oilNo");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoNotEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_no <>", value, "oilNo");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoGreaterThan(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_no >", value, "oilNo");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoGreaterThanOrEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_no >=", value, "oilNo");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoLessThan(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_no <", value, "oilNo");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoLessThanOrEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_no <=", value, "oilNo");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoLike(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_no like", value, "oilNo");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoNotLike(String value) {
addCriterion("oil_no not like", value, "oilNo");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoIn(List<String> values) {
addCriterion("oil_no in", values, "oilNo");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoNotIn(List<String> values) {
addCriterion("oil_no not in", values, "oilNo");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoBetween(String value1, String value2) {
addCriterion("oil_no between", value1, value2, "oilNo");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andOilNoNotBetween(String value1, String value2) {
addCriterion("oil_no not between", value1, value2, "oilNo");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andPriceRateIsNull() {
addCriterion("price_rate is null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andPriceRateIsNotNull() {
addCriterion("price_rate is not null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andPriceRateEqualTo(BigDecimal value) {
addCriterion("price_rate =", value, "priceRate");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andPriceRateNotEqualTo(BigDecimal value) {
addCriterion("price_rate <>", value, "priceRate");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andPriceRateGreaterThan(BigDecimal value) {
addCriterion("price_rate >", value, "priceRate");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andPriceRateGreaterThanOrEqualTo(BigDecimal value) {
addCriterion("price_rate >=", value, "priceRate");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andPriceRateLessThan(BigDecimal value) {
addCriterion("price_rate <", value, "priceRate");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andPriceRateLessThanOrEqualTo(BigDecimal value) {
addCriterion("price_rate <=", value, "priceRate");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andPriceRateIn(List<BigDecimal> values) {
addCriterion("price_rate in", values, "priceRate");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andPriceRateNotIn(List<BigDecimal> values) {
addCriterion("price_rate not in", values, "priceRate");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andPriceRateBetween(BigDecimal value1, BigDecimal value2) {
addCriterion("price_rate between", value1, value2, "priceRate");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andPriceRateNotBetween(BigDecimal value1, BigDecimal value2) {
addCriterion("price_rate not between", value1, value2, "priceRate");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andStatusIsNull() {
addCriterion("`status` is null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andStatusIsNotNull() {
addCriterion("`status` is not null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andStatusEqualTo(Integer value) {
addCriterion("`status` =", value, "status");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andStatusNotEqualTo(Integer value) {
addCriterion("`status` <>", value, "status");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andStatusGreaterThan(Integer value) {
addCriterion("`status` >", value, "status");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andStatusGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Integer value) {
addCriterion("`status` >=", value, "status");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andStatusLessThan(Integer value) {
addCriterion("`status` <", value, "status");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andStatusLessThanOrEqualTo(Integer value) {
addCriterion("`status` <=", value, "status");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andStatusIn(List<Integer> values) {
addCriterion("`status` in", values, "status");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andStatusNotIn(List<Integer> values) {
addCriterion("`status` not in", values, "status");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andStatusBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) {
addCriterion("`status` between", value1, value2, "status");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andStatusNotBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) {
addCriterion("`status` not between", value1, value2, "status");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andCreateTimeIsNull() {
addCriterion("create_time is null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andCreateTimeIsNotNull() {
addCriterion("create_time is not null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andCreateTimeEqualTo(Date value) {
addCriterion("create_time =", value, "createTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andCreateTimeNotEqualTo(Date value) {
addCriterion("create_time <>", value, "createTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andCreateTimeGreaterThan(Date value) {
addCriterion("create_time >", value, "createTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andCreateTimeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Date value) {
addCriterion("create_time >=", value, "createTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andCreateTimeLessThan(Date value) {
addCriterion("create_time <", value, "createTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andCreateTimeLessThanOrEqualTo(Date value) {
addCriterion("create_time <=", value, "createTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andCreateTimeIn(List<Date> values) {
addCriterion("create_time in", values, "createTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andCreateTimeNotIn(List<Date> values) {
addCriterion("create_time not in", values, "createTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andCreateTimeBetween(Date value1, Date value2) {
addCriterion("create_time between", value1, value2, "createTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andCreateTimeNotBetween(Date value1, Date value2) {
addCriterion("create_time not between", value1, value2, "createTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andUpdateTimeIsNull() {
addCriterion("update_time is null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andUpdateTimeIsNotNull() {
addCriterion("update_time is not null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andUpdateTimeEqualTo(Date value) {
addCriterion("update_time =", value, "updateTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andUpdateTimeNotEqualTo(Date value) {
addCriterion("update_time <>", value, "updateTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andUpdateTimeGreaterThan(Date value) {
addCriterion("update_time >", value, "updateTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andUpdateTimeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Date value) {
addCriterion("update_time >=", value, "updateTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andUpdateTimeLessThan(Date value) {
addCriterion("update_time <", value, "updateTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andUpdateTimeLessThanOrEqualTo(Date value) {
addCriterion("update_time <=", value, "updateTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andUpdateTimeIn(List<Date> values) {
addCriterion("update_time in", values, "updateTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andUpdateTimeNotIn(List<Date> values) {
addCriterion("update_time not in", values, "updateTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andUpdateTimeBetween(Date value1, Date value2) {
addCriterion("update_time between", value1, value2, "updateTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andUpdateTimeNotBetween(Date value1, Date value2) {
addCriterion("update_time not between", value1, value2, "updateTime");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt1IsNull() {
addCriterion("ext_1 is null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt1IsNotNull() {
addCriterion("ext_1 is not null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt1EqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_1 =", value, "ext1");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt1NotEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_1 <>", value, "ext1");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt1GreaterThan(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_1 >", value, "ext1");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt1GreaterThanOrEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_1 >=", value, "ext1");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt1LessThan(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_1 <", value, "ext1");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt1LessThanOrEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_1 <=", value, "ext1");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt1Like(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_1 like", value, "ext1");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt1NotLike(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_1 not like", value, "ext1");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt1In(List<String> values) {
addCriterion("ext_1 in", values, "ext1");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt1NotIn(List<String> values) {
addCriterion("ext_1 not in", values, "ext1");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt1Between(String value1, String value2) {
addCriterion("ext_1 between", value1, value2, "ext1");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt1NotBetween(String value1, String value2) {
addCriterion("ext_1 not between", value1, value2, "ext1");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt2IsNull() {
addCriterion("ext_2 is null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt2IsNotNull() {
addCriterion("ext_2 is not null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt2EqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_2 =", value, "ext2");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt2NotEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_2 <>", value, "ext2");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt2GreaterThan(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_2 >", value, "ext2");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt2GreaterThanOrEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_2 >=", value, "ext2");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt2LessThan(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_2 <", value, "ext2");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt2LessThanOrEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_2 <=", value, "ext2");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt2Like(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_2 like", value, "ext2");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt2NotLike(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_2 not like", value, "ext2");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt2In(List<String> values) {
addCriterion("ext_2 in", values, "ext2");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt2NotIn(List<String> values) {
addCriterion("ext_2 not in", values, "ext2");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt2Between(String value1, String value2) {
addCriterion("ext_2 between", value1, value2, "ext2");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt2NotBetween(String value1, String value2) {
addCriterion("ext_2 not between", value1, value2, "ext2");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt3IsNull() {
addCriterion("ext_3 is null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt3IsNotNull() {
addCriterion("ext_3 is not null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt3EqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_3 =", value, "ext3");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt3NotEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_3 <>", value, "ext3");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt3GreaterThan(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_3 >", value, "ext3");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt3GreaterThanOrEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_3 >=", value, "ext3");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt3LessThan(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_3 <", value, "ext3");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt3LessThanOrEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_3 <=", value, "ext3");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt3Like(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_3 like", value, "ext3");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt3NotLike(String value) {
addCriterion("ext_3 not like", value, "ext3");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt3In(List<String> values) {
addCriterion("ext_3 in", values, "ext3");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt3NotIn(List<String> values) {
addCriterion("ext_3 not in", values, "ext3");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt3Between(String value1, String value2) {
addCriterion("ext_3 between", value1, value2, "ext3");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andExt3NotBetween(String value1, String value2) {
addCriterion("ext_3 not between", value1, value2, "ext3");
return (Criteria) this;
public static class Criteria extends GeneratedCriteria {
protected Criteria() {
public static class Criterion {
private String condition;
private Object value;
private Object secondValue;
private boolean noValue;
private boolean singleValue;
private boolean betweenValue;
private boolean listValue;
private String typeHandler;
public String getCondition() {
return condition;
public Object getValue() {
return value;
public Object getSecondValue() {
return secondValue;
public boolean isNoValue() {
return noValue;
public boolean isSingleValue() {
return singleValue;
public boolean isBetweenValue() {
return betweenValue;
public boolean isListValue() {
return listValue;
public String getTypeHandler() {
return typeHandler;
protected Criterion(String condition) {
this.condition = condition;
this.typeHandler = null;
this.noValue = true;
protected Criterion(String condition, Object value, String typeHandler) {
this.condition = condition;
this.value = value;
this.typeHandler = typeHandler;
if (value instanceof List<?>) {
this.listValue = true;
} else {
this.singleValue = true;
protected Criterion(String condition, Object value) {
this(condition, value, null);
protected Criterion(String condition, Object value, Object secondValue, String typeHandler) {
this.condition = condition;
this.value = value;
this.secondValue = secondValue;
this.typeHandler = typeHandler;
this.betweenValue = true;
protected Criterion(String condition, Object value, Object secondValue) {
this(condition, value, secondValue, null);
} |