@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; |
import { Routes, RouterModule } from '@angular/router'; |
import {ListComponent} from './list/list.component'; |
const routes: Routes = [ |
{ path: 'list', component: ListComponent }, |
]; |
@NgModule({ |
imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)], |
exports: [RouterModule] |
}) |
export class ApiMerchantsRoutingModule { } |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; |
import {CommonModule} from '@angular/common'; |
import {ApiMerchantsRoutingModule} from './api-merchants-routing.module'; |
import {ListComponent} from './list/list.component'; |
import {NgZorroAntdModule} from '_ng-zorro-antd@9.3.0@ng-zorro-antd'; |
import {SeparateModule} from '../../common/separate/separate.module'; |
import {FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule} from '_@angular_forms@9.0.7@@angular/forms'; |
import {BreadcrumbModule} from '../../common/breadcrumb/breadcrumb.module'; |
import {RegionSelectorModule} from '../../common/region-selector/region-selector.module'; |
import {AppCommonModule} from '../../app-common.module'; |
@NgModule({ |
declarations: [ListComponent], |
imports: [ |
CommonModule, |
ApiMerchantsRoutingModule, |
NgZorroAntdModule, |
SeparateModule, |
ReactiveFormsModule, |
FormsModule, |
BreadcrumbModule, |
RegionSelectorModule, |
AppCommonModule |
] |
}) |
export class ApiMerchantsModule { |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ |
<!-- start 面包屑 --> |
<app-breadcrumb></app-breadcrumb> |
<!-- end 面包屑 --> |
<!--条件搜索--> |
<div class="inner-content"> |
<form nz-form [formGroup]="searchForm" (ngSubmit)="getRequest(true , searchForm.value)"> |
<div nz-row> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6">商户名称</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16"> |
<input nz-input formControlName="merchantName"/> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6">商户号</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16"> |
<input nz-input formControlName="mchId"/> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6">商户电话</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16"> |
<input nz-input formControlName="phone"/> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6">状态</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16"> |
<nz-select nzShowSearch nzAllowClear formControlName="status" nzPlaceHolder="请选择状态"> |
<nz-option nzLabel="正常" [nzValue]="100"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="禁用" [nzValue]="101"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div nz-row> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="24" class="search-button"> |
<button nz-button nzType="primary"><i nz-icon nzType="search" nzTheme="outline"></i>搜索</button> |
<button nz-button nzType="default" (click)="resetForm()"><i nz-icon nzType="reload" |
nzTheme="outline"></i>重置 |
</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</form> |
</div> |
<div class="inner-content"> |
<span>共计 {{total}} 条数据</span> |
<div class="operating-button"> |
<button nz-button nzType="primary" class="right-btn" (click)="getEdit()"><i nz-icon nzType="plus" nzTheme="outline"></i>添加</button> |
<button nz-button nzType="primary" class="right-btn" (click)="showRechargeModal()" ><i nz-icon nzType="plus" nzTheme="outline"></i>账户充值</button> |
</div> |
<nz-table |
class="table" |
#ajaxTable |
nzShowSizeChanger |
[nzFrontPagination]="false" |
[nzData]="requestData" |
[nzLoading]="loading" |
[nzTotal]="total" |
[(nzPageIndex)]="pageNum" |
[(nzPageSize)]="pageSize" |
[nzScroll]="{ x: '1200px' }" |
(nzPageIndexChange)="getRequest(false , searchForm.value)" |
(nzPageSizeChange)="getRequest(false , searchForm.value)"> |
<thead nzSingleSort> |
<tr> |
<th nzWidth="60px">编号</th> |
<th nzWidth="90px">商户名称</th> |
<th nzWidth="80px">联系人</th> |
<th nzWidth="80px">电话</th> |
<th nzWidth="90px">商户号</th> |
<th nzWidth="160px">商户KEY</th> |
<th nzWidth="80px">操作人员</th> |
<th nzWidth="120px">创建时间</th> |
<th nzRight nzWidth="100px">帐户余额</th> |
<th nzRight nzWidth="60px">状态</th> |
<th nzRight nzWidth="200px">操作</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr *ngFor="let data of; let i = index"> |
<td>{{i + 1}}</td> |
<td>{{data.merchantName}}</td> |
<td>{{data.userName }}</td> |
<td>{{ }}</td> |
<td>{{data.mchId }}</td> |
<td>{{data.apiKey }}</td> |
<td>{{data.operatorName }}</td> |
<td>{{data.createTime | date: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'}}</td> |
<td nzRight="">¥{{data.amounts}}</td> |
<td nzRight="">{{data.status== 100? '正常':'禁用'}}</td> |
<td nzRight class="table-td-operation"> |
<a *ngIf="data.status != 101" (click)="getEdit(">编辑</a> |
<nz-divider nzType="vertical"></nz-divider> |
<a nz-dropdown [nzDropdownMenu]="menu">更多操作</a> |
<nz-dropdown-menu #menu="nzDropdownMenu"> |
<ul nz-menu nzSelectable> |
<li class="li-a" nz-menu-item><a (click)="configProduct(">配置产品</a></li> |
<li class="li-a" nz-menu-item><a (click)="showConfigProduct(">产品详情</a></li> |
<li class="li-a" nz-menu-item><a (click)="getMerchRechargeData(">金额记录</a></li> |
<li class="li-a" nz-menu-item><a (click)='getForbiddenUser( , data.status)'>{{data.status === 101 ? '上线': '禁用'}}</a></li> |
</ul> |
</nz-dropdown-menu> |
</td> |
</tbody> |
</nz-table> |
</div> |
<nz-modal [(nzVisible)]="isVisible" nzTitle="商户编辑" (nzOnCancel)="handleCancel()" (nzOnOk)="handleOk()"> |
<form nz-form [formGroup]="validateForm" class="login-form"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" nzRequired>商户名称</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16" nzErrorTip="请输入商户名称!"> |
<input nz-input formControlName="merchantName" /> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" nzRequired>商户联系人</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16" nzErrorTip="请输入商户联系人!"> |
<input nz-input formControlName="userName" /> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" nzRequired>商户电话</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16" nzErrorTip="请输入商户电话!"> |
<input nz-input formControlName="phone" /> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</form> |
</nz-modal> |
<nz-modal [(nzVisible)]="rechargeModal" nzTitle="账户充值" (nzOnCancel)="rechargeModal = false" nzWidth="500px" [nzFooter]="null"> |
<form nz-form [formGroup]="rechargeForm"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" nzRequired >部门</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<nz-select nzShowSearch nzAllowClear nzPlaceHolder="请选择商户" formControlName="merchantId"> |
<nz-option *ngFor="let data of merchantArray" nzLabel="{{data.merchantName}}" nzValue="{{}}"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" nzRequired >充值金额¥</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<nz-input-number style="width: 100%" formControlName="amount" [nzMin]="0" [nzMax]="9999999" [nzStep]="1" [nzPrecision]="2"></nz-input-number> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" nzRequired >验证码</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<nz-input-group nzSearch [nzAddOnAfter]="suffixButton"> |
<input nz-input formControlName="smsCode" /> |
</nz-input-group> |
<ng-template #suffixButton> |
<button nz-button nzType="primary" [disabled]="smsCodeBtnLoading" (click)="sendSmsCode()">{{smsCodeBtnName}}</button> |
</ng-template> |
<span *ngIf="smsCodeBtnLoading" nz-typography nzType="warning">验证码已发送!5分钟内有效</span> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
<div style="text-align: center;"> |
<button nz-button nzType="primary" style="width: 150px;" [nzLoading]="submitRechargeBtnLoading" (click)="submitRecharge()">确定</button> |
</div> |
</form> |
</nz-modal> |
<nz-modal [(nzVisible)]="visible" nzTitle="商户充值记录" (nzOnCancel)="visible = false" nzWidth="1000px" [nzFooter]="null"> |
<nz-table #errorStudentTable [nzScroll]="{ x: '1200px' }" [nzData]="merchRechargeData"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th nzWidth="100px">类型</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">交易金额</th> |
<th nzWidth="120px">变更前金额</th> |
<th nzWidth="120px">变更后金额</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">来源类型</th> |
<th nzWidth="300px">来源内容</th> |
<th nzWidth="130px">操作人</th> |
<th nzWidth="200px">记录时间</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr *ngFor="let data of;let i = index"> |
<td>{{data.amountType | companyAmountRecordType}}</td> |
<td>¥{{data.amount}}</td> |
<td>¥{{data.beforeAmount}}</td> |
<td>¥{{data.afterAmount}}</td> |
<td>{{data.sourceType | sourceType}}</td> |
<td>{{data.sourceContent}}</td> |
<td>{{data.operatorName}}</td> |
<td>{{data.createTime | date : 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'}}</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</nz-table> |
</nz-modal> |
<nz-modal [(nzVisible)]="configVisible" nzTitle="产品配置" (nzOnCancel)="configVisible = false" (nzOnOk)="handleOkConfig()"> |
<form nz-form [formGroup]="configValidateForm" class="login-form"> |
<nz-form-item *ngIf="!edit"> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" nzRequired>选择产品</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16" nzErrorTip="请选择选择产品!"> |
<nz-select |
nzMode="multiple" |
formControlName="productIds" |
nzPlaceHolder="请选择充值金额" |
> |
<nz-option *ngFor="let item of productArray" nzValue="{{}}" nzLabel="{{item.operatorType | rechargePrice}}|{{item.phoneRechargeType== 1? '快充':'慢充'}}|{{item.rechargePrice}}元"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" nzRequired>折扣比例</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16" nzErrorTip="请输入折扣比例!"> |
<nz-input-number |
style="width: 200px" |
formControlName="discount" |
[nzMin]="1" |
[nzMax]="100" |
[nzStep]="1" |
[nzPrecision]="2" |
nzPrecisionMode="cut" |
nzPlaceHolder="请输入折扣比例!" |
[nzFormatter]="formatterPercent" |
[nzParser]="parserPercent" |
></nz-input-number> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</form> |
</nz-modal> |
<nz-modal [(nzVisible)]="visibleConfigProduct" nzTitle="商户产品" (nzOnCancel)="visibleConfigProduct = false" nzWidth="1000px" [nzFooter]="null"> |
<nz-table #productConfigTable [nzScroll]="{ x: '1200px' }" [nzData]="productConfigArray"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th nzWidth="60px">编号</th> |
<th nzWidth="90px">充值金额</th> |
<th nzWidth="90px">折扣金额</th> |
<th nzWidth="120px">运营商</th> |
<th nzWidth="90px">充值类型</th> |
<th nzWidth="120px">创建时间</th> |
<th nzRight nzWidth="80px">状态</th> |
<th nzRight nzWidth="160px">操作</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr *ngFor="let data of;let i = index"> |
<td>{{i + 1}}</td> |
<td>{{data.rechargePrice}}</td> |
<td>{{data.discountPrice}}</td> |
<td>{{data.operatorType | rechargePrice}}</td> |
<td>{{data.phoneRechargeType== 1? '快充':'慢充'}}</td> |
<td>{{data.createTime | date: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'}}</td> |
<td nzRight>{{data.configStatus== 101? '正常':'下架中'}}</td> |
<td nzRight class="table-td-operation"> |
<a *ngIf="data.configStatus != 101" (click)="getEditConfigProduct(data.apiConfigProductId)">编辑</a> |
<a style="margin-left: 20px;" (click)='getEditConfigProductStatus(data.apiConfigProductId , data.configStatus)'>{{data.configStatus === 101 ? '下线': '上线'}}</a> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</nz-table> |
</nz-modal> |
<nz-modal [(nzVisible)]="editConfigVisible" nzTitle="编辑产品折扣" (nzOnCancel)="editConfigVisible = false" (nzOnOk)="handleOkConfigEdit()"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" nzRequired>折扣比例</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16" nzErrorTip="请输入折扣比例!"> |
<nz-input-number |
style="width: 200px" |
[(ngModel)]="discount" |
[nzMin]="1" |
[nzMax]="100" |
[nzStep]="1" |
[nzPrecision]="2" |
nzPrecisionMode="cut" |
nzPlaceHolder="请输入折扣比例!" |
[nzFormatter]="formatterPercent" |
[nzParser]="parserPercent" |
></nz-input-number> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</nz-modal> |
@ -0,0 +1,465 @@ |
import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core'; |
import {environment} from '../../../../environments/environment'; |
import {FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators} from '_@angular_forms@9.0.7@@angular/forms'; |
import {CouponService} from '../../../services/coupon.service'; |
import {IconService} from '../../../services/icon.service'; |
import {NzMessageService} from '_ng-zorro-antd@9.3.0@ng-zorro-antd'; |
import {Router} from '_@angular_router@9.0.7@@angular/router'; |
import {CommonsService} from '../../../services/commons.service'; |
import {ApiMerchantsService} from '../../../services/api-merchants.service'; |
import {ApiProductService} from '../../../services/api-product.service'; |
@Component({ |
selector: 'app-list', |
templateUrl: './list.component.html', |
styleUrls: ['./list.component.scss'] |
}) |
export class ListComponent implements OnInit { |
WEB_SERVE_URL = environment.imageUrl; |
searchForm: FormGroup; // 搜索框
validateForm: FormGroup; // 添加框
requestData = []; // 列表数据
priceArray = []; // 价格数据
platformArray = []; // 充值平台数据
total: number; // 页码
pageNum = 1; // 页码
pageSize = 10; // 条码
loading = true; |
isVisible = false; |
visible = false; |
configVisible = false; |
editConfigVisible = false; |
visibleConfigProduct = false; |
id: number; |
edit = false; |
payPrice; |
isVisibleGoods = false; |
realPrice = 0; |
rechargeModal = false; |
rechargeForm: FormGroup; |
configValidateForm: FormGroup; |
rechargeParam: any = {}; |
smsCodeBtnName = '获取验证码'; |
smsCodeBtnLoading = false; |
submitRechargeBtnLoading = false; |
countdownTime; |
merchantArray = []; |
merchRechargeData = []; |
merchantId: number; |
configProductId: number; |
productArray = []; |
productConfigArray = []; |
discount; |
formatterPercent = (value: number): string => `${value == null ? 0 : value} %`; |
parserPercent = (value: string): string => value.replace(' %', ''); |
constructor( |
private form: FormBuilder, |
private apiMerchants: ApiMerchantsService, |
private apiProduct: ApiProductService, |
private coupon: CouponService, |
private iconService: IconService, |
private message: NzMessageService, |
private router: Router, |
private common: CommonsService |
) { |
} |
ngOnInit(): void { |
this.init(); |
this.getInitData(); |
} |
// 获取初始化数据
private getInitData(): void { |
// 获取价格数据
this.common.getDictionary('RECHARGE_AMOUNT ', data => { |
this.priceArray = data['return_data']; |
}); |
// 获取充值平台
this.common.getDictionary('RECHARGE_PLATFORM ', data => { |
this.platformArray = data['return_data']; |
}); |
} |
public init(): void { |
this.rechargeForm ={ |
merchantId: [null, [Validators.required]], |
amount: [null, [Validators.required]], |
smsCode: [null, [Validators.required]], |
}); |
this.searchForm ={ |
merchantName: [null], |
mchId: [null], |
phone: [null], |
status: [null], |
}); |
this.validateForm ={ |
merchantName: [null, [Validators.required]], |
userName: [null, [Validators.required]], |
phone: [null, [Validators.required]], |
}); |
this.configValidateForm ={ |
productIds: [null, [Validators.required]], |
discount: [null, [Validators.required]], |
}); |
this.getRequest(true, this.searchForm.value); |
this.apiMerchants.getListApiMerchantByAll(data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.merchantArray = data['return_data']; |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
this.apiProduct.getAvailableApiProductByList(data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.productArray = data['return_data']; |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} |
// 查询列表
public getRequest(reset: boolean = false, whereObject: object) { |
this.loading = false; |
if (reset) { |
this.pageNum = 1; |
} |
whereObject['pageNum'] = this.pageNum; |
whereObject['pageSize'] = this.pageSize; |
this.apiMerchants.getListApiMerchant(whereObject, data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.requestData = data['return_data'].list; |
|||| = data['return_data'].total; |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} |
// 重置
public resetForm(): void { |
this.searchForm.reset(); |
} |
// 修改
public getEdit(id?: number): void { |
if (id != null) { |
|||| = id; |
this.edit = true; |
this.apiMerchants.findById(id, data => { |
this.validateForm.patchValue(data['return_data']); |
this.isVisible = true; |
}); |
} else { |
this.validateForm.reset(); |
this.isVisible = true; |
this.edit = false; |
} |
} |
handleOk(): void { |
// tslint:disable-next-line:forin
for (const i in this.validateForm.controls) { |
this.validateForm.controls[i].markAsDirty(); |
this.validateForm.controls[i].updateValueAndValidity(); |
if (this.validateForm.controls[i].errors != null) { |
this.message.error('必填项不能为空'); |
return; |
} |
} |
const wait = this.message.loading('提交中..', {nzDuration: 0}).messageId; |
if (this.edit) { |
this.validateForm.value['id'] =; |
this.apiMerchants.updateMerchant(this.validateForm.value, data => { |
this.message.remove(wait); |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.message.success('修改成功'); |
this.getRequest(false, this.searchForm.value); |
this.validateForm.reset(); |
this.isVisible = false; |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} else { |
this.apiMerchants.insertMerchant(this.validateForm.value, data => { |
this.message.remove(wait); |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.message.success('添加成功'); |
this.getRequest(false, this.searchForm.value); |
this.isVisible = false; |
this.validateForm.reset(); |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
handleCancel(): void { |
this.validateForm.reset(); |
this.isVisible = false; |
} |
public getForbiddenUser(idPost, status: any): void { |
let statusPost; |
let message; |
switch (status) { |
case 101: |
statusPost = 100; |
message = '是否上线'; |
break; |
case 100: |
statusPost = 101; |
message = '是否禁用'; |
break; |
} |
this.common.showConfirm(message, item => { |
if (item) { |
this.apiMerchants.editMerchantsStatus({ |
id: idPost, |
status: statusPost |
}, data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.message.success('提交成功'); |
this.getRequest(false, this.searchForm.value); |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
public getEditConfigProductStatus(idPost, status: any): void { |
let statusPost; |
let message; |
switch (status) { |
case 102: |
statusPost = 101; |
message = '是否上线'; |
break; |
case 101: |
statusPost = 102; |
message = '是否禁用'; |
break; |
} |
this.common.showConfirm(message, item => { |
if (item) { |
this.apiMerchants.editConfigApiProductByStatus({ |
id: idPost, |
status: statusPost |
}, data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.message.success('提交成功'); |
this.getListMerchProduct(this.merchantId); |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
/** |
* 展示充值模态框 |
*/ |
showRechargeModal() { |
this.rechargeModal = true; |
} |
/** |
* 发送验证码 |
*/ |
sendSmsCode() { |
this.rechargeForm.controls.merchantId.enable(); |
this.rechargeForm.controls.amount.enable(); |
if (this.rechargeForm.value.merchantId == null) { |
this.message.error('请选择充值商户'); |
return; |
} |
this.rechargeParam['merchantId'] = this.rechargeForm.value['merchantId']; |
this.rechargeParam['amount'] = this.rechargeForm.value['amount']; |
this.rechargeForm.controls.merchantId.disable(); |
this.rechargeForm.controls.amount.disable(); |
this.common.sendRechargeSmsCode('18090580471', this.rechargeParam['merchantId'], this.rechargeParam['amount'], data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.getVerifyCodeCountdown(); |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
this.rechargeForm.controls.merchantId.enable(); |
this.rechargeForm.controls.amount.enable(); |
} |
}); |
} |
/** |
* 获取验证码倒计时 |
*/ |
getVerifyCodeCountdown() { |
let countdownSecond = 60; // 倒计时60秒
this.countdownTime = setInterval(() => { |
if (countdownSecond <= 1) { |
this.smsCodeBtnName = '获取验证码'; |
this.smsCodeBtnLoading = false; |
clearInterval(this.countdownTime); |
} else { |
countdownSecond--; |
this.smsCodeBtnName = String(countdownSecond); |
this.smsCodeBtnLoading = true; |
} |
}, 1000); |
} |
/** |
* 提交充值 |
*/ |
submitRecharge() { |
this.submitRechargeBtnLoading = true; |
// tslint:disable-next-line:forin
for (const i in this.rechargeForm.controls) { |
this.rechargeForm.controls[i].markAsDirty(); |
this.rechargeForm.controls[i].updateValueAndValidity(); |
} |
this.rechargeParam.smsCode = this.rechargeForm.value['smsCode']; |
if (this.rechargeForm.status == null || this.rechargeForm.status !== 'VALID') { |
this.message.error('请填写所有必填项'); |
this.submitRechargeBtnLoading = false; |
return; |
} |
this.apiMerchants.recharge(this.rechargeParam, data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.message.success('充值成功'); |
this.rechargeForm.controls.merchantId.enable(); |
this.rechargeForm.controls.amount.enable(); |
this.rechargeForm ={ |
merchantId: [null, [Validators.required]], |
amount: [null, [Validators.required]], |
smsCode: [null, [Validators.required]], |
}); |
this.rechargeModal = false; |
this.smsCodeBtnLoading = false; |
this.getRequest(false, this.searchForm.value); |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
this.submitRechargeBtnLoading = false; |
}); |
} |
// 请求商户充值记录
public getMerchRechargeData(id: number): void { |
this.visible = true; |
this.apiMerchants.getMerchRechargeData(id, data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.merchRechargeData = data['return_data']; |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} |
// 配置产品
public configProduct(id: number): void { |
this.merchantId = id; |
this.configVisible = true; |
} |
// 提交配置产品
handleOkConfig(): void { |
// tslint:disable-next-line:forin
for (const i in this.configValidateForm.controls) { |
this.configValidateForm.controls[i].markAsDirty(); |
this.configValidateForm.controls[i].updateValueAndValidity(); |
console.log(this.configValidateForm.controls[i]); |
if (this.configValidateForm.controls[i].errors != null) { |
this.message.error('必填项不能为空'); |
return; |
} |
} |
this.configValidateForm.value['merchantsId'] = this.merchantId; |
this.apiMerchants.configApiProduct(this.configValidateForm.value , data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.configVisible = false; |
this.message.success('提交成功'); |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} |
public showConfigProduct(id: number) { |
this.visibleConfigProduct = true; |
this.merchantId = id; |
this.getListMerchProduct(id); |
} |
public getListMerchProduct(id: number): void { |
this.apiProduct.getListMerchProduct(id , data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.productConfigArray = data['return_data']; |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} |
// 修改商品
public getEditConfigProduct(id: number) { |
this.configProductId = id; |
this.apiMerchants.findConfigProduct(id , data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
|||| = data['return_data']['discount']; |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
this.editConfigVisible = true; |
} |
handleOkConfigEdit() { |
if ( == null) { |
this.message.error('请输入折扣比例'); |
} |
const prams = { |
discount:, |
id: this.configProductId |
}; |
this.apiMerchants.updateConfigApiProduct(prams , data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.editConfigVisible = false; |
this.getListMerchProduct(this.merchantId); |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; |
import { Routes, RouterModule } from '@angular/router'; |
import {ListComponent} from './list/list.component'; |
const routes: Routes = [ |
{ path: 'list', component: ListComponent }, |
]; |
@NgModule({ |
imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)], |
exports: [RouterModule] |
}) |
export class ApiProductRoutingModule { } |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; |
import {CommonModule} from '@angular/common'; |
import {ApiProductRoutingModule} from './api-product-routing.module'; |
import {ListComponent} from './list/list.component'; |
import {NgZorroAntdModule} from '_ng-zorro-antd@9.3.0@ng-zorro-antd'; |
import {SeparateModule} from '../../common/separate/separate.module'; |
import {FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule} from '_@angular_forms@9.0.7@@angular/forms'; |
import {BreadcrumbModule} from '../../common/breadcrumb/breadcrumb.module'; |
import {RegionSelectorModule} from '../../common/region-selector/region-selector.module'; |
import {AppCommonModule} from '../../app-common.module'; |
@NgModule({ |
declarations: [ListComponent], |
imports: [ |
CommonModule, |
ApiProductRoutingModule, |
NgZorroAntdModule, |
SeparateModule, |
ReactiveFormsModule, |
FormsModule, |
BreadcrumbModule, |
RegionSelectorModule, |
AppCommonModule |
] |
}) |
export class ApiProductModule { |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ |
<!-- start 面包屑 --> |
<app-breadcrumb></app-breadcrumb> |
<!-- end 面包屑 --> |
<!--条件搜索--> |
<div class="inner-content"> |
<form nz-form [formGroup]="searchForm" (ngSubmit)="getRequest(true , searchForm.value)"> |
<div nz-row> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6">运营商</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16"> |
<nz-select nzShowSearch nzAllowClear formControlName="operatorType" nzPlaceHolder="请选择运营商"> |
<nz-option nzLabel="电信运营商" nzValue="1"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="移动运营商" nzValue="2"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="联通运营商" nzValue="3"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6">充值平台</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16"> |
<nz-select nzShowSearch nzAllowClear formControlName="rechargePlatform" nzPlaceHolder="请选择充值平台"> |
<nz-option nzLabel="尖椒" [nzValue]="1"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="龙阅" [nzValue]="2"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6">话费充值类型</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16"> |
<nz-select nzShowSearch nzAllowClear formControlName="phoneRechargeType" nzPlaceHolder="请选择充值类型"> |
<nz-option nzLabel="快充" [nzValue]="1"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="慢充" [nzValue]="2"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6">状态</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16"> |
<nz-select nzShowSearch nzAllowClear formControlName="status" nzPlaceHolder="请选择状态"> |
<nz-option nzLabel="上线" [nzValue]="101"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="编辑中" [nzValue]="102"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div nz-row> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="24" class="search-button"> |
<button nz-button nzType="primary"><i nz-icon nzType="search" nzTheme="outline"></i>搜索</button> |
<button nz-button nzType="default" (click)="resetForm()"><i nz-icon nzType="reload" |
nzTheme="outline"></i>重置 |
</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</form> |
</div> |
<div class="inner-content"> |
<span>共计 {{total}} 条数据</span> |
<div class="operating-button"> |
<button nz-button nzType="primary" class="right-btn" (click)="getEdit()"><i nz-icon nzType="plus" nzTheme="outline"></i>添加</button> |
</div> |
<nz-table |
class="table" |
#ajaxTable |
nzShowSizeChanger |
[nzFrontPagination]="false" |
[nzData]="requestData" |
[nzLoading]="loading" |
[nzTotal]="total" |
[(nzPageIndex)]="pageNum" |
[(nzPageSize)]="pageSize" |
[nzScroll]="{ x: '1200px' }" |
(nzPageIndexChange)="getRequest(false , searchForm.value)" |
(nzPageSizeChange)="getRequest(false , searchForm.value)"> |
<thead nzSingleSort> |
<tr> |
<th nzWidth="60px">编号</th> |
<th nzWidth="90px">充值金额</th> |
<th nzWidth="120px">运营商</th> |
<th nzWidth="90px">充值类型</th> |
<th nzWidth="90px">充值平台</th> |
<th nzWidth="80px">商品ID</th> |
<th nzWidth="120px">创建时间</th> |
<th nzRight nzWidth="80px">状态</th> |
<th nzRight nzWidth="160px">操作</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr *ngFor="let data of; let i = index"> |
<td>{{i + 1}}</td> |
<td>{{data.rechargePrice}}</td> |
<td>{{data.operatorType | rechargePrice}}</td> |
<td>{{data.phoneRechargeType== 1? '快充':'慢充'}}</td> |
<td>{{data.rechargePlatform | rechargePlatform}}</td> |
<td>{{data.goodsId == null ? '暂未配置' : data.goodsId}}</td> |
<td>{{data.createTime | date: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'}}</td> |
<td nzRight="">{{data.status== 101? '上线':'编辑中'}}</td> |
<td nzRight class="table-td-operation"> |
<a *ngIf="data.status != 101" (click)="getEdit(">编辑</a> |
<a style="margin-left: 20px;" (click)='getForbiddenUser( , data.status)'>{{data.status === 101 ? '下线': '上线'}}</a> |
<a *ngIf="data.status != 101" style="margin-left: 20px;" (click)="getForbiddenUserD(">删除</a> |
</td> |
</tbody> |
</nz-table> |
</div> |
<nz-modal [(nzVisible)]="isVisible" nzTitle="金额编辑" (nzOnCancel)="handleCancel()" (nzOnOk)="handleOk()"> |
<form nz-form [formGroup]="validateForm" class="login-form"> |
<nz-form-item *ngIf="!edit"> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" nzRequired>充值金额</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16" nzErrorTip="请选择充值金额!"> |
<nz-select |
nzMode="multiple" |
formControlName="prices" |
nzPlaceHolder="请选择充值金额" |
> |
<nz-option *ngFor="let item of priceArray" nzValue="{{item.codeValue}}" nzLabel="{{item.codeName}}"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
<input *ngIf="edit" readonly nz-input formControlName="rechargePrice" /> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-item *ngIf="edit"> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" nzRequired>充值金额</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16" nzErrorTip="请输入充值金额!"> |
<input readonly nz-input formControlName="rechargePrice" /> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" nzRequired>运营商</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16" nzErrorTip="请选择运营商!"> |
<nz-select nzShowSearch nzAllowClear formControlName="operatorType" nzPlaceHolder="请选择运营商!"> |
<nz-option nzLabel="电信运营商" [nzValue]="1"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="移动运营商" [nzValue]="2"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="联通运营商" [nzValue]="3"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" nzRequired>充值平台</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16" nzErrorTip="请选择充值平台!"> |
<nz-select nzShowSearch nzAllowClear nzMode="multiple" formControlName="rechargePlatform" nzPlaceHolder="请选择充值平台"> |
<nz-option *ngFor="let item of platformArray" [nzValue]="item.codeValue" [nzLabel]="item.codeName"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" nzRequired>充值类型</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16" nzErrorTip="请选择充值类型!"> |
<nz-select nzShowSearch nzAllowClear formControlName="phoneRechargeType" nzPlaceHolder="请选择充值类型"> |
<nz-option nzLabel="快充" [nzValue] ="1"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="慢充" [nzValue]="2"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-item *ngIf="edit"> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" >商品编号</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16" nzErrorTip="请输入商品编号!"> |
<nz-input-number |
style="width: 200px" |
formControlName="productId" |
[nzMin]="1" |
[nzMax]="10000" |
[nzStep]="1" |
nzPlaceHolder="请输入商品编号!" |
></nz-input-number> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-item *ngIf="edit"> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" >排序</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16" nzErrorTip="请输入排序!"> |
<nz-input-number |
style="width: 200px" |
formControlName="sort" |
[nzMin]="1" |
[nzMax]="100" |
[nzStep]="1" |
nzPlaceHolder="请输入排序!" |
></nz-input-number> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</form> |
</nz-modal> |
@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; |
import {environment} from '../../../../environments/environment'; |
import {FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators} from '_@angular_forms@9.0.7@@angular/forms'; |
import {RechargeService} from '../../../services/recharge.service'; |
import {DiscountService} from '../../../services/discount.service'; |
import {CouponService} from '../../../services/coupon.service'; |
import {IconService} from '../../../services/icon.service'; |
import {NzMessageService} from '_ng-zorro-antd@9.3.0@ng-zorro-antd'; |
import {Router} from '_@angular_router@9.0.7@@angular/router'; |
import {CommonsService} from '../../../services/commons.service'; |
import {ApiProductService} from '../../../services/api-product.service'; |
@Component({ |
selector: 'app-list', |
templateUrl: './list.component.html', |
styleUrls: ['./list.component.scss'] |
}) |
export class ListComponent implements OnInit { |
WEB_SERVE_URL = environment.imageUrl; |
searchForm: FormGroup; // 搜索框
validateForm: FormGroup; // 添加框
requestData = []; // 列表数据
priceArray = []; // 价格数据
platformArray = []; // 充值平台数据
total: number; // 页码
pageNum = 1; // 页码
pageSize = 10; // 条码
loading = true; |
isVisible = false; |
visible = false; |
id: number; |
edit = false; |
payPrice; |
isVisibleGoods = false; |
realPrice = 0; |
constructor( |
private form: FormBuilder, |
private recharge: RechargeService, |
private discount: DiscountService, |
private apiProduct: ApiProductService, |
private coupon: CouponService, |
private iconService: IconService, |
private message: NzMessageService, |
private router: Router, |
private common: CommonsService |
) { |
} |
ngOnInit(): void { |
this.init(); |
this.getInitData(); |
} |
// 获取初始化数据
private getInitData(): void { |
// 获取价格数据
this.common.getDictionary('RECHARGE_AMOUNT ', data => { |
this.priceArray = data['return_data']; |
}); |
// 获取充值平台
this.common.getDictionary('RECHARGE_PLATFORM ', data => { |
this.platformArray = data['return_data']; |
}); |
} |
public init(): void { |
this.searchForm ={ |
operatorType : [null], |
rechargePlatform: [null], |
phoneRechargeType: [null], |
status: [null], |
}); |
this.validateForm ={ |
operatorType: [null, [Validators.required]], |
prices: [null, [Validators.required]], |
phoneRechargeType: [null, [Validators.required]], |
rechargePlatform: [null, [Validators.required]], |
rechargePrice: [null], |
sort: [null], |
productId: [null], |
}); |
this.getRequest(true, this.searchForm.value); |
} |
// 查询列表
public getRequest(reset: boolean = false, whereObject: object) { |
this.loading = false; |
if (reset) { |
this.pageNum = 1; |
} |
whereObject['pageNum'] = this.pageNum; |
whereObject['pageSize'] = this.pageSize; |
this.apiProduct.getListApiProduct(whereObject, data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.requestData = data['return_data'].list; |
|||| = data['return_data'].total; |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} |
// 重置
public resetForm(): void { |
this.searchForm.reset(); |
} |
// 修改
public getEdit(id?: number): void { |
if (id != null) { |
|||| = id; |
this.edit = true; |
this.apiProduct.findById(id, data => { |
data['return_data']['rechargePlatform'] = data['return_data']['rechargePlatform'].substring(1 , data['return_data']['rechargePlatform'].length - 1).split('-'); |
data['return_data']['prices'] = ['1']; |
this.validateForm.patchValue(data['return_data']); |
this.isVisible = true; |
}); |
} else { |
this.validateForm.reset(); |
this.isVisible = true; |
this.edit = false; |
} |
} |
handleOk(): void { |
console.log(this.validateForm.value); |
const wait = this.message.loading('提交中..', { nzDuration: 0 }).messageId; |
// tslint:disable-next-line:forin
for (const i in this.validateForm.controls) { |
this.validateForm.controls[i].markAsDirty(); |
this.validateForm.controls[i].updateValueAndValidity(); |
if (this.validateForm.controls[i].errors != null) { |
this.message.error('必填项不能为空'); |
return; |
} |
} |
if (this.edit) { |
this.validateForm.value['id'] =; |
this.apiProduct.updateProduct(this.validateForm.value, data => { |
this.message.remove(wait); |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.message.success('修改成功'); |
this.getRequest(false, this.searchForm.value); |
this.validateForm.reset(); |
this.isVisible = false; |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} else { |
this.apiProduct.insertProduct(this.validateForm.value, data => { |
this.message.remove(wait); |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.message.success('添加成功'); |
this.getRequest(false, this.searchForm.value); |
this.isVisible = false; |
this.validateForm.reset(); |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
handleCancel(): void { |
this.validateForm.reset(); |
this.isVisible = false; |
} |
public getForbiddenUser(idPost, status: any): void { |
let statusPost; |
let message; |
switch (status) { |
case 101: |
statusPost = 102; |
message = '是否下线'; |
break; |
case 102: |
statusPost = 101; |
message = '是否上线'; |
break; |
} |
this.common.showConfirm(message, item => { |
if (item) { |
this.apiProduct.editProductStatus( { |
id: idPost, |
status: statusPost |
}, data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.message.success('提交成功'); |
this.getRequest(false, this.searchForm.value); |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
public getForbiddenUserD(idPost): void { |
this.common.showConfirm('是否删除', item => { |
if (item) { |
this.recharge.editPriceStatus({ |
id: idPost, |
status: 0 |
}, data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.message.success('删除成功'); |
this.getRequest(false, this.searchForm.value); |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core'; |
@Pipe({ |
name: 'sourceType' |
}) |
export class SourceTypePipe implements PipeTransform { |
transform(value: number): string { |
switch (value) { |
case 1: |
return '金额充值'; |
case 2: |
return '订单退款'; |
case 3: |
return '话费消费'; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ |
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; |
import {HttpClient} from "_@angular_common@9.0.7@@angular/common/http"; |
import {CommonsService} from './commons.service'; |
import {environment} from "../../environments/environment"; |
@Injectable({ |
providedIn: 'root' |
}) |
export class ApiMerchantsService { |
constructor( |
private http: HttpClient, |
private common: CommonsService |
) { } |
/** |
* 查询列表 |
* |
* @param paramsObject 对象 |
* @param callBack 回调 |
*/ |
public getListApiMerchant(paramsObject: object, callBack) { |
this.http.get(environment.baseUrl + 'apiMerchants/getListApiMerchant?' + this.common.getWhereCondition(paramsObject)).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* @Author Sum1Dream |
* @methodName editPriceStatus |
* @Description // 修改价格状态
* @Date 15:03 2021/8/12 |
* @Param mod |
**/ |
public updateMerchant(params: object, callBack) { |
|||| + 'apiMerchants/updateMerchant', params).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* 新增 |
* |
* @param params 上传对象 |
* @param callBack 回调 |
* @return data 返回结果 |
*/ |
public insertMerchant(params: object, callBack) { |
|||| + 'apiMerchants/insertMerchant', params).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* @Author Sum1Dream |
* @methodName editPriceStatus |
* @Description // 修改价格状态
* @Date 15:03 2021/8/12 |
* @Param mod |
**/ |
public editMerchantsStatus(params: object, callBack) { |
|||| + 'apiMerchants/editMerchantsStatus', params).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* 根据id查询详情 |
* |
* @param id id |
* @param callBack 回调 |
*/ |
public findById(id: number, callBack) { |
this.http.get(environment.baseUrl + 'apiMerchants/findById?id=' + id).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* @Author Sum1Dream |
* @methodName getListApiMerchantByAll |
* @Description // 查询所有正常商户
* @Date 15:03 2021/8/12 |
* @Param mod |
**/ |
public getListApiMerchantByAll(callBack) { |
this.http.get(environment.baseUrl + 'apiMerchants/getListApiMerchantByAll').subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* @Author Sum1Dream |
* @methodName |
* @Description // 商户充值
* @Date 14:28 2022/6/8 |
* @Param |
*/ |
public recharge(params: object, callBack) { |
|||| + 'apiMerchants/recharge', params).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* @Author Sum1Dream |
* @methodName getMerchRechargeData |
* @Description // 查询商户充值数据
* @Date 15:19 2022/6/8 |
* @Param id |
*/ |
public getMerchRechargeData(id: number, callBack) { |
this.http.get(environment.baseUrl + 'apiMerchants/getMerchRechargeData?merchantId=' + id).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* @Author Sum1Dream |
* @methodName configApiProduct |
* @Description // 提交配置产品
* @Date 18:00 2022/6/8 |
* @Param
*/ |
public configApiProduct(params: object, callBack) { |
|||| + 'apiProduct/configApiProduct', params).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* @Author Sum1Dream |
* @methodName editPriceStatus |
* @Description // 修改价格状态
* @Date 15:03 2021/8/12 |
* @Param mod |
**/ |
public editConfigApiProductByStatus(params: object, callBack) { |
|||| + 'apiProduct/editConfigApiProductByStatus', params).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* 根据id查询详情 |
* |
* @param id id |
* @param callBack 回调 |
*/ |
public findConfigProduct(id: number, callBack) { |
this.http.get(environment.baseUrl + 'apiProduct/findConfigProduct?id=' + id).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* @Author Sum1Dream |
* @methodName editPriceStatus |
* @Description // 修改价格状态
* @Date 15:03 2021/8/12 |
* @Param mod |
**/ |
public updateConfigApiProduct(params: object, callBack) { |
|||| + 'apiProduct/updateConfigApiProduct', params).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ |
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; |
import {HttpClient} from '_@angular_common@9.0.7@@angular/common/http'; |
import {CommonsService} from './commons.service'; |
import {environment} from "../../environments/environment"; |
@Injectable({ |
providedIn: 'root' |
}) |
export class ApiProductService { |
constructor( |
private http: HttpClient, |
private common: CommonsService |
) { } |
/** |
* 查询列表 |
* |
* @param paramsObject 对象 |
* @param callBack 回调 |
*/ |
public getListApiProduct(paramsObject: object, callBack) { |
this.http.get(environment.baseUrl + 'apiProduct/getListApiProduct?' + this.common.getWhereCondition(paramsObject)).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* @Author Sum1Dream |
* @methodName editPriceStatus |
* @Description // 修改价格状态
* @Date 15:03 2021/8/12 |
* @Param mod |
**/ |
public updateProduct(params: object, callBack) { |
|||| + 'apiProduct/updateProduct', params).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* 新增 |
* |
* @param params 上传对象 |
* @param callBack 回调 |
* @return data 返回结果 |
*/ |
public insertProduct(params: object, callBack) { |
|||| + 'apiProduct/insertProduct', params).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* @Author Sum1Dream |
* @methodName editPriceStatus |
* @Description // 修改价格状态
* @Date 15:03 2021/8/12 |
* @Param mod |
**/ |
public editProductStatus(params: object, callBack) { |
|||| + 'apiProduct/editProductStatus', params).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* 根据id查询详情 |
* |
* @param id id |
* @param callBack 回调 |
*/ |
public findById(id: number, callBack) { |
this.http.get(environment.baseUrl + 'apiProduct/findById?id=' + id).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* 根据id查询详情 |
* |
* @param callBack 回调 |
*/ |
public getAvailableApiProductByList(callBack) { |
this.http.get(environment.baseUrl + 'apiProduct/getAvailableApiProductByList').subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
public getListMerchProduct(id: number, callBack) { |
this.http.get(environment.baseUrl + 'apiMerchants/getListMerchProduct?merchantId=' + id).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue