You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
524 lines
15 KiB
524 lines
15 KiB
<div class="content">
<div class="header" :style="{ height: headerHeight + 'wx' }">
<div class="status-bar" :style="{ height: statusBarHeight + 'wx' }"></div>
<div class="nav">
<text class="icon location">{{ iconLocation }}</text>
<text class="location-city-text">{{ city }}</text>
<div class="input-box">
<input class="input-box-input" placeholder="默认关键字" @focus="inputfocus" />
<text class="icon search">{{ iconSearch }}</text>
<text @click="toMsg" class="icon tongzhi">{{ iconTongzhi }}</text>
<div class="category-list" :style="{ top: headerHeight + 'wx' }">
<list class="left" :show-scrollbar="false">
<cell v-for="(row, index) in categoryList" :key="index" :ref="'tab' + index">
<div class="left-row" :class="[index == showCategoryIndex ? 'left-row-on' : '']" @click="goToCategory($event, 'category' + index, index)">
<div class="left-text">
<div class="left-block" :class="[index == showCategoryIndex ? 'left-block-on' : '']"></div>
<text class="left-text-text" :class="[index == showCategoryIndex ? 'left-text-on' : '']">{{ row.title }}</text>
<list class="right">
<template v-for="(row, index) in categoryList">
<header :key="index">
<div class="tab">
<text class="category-title">{{ row.title }}</text>
<text class="category-title-min">全场5折起,疯抢100元优惠券</text>
<cell :ref="'category' + index" :key="index" @disappear="ondisappear($event, 'tab' + index, index)" @appear="onappear($event, 'tab' + index, index)">
<div class="right-category">
<div class="right-banner"><image class="right-banner-image" :src="row.banner"></image></div>
<div class="right-list">
<div class="right-box" v-for="(box, i) in row.list" :key="i" @click="toCategory(box)">
<image class="right-box-image" :src="imglist[i]"></image>
<text class="right-text">{{ }}</text>
const dom = weex.requireModule('dom') || {};
export default {
data() {
return {
city: '北京',
subNVue: uni.getCurrentSubNVue(),
iconSearch: '\ue628',
iconLocation: '\ue611',
iconTongzhi: '\ue729',
headerHeight: 44,
statusBarHeight: 0,
showCategoryIndex: 0,
imglist: [
categoryList: [
id: 1,type:'A',
title: '家用电器',
banner: '',
list: [
{ name: '冰箱' },
{ name: '电视' },
{ name: '空调' },
{ name: '洗衣机' },
{ name: '风扇' },
{ name: '燃气灶' },
{ name: '热水器' },
{ name: '电吹风' },
{ name: '电饭煲' }
id: 2,type:'A',
title: '办公用品',
banner: '',
list: [{ name: '打印机' }, { name: '路由器' }, { name: '扫描仪' }, { name: '投影仪' }, { name: '墨盒' }, { name: '纸类' }]
id: 3,type:'A',
title: '日常用品',
banner: '',
list: [{ name: '茶具' }, { name: '花瓶' }, { name: '纸巾' }, { name: '毛巾' }, { name: '牙膏' }, { name: '保鲜膜' }, { name: '保鲜袋' }]
id: 4,type:'A',
title: '蔬菜水果',
banner: '',
list: [{ name: '苹果' }, { name: '芒果' }, { name: '椰子' }, { name: '橙子' }, { name: '奇异果' }, { name: '玉米' }, { name: '百香果' }]
id: 5,type:'A',
title: '手机数码',
banner: '',
list: [{ name: '苹果' }, { name: '芒果' }, { name: '椰子' }, { name: '橙子' }, { name: '奇异果' }, { name: '玉米' }, { name: '百香果' }]
id: 6,type:'A',
title: '酒水饮料',
banner: '',
list: [{ name: '苹果' }, { name: '芒果' }, { name: '椰子' }, { name: '橙子' }, { name: '奇异果' }, { name: '玉米' }, { name: '百香果' }]
id: 7,type:'A',
title: '母婴童装',
banner: '',
list: [{ name: '苹果' }, { name: '芒果' }, { name: '椰子' }, { name: '橙子' }, { name: '奇异果' }, { name: '玉米' }, { name: '百香果' }]
id: 8,type:'A',
title: '玩具乐器',
banner: '',
list: [{ name: '苹果' }, { name: '芒果' }, { name: '椰子' }, { name: '橙子' }, { name: '奇异果' }, { name: '玉米' }, { name: '百香果' }]
id: 9,type:'A',
title: '医药保健',
banner: '',
list: [{ name: '苹果' }, { name: '芒果' }, { name: '椰子' }, { name: '橙子' }, { name: '奇异果' }, { name: '玉米' }, { name: '百香果' }]
id: 10,type:'A',
title: '运动户外',
banner: '',
list: [{ name: '苹果' }, { name: '芒果' }, { name: '椰子' }, { name: '橙子' }, { name: '奇异果' }, { name: '玉米' }, { name: '百香果' }]
id: 11,type:'A',
title: '汽车生活',
banner: '',
list: [{ name: '苹果' }, { name: '芒果' }, { name: '椰子' }, { name: '橙子' }, { name: '奇异果' }, { name: '玉米' }, { name: '百香果' }]
id: 12,type:'A',
title: '家具厨具',
banner: '',
list: [{ name: '苹果' }, { name: '芒果' }, { name: '椰子' }, { name: '橙子' }, { name: '奇异果' }, { name: '玉米' }, { name: '百香果' }]
id: 13,type:'A',
title: '生活旅行',
banner: '',
list: [{ name: '苹果' }, { name: '芒果' }, { name: '椰子' }, { name: '橙子' }, { name: '奇异果' }, { name: '玉米' }, { name: '百香果' }]
id: 14,type:'A',
title: '图书文娱',
banner: '',
list: [{ name: '苹果' }, { name: '芒果' }, { name: '椰子' }, { name: '橙子' }, { name: '奇异果' }, { name: '玉米' }, { name: '百香果' }]
id: 14,type:'A',
title: '礼品鲜花',
banner: '',
list: [{ name: '苹果' }, { name: '芒果' }, { name: '椰子' }, { name: '橙子' }, { name: '奇异果' }, { name: '玉米' }, { name: '百香果' }]
id: 14,type:'A',
title: '宠物盛会',
banner: '',
list: [{ name: '苹果' }, { name: '芒果' }, { name: '椰子' }, { name: '橙子' }, { name: '奇异果' }, { name: '玉米' }, { name: '百香果' }]
id: 14,type:'A',
title: '艺术邮币',
banner: '',
list: [{ name: '苹果' }, { name: '芒果' }, { name: '椰子' }, { name: '橙子' }, { name: '奇异果' }, { name: '玉米' }, { name: '百香果' }]
id: 14,type:'A',
title: '家居家装',
banner: '',
list: [{ name: '苹果' }, { name: '芒果' }, { name: '椰子' }, { name: '橙子' }, { name: '奇异果' }, { name: '玉米' }, { name: '百香果' }]
id: 14,type:'A',
title: '食品生鲜',
banner: '',
list: [{ name: '苹果' }, { name: '芒果' }, { name: '椰子' }, { name: '橙子' }, { name: '奇异果' }, { name: '玉米' }, { name: '百香果' }]
beforeCreate() {
const domModule = weex.requireModule('dom');
domModule.addRule('fontFace', {
fontFamily: 'iconfont',
src: "url('')"
created() {
methods: {
toMsg() {
url: '../../msg/msg'
init() {
success: res => {
this.statusBarHeight = res.statusBarHeight;
this.headerHeight += this.statusBarHeight;
this.nVueTitle = uni.getCurrentSubNVue();
this.nVueTitle.onMessage(res => {
let type =;
switch (type) {
case 'location':
setCity(city) {
| = city;
inputfocus() {
type: 'focus'
url: '../../goods/goods-list/goods-list?cid=''&name='
goToCategory(event, refId, index) {
if(this.showCategoryIndex==index){return ;}
this.stopAppear = true;
this.showCategoryIndex = index;
const target =;
const ref = this.$refs[refId];
ref && dom.scrollToElement(ref[0], { offset: -69 });
this.timer = setTimeout(()=>{
this.stopAppear = false;
this.timer = setTimeout(()=>{
this.stopAppear = false;
return false;
if(Math.abs(index - this.showCategoryIndex)>1&&'iOS'){
return ;
const ref = this.$refs[refId];
this.showCategoryIndex = index;
this.showCategoryIndex = parseInt(index)+1;
index > 0 && dom.scrollToElement(target, { offset: -90 ,animated:false});
index > 0 && dom.scrollToElement(target, { offset: -90 });
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