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<view class="promotion_bg backcorf06 width100 height90 fcorfff fotct font24 fontspec10">我的推广</view>
<view class="promotion_dt width90 height100p backcorfff" @click="jumpRunWater">
<view class="width100 mart10 fcor333 font14 fontwig6 height22">
<view class="promotion_xg flleft"></view>
<view class="promotion_mixg flleft" style="margin-left: -6px;"></view>
<view class="flleft promotoin_text font16" style="margin-top: -2px;">今日数据</view>
<view class="promotion_mixg flleft"></view>
<view class="promotion_xg flleft" style="margin-left: -6px;"></view>
<view class="width90 mart5 height22">
<view class="width50 flleft font18 fcor333 fontwig6 fotlt">{{agentList.orderCount}}</view>
<view class="width50 flright font18 fcor333 fontwig6 fotrt">{{agentList.turnoverPrice}}</view>
<view class="width90 mart10">
<view class="width50 flleft font15 fcor666 fontwig6 fotlt">今日订单</view>
<view class="width50 flright font15 fcor666 fontwig6 fotrt">今日流水</view>
<!-- //库存管理 -->
<view class="width100 mart80">
<view class="width90 mart10 fcor333 font14 fontwig6 height22">
<view class="promotion_xg flleft"></view>
<view class="promotion_mixg flleft" style="margin-left: -6px;"></view>
<view class="flleft promotoin_text font16" style="margin-top: -2px;">库存管理</view>
<view class="promotion_mixg flleft"></view>
<view class="promotion_xg flleft" style="margin-left: -6px;"></view>
<view class="promotion_kc width90 mart10">
4 years ago
<image class="flleft pro_img mart15 margle" :src="imagewxUrl+imgadres">
<view class="pro_cont paddtop15">
<view class="flleft font16 fcor333 fontwig6 pro_title">
<view class="pro_price fotrt fcor333 font15 fontwig6">
总计 {{agentList.surplusCountPrice}}
4 years ago
<!-- //循环:class="[index==0?'colorfe':'']" -->
<view v-if="minepros == ''">暂无数据</view>
<view v-for="(mers,index) in minepros" :key="" class="pro_mok marb10 colore7" @click="jumpAgent(1,mers.couponId)">
<view class="width100 font14 fcor333 fontwig6 fotct paddtop10">
<view class="width100 font14 fcor999 fotct mart10">
<view class="width100 font15 fcor333 fontwig6 fotct mart10">
<!-- //销售统计 -->
<view class="width100 mart20">
<view class="width90 mart10 fcor333 font14 fontwig6 height22">
<view class="promotion_xg flleft"></view>
<view class="promotion_mixg flleft" style="margin-left: -6px;"></view>
<view class="flleft promotoin_text font16" style="margin-top: -2px;">销售统计</view>
<view class="promotion_mixg flleft"></view>
<view class="promotion_xg flleft" style="margin-left: -6px;"></view>
<view class="promotion_kc width90 mart10">
4 years ago
<image class="flleft pro_img mart15 margle" :src="imagewxUrl+imgadres">
<view class="pro_cont paddtop15">
<view class="flleft font16 fcor333 fontwig6 pro_title">
<view class="pro_price fotrt fcor333 font15 fontwig6">
总计 {{agentList.salesCountPrice}}
<view v-if="minepros == ''">暂无数据</view>
<!-- //循环 -->
<view v-for="(mers,index) in minepros" :key="" class="pro_mok marb10 colore9" @click="jumpAgent(2,mers.couponId)">
<view class="width100 font14 fcor333 fontwig6 fotct paddtop10">
<view class="width100 font14 fcor999 fotct mart10">
<view class="width100 font15 fcor333 fontwig6 fotct mart10">
<view class="btnw50 mart50 marb30" @click="toPage()">修改密码</view>
import {
} from "../../../Utils/Api.js";
4 years ago
let app = getApp();
export default {
data() {
return {
minepros: [],
4 years ago
imagewxUrl: app.globalData.imageWxImg,
agentList :[]
methods: {
getAgentCount() {
getAgentCount().then(res => {
if (res.return_code == '000000') {
this.agentList = res.return_data;
this.minepros = res.return_data.list
} else {
title: res.return_msg,
icon: "none"
jumpAgent(item,items) {
url: '../agentCoupons/agentCoupons?id='+item +'&couponsId='+ items
toPage(page) {
url: '../../login/resetpasswd'
<style lang="scss">
.promotion_bg {
position: relative;
.promotion_dt {
position: absolute;
top: 50px;
border-radius: 5px;
box-shadow: 0px 2px 6px 2px #999999;
.promotion_xg {
width: 15px;
height: 2px;
margin-top: 8px;
background-color: #0083f5;
transform: rotate(100deg);
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margin-left: 5px;
margin-right: 5px;
.promotion_mixg {
width: 10px;
margin-top: 8px;
height: 2px;
background-color: #0083f5;
transform: rotate(100deg);
.promotion_kc {
padding-bottom: 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px 2px #999999;
.pro_img {
4 years ago
width: 25px;
height: 25px;
.pro_cont {
height: 35px;
4 years ago
margin-left: 40px;
.pro_title {
width: 110px;
.pro_price {
margin-right: 10px;
margin-left: 110px;
.pro_mok {
height: 95px;
margin-left: 2.5%;
width: 30%;
display: inline-block;
.colorfe {
4 years ago
background-color: #fef7e5;
.colore9 {
4 years ago
background-color: #e9f3ff;
.colore7 {
4 years ago
background-color: #e7fcf3;