You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
818 lines
18 KiB
818 lines
18 KiB
<!-- #ifdef H5 -->
<view v-if="showHeader" class="status" :style="{position:headerPosition,top:statusTop}"></view>
<view v-if="showHeader" class="header" :style="{position:headerPosition,top:headerTop}"></view>
<!-- 占位 -->
<view v-if="showHeader" class="place"></view>
<!-- #endif -->
<view class="user">
<!-- 头像 -->
<view class="left">
<image :src="imagewxUrl+imgadres" v-if="!user.headerImg"></image>
<image :src="user.headerImg" v-else></image>
<!-- 昵称,个性签名 -->
<view class="right">
<view class="username" v-if="user && user.infoCompleteStatus == 1" @click="jumplogin">点击获取信息</view>
<view class="username" v-else>{{}}</view>
<view class="font14 fcorfff" v-if="!">积分: 0</view>
<view class="font14 fcorfff" v-else>积分: {{}} 个</view>
<!-- <view class="signature" @tap="toSetting">{{user.signature}}</view> -->
<!-- 二维码按钮 -->
<!-- #ifdef MP -->
<button class="erweima fotct aliitem font14" v-if="user == null" open-type="getPhoneNumber"
<image src="../../../static/img/jingbi.png"></image> 充值金额
<button class="erweima fotct aliitem font14" v-else @click="toDeposit">
<image src="../../../static/img/jingbi.png"></image> 充值金额
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef H5 -->
<button class="erweima fotct aliitem font14" v-if=" == null" @click="jumpH5Bding">
<image src="../../../static/img/jingbi.png"></image> 充值金额
<button class="erweima fotct aliitem font14" v-else @click="toDeposit">
<image src="../../../static/img/jingbi.png"></image> 充值金额
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- 订单-余额 -->
<view class="order">
<!-- 订单类型 -->
<view class="title">我的订单</view>
<view class="list">
<view class="box" v-for="(row,index) in orderList" :key="index" @tap="toOrderList(index)">
<uni-badge style="width: 20px;position: absolute; left: 15%;" v-if="row.text == '待支付' && therrNum "
:text="therrNum" type="error" size="normal"></uni-badge>
<view class="img">
<view class="icon" :class="row.icon"></view>
<view class="text">{{row.text}}</view>
<!-- 话费充值 -->
<view class="order">
<!-- 订单类型 -->
<view class="title">话费充值</view>
<view class="list">
<view class="box" v-for="(row,index) in huafeiList" :key="index" @tap="toOrdehuafeirList(index)">
<view class="img">
<view class="icon" :class="row.icon"></view>
<view class="text">{{row.text}}</view>
<!-- 工具栏 -->
<view class="toolbar">
<view class="title">卡券中心</view>
<view class="list">
<view class="box" v-for="(row,index) in mytoolbarList" :key="index" @tap="toPage(row.url,row.text)">
<!-- <view style="width: 10px;height: 10px;">
<uni-badge text="1" type="error" />
</view> -->
<uni-badge style="width: 20px;position: absolute; right: 30%;" v-if="row.text == '我的卡券' && textnum "
:text="textnum" type="error" size="normal"></uni-badge>
<uni-badge style="width: 20px;position: absolute; right: 7%;"
v-if="row.text == '我的优惠券' && textSend " :text="textSend" type="error" size="normal"></uni-badge>
<view class="img">
<image :src="imagewxUrl+row.img"></image>
<view class="text">{{row.text}}</view>
<!-- 我的推广 -->
<view class="toolbar" style="margin-top: 20px;">
<view class="title">推广中心</view>
<view class="list">
<view class="box" v-for="(row,index) in mytgbarList" :key="index" @tap="toPage(row.url,row.text)">
<!-- <view style="width: 10px;height: 10px;">
<uni-badge text="1" type="error" />
</view> -->
<uni-badge style="width: 20px;position: absolute; right: 30%;" v-if="row.text == '我的卡券' && textnum "
:text="textnum" type="error" size="normal"></uni-badge>
<uni-badge style="width: 20px;position: absolute; right: 7%;"
v-if="row.text == '我的优惠券' && textSend " :text="textSend" type="error" size="normal"></uni-badge>
<view class="img" v-if="row.text != '客服' ">
<image :src="imagewxUrl+row.img"></image>
<view class="text" v-if="row.text != '客服' ">{{row.text}}</view>
<button open-type="contact" style="background-color: transparent;" class="img" show-message-card
session-from send-message-path send-message-title v-if="row.text == '客服' ">
<image :src="imagewxUrl+row.img"></image>
<view class="text" v-if="row.text == '客服' ">{{row.text}}</view>
<view class="toolbar" style="margin-top: 20px;">
<view class="title">我的</view>
<view class="list">
<view class="box" v-for="(row,index) in czList" :key="index" @tap="toPage(row.url,row.text)">
<view class="img">
<image :src="row.img"></image>
<view class="text">{{row.text}}</view>
<!-- 占位 -->
<view class="place-bottom"></view>
<!-- <authorize></authorize> -->
import {
} from "../../../Utils/Api.js";
// import authorize from '../../../components/Authorize';
import uniBadge from "../../../components/uni-badge/components/uni-badge/uni-badge.vue";
let app = getApp()
export default {
components: {
// authorize,
data() {
return {
isfirst: true,
imagewxUrl: app.globalData.imageWxImg,
imgadres: 'head.png',
headerPosition: "fixed",
textnum: '',
textSend: '',
therrNum: '',
headerTop: null,
statusTop: null,
showHeader: true,
user: "",
// 订单类型
orderList: [{
text: '待支付',
icon: "fukuan"
text: '已支付',
icon: "fahuo"
text: '已完成',
icon: "shouhuo"
}, {
text: '已退款',
icon: "tuihuo"
}, {
text: '已取消',
icon: "pingjia"
huafeiList: [{
text: '待支付',
icon: "fukuan"
text: '已支付',
icon: "fahuo"
text: '已完成',
icon: "shouhuo"
}, {
text: '已取消',
icon: "pingjia"
}, {
text: '已退款',
icon: "tuihuo"
// 工具栏列表
mytoolbarList: [{
url: '/pages/goods/recording/recording?id=1',
text: '充值记录',
img: 'user/mingxi.png'
url: '/pages/goods/recording/recording?id=2',
text: '消费记录',
img: 'user/quan.png'
url: '/pages/user/mineCoupons/mineCoupons',
text: '我的卡券',
img: 'user/choujiang.png'
url: '../../user/coupon/coupon',
text: '我的优惠券',
img: 'user/momey.png'
// 推广列表
mytgbarList: [{
url: '',
text: '客服',
img: 'user/kefu.png'
url: '../../login/login?id=1',
text: '商户入口',
img: 'user/point.png'
url: '../../login/login?id=2',
text: '我的推广',
img: 'user/renw.png'
// ,
// {
// url: '/pages/user/Charge/Charge',
// text: '充话费',
// img: 'user/bank.png'
// }
czList: '',
//下拉刷新,需要自己在page.json文件中配置开启页面下拉刷新 "enablePullDownRefresh": true
onPullDownRefresh() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
onPageScroll(e) {
this.headerPosition = e.scrollTop >= 0 ? "fixed" : "absolute";
this.headerTop = e.scrollTop >= 0 ? null : 0;
this.statusTop = e.scrollTop >= 0 ? null : -this.statusHeight + 'px';
onLoad() {
this.statusHeight = 0;
// #ifdef H5
this.showHeader = true;
// this.statusHeight = plus.navigator.getStatusbarHeight();
// #endif
onReady() {
key: 'UserInfo',
data: false,
success: function() {},
fail: function(e) {}
onShow() {
// if (app.globalData.userInfo) {
// }
if (!app.globalData.userInfo.isSetPayPwd) {
this.czList = [{
url: '../../user/cardDes/cardDes',
text: '工会卡',
img: '../../../static/img/ghkpay.png'
url: '../../login/updatePas/updatePas',
text: '设置密码',
img: '../../../static/img/pas.png'
// '../../user/unionCard/unionCard'
this.czList = [{
url: '../../user/cardDes/cardDes',
text: '工会卡',
img: '../../../static/img/ghkpay.png'
url: '../../login/updatePas/resetPas',
text: '修改密码',
img: '../../../static/img/pas.png'
methods: {
findUser() {
let params;
findUser(params).then(res => {
if (res.return_code == '000000') {
app.globalData.userInfo = res.return_data;
this.user = res.return_data;
this.textnum = res.return_data.unusedCouponNum;
this.textSend = res.return_data.unusedDiscount;
this.therrNum = res.return_data.unpaid;
key: "user",
data: res.return_data
loginByPhone(PhoneNumber) {
if (PhoneNumber.detail.iv == undefined) {
title: "用户取消授权",
icon: "none"
let params = {
openId: app.globalData.openId,
iv: PhoneNumber.detail.iv,
encryptedData: PhoneNumber.detail.encryptedData
loginByPhone(params).then(res => {
if (res.return_code == '000000') {
app.globalData.userInfo = res.return_data
app.globalData.token = res.return_data.uniqueCode;
key: "token",
data: res.return_data.uniqueCode
key: "user",
data: res.return_data
// H5获取手机号
jumpH5Bding() {
url: '/pages/login/register?id=2'
jumplogin() {
url: '../../userLogin/userLogin'
toScan() {
success: function(res) {
url: '../../goods/coupons-info-details/coupons-info-details?id=' + JSON
fail() {
title: '无法识别二维码',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
toMsg() {
title: '暂未开通',
icon: 'none'
toOrderList(index) {
url: '../../user/order_list/order_list?tbIndex=' + index
toOrdehuafeirList(index) {
url: '../../../subPages/unionPay-orderList/unionPay-orderList?tbIndex=' + index
toLogin() {
title: '请登录',
icon: "none"
url: '../../login/login'
this.isfirst = false;
isLogin() {
const value = uni.getStorageSync('UserInfo');
if (value) {
return true;
return false
toDeposit() {
url: '../../user/deposit/deposit'
toPage(url, item) {
if (item != '客服') {
url: url
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