You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

521 lines
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<view class="width100 backcorfff">
<image mode="widthFix" class=" flleft sear mart15" src="../../../static/img/btjy.png"></image>
<uSearchBar @confirm="search" @input="input"></uSearchBar>
<!-- <slFilter :independence="true" :color="titleColor" :themeColor="themeColor" :menuList.sync="menuList"
@result="result"></slFilter> -->
<view class="width100 height40 backcorfff">
<view class="width90">
<view class="stuMenu flleft fotct" @click="showPopup(1)">{{distance}}
<image mode="widthFix" class="stuimg margle" src="../../../static/img/xiala.png"></image>
<view class="stuMenu flleft fotct" @click="showPopup(2)">{{distanceName}}
<image mode="widthFix" class="stuimg margle" src="../../../static/img/xiala.png"></image>
<view class="stuMenu flleft fotct" @click="showPopup(3)">{{onilName}}
<image mode="widthFix" class="stuimg margle" src="../../../static/img/xiala.png"></image>
<view v-if="refuelList == '' " class="mart60 fotct font14 fcor666">
<image mode="widthFix" style="width: 70vw;" src="../../../static/img/noorder.png"></image>
<view class="width96 height100p backcorfff border-r mart10" v-for="(item,index) in refuelList" :key="index">
<image mode="widthFix" :src="item.store_logo" class="recontleft flleft mart10 border-r"
style="max-height: 80px;" @click="goDetails(item.store_key,">
4 years ago
<view class="recontright">
<view class="text1 width100 font18 fontwig6 paddtop10" @click="goDetails(item.store_key,">
<view class="width100 mart5 height22">
<view class="width70 flleft text1 font13 fcor999" @click="goDetails(item.store_key,">
<view class="width30 flright font13 fcor666 fotct" @click="seeloaction(item)">
<image mode="widthFix" src="../../../static/img/dh.png" style="width: 10px;"></image>
<view class="font14 width100 fcoreb5 mart5 height22" @click="goDetails(item.store_key,">
<text class="font18 fontwig6">{{item.price_vip}}</text><text
class="fcor999 margle">油站价{{item.price_gun}}</text>
4 years ago
<wybPopup ref="popup" type="bottom" height="800" width="500" radius="6" :showCloseIcon="false">
<view class="fotct font18 fontwig6 fcor333 mart10 height30" v-if="typeId == 1">筛选距离</view>
<view class="fotct font18 fontwig6 fcor333 mart10 height30" v-if="typeId == 2">优先条件</view>
<view class="fotct font18 fontwig6 fcor333 mart10 height30" v-if="typeId == 3">油号选择</view>
<view class="mart15" v-if="typeId == 1">
<view :class=" == distance?'activeRefuel':'refuel'" v-for="(item,index) in gunnumber"
:key="index" @click="changeValue(item)">
<view class="mart15" v-if="typeId == 2">
<view :class=" == distanceName?'activeRefuel':'refuel'" v-for="(item,index) in detailList"
:key="index" @click="changeValue1(item)">
<view class="mart15" v-if="typeId == 3">
<view v-for="(item,index) in oilList" :key="index">
<view class="font15 fcor666 width90 mart10 height22">{{}}</view>
<view :class=" == onilName?'activeRefuel':'refuel'"
v-for="(items,indexs) in item.nillist" :key="indexs" @click="changeValue2(items)">
4 years ago
import {
} from '../../../Utils/Api.js';
import slFilter from '@/components/sl-filter/sl-filter.vue';
import wybPopup from '../../../components/wyb-popup/wyb-popup.vue';
import uSearchBar from '../../../components/uni-search-bar/components/uni-search-bar/uni-search-bar.vue';
import authorize from '../../../components/Authorize.vue'
4 years ago
let app = getApp();
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
themeColor: '#089bf5',
titleColor: '#666666',
filterResult: '',
4 years ago
menuList: [
// {
// 'title': '品牌',
// 'key': 'single',
// 'isMutiple': false,
// 'detailTitle': '请选择(单选)',
// 'reflexTitle': true,
// 'defaultSelectedIndex': 0,
// 'detailList': [{
// 'title': '全部品牌',
// 'value': ''
// }, {
// 'title': '中石化',
// 'value': '中石化'
// }, {
// 'title': '中石油',
// 'value': '中石油'
// }, {
// 'title': '亮牌',
// 'value': '亮牌'
// }, {
// 'title': '其他',
// 'value': '其他'
// },
4 years ago
// ]
4 years ago
// },
'title': '油号',
4 years ago
'key': 'single2',
'isMutiple': false,
4 years ago
'detailTitle': '',
'reflexTitle': true,
'defaultSelectedIndex': 0,
'detailList': [{
'title': '90#',
'value': ''
}, {
'title': '92#',
'value': '92#'
}, {
'title': '95#',
'value': '95#'
}, {
'title': '98#',
'value': '98#'
}, {
'title': '101#',
'value': '101#'
}, ]
'title': '距离',
4 years ago
'key': 'single3',
'isMutiple': false,
4 years ago
'detailTitle': '',
'reflexTitle': true,
'defaultSelectedIndex': 0,
'detailList': [{
4 years ago
'title': '6km内',
'value': ''
4 years ago
'title': '10km内',
'value': '10km内'
4 years ago
'title': '15km内',
'value': '15km内'
4 years ago
'title': '20km内',
'value': '20km内'
'title': '50km内',
'value': '50km内'
}, {
'title': '2000km内',
'value': '2000'
4 years ago
}, {
'title': '距离',
'key': 'single1',
'isMutiple': false,
'detailTitle': '',
'reflexTitle': true,
'defaultSelectedIndex': 0,
'detailList': [{
'title': '距离最近',
'value': ''
refuelList: [],
pageNum: 1,
pageSize: 10,
isNoMoreData: false,
searname: '',
gunnumber: [{
id: 1,
name: '6km内',
value: 6
id: 2,
name: '10km内',
value: 10
id: 3,
name: '15km内',
value: 15
id: 4,
name: '20km内',
value: 20
id: 5,
name: '50km内',
value: 50
}, {
id: 6,
name: '2000km内',
value: 2000
distance: '6km内',
distanceNum: '6',
distanceName: '距离最近',
detailList: [{
id: 1,
name: '距离最近'
typeId: '',
oilList: [{
id: 1,
name: '汽油',
nillist: [{
id: 1,
name: '90#'
id: 2,
name: '92#'
id: 3,
name: '95#'
id: 4,
name: '98#'
id: 5,
name: '101#'
id: 6,
name: '95(甲醇)#'
id: 7,
name: '92(甲醇)#'
id: 2,
name: '柴油',
nillist: [{
id: 1,
name: '-40#'
id: 2,
name: '-35#'
id: 3,
name: '-30#'
id: 4,
name: '-20#'
id: 5,
name: '-10#'
id: 6,
name: '车队0#'
id: 7,
name: '0#'
id: 8,
name: '柴油#'
id: 3,
name: '天然气',
nillist: [{
id: 1,
name: 'CNG'
id: 2,
name: 'LNG'
id: 3,
name: 'LPG'
onilName: '90#',
onLoad() {
let that = this;
type: 'wgs84',
success: function(res) {
that.latitudeful = res.latitude;
that.longitudeful = res.longitude;
onReachBottom() {
methods: {
changeValue(item) {
this.distance =;
this.distanceNum = item.value;
this.pageNum = 1;
this.isNoMoreData = false;
this.refuelList = [];
seeloaction(item) {
latitude: Number(item.latitude), //目的地的定位
longitude: Number(item.longitude), //目的地的定位
name: item.store_name,
address: item.address
changeValue1(item) {
this.distanceName =;
this.pageNum = 1;
this.isNoMoreData = false;
this.refuelList = [];
changeValue2(item) {
this.onilName =;
this.pageNum = 1;
this.isNoMoreData = false;
this.refuelList = [];
showPopup(item) {
this.typeId = item;
search(res) {
title: '搜索:' + res.value,
icon: 'none'
input(res) {
this.searname = res;
this.pageNum = 1;
this.isNoMoreData = false;
this.refuelList = [];
getGasStoreList() {
title: '加载中...'
if (this.isNoMoreData) {
return false;
let pagenum = this.pageNum;
let params = {
storeName: this.searname,
distance: this.distanceNum,
regionId: app.globalData.cityId,
oilNoName: this.onilName,
latitude: this.latitudeful,
longitude: this.longitudeful,
pageNum: pagenum,
pageSize: this.pageSize
getGasStoreList(params).then(res => {
if (res.return_code == '000000') {
this.isNoMoreData = res.return_data.list.length == this.pageSize ? false : true;
if ( == (this.pageNum * this.pageSize)) {
this.isNoMoreData = true;
this.refuelList = this.refuelList.concat(res.return_data.list);
this.pageNum = res.return_data.list.length == this.pageSize ? ++pagenum : pagenum;
} else {
this.refuelList = [];
goDetails(items, itemId) {
url: '../refuel-details/refuel-details?id=' + items + '&desId=' + itemId
result(val) {
console.log('filter_result:' + JSON.stringify(val));
this.filterResult = JSON.stringify(val, null, 2)
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width: 18%;
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border: 1px solid #089bf5;
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margin-top: 15px;
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