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<view class="width100 paddtop10 paddbotm10 backcorfff fotct" v-if="orderList.orderStatus == 1">
<view class="height20"></view>
<view class="headstu font24 fontwig6">
<view class="width100 font13 fcor666 mart10">若超时未支付,订单将自动取消</view>
<view class="stubtn mart15" style="background-color: #0F8FE8;" @click="jumppay()">立即支付
<view class=" paddtop10 paddbotm10 headsbg backcorfff fotct" v-if="orderList.orderStatus != 1 && typeid != 10">
<!-- <view class="headotherstu alijus font18 fontwig6"
v-if="orderList.orderStatus != 2 && orderList.orderStatus != 3">
<image mode="widthFix" class="width50" src="../static/imgs/otherstu.png"></image>
</view> -->
<view class="width100 font18 fcorfff mart15"
v-if=" orderList.orderStatus != 2 && orderList.orderStatus != 3">
<view v-if="(orderList.orderStatus == 2 || orderList.orderStatus == 3 )">
<view v-if="typeid == 4 && recinfo.list && phonestu == 2">
<view class="width90 mart15" style="display: flow-root;">
<view class="fcor333 mart15 font24 fontspec width50 fotlt flleft height30h fontwig6"
v-for="(item,index) in recinfo.list" :key='index'>{{item.code}}
<text class="medldcode fcorfff border-r font11">尾号{{}}</text>
<view class="fotct" v-if="typeid == 4 && recinfo.list && phonestu == 1">
<view class="width90 mart15" style="display: flow-root;">
<view class="fcor333 mart15 font24 fontspec width50 fotlt flleft height30h fontwig6"
v-for="(item,index) in recinfo.list" :key='index'>{{item.code}}
<text class="medldcode fcorfff border-r font11">取餐码</text>
<view class="font12 width90 fcor666 mart10 marb10 fotlt" v-if="recinfo.list">订单已准备完毕,喜欢您再来</view>
<view class="width90 height70 backcorfff border-r alijusstart paddbotm10" v-if="recinfo.list">
<view class="width70 fotlt">
<view class="width94 fcor333 font14">请至柜台凭取餐码取餐</view>
<view class="width94 fcor666 font12 mart5">如有询问手机尾号请点击右侧按钮查看</view>
<view class="width30">
<view class="phoneck width85 border-r" v-if="typeid == 4 && recinfo.list && phonestu == 1"
<view class="phoneck width85 border-r" v-if="typeid == 4 && recinfo.list && phonestu == 2"
<!-- 星巴克 -->
<view v-if="typeid == 9 && recinfo.object.orderItems[0].code">
<view class="fotct font18 width100 mart10 color2f6f43"
v-for="(item,index) in recinfo.object.orderItems" :key='index'>{{item.code}}</view>
<view class="fotct font20 width100 mart10 colorc3" v-if="typeid == 4 && !recinfo.list">
<!-- {{recinfo.statusDesc}} -->
<view class="fotct font20 width100 mart10 color2f6f43"
v-if="typeid == 9 && !recinfo.object.orderItems[0].code">{{recinfo.statusDesc}}</view>
<view class="width94 mart10 backcorfff">
<view class="width94 paddtop15 font16 fontwig6" v-if="typeid == 10">
<view class="width94 paddtop15 font16 fontwig6 alijusstart" v-else>
<image src="../static/imgs/desloca.png" mode="widthFix" class="icon20 marglerig"></image>
<view class="width100 mart5">
<view class="width90 alijusstart mart15" v-for="(item,index) in orderList.highChildOrderList"
<view class="width30">
<image :src="item.goodsImg" v-if="item.goodsImg" mode="widthFix" class="width100"></image>
<image src="../static/imgs/vipcz.png" v-else mode="widthFix" class="width90w"></image>
<view class="width50 font13 fcor333 fontwig6">
<view class="font13 fcor999">{{item.saleCount}} 份</view>
<view class="width20">
<view class="width100 fcor333 font12 fotrt">¥<text
class="fontwig6 font16">{{item.goodsActualPrice}}</text>
<view class="width100 fcor999 font14 fotrt" v-if="item.goodsActualPrice != item.goodsPrice"
style="text-decoration: line-through;">
<view class="width100" style="height: 10px;">
<view class="cro_left_bottom flleft"></view>
<view class="cro_right_bottom flright"></view>
<view class="width95 alijusnostart">
<view style="width: 6%;"></view>
<view style="border-bottom: 1px dashed #bebcbc;width: 93%;"></view>
<view class="width94 backcorfff marb20">
<view class="width100" style="height: 10px;">
<view class=".cro_left_top flleft"></view>
<view class=".cro_right_top flright"></view>
<view class="width94 alijusstart paddtop10 ">
<view class="font15 fcor333 fontwig6 width50">商品小计</view>
<view class="font14 fcor666 fotrt width50">金额 <text
class="margle fontwig6 font18 fcor333">¥{{orderList.totalPrice}}</text>
<view class="width92 fotrt mart5 font14 fcor999">
优惠券优惠 <text class="margle fcoreb5 font16 fontwig6">¥ {{orderList.deductionCouponPrice}}</text>
<view class="width92 fotrt mart5 font14 fcor999">
商品优惠 <text class="margle fcoreb5 font16 fontwig6">¥ {{orderList.deductionProductPrice}}</text>
<view class="width92 fotrt mart5 font14 fcor999">
积分抵扣 <text class="margle fcoreb5 font16 fontwig6">¥ {{(orderList.payGold / 100).toFixed(2)}}</text>
<view class="width90 mart10 marb10" style="border-bottom: 1px dashed #bebcbc;"></view>
<view class="width92 fotrt mart14 font14 fcor333">
实付 <text class="margle fcoreb5 font22 fontwig6">¥ {{orderList.payPrice}}</text>
<view class="width100 height20"></view>
<view class="width94 backcorfff marb30" style="border-radius: 12px;">
<view class="width94 alijusstart paddtop10 font16 fontwig6 fcor333">
<view class="width94 alijusstart mart20 font14 fcor666">
<view class="width30">交易单号</view>
<view class="width70 fcor333 fotrt">{{orderList.orderNo}}</view>
<view class="width94 alijusstart mart20 font14 fcor666" v-if="orderList.paySerialNo">
<view class="width30">流水号</view>
<view class="width70 fcor333 fotrt">{{orderList.paySerialNo}}</view>
<view class="width94 alijusstart mart20 font14 fcor666">
<view class="width30">下单时间</view>
<view class="width70 fcor333 fotrt">{{orderList.createTime | timeFormat('yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss')}}</view>
<view class="width94 alijusstart mart20 font14 fcor666">
<view class="width30">支付时间</view>
<view class="width70 fcor333 fotrt">{{orderList.payTime | timeFormat('yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss')}}</view>
<view class="width94 alijusstart mart20 font14 fcor666" v-if="typeid == 4">
<view class="width30">就餐方式</view>
<view class="width70 fotrt" v-if="recinfo.eatType == 1">店内就餐</view>
<view class="width70 fcor333 fotrt" v-if="recinfo.eatType == 2">打包带走</view>
<view class="width94 alijusstart mart20 font14 fcor666" v-if="orderList.payType">
<view class="width30">支付方式</view>
<view class="width70 fcor333 fotrt" v-if="orderList.payType == 2">微信支付</view>
<view class="width70 fcor333 fotrt" v-if="orderList.payType == 3">积分兑换</view>
<view class="width70 fcor333 fotrt" v-if="orderList.payType == 4">汇联通工会卡</view>
<view class="width70 fcor333 fotrt" v-if="orderList.payType == 5">银联支付</view>
<view class="width94 alijusstart mart20 font14 fcor666" v-if="typeid == 10">
<view class="width30">充值手机号</view>
<view class="width70 fotrt fcor333">{{orderList.remarks}}</view>
<view class="width100 height20"></view>
<view class="width90 mart10 font13 fcor666" v-if="typeid != 10">友情提示</view>
<view class="width90 mart10 font12 fcor999" v-if="typeid != 10">1、如遇到商品售罄,将导致您无法取到所定食物,系统将自动为您安排退款,1个工作日内到账;
<view class="width90 mart5 font12 fcor999 marb40" v-if="typeid != 10">2、如遇更多问题,请及时联系在线客服处理。</view>
<!-- 再来一单 -->
<view class="height50 width100"></view>
<view class="bottomstu backcorfff width100 height50 alijusend" v-if="orderList.orderStatus == 3">
<button open-type="contact" class="cusservice font12 fcor666">联系客服</button>
<!-- <view class="buybtn font12 fcorfff">再来一单</view> -->
import {
} from '../../Utils/Api.js';
export default {
data() {
return {
orderList: '',
sttypeid: 1,
countdownh: '',
countdownm: '',
countdowns: '',
productType: '',
timer: null, //重复执行
timerdjs: null, //倒计时刷新
typeid: '', //类型区分
orderId: '', //订单id
coutnums: 0, //商品数量
typeText: {
1: '待支付',
2: '已支付',
3: '已完成',
4: '已退款',
5: '已取消',
6: '退款中',
7: '退款失败'
phonestu: 1, // 手机号查看状态
recinfo: [], // 订单详情
onLoad(options) {
this.orderId =;
onShow() {
onUnload() {
methods: {
updatestu(item) {
this.phonestu = item;
getAllCount() {
this.orderList.highChildOrderList.forEach((food) => {
this.coutnums += food.saleCount
getDetailByOrderNo() {
title: '加载中...'
let params = {
orderNo: this.orderId,
getDetailByOrderNo(params).then(res => {
// if (res.return_code == '000000') {
// this.recinfo = res.return_data;
// }
if (res.return_code == '000000') {
this.typeid = res.return_data.highChildOrderList[0].goodsType;
this.orderList = res.return_data;
if (this.orderList.orderStatus == 1) {
this.timer = setInterval(() => {
if (this.orderList.orderStatus == 2) {
this.coutnums = 0;
} else {
title: res.return_msg,
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
getThirdOrderByOrderNo() {
let datas = {
orderNo: this.orderId
getThirdOrderByOrderNo(datas).then(res => {
if (res.return_code == '000000') {
this.recinfo = res.return_data;
} else {
title: res.return_msg,
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
thirdCancelOrder() {
let that = this;
title: '取消订单',
content: '确定取消此订单?',
success: (res) => {
if (res.confirm) {
title: '加载中...'
let params = {
orderNo: this.orderId,
cancel(params).then(res => {
if (res.return_code == '000000') {
title: res.return_data,
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
let pages = getCurrentPages() //页面栈
let prePage = pages[pages.length - 2] //上一页
prePage.$vm.reFresh = Math.random() //触发上一页监听器
} else {
title: res.return_msg,
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
} else if (res.cancel) {
jumppay() {
url: '/qianzhu-KFC/payment-method/payment-method?orderId=' + this.orderList.orderNo +
'&amount=' +
this.orderList.payPrice + '&productType=' + this.orderList.productType
changedissr(item) {
this.sttypeid = item;
setTimer() {
let holdTime = 10;
this.timerdjs = setInterval(() => {
if (holdTime <= 0) {
holdTime = 10;
}, 1000)
showtime() {
var nowtime = new Date(), //获取当前时间
endtime = this.orderList.createTime + 600000; //定义结束时间
var lefttime = endtime - nowtime, //距离结束时间的毫秒数
leftd = Math.floor(lefttime / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)), //计算天数
lefth = Math.floor((lefttime / (1000 * 60 * 60) % 24) + leftd * 24) < 10 ? "0" + Math.floor((lefttime /
(1000 * 60 * 60) % 24) + leftd * 24) : Math.floor((lefttime / (1000 * 60 * 60) % 24) + leftd *
24), //计算小时数
leftm = Math.floor(lefttime / (1000 * 60) % 60) < 10 ? "0" + Math.floor(lefttime / (1000 * 60) % 60) :
Math.floor(lefttime / (1000 * 60) % 60), //计算分钟数
lefts = Math.floor(lefttime / 1000 % 60) < 10 ? "0" + Math.floor(lefttime / 1000 % 60) : Math.floor(
lefttime / 1000 % 60); //计算秒数
this.countdownh = lefth //返回倒计时的字符串
this.countdownm = leftm //返回倒计时的字符串
this.countdowns = lefts //返回倒计时的字符串
// 倒计时结束时,显示00:00:00
if (lefttime < 0) {
this.countdownh = this.countdownm = this.countdowns = "00"
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