1115 lines
32 KiB
1115 lines
32 KiB
<!-- 待支付 -->
<view class="width100 paddtop10 paddbotm10 backcorfff fotct" v-if="recinfo.orderStatus == 1">
<view class="height20"></view>
<view class="headstu font24 fontwig6">
<view class="width100 font13 fcor666 mart10">若超时未支付,订单将自动取消</view>
<view class="stubtn mart15" style="background-color: #0F8FE8;"
<view class="width100 headsbg paddbotm15" v-if="recinfo.orderStatus != 1">
<view class="width100 font18 fcorfff fotct height40p">
<view class="width90 fcorfff font18 mart10" v-if="recinfo.payRealPrice">实付:¥{{recinfo.payRealPrice}}</view>
<view class="width90 fcorfff font14 mart10">{{recinfo.createTime | formatDate('-')}}</view>
<view class="width90 mart20" style="border-bottom: 1px dashed #7BC1F5;"></view>
<view class="width90 mart20 alijusnostart font12">
<view class="paddleft5 paddtright5 border-r" style="border: 1px solid #5BB5F3;color: #5BB5F3;">本单优惠
<view class="fcorfff margle">立减-¥{{recinfo.totalDeductionPrice}}</view>
<view class="width90 mart20 backcorfff height50 fcor333 font15 border-8r">
<view class="width94">感谢您信任嗨森逛,欢迎再次消费</view>
<!-- 订单信息 -->
<view class="width90 backcorfff border-8r mart10 paddbotm15">
<view class="paddtop20 font22 width94 fcor333" v-if="recinfo.productType == 6">商家/订单信息</view>
<view class="paddtop20 font22 width94 fcor333" v-if="recinfo.productType != 6">订单信息</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94">
<view class="width20 fcor777">交易单号</view>
<view class="width80p fotrt fcor333">{{recinfo.orderNo}}</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94" v-if="recinfo.paySerialNo">
<view class="width20 fcor777">流水号</view>
<view class="width80p fotrt fcor333">{{recinfo.paySerialNo}}</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94">
<view class="width20 fcor777">下单时间</view>
<view class="width80p fotrt fcor333">{{recinfo.createTime | formatDate('-')}}</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94" v-if="recinfo.productType == 6">
<view class="width20 fcor777">油站名称</view>
<view class="width80p fotrt fcor333">{{oilList.storeName}}</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94" v-if="recinfo.payType">
<view class="width20 fcor777">支付方式</view>
<view class="width80p fotrt fcor333" v-if="recinfo.payType == 1">支付宝</view>
<view class="width80p fotrt fcor333" v-if="recinfo.payType == 2">微信支付</view>
<view class="width80p fotrt fcor333" v-if="recinfo.payType == 3">积分兑换</view>
<view class="width80p fotrt fcor333" v-if="recinfo.payType == 4">汇联通工会卡</view>
<view class="width80p fotrt fcor333" v-if="recinfo.payType == 7">嗨森逛个人油卡</view>
<view class="width80p fotrt fcor333" v-if="recinfo.payType == 8">嗨森逛车队油卡</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94" v-if="recinfo.productType == 6">
<view class="width20 fcor777">地址</view>
<view class="width80p fotrt fcor333 text1">{{oilList.storeAddress}}</view>
<!-- 商品信息 -->
<view class="width90 backcorfff border-8r mart10 paddbotm15">
<view class="paddtop20 font22 width94 fcor333">商品信息</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94" v-if="recinfo.productType != 6">
<view class="width50 fcor777">商品名称</view>
<view class="width50 fotrt fcor333">{{recinfo.highChildOrderList[0].goodsName}}</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94" v-if="recinfo.productType != 6">
<view class="width50 fcor777">商品单价</view>
<view class="width50 fotrt fcor333">¥{{recinfo.highChildOrderList[0].goodsPrice}}</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94" v-if="recinfo.productType != 6">
<view class="width50 fcor777">商品数量</view>
<view class="width50 fotrt fcor333">{{recinfo.highChildOrderList[0].saleCount}}份</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94" v-if="recinfo.productType != 6">
<view class="width50 fcor777">商品总金额</view>
<view class="width50 fotrt fcor333">¥{{recinfo.highChildOrderList[0].totalActualPrice}}</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94" v-if="recinfo.productType == 6">
<view class="width50 fcor777">油号/枪号</view>
<view class="width50 fotrt fcor333">{{oilList.gasOilNo}}#/{{oilList.gasGunNo}}号枪</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94" v-if="recinfo.productType == 6">
<view class="width50 fcor777">油站单价</view>
<view class="width50 fotrt fcor333">¥{{oilList.gasPriceGun}}/L</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94" v-if="recinfo.productType == 6">
<view class="width70 fcor777">加油升数<text class="font11 fcor999">实际升数以油站加油机为准</text> </view>
<view class="width30 fotrt fcor333">{{oilList.gasOilLiters}}升</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94" v-if="recinfo.productType == 6">
<view class="width50 fcor777">加油金额</view>
<view class="width50 fotrt fcor333">¥{{oilList.gasRefuelPrice}}</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94" v-if="materialData">
<view class="width50 fcor777">联系人</view>
<view class="width50 fotrt fcor333">¥{{materialData.user}}</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94" v-if="materialData">
<view class="width50 fcor777">联系电话</view>
<view class="width50 fotrt fcor333">¥{{materialData.phone}}</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94" v-if="materialData">
<view class="width50 fcor777">联系地址</view>
<view class="width50 fotrt fcor333">¥{{materialData.address}}</view>
<!-- 支付信息 -->
<view class="width90 backcorfff mart10 ">
<view class="paddtop20 font22 width94 fcor333">优惠信息</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94">
<view class="width50 fcor777">商品优惠</view>
<view class="width50 fotrt fcoreb5">-¥{{recinfo.deductionProductPrice}}</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94">
<view class="width50 fcor777">优惠券优惠</view>
<view class="width50 fotrt fcoreb5">-¥{{recinfo.deductionCouponPrice}}</view>
<view class="mart15 alijusstart font14 width94">
<view class="width50 fcor777">积分抵扣</view>
<view class="width50 fotrt fcoreb5">-¥{{recinfo.payGold / 100}}</view>
<view class="width100" style="height: 10px;">
<view class="cro_left_bottom flleft"></view>
<view class="cro_right_bottom flright"></view>
<view class="width95 alijusnostart">
<view style="width: 9%;"></view>
<view style="border-bottom: 1px dashed #bebcbc;width: 88%;"></view>
<view class="width90 backcorfff marb20">
<view class="width100" style="height: 10px;">
<view class="cro_left_top flleft"></view>
<view class="cro_right_top flright"></view>
<view class="width90 height50 fotrt fcor777 font16 paddbotm10" v-if="!recinfo.payRealPrice">
<view class="width90 height50 fotrt fcor777 font16 paddbotm10"
v-if="recinfo.productType == 6 && recinfo.payRealPrice">
加油实付 <text class="font24 fcor333 margle">¥{{recinfo.payRealPrice}}</text>
<view class="width90 height50 fotrt fcor777 font16 paddbotm10"
v-if="recinfo.productType != 6 && recinfo.payRealPrice">
实付 <text class="font24 fcor333 margle">¥{{recinfo.payRealPrice}}</text>
<!-- 购买商品列表 -->
<!-- <view class="buy-list" v-for="rec in recinfo.highChildOrderList" :key="rec.id"
<view class="row">
<view class="goods-info">
<view class="img">
<image mode="widthFix" :src="imageUrl+rec.goodsImg"
v-if="rec.goodsType == 1 || rec.goodsType == 7"></image>
<image mode="widthFix" :src="imagewxUrl+imgadres1" v-if="rec.goodsType == 6"></image>
<image mode="widthFix" :src="rec.goodsImg"
v-if="rec.goodsType != 1 && rec.goodsType != 6 && rec.goodsType != 7"></image>
<view class="info">
<view class="title">{{rec.goodsName}}</view>
<view class="spec">规格: {{rec.goodsSpecName}}</view>
<view class="zspec" v-if="rec.giveawayType">赠品</view>
<view class="price-number">
<view class="price" v-if="recinfo.payType != 3">¥{{rec.goodsActualPrice}} <text
class="padleft15 font13 fcor999">数量:{{rec.saleCount}}</text></view>
<view class="price" v-else>
<image style="width: 15px;height: 15px;vertical-align: sub;"
</view> -->
<!-- 提示-备注 -->
<!-- <view class="order">
<view class="row" v-if="recinfo.orderNo">
<view class="left">
订单流水号 :
<view class="right">
<view class="row" v-if="recinfo.highChildOrderList[0].gasOrderNo !=null">
<view class="left">
加油单号 :
<view class="right">
<view class="row" v-if="recinfo.paySerialNo">
<view class="left">
支付流水号 :
<view class="right">
<view class="row" v-if="recinfo.payModel">
<view class="left">
支付模式 :
<view class="right" v-if="recinfo.payModel == 1">
<view class="right" v-if="recinfo.payModel == 2">
<view class="right" v-if="recinfo.payModel == 3">
<view class="right" v-if="recinfo.payModel == 4">
<view class="row" v-if="recinfo.payType">
<view class="left">
支付方式 :
<view class="right" v-if="recinfo.payType == 1">
<view class="right" v-if="recinfo.payType == 2">
<view class="right" v-if="recinfo.payType == 3">
<view class="right" v-if="recinfo.payType == 4">
<view class="right" v-if="recinfo.payType == 5">
<view class="right" v-if="recinfo.payType == 7">
<view class="row" v-if="recinfo.totalPrice">
<view class="left">
订单总额 :
<view class="right" v-if="recinfo.payType != 3">
<view class="right" v-else>
<image style="width: 15px;height: 15px;vertical-align: sub;" src="../../../static/img/jfx.png">
</image>{{(recinfo.totalPrice * 10 * 10).toFixed(0)}}
<view class="row" v-if="recinfo.payPrice">
<view class="left">
应付金额 :
<view class="right" v-if="recinfo.payType != 3">
<view class="right" v-else>
<image style="width: 15px;height: 15px;vertical-align: sub;" src="../../../static/img/jfx.png">
</image>{{(recinfo.payPrice* 10 * 10).toFixed(0)}}
<view class="row" v-if="recinfo.payRealPrice">
<view class="left">
实付金额 :
<view class="right" v-if="recinfo.payType != 3">
<view class="right" v-else>
<image style="width: 15px;height: 15px;vertical-align: sub;" src="../../../static/img/jfx.png">
</image>{{(recinfo.payRealPrice * 10 * 10).toFixed(0)}}
<view class="row" v-if="recinfo.deductionPrice">
<view class="left">
优惠金额 :
<view class="right" v-if="recinfo.payType != 3">
<view class="right" v-else>
<image style="width: 15px;height: 15px;vertical-align: sub;" src="../../../static/img/jfx.png">
</image>{{(recinfo.deductionPrice * 10 * 10).toFixed(0)}}
<view class="row" v-if="recinfo.payGold">
<view class="left">
积分抵扣 :
<view class="right">
¥{{(recinfo.payGold / 100).toFixed(2)}}
<view class="row">
<view class="left">
下单时间 :
<view class="right">
{{recinfo.createTime | formatDate('-')}}
<view class="row" v-if="recinfo.payTime">
<view class="left">
支付时间 :
<view class="right">
{{recinfo.payTime | formatDate('-')}}
<view class="row" v-if="recinfo.cancelTime">
<view class="left">
取消时间 :
<view class="right">
{{recinfo.cancelTime | formatDate('-')}}
<view class="row" v-if="recinfo.refusalRefundContent != null">
<view class="left">
退款失败原因 :
<view class="right">
<view class="row" v-if="materialData">
<view class="left">
联系人 :
<view class="right">
<view class="row" v-if="materialData">
<view class="left">
联系电话 :
<view class="right">
<view class="row" v-if="materialData">
<view class="left">
联系地址 :
<view class="right">
<view class="row" v-if="recinfo.finishTime">
<view class="left">
完成时间 :
<view class="right">
{{recinfo.finishTime | formatDate('-')}}
</view> -->
<!-- 优选商品 -->
<!-- <view class="width94 font18 fcor333 fontwig6 height40" v-if="preByOrderInfo">预约订单详情</view>
<view class="order" v-if="preByOrderInfo">
<view class="row">
<view class="left">
预约状态 :
<view class="right" v-if="preByOrderInfo.status == 1">
<view class="right" v-if="preByOrderInfo.status == 2">
<view class="right" v-if="preByOrderInfo.status == 3">
<view class="right" v-if="preByOrderInfo.status == 4">
<view class="right" v-if="preByOrderInfo.status == 5">
<view class="row">
<view class="left">
预约订单号 :
<view class="right">
<view class="row" v-if="preByOrderInfo.opUserName">
<view class="left">
预约门店 :
<view class="right">
<view class="row" v-if="preByOrderInfo.reachAddress">
<view class="left">
到店地点 :
<view class="right">
<view class="row" v-if="preByOrderInfo.reachTime">
<view class="left">
到店时间 :
<view class="right">
{{preByOrderInfo.reachTime | formatDate('-')}}
<view class="row" v-if="preByOrderInfo.statusFailDesc">
<view class="left">
预约失败说明 :
<view class="right">
<view class="row" v-if="preByOrderInfo.statusCancelDesc">
<view class="left">
预约取消说明 :
<view class="right">
<view class="row" v-if="preByOrderInfo.preUserRemark">
<view class="left">
预约备注 :
<view class="right">
</view> -->
<view class="width100 height60"></view>
<view class="footer" @click="orderComplete" v-if="preByOrderInfo && preByOrderInfo.status == 2">
<view class="settlement">
<view class="btn" style="background-color: #0083f5;color: #fff;width: 100% !important;">预约完成</view>
<view class="footer"
v-if="recinfo.orderStatus == 1 && recinfo.highChildOrderList[0].goodsType !=6 && recinfo.highChildOrderList[0].goodsType !=5 && recinfo.highChildOrderList[0].goodsType !=4">
<view class="settlement">
<view class="sum">合计:
<view class="money" v-if="recinfo.payType != 3">¥{{recinfo.payPrice}}</view>
<view class="money" v-else>
<image style="width: 15px;height: 15px;vertical-align: sub;" src="../../../static/img/jfx.png">
<view class="btn" @tap="cancel" style="border: 1px solid #0083f5;color: #0083f5;">取消订单</view>
<view class="btn" @tap="toPay(recinfo.highChildOrderList[0].goodsId)"
style="background-color: #0083f5;color: #fff;">去支付</view>
<!-- 再来一单 -->
<view class="height50 width100"></view>
<view class="bottomstu backcorfff width100 height50 alijusend">
<!-- #ifdef MP-->
<button open-type="contact" class="cusservice font12 fcor666">联系客服</button>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef H5-->
<view class="cusservice font12 fcor666 alijus" @click="playPhone">联系客服</view>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- <view class="buybtn font12 fcorfff">再来一单</view> -->
import {
} from '../../../Utils/Api.js';
let app = getApp()
export default {
data() {
return {
buylist: [], //订单列表
goodsPrice: 0.0, //商品合计价格
sumPrice: 0.0, //用户付款价格
freight: 12.00, //运费
note: '', //备注
int: 1200, //抵扣积分
deduction: 0, //抵扣价格
recinfo: [],
orderId: '',
timers: null, //重复执行
imageUrl: app.globalData.imgUrl,
imagewxUrl: app.globalData.imageWxImg,
imgadres1: 'dhf.png',
preByOrderInfo: '',
countdownh: '', //倒计时时
countdownm: '', // 倒计时分
countdowns: '', // 倒计时秒
timer: null, //重复执行
oilList: '', //油站信息
typeText: {
1: '待支付',
2: '已支付',
3: '已完成',
4: '已退款',
5: '已取消',
6: '退款中',
7: '退款失败'
materialData: '' //实物参数
onShow() {
// this.getPreByOrderIdId();
onHide() {
onUnload() {
onLoad(option) {
this.orderId = option.id
onBackPress() {
filters: {
toFixed: function(x) {
return parseFloat(x).toFixed(2);
//过滤器 用于格式化时间
formatDate: function(value, spe = '/') {
let data = new Date(value);
let year = data.getFullYear();
let month = data.getMonth() + 1;
let day = data.getDate();
let h = data.getHours();
let mm = data.getMinutes();
let s = data.getSeconds();
month = month >= 10 ? month : "0" + month;
day = day >= 10 ? day : "0" + day;
h = h >= 10 ? h : "0" + h;
mm = mm >= 10 ? mm : "0" + mm;
s = s >= 10 ? s : "0" + s;
return `${year}${spe}${month}${spe}${day} ${h}:${mm}:${s}`;
methods: {
toGoods(e, item) {
if (item != 2 && item != 3 && item != 4 && item != 5 && item != 6) {
url: '../../goods/goods?id=' + e
getDetailByOrderNo() {
title: '加载中...'
let params = {
orderNo: this.orderId,
getDetailByOrderNo(params).then(res => {
if (res.return_code == '000000') {
this.recinfo = res.return_data;
if (res.return_data.productType == 6) {
if (res.return_data.orderStatus == 1) {
this.timers = setInterval(() => {
}, 1000)
getOrderByOrderNo() {
let params = {
orderNo: this.orderId,
getOrderByOrderNo(params).then(res => {
if (res.return_code == '000000') {
this.oilList = res.return_data;
if (res.return_data.remarks) {
this.materialData = JSON.parse(res.return_data.remarks);
} else {
getPreByOrderIdId() {
let params = {
orderId: this.orderId,
getPreByOrderIdId(params).then(res => {
if (res.return_code == '000000') {
this.preByOrderInfo = res.return_data;
showtime() {
var nowtime = new Date(), //获取当前时间
endtime = this.recinfo.createTime + 600000; //定义结束时间
var lefttime = endtime - nowtime, //距离结束时间的毫秒数
leftd = Math.floor(lefttime / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)), //计算天数
lefth = Math.floor((lefttime / (1000 * 60 * 60) % 24) + leftd * 24) < 10 ? "0" + Math.floor((lefttime /
(1000 * 60 * 60) % 24) + leftd * 24) : Math.floor((lefttime / (1000 * 60 * 60) % 24) + leftd *
24), //计算小时数
leftm = Math.floor(lefttime / (1000 * 60) % 60) < 10 ? "0" + Math.floor(lefttime / (1000 * 60) % 60) :
Math.floor(lefttime / (1000 * 60) % 60), //计算分钟数
lefts = Math.floor(lefttime / 1000 % 60) < 10 ? "0" + Math.floor(lefttime / 1000 % 60) : Math.floor(
lefttime / 1000 % 60); //计算秒数
this.countdownh = lefth //返回倒计时的字符串
this.countdownm = leftm //返回倒计时的字符串
this.countdowns = lefts //返回倒计时的字符串
// 倒计时结束时,显示00:00:00
if (lefttime < 0) {
// this.getDetailByOrderNo();
this.countdownh = this.countdownm = this.countdowns = "00"
orderComplete() {
let that = this;
title: '预约完成',
content: '确定预约完成?',
success: (res) => {
if (res.confirm) {
title: '加载中...'
let params = {
preOrderId: this.preByOrderInfo.id
orderComplete(params).then(res => {
if (res.return_code == '000000') {
title: res.return_data,
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
} else {
title: res.return_msg,
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
} else if (res.cancel) {
cancel() {
let that = this;
title: '取消订单',
content: '确定取消此订单?',
success: (res) => {
if (res.confirm) {
title: '加载中...'
let params = {
orderNo: this.recinfo.orderNo
cancel(params).then(res => {
if (res.return_code == '000000') {
title: res.return_data,
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
let pages = getCurrentPages() //页面栈
let prePage = pages[pages.length - 2] //上一页
prePage.$vm.reFresh = Math.random() //触发上一页监听器
uni.navigateBack() //返回上一页
} else {
title: res.return_msg,
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
} else if (res.cancel) {
playPhone() {
title: '客服',
content: '4006780738',
success: function(res) {
if (res.confirm) {
phoneNumber: '4006780738', //电话号码
success: function(e) {
fail: function(e) {
toPay(item) {
let payTypes;
if (this.recinfo.payType == 1 || this.recinfo.payType == null) {
payTypes = 3;
} else if (this.recinfo.payType == 2) {
payTypes = 1;
} else {
payTypes = 2;
// uni.redirectTo({
// url: "/pages/pay/payment/payment?amount=" + this.recinfo.payPrice +
// '&paytype=' + payTypes + '&orderId=' + this.recinfo.id + '&couponId=' + this.recinfo
// .highChildOrderList[0].goodsId + '&typeaout=' + this.recinfo.highChildOrderList[0].ext1 +
// '&goodsType=' + this.recinfo.highChildOrderList[0].goodsType
// })
url: '/qianzhu-KFC/payment-method/payment-method?orderId=' + this.recinfo.orderNo +
'&amount=' + this.recinfo
.payPrice + '&productType=' + this.recinfo.productType
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