You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

456 lines
11 KiB

<view class="content">
<view class="search-box">
<!-- mSearch组件 如果使用原样式删除组件元素-->
<mSearch class="mSearch-input-box" :mode="2" button="inside" :placeholder="defaultKeyword"
@search="doSearch(false)" @confirm="doSearch(false)" v-model="keyword"></mSearch>
<!-- 原样式 如果使用原样式恢复下方注销代码 -->
<view class="input-box">
<input type="text" :adjust-position="true" :placeholder="defaultKeyword" @input="inputChange" v-model="keyword" @confirm="doSearch(false)"
placeholder-class="placeholder-class" confirm-type="search">
<view class="search-btn" @tap="doSearch(false)">搜索</view>
<!-- 原样式 end -->
<!-- <view class="search-keyword">
<view class="keyword-list-box" >
<view v-for="(row,index) in keywordList" :key="index">
<view class="keyword-entry" hover-class="keyword-entry-tap">
<view class="keyword-text" @tap.stop="doSearch(keywordList[index].keyword)">
<rich-text :nodes="row.htmlStr"></rich-text>
<view class="keyword-img" @tap.stop="setKeyword(keywordList[index].keyword)">
<image src="/static/HM-search/back.png"></image>
</view> -->
<!-- <view class="keyword-box" > -->
<view class="product-list mart10">
<view class="product" v-for="product in productList" :key="" @tap="toGoods(product)">
<image mode="widthFix" :src="imageUrl+product.highMerchant.merchantLogo"></image>
<view class="name">{{ product.storeName }}</view>
import {
} from "../../../Utils/Api.js";
let app = getApp()
import mSearch from '@/components/mehaotian-search-revision/mehaotian-search-revision.vue';
export default {
data() {
return {
defaultKeyword: "",
keyword: "",
oldKeywordList: [],
hotKeywordList: [],
keywordList: [],
forbid: '',
isShowKeywordList: false,
imageUrl: app.globalData.imgUrl,
productList: [],
pageNum: 1,
pageSize: 10,
isNoMoreData: false,
loadingText: ''
onLoad() {
components: {
onReachBottom() {
methods: {
toGoods(e) {
url: '../../goods/store-list/store-details?id=' + + '&juli=' + e.distance
getStoreList() {
title: '加载中...'
if (this.isNoMoreData) {
this.loadingText = '到底了';
return false;
let pagenum = this.pageNum;
let params = {
pageNum: pagenum,
storeName: this.keyword,
pageSize: this.pageSize
getStoreList(params).then(res => {
if (res.return_code == '000000') {
this.isNoMoreData = res.return_data.list.length == this.pageSize ? false : true;
this.productList = this.productList.concat(res.return_data.list);
if ( == (this.pageNum * this.pageSize)) {
this.isNoMoreData = true;
this.pageNum = res.return_data.list.length == this.pageSize ? ++pagenum : pagenum;
} else {
this.productList = [];
init() {
blur() {
loadDefaultKeyword() {
4 years ago
this.defaultKeyword = "搜索门店";
loadOldKeyword() {
key: 'OldKeys',
success: (res) => {
var OldKeys = JSON.parse(;
this.oldKeywordList = OldKeys;
inputChange(event) {
var keyword = event.detail ? event.detail.value : event;
if (!keyword) {
this.keywordList = [];
this.isShowKeywordList = false;
this.isShowKeywordList = true;
drawCorrelativeKeyword(keywords, keyword) {
var len = keywords.length,
keywordArr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var row = keywords[i];
var html = row[0].replace(keyword, "<span style='color: #9f9f9f;'>" + keyword + "</span>");
html = '<div>' + html + '</div>';
var tmpObj = {
keyword: row[0],
htmlStr: html
return keywordArr;
setKeyword(index) {
this.keyword = this.keywordList[index].keyword;
oldDelete() {
content: '确定清除历史搜索记录?',
success: (res) => {
if (res.confirm) {
this.oldKeywordList = [];
key: 'OldKeys'
} else if (res.cancel) {
hotToggle() {
this.forbid = this.forbid ? '' : '_forbid';
doSearch(keyword) {
keyword = keyword === false ? this.keyword : keyword;
this.keyword = keyword;
this.pageNum = 1;
this.isNoMoreData = false;
this.productList = [];
saveKeyword(keyword) {
key: 'OldKeys',
success: (res) => {
var OldKeys = JSON.parse(;
var findIndex = OldKeys.indexOf(keyword);
if (findIndex == -1) {
} else {
OldKeys.splice(findIndex, 1);
OldKeys.length > 10 && OldKeys.pop();
key: 'OldKeys',
data: JSON.stringify(OldKeys)
this.oldKeywordList = OldKeys; //更新历史搜索
fail: (e) => {
var OldKeys = [keyword];
key: 'OldKeys',
data: JSON.stringify(OldKeys)
this.oldKeywordList = OldKeys; //更新历史搜索
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