import { AUTO_STYLE, AnimationGroupPlayer, NoopAnimationPlayer, sequence, style, ɵPRE_STYLE } from "./chunk-KI2JSLP6.js"; import { BrowserModule, DomRendererFactory2 } from "./chunk-Y4CEYMY2.js"; import { DOCUMENT } from "./chunk-OSQBUYO6.js"; import { ANIMATION_MODULE_TYPE, ApplicationRef, Inject, Injectable, NgModule, NgZone, RendererFactory2, RuntimeError, setClassMetadata, ɵɵdefineInjectable, ɵɵdefineInjector, ɵɵdefineNgModule, ɵɵinject } from "./chunk-FGESKT7O.js"; // node_modules/@angular/animations/fesm2022/browser.mjs var LINE_START = "\n - "; function invalidTimingValue(exp) { return new RuntimeError(3e3, ngDevMode && `The provided timing value "${exp}" is invalid.`); } function negativeStepValue() { return new RuntimeError(3100, ngDevMode && "Duration values below 0 are not allowed for this animation step."); } function negativeDelayValue() { return new RuntimeError(3101, ngDevMode && "Delay values below 0 are not allowed for this animation step."); } function invalidStyleParams(varName) { return new RuntimeError(3001, ngDevMode && `Unable to resolve the local animation param ${varName} in the given list of values`); } function invalidParamValue(varName) { return new RuntimeError(3003, ngDevMode && `Please provide a value for the animation param ${varName}`); } function invalidNodeType(nodeType) { return new RuntimeError(3004, ngDevMode && `Unable to resolve animation metadata node #${nodeType}`); } function invalidCssUnitValue(userProvidedProperty, value) { return new RuntimeError(3005, ngDevMode && `Please provide a CSS unit value for ${userProvidedProperty}:${value}`); } function invalidTrigger() { return new RuntimeError(3006, ngDevMode && "animation triggers cannot be prefixed with an `@` sign (e.g. trigger('@foo', [...]))"); } function invalidDefinition() { return new RuntimeError(3007, ngDevMode && "only state() and transition() definitions can sit inside of a trigger()"); } function invalidState(metadataName, missingSubs) { return new RuntimeError(3008, ngDevMode && `state("${metadataName}", ...) must define default values for all the following style substitutions: ${missingSubs.join(", ")}`); } function invalidStyleValue(value) { return new RuntimeError(3002, ngDevMode && `The provided style string value ${value} is not allowed.`); } function invalidParallelAnimation(prop, firstStart, firstEnd, secondStart, secondEnd) { return new RuntimeError(3010, ngDevMode && `The CSS property "${prop}" that exists between the times of "${firstStart}ms" and "${firstEnd}ms" is also being animated in a parallel animation between the times of "${secondStart}ms" and "${secondEnd}ms"`); } function invalidKeyframes() { return new RuntimeError(3011, ngDevMode && `keyframes() must be placed inside of a call to animate()`); } function invalidOffset() { return new RuntimeError(3012, ngDevMode && `Please ensure that all keyframe offsets are between 0 and 1`); } function keyframeOffsetsOutOfOrder() { return new RuntimeError(3200, ngDevMode && `Please ensure that all keyframe offsets are in order`); } function keyframesMissingOffsets() { return new RuntimeError(3202, ngDevMode && `Not all style() steps within the declared keyframes() contain offsets`); } function invalidStagger() { return new RuntimeError(3013, ngDevMode && `stagger() can only be used inside of query()`); } function invalidQuery(selector) { return new RuntimeError(3014, ngDevMode && `\`query("${selector}")\` returned zero elements. (Use \`query("${selector}", { optional: true })\` if you wish to allow this.)`); } function invalidExpression(expr) { return new RuntimeError(3015, ngDevMode && `The provided transition expression "${expr}" is not supported`); } function invalidTransitionAlias(alias) { return new RuntimeError(3016, ngDevMode && `The transition alias value "${alias}" is not supported`); } function triggerBuildFailed(name, errors) { return new RuntimeError(3404, ngDevMode && `The animation trigger "${name}" has failed to build due to the following errors: - ${ => err.message).join("\n - ")}`); } function animationFailed(errors) { return new RuntimeError(3502, ngDevMode && `Unable to animate due to the following errors:${LINE_START}${ => err.message).join(LINE_START)}`); } function registerFailed(errors) { return new RuntimeError(3503, ngDevMode && `Unable to build the animation due to the following errors: ${ => err.message).join("\n")}`); } function missingOrDestroyedAnimation() { return new RuntimeError(3300, ngDevMode && "The requested animation doesn't exist or has already been destroyed"); } function createAnimationFailed(errors) { return new RuntimeError(3504, ngDevMode && `Unable to create the animation due to the following errors:${ => err.message).join("\n")}`); } function missingPlayer(id) { return new RuntimeError(3301, ngDevMode && `Unable to find the timeline player referenced by ${id}`); } function missingTrigger(phase, name) { return new RuntimeError(3302, ngDevMode && `Unable to listen on the animation trigger event "${phase}" because the animation trigger "${name}" doesn't exist!`); } function missingEvent(name) { return new RuntimeError(3303, ngDevMode && `Unable to listen on the animation trigger "${name}" because the provided event is undefined!`); } function unsupportedTriggerEvent(phase, name) { return new RuntimeError(3400, ngDevMode && `The provided animation trigger event "${phase}" for the animation trigger "${name}" is not supported!`); } function unregisteredTrigger(name) { return new RuntimeError(3401, ngDevMode && `The provided animation trigger "${name}" has not been registered!`); } function triggerTransitionsFailed(errors) { return new RuntimeError(3402, ngDevMode && `Unable to process animations due to the following failed trigger transitions ${ => err.message).join("\n")}`); } function transitionFailed(name, errors) { return new RuntimeError(3505, ngDevMode && `@${name} has failed due to: ${ => err.message).join("\n- ")}`); } var ANIMATABLE_PROP_SET = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["-moz-outline-radius", "-moz-outline-radius-bottomleft", "-moz-outline-radius-bottomright", "-moz-outline-radius-topleft", "-moz-outline-radius-topright", "-ms-grid-columns", "-ms-grid-rows", "-webkit-line-clamp", "-webkit-text-fill-color", "-webkit-text-stroke", "-webkit-text-stroke-color", "accent-color", "all", "backdrop-filter", "background", "background-color", "background-position", "background-size", "block-size", "border", "border-block-end", "border-block-end-color", "border-block-end-width", "border-block-start", "border-block-start-color", "border-block-start-width", "border-bottom", "border-bottom-color", "border-bottom-left-radius", "border-bottom-right-radius", "border-bottom-width", "border-color", "border-end-end-radius", "border-end-start-radius", "border-image-outset", "border-image-slice", "border-image-width", "border-inline-end", "border-inline-end-color", "border-inline-end-width", "border-inline-start", "border-inline-start-color", "border-inline-start-width", "border-left", "border-left-color", "border-left-width", "border-radius", "border-right", "border-right-color", "border-right-width", "border-start-end-radius", "border-start-start-radius", "border-top", "border-top-color", "border-top-left-radius", "border-top-right-radius", "border-top-width", "border-width", "bottom", "box-shadow", "caret-color", "clip", "clip-path", "color", "column-count", "column-gap", "column-rule", "column-rule-color", "column-rule-width", "column-width", "columns", "filter", "flex", "flex-basis", "flex-grow", "flex-shrink", "font", "font-size", "font-size-adjust", "font-stretch", "font-variation-settings", "font-weight", "gap", "grid-column-gap", "grid-gap", "grid-row-gap", "grid-template-columns", "grid-template-rows", "height", "inline-size", "input-security", "inset", "inset-block", "inset-block-end", "inset-block-start", "inset-inline", "inset-inline-end", "inset-inline-start", "left", "letter-spacing", "line-clamp", "line-height", "margin", "margin-block-end", "margin-block-start", "margin-bottom", "margin-inline-end", "margin-inline-start", "margin-left", "margin-right", "margin-top", "mask", "mask-border", "mask-position", "mask-size", "max-block-size", "max-height", "max-inline-size", "max-lines", "max-width", "min-block-size", "min-height", "min-inline-size", "min-width", "object-position", "offset", "offset-anchor", "offset-distance", "offset-path", "offset-position", "offset-rotate", "opacity", "order", "outline", "outline-color", "outline-offset", "outline-width", "padding", "padding-block-end", "padding-block-start", "padding-bottom", "padding-inline-end", "padding-inline-start", "padding-left", "padding-right", "padding-top", "perspective", "perspective-origin", "right", "rotate", "row-gap", "scale", "scroll-margin", "scroll-margin-block", "scroll-margin-block-end", "scroll-margin-block-start", "scroll-margin-bottom", "scroll-margin-inline", "scroll-margin-inline-end", "scroll-margin-inline-start", "scroll-margin-left", "scroll-margin-right", "scroll-margin-top", "scroll-padding", "scroll-padding-block", "scroll-padding-block-end", "scroll-padding-block-start", "scroll-padding-bottom", "scroll-padding-inline", "scroll-padding-inline-end", "scroll-padding-inline-start", "scroll-padding-left", "scroll-padding-right", "scroll-padding-top", "scroll-snap-coordinate", "scroll-snap-destination", "scrollbar-color", "shape-image-threshold", "shape-margin", "shape-outside", "tab-size", "text-decoration", "text-decoration-color", "text-decoration-thickness", "text-emphasis", "text-emphasis-color", "text-indent", "text-shadow", "text-underline-offset", "top", "transform", "transform-origin", "translate", "vertical-align", "visibility", "width", "word-spacing", "z-index", "zoom"]); function optimizeGroupPlayer(players) { switch (players.length) { case 0: return new NoopAnimationPlayer(); case 1: return players[0]; default: return new AnimationGroupPlayer(players); } } function normalizeKeyframes$1(normalizer, keyframes, preStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), postStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()) { const errors = []; const normalizedKeyframes = []; let previousOffset = -1; let previousKeyframe = null; keyframes.forEach((kf) => { const offset = kf.get("offset"); const isSameOffset = offset == previousOffset; const normalizedKeyframe = isSameOffset && previousKeyframe || /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); kf.forEach((val, prop) => { let normalizedProp = prop; let normalizedValue = val; if (prop !== "offset") { normalizedProp = normalizer.normalizePropertyName(normalizedProp, errors); switch (normalizedValue) { case ɵPRE_STYLE: normalizedValue = preStyles.get(prop); break; case AUTO_STYLE: normalizedValue = postStyles.get(prop); break; default: normalizedValue = normalizer.normalizeStyleValue(prop, normalizedProp, normalizedValue, errors); break; } } normalizedKeyframe.set(normalizedProp, normalizedValue); }); if (!isSameOffset) { normalizedKeyframes.push(normalizedKeyframe); } previousKeyframe = normalizedKeyframe; previousOffset = offset; }); if (errors.length) { throw animationFailed(errors); } return normalizedKeyframes; } function listenOnPlayer(player, eventName, event, callback) { switch (eventName) { case "start": player.onStart(() => callback(event && copyAnimationEvent(event, "start", player))); break; case "done": player.onDone(() => callback(event && copyAnimationEvent(event, "done", player))); break; case "destroy": player.onDestroy(() => callback(event && copyAnimationEvent(event, "destroy", player))); break; } } function copyAnimationEvent(e, phaseName, player) { const totalTime = player.totalTime; const disabled = player.disabled ? true : false; const event = makeAnimationEvent(e.element, e.triggerName, e.fromState, e.toState, phaseName || e.phaseName, totalTime == void 0 ? e.totalTime : totalTime, disabled); const data = e["_data"]; if (data != null) { event["_data"] = data; } return event; } function makeAnimationEvent(element, triggerName, fromState, toState, phaseName = "", totalTime = 0, disabled) { return { element, triggerName, fromState, toState, phaseName, totalTime, disabled: !!disabled }; } function getOrSetDefaultValue(map, key, defaultValue) { let value = map.get(key); if (!value) { map.set(key, value = defaultValue); } return value; } function parseTimelineCommand(command) { const separatorPos = command.indexOf(":"); const id = command.substring(1, separatorPos); const action = command.slice(separatorPos + 1); return [id, action]; } var documentElement = (() => typeof document === "undefined" ? null : document.documentElement)(); function getParentElement(element) { const parent = element.parentNode || || null; if (parent === documentElement) { return null; } return parent; } function containsVendorPrefix(prop) { return prop.substring(1, 6) == "ebkit"; } var _CACHED_BODY = null; var _IS_WEBKIT = false; function validateStyleProperty(prop) { if (!_CACHED_BODY) { _CACHED_BODY = getBodyNode() || {}; _IS_WEBKIT = ? "WebkitAppearance" in : false; } let result = true; if ( && !containsVendorPrefix(prop)) { result = prop in; if (!result && _IS_WEBKIT) { const camelProp = "Webkit" + prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1); result = camelProp in; } } return result; } function validateWebAnimatableStyleProperty(prop) { return ANIMATABLE_PROP_SET.has(prop); } function getBodyNode() { if (typeof document != "undefined") { return document.body; } return null; } function containsElement(elm1, elm2) { while (elm2) { if (elm2 === elm1) { return true; } elm2 = getParentElement(elm2); } return false; } function invokeQuery(element, selector, multi) { if (multi) { return Array.from(element.querySelectorAll(selector)); } const elem = element.querySelector(selector); return elem ? [elem] : []; } var _NoopAnimationDriver = class _NoopAnimationDriver { /** * @returns Whether `prop` is a valid CSS property */ validateStyleProperty(prop) { return validateStyleProperty(prop); } /** * @deprecated unused */ matchesElement(_element, _selector) { return false; } /** * * @returns Whether elm1 contains elm2. */ containsElement(elm1, elm2) { return containsElement(elm1, elm2); } /** * @returns Rhe parent of the given element or `null` if the element is the `document` */ getParentElement(element) { return getParentElement(element); } /** * @returns The result of the query selector on the element. The array will contain up to 1 item * if `multi` is `false`. */ query(element, selector, multi) { return invokeQuery(element, selector, multi); } /** * @returns The `defaultValue` or empty string */ computeStyle(element, prop, defaultValue) { return defaultValue || ""; } /** * @returns An `NoopAnimationPlayer` */ animate(element, keyframes, duration, delay, easing, previousPlayers = [], scrubberAccessRequested) { return new NoopAnimationPlayer(duration, delay); } }; _NoopAnimationDriver.ɵfac = function NoopAnimationDriver_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NoopAnimationDriver)(); }; _NoopAnimationDriver.ɵprov = ɵɵdefineInjectable({ token: _NoopAnimationDriver, factory: _NoopAnimationDriver.ɵfac }); var NoopAnimationDriver = _NoopAnimationDriver; (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NoopAnimationDriver, [{ type: Injectable }], null, null); })(); var _AnimationDriver = class _AnimationDriver { }; _AnimationDriver.NOOP = new NoopAnimationDriver(); var AnimationDriver = _AnimationDriver; var AnimationStyleNormalizer = class { }; var ONE_SECOND = 1e3; var SUBSTITUTION_EXPR_START = "{{"; var SUBSTITUTION_EXPR_END = "}}"; var ENTER_CLASSNAME = "ng-enter"; var LEAVE_CLASSNAME = "ng-leave"; var NG_TRIGGER_CLASSNAME = "ng-trigger"; var NG_TRIGGER_SELECTOR = ".ng-trigger"; var NG_ANIMATING_CLASSNAME = "ng-animating"; var NG_ANIMATING_SELECTOR = ".ng-animating"; function resolveTimingValue(value) { if (typeof value == "number") return value; const matches = value.match(/^(-?[\.\d]+)(m?s)/); if (!matches || matches.length < 2) return 0; return _convertTimeValueToMS(parseFloat(matches[1]), matches[2]); } function _convertTimeValueToMS(value, unit) { switch (unit) { case "s": return value * ONE_SECOND; default: return value; } } function resolveTiming(timings, errors, allowNegativeValues) { return timings.hasOwnProperty("duration") ? timings : parseTimeExpression(timings, errors, allowNegativeValues); } function parseTimeExpression(exp, errors, allowNegativeValues) { const regex = /^(-?[\.\d]+)(m?s)(?:\s+(-?[\.\d]+)(m?s))?(?:\s+([-a-z]+(?:\(.+?\))?))?$/i; let duration; let delay = 0; let easing = ""; if (typeof exp === "string") { const matches = exp.match(regex); if (matches === null) { errors.push(invalidTimingValue(exp)); return { duration: 0, delay: 0, easing: "" }; } duration = _convertTimeValueToMS(parseFloat(matches[1]), matches[2]); const delayMatch = matches[3]; if (delayMatch != null) { delay = _convertTimeValueToMS(parseFloat(delayMatch), matches[4]); } const easingVal = matches[5]; if (easingVal) { easing = easingVal; } } else { duration = exp; } if (!allowNegativeValues) { let containsErrors = false; let startIndex = errors.length; if (duration < 0) { errors.push(negativeStepValue()); containsErrors = true; } if (delay < 0) { errors.push(negativeDelayValue()); containsErrors = true; } if (containsErrors) { errors.splice(startIndex, 0, invalidTimingValue(exp)); } } return { duration, delay, easing }; } function copyObj(obj, destination = {}) { Object.keys(obj).forEach((prop) => { destination[prop] = obj[prop]; }); return destination; } function convertToMap(obj) { const styleMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); Object.keys(obj).forEach((prop) => { const val = obj[prop]; styleMap.set(prop, val); }); return styleMap; } function normalizeKeyframes(keyframes) { if (!keyframes.length) { return []; } if (keyframes[0] instanceof Map) { return keyframes; } return => convertToMap(kf)); } function copyStyles(styles, destination = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), backfill) { if (backfill) { for (let [prop, val] of backfill) { destination.set(prop, val); } } for (let [prop, val] of styles) { destination.set(prop, val); } return destination; } function setStyles(element, styles, formerStyles) { styles.forEach((val, prop) => { const camelProp = dashCaseToCamelCase(prop); if (formerStyles && !formerStyles.has(prop)) { formerStyles.set(prop,[camelProp]); }[camelProp] = val; }); } function eraseStyles(element, styles) { styles.forEach((_, prop) => { const camelProp = dashCaseToCamelCase(prop);[camelProp] = ""; }); } function normalizeAnimationEntry(steps) { if (Array.isArray(steps)) { if (steps.length == 1) return steps[0]; return sequence(steps); } return steps; } function validateStyleParams(value, options, errors) { const params = options.params || {}; const matches = extractStyleParams(value); if (matches.length) { matches.forEach((varName) => { if (!params.hasOwnProperty(varName)) { errors.push(invalidStyleParams(varName)); } }); } } var PARAM_REGEX = new RegExp(`${SUBSTITUTION_EXPR_START}\\s*(.+?)\\s*${SUBSTITUTION_EXPR_END}`, "g"); function extractStyleParams(value) { let params = []; if (typeof value === "string") { let match; while (match = PARAM_REGEX.exec(value)) { params.push(match[1]); } PARAM_REGEX.lastIndex = 0; } return params; } function interpolateParams(value, params, errors) { const original = value.toString(); const str = original.replace(PARAM_REGEX, (_, varName) => { let localVal = params[varName]; if (localVal == null) { errors.push(invalidParamValue(varName)); localVal = ""; } return localVal.toString(); }); return str == original ? value : str; } function iteratorToArray(iterator) { const arr = []; let item =; while (!item.done) { arr.push(item.value); item =; } return arr; } var DASH_CASE_REGEXP = /-+([a-z0-9])/g; function dashCaseToCamelCase(input) { return input.replace(DASH_CASE_REGEXP, (...m) => m[1].toUpperCase()); } function camelCaseToDashCase(input) { return input.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase(); } function allowPreviousPlayerStylesMerge(duration, delay) { return duration === 0 || delay === 0; } function balancePreviousStylesIntoKeyframes(element, keyframes, previousStyles) { if (previousStyles.size && keyframes.length) { let startingKeyframe = keyframes[0]; let missingStyleProps = []; previousStyles.forEach((val, prop) => { if (!startingKeyframe.has(prop)) { missingStyleProps.push(prop); } startingKeyframe.set(prop, val); }); if (missingStyleProps.length) { for (let i = 1; i < keyframes.length; i++) { let kf = keyframes[i]; missingStyleProps.forEach((prop) => kf.set(prop, computeStyle(element, prop))); } } } return keyframes; } function visitDslNode(visitor, node, context) { switch (node.type) { case 7: return visitor.visitTrigger(node, context); case 0: return visitor.visitState(node, context); case 1: return visitor.visitTransition(node, context); case 2: return visitor.visitSequence(node, context); case 3: return visitor.visitGroup(node, context); case 4: return visitor.visitAnimate(node, context); case 5: return visitor.visitKeyframes(node, context); case 6: return visitor.visitStyle(node, context); case 8: return visitor.visitReference(node, context); case 9: return visitor.visitAnimateChild(node, context); case 10: return visitor.visitAnimateRef(node, context); case 11: return visitor.visitQuery(node, context); case 12: return visitor.visitStagger(node, context); default: throw invalidNodeType(node.type); } } function computeStyle(element, prop) { return window.getComputedStyle(element)[prop]; } var DIMENSIONAL_PROP_SET = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["width", "height", "minWidth", "minHeight", "maxWidth", "maxHeight", "left", "top", "bottom", "right", "fontSize", "outlineWidth", "outlineOffset", "paddingTop", "paddingLeft", "paddingBottom", "paddingRight", "marginTop", "marginLeft", "marginBottom", "marginRight", "borderRadius", "borderWidth", "borderTopWidth", "borderLeftWidth", "borderRightWidth", "borderBottomWidth", "textIndent", "perspective"]); var WebAnimationsStyleNormalizer = class extends AnimationStyleNormalizer { normalizePropertyName(propertyName, errors) { return dashCaseToCamelCase(propertyName); } normalizeStyleValue(userProvidedProperty, normalizedProperty, value, errors) { let unit = ""; const strVal = value.toString().trim(); if (DIMENSIONAL_PROP_SET.has(normalizedProperty) && value !== 0 && value !== "0") { if (typeof value === "number") { unit = "px"; } else { const valAndSuffixMatch = value.match(/^[+-]?[\d\.]+([a-z]*)$/); if (valAndSuffixMatch && valAndSuffixMatch[1].length == 0) { errors.push(invalidCssUnitValue(userProvidedProperty, value)); } } } return strVal + unit; } }; function createListOfWarnings(warnings) { const LINE_START2 = "\n - "; return `${LINE_START2}${warnings.filter(Boolean).map((warning) => warning).join(LINE_START2)}`; } function warnTriggerBuild(name, warnings) { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && console.warn(`The animation trigger "${name}" has built with the following warnings:${createListOfWarnings(warnings)}`); } function warnRegister(warnings) { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && console.warn(`Animation built with the following warnings:${createListOfWarnings(warnings)}`); } function pushUnrecognizedPropertiesWarning(warnings, props) { if (props.length) { warnings.push(`The following provided properties are not recognized: ${props.join(", ")}`); } } var ANY_STATE = "*"; function parseTransitionExpr(transitionValue, errors) { const expressions = []; if (typeof transitionValue == "string") { transitionValue.split(/\s*,\s*/).forEach((str) => parseInnerTransitionStr(str, expressions, errors)); } else { expressions.push(transitionValue); } return expressions; } function parseInnerTransitionStr(eventStr, expressions, errors) { if (eventStr[0] == ":") { const result = parseAnimationAlias(eventStr, errors); if (typeof result == "function") { expressions.push(result); return; } eventStr = result; } const match = eventStr.match(/^(\*|[-\w]+)\s*()\s*(\*|[-\w]+)$/); if (match == null || match.length < 4) { errors.push(invalidExpression(eventStr)); return expressions; } const fromState = match[1]; const separator = match[2]; const toState = match[3]; expressions.push(makeLambdaFromStates(fromState, toState)); const isFullAnyStateExpr = fromState == ANY_STATE && toState == ANY_STATE; if (separator[0] == "<" && !isFullAnyStateExpr) { expressions.push(makeLambdaFromStates(toState, fromState)); } return; } function parseAnimationAlias(alias, errors) { switch (alias) { case ":enter": return "void => *"; case ":leave": return "* => void"; case ":increment": return (fromState, toState) => parseFloat(toState) > parseFloat(fromState); case ":decrement": return (fromState, toState) => parseFloat(toState) < parseFloat(fromState); default: errors.push(invalidTransitionAlias(alias)); return "* => *"; } } var TRUE_BOOLEAN_VALUES = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["true", "1"]); var FALSE_BOOLEAN_VALUES = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["false", "0"]); function makeLambdaFromStates(lhs, rhs) { const LHS_MATCH_BOOLEAN = TRUE_BOOLEAN_VALUES.has(lhs) || FALSE_BOOLEAN_VALUES.has(lhs); const RHS_MATCH_BOOLEAN = TRUE_BOOLEAN_VALUES.has(rhs) || FALSE_BOOLEAN_VALUES.has(rhs); return (fromState, toState) => { let lhsMatch = lhs == ANY_STATE || lhs == fromState; let rhsMatch = rhs == ANY_STATE || rhs == toState; if (!lhsMatch && LHS_MATCH_BOOLEAN && typeof fromState === "boolean") { lhsMatch = fromState ? TRUE_BOOLEAN_VALUES.has(lhs) : FALSE_BOOLEAN_VALUES.has(lhs); } if (!rhsMatch && RHS_MATCH_BOOLEAN && typeof toState === "boolean") { rhsMatch = toState ? TRUE_BOOLEAN_VALUES.has(rhs) : FALSE_BOOLEAN_VALUES.has(rhs); } return lhsMatch && rhsMatch; }; } var SELF_TOKEN = ":self"; var SELF_TOKEN_REGEX = new RegExp(`s*${SELF_TOKEN}s*,?`, "g"); function buildAnimationAst(driver, metadata, errors, warnings) { return new AnimationAstBuilderVisitor(driver).build(metadata, errors, warnings); } var ROOT_SELECTOR = ""; var AnimationAstBuilderVisitor = class { constructor(_driver) { this._driver = _driver; } build(metadata, errors, warnings) { const context = new AnimationAstBuilderContext(errors); this._resetContextStyleTimingState(context); const ast = visitDslNode(this, normalizeAnimationEntry(metadata), context); if (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) { if (context.unsupportedCSSPropertiesFound.size) { pushUnrecognizedPropertiesWarning(warnings, [...context.unsupportedCSSPropertiesFound.keys()]); } } return ast; } _resetContextStyleTimingState(context) { context.currentQuerySelector = ROOT_SELECTOR; context.collectedStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); context.collectedStyles.set(ROOT_SELECTOR, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); context.currentTime = 0; } visitTrigger(metadata, context) { let queryCount = context.queryCount = 0; let depCount = context.depCount = 0; const states = []; const transitions = []; if ( == "@") { context.errors.push(invalidTrigger()); } metadata.definitions.forEach((def) => { this._resetContextStyleTimingState(context); if (def.type == 0) { const stateDef = def; const name =; name.toString().split(/\s*,\s*/).forEach((n) => { = n; states.push(this.visitState(stateDef, context)); }); = name; } else if (def.type == 1) { const transition = this.visitTransition(def, context); queryCount += transition.queryCount; depCount += transition.depCount; transitions.push(transition); } else { context.errors.push(invalidDefinition()); } }); return { type: 7, name:, states, transitions, queryCount, depCount, options: null }; } visitState(metadata, context) { const styleAst = this.visitStyle(metadata.styles, context); const astParams = metadata.options && metadata.options.params || null; if (styleAst.containsDynamicStyles) { const missingSubs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const params = astParams || {}; styleAst.styles.forEach((style2) => { if (style2 instanceof Map) { style2.forEach((value) => { extractStyleParams(value).forEach((sub) => { if (!params.hasOwnProperty(sub)) { missingSubs.add(sub); } }); }); } }); if (missingSubs.size) { const missingSubsArr = iteratorToArray(missingSubs.values()); context.errors.push(invalidState(, missingSubsArr)); } } return { type: 0, name:, style: styleAst, options: astParams ? { params: astParams } : null }; } visitTransition(metadata, context) { context.queryCount = 0; context.depCount = 0; const animation = visitDslNode(this, normalizeAnimationEntry(metadata.animation), context); const matchers = parseTransitionExpr(metadata.expr, context.errors); return { type: 1, matchers, animation, queryCount: context.queryCount, depCount: context.depCount, options: normalizeAnimationOptions(metadata.options) }; } visitSequence(metadata, context) { return { type: 2, steps: => visitDslNode(this, s, context)), options: normalizeAnimationOptions(metadata.options) }; } visitGroup(metadata, context) { const currentTime = context.currentTime; let furthestTime = 0; const steps = => { context.currentTime = currentTime; const innerAst = visitDslNode(this, step, context); furthestTime = Math.max(furthestTime, context.currentTime); return innerAst; }); context.currentTime = furthestTime; return { type: 3, steps, options: normalizeAnimationOptions(metadata.options) }; } visitAnimate(metadata, context) { const timingAst = constructTimingAst(metadata.timings, context.errors); context.currentAnimateTimings = timingAst; let styleAst; let styleMetadata = metadata.styles ? metadata.styles : style({}); if (styleMetadata.type == 5) { styleAst = this.visitKeyframes(styleMetadata, context); } else { let styleMetadata2 = metadata.styles; let isEmpty = false; if (!styleMetadata2) { isEmpty = true; const newStyleData = {}; if (timingAst.easing) { newStyleData["easing"] = timingAst.easing; } styleMetadata2 = style(newStyleData); } context.currentTime += timingAst.duration + timingAst.delay; const _styleAst = this.visitStyle(styleMetadata2, context); _styleAst.isEmptyStep = isEmpty; styleAst = _styleAst; } context.currentAnimateTimings = null; return { type: 4, timings: timingAst, style: styleAst, options: null }; } visitStyle(metadata, context) { const ast = this._makeStyleAst(metadata, context); this._validateStyleAst(ast, context); return ast; } _makeStyleAst(metadata, context) { const styles = []; const metadataStyles = Array.isArray(metadata.styles) ? metadata.styles : [metadata.styles]; for (let styleTuple of metadataStyles) { if (typeof styleTuple === "string") { if (styleTuple === AUTO_STYLE) { styles.push(styleTuple); } else { context.errors.push(invalidStyleValue(styleTuple)); } } else { styles.push(convertToMap(styleTuple)); } } let containsDynamicStyles = false; let collectedEasing = null; styles.forEach((styleData) => { if (styleData instanceof Map) { if (styleData.has("easing")) { collectedEasing = styleData.get("easing"); styleData.delete("easing"); } if (!containsDynamicStyles) { for (let value of styleData.values()) { if (value.toString().indexOf(SUBSTITUTION_EXPR_START) >= 0) { containsDynamicStyles = true; break; } } } } }); return { type: 6, styles, easing: collectedEasing, offset: metadata.offset, containsDynamicStyles, options: null }; } _validateStyleAst(ast, context) { const timings = context.currentAnimateTimings; let endTime = context.currentTime; let startTime = context.currentTime; if (timings && startTime > 0) { startTime -= timings.duration + timings.delay; } ast.styles.forEach((tuple) => { if (typeof tuple === "string") return; tuple.forEach((value, prop) => { if (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) { if (!this._driver.validateStyleProperty(prop)) { tuple.delete(prop); context.unsupportedCSSPropertiesFound.add(prop); return; } } const collectedStyles = context.collectedStyles.get(context.currentQuerySelector); const collectedEntry = collectedStyles.get(prop); let updateCollectedStyle = true; if (collectedEntry) { if (startTime != endTime && startTime >= collectedEntry.startTime && endTime <= collectedEntry.endTime) { context.errors.push(invalidParallelAnimation(prop, collectedEntry.startTime, collectedEntry.endTime, startTime, endTime)); updateCollectedStyle = false; } startTime = collectedEntry.startTime; } if (updateCollectedStyle) { collectedStyles.set(prop, { startTime, endTime }); } if (context.options) { validateStyleParams(value, context.options, context.errors); } }); }); } visitKeyframes(metadata, context) { const ast = { type: 5, styles: [], options: null }; if (!context.currentAnimateTimings) { context.errors.push(invalidKeyframes()); return ast; } const MAX_KEYFRAME_OFFSET = 1; let totalKeyframesWithOffsets = 0; const offsets = []; let offsetsOutOfOrder = false; let keyframesOutOfRange = false; let previousOffset = 0; const keyframes = => { const style2 = this._makeStyleAst(styles, context); let offsetVal = style2.offset != null ? style2.offset : consumeOffset(style2.styles); let offset = 0; if (offsetVal != null) { totalKeyframesWithOffsets++; offset = style2.offset = offsetVal; } keyframesOutOfRange = keyframesOutOfRange || offset < 0 || offset > 1; offsetsOutOfOrder = offsetsOutOfOrder || offset < previousOffset; previousOffset = offset; offsets.push(offset); return style2; }); if (keyframesOutOfRange) { context.errors.push(invalidOffset()); } if (offsetsOutOfOrder) { context.errors.push(keyframeOffsetsOutOfOrder()); } const length = metadata.steps.length; let generatedOffset = 0; if (totalKeyframesWithOffsets > 0 && totalKeyframesWithOffsets < length) { context.errors.push(keyframesMissingOffsets()); } else if (totalKeyframesWithOffsets == 0) { generatedOffset = MAX_KEYFRAME_OFFSET / (length - 1); } const limit = length - 1; const currentTime = context.currentTime; const currentAnimateTimings = context.currentAnimateTimings; const animateDuration = currentAnimateTimings.duration; keyframes.forEach((kf, i) => { const offset = generatedOffset > 0 ? i == limit ? 1 : generatedOffset * i : offsets[i]; const durationUpToThisFrame = offset * animateDuration; context.currentTime = currentTime + currentAnimateTimings.delay + durationUpToThisFrame; currentAnimateTimings.duration = durationUpToThisFrame; this._validateStyleAst(kf, context); kf.offset = offset; ast.styles.push(kf); }); return ast; } visitReference(metadata, context) { return { type: 8, animation: visitDslNode(this, normalizeAnimationEntry(metadata.animation), context), options: normalizeAnimationOptions(metadata.options) }; } visitAnimateChild(metadata, context) { context.depCount++; return { type: 9, options: normalizeAnimationOptions(metadata.options) }; } visitAnimateRef(metadata, context) { return { type: 10, animation: this.visitReference(metadata.animation, context), options: normalizeAnimationOptions(metadata.options) }; } visitQuery(metadata, context) { const parentSelector = context.currentQuerySelector; const options = metadata.options || {}; context.queryCount++; context.currentQuery = metadata; const [selector, includeSelf] = normalizeSelector(metadata.selector); context.currentQuerySelector = parentSelector.length ? parentSelector + " " + selector : selector; getOrSetDefaultValue(context.collectedStyles, context.currentQuerySelector, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); const animation = visitDslNode(this, normalizeAnimationEntry(metadata.animation), context); context.currentQuery = null; context.currentQuerySelector = parentSelector; return { type: 11, selector, limit: options.limit || 0, optional: !!options.optional, includeSelf, animation, originalSelector: metadata.selector, options: normalizeAnimationOptions(metadata.options) }; } visitStagger(metadata, context) { if (!context.currentQuery) { context.errors.push(invalidStagger()); } const timings = metadata.timings === "full" ? { duration: 0, delay: 0, easing: "full" } : resolveTiming(metadata.timings, context.errors, true); return { type: 12, animation: visitDslNode(this, normalizeAnimationEntry(metadata.animation), context), timings, options: null }; } }; function normalizeSelector(selector) { const hasAmpersand = selector.split(/\s*,\s*/).find((token) => token == SELF_TOKEN) ? true : false; if (hasAmpersand) { selector = selector.replace(SELF_TOKEN_REGEX, ""); } selector = selector.replace(/@\*/g, NG_TRIGGER_SELECTOR).replace(/@\w+/g, (match) => NG_TRIGGER_SELECTOR + "-" + match.slice(1)).replace(/:animating/g, NG_ANIMATING_SELECTOR); return [selector, hasAmpersand]; } function normalizeParams(obj) { return obj ? copyObj(obj) : null; } var AnimationAstBuilderContext = class { constructor(errors) { this.errors = errors; this.queryCount = 0; this.depCount = 0; this.currentTransition = null; this.currentQuery = null; this.currentQuerySelector = null; this.currentAnimateTimings = null; this.currentTime = 0; this.collectedStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.options = null; this.unsupportedCSSPropertiesFound = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); } }; function consumeOffset(styles) { if (typeof styles == "string") return null; let offset = null; if (Array.isArray(styles)) { styles.forEach((styleTuple) => { if (styleTuple instanceof Map && styleTuple.has("offset")) { const obj = styleTuple; offset = parseFloat(obj.get("offset")); obj.delete("offset"); } }); } else if (styles instanceof Map && styles.has("offset")) { const obj = styles; offset = parseFloat(obj.get("offset")); obj.delete("offset"); } return offset; } function constructTimingAst(value, errors) { if (value.hasOwnProperty("duration")) { return value; } if (typeof value == "number") { const duration = resolveTiming(value, errors).duration; return makeTimingAst(duration, 0, ""); } const strValue = value; const isDynamic = strValue.split(/\s+/).some((v) => v.charAt(0) == "{" && v.charAt(1) == "{"); if (isDynamic) { const ast = makeTimingAst(0, 0, ""); ast.dynamic = true; ast.strValue = strValue; return ast; } const timings = resolveTiming(strValue, errors); return makeTimingAst(timings.duration, timings.delay, timings.easing); } function normalizeAnimationOptions(options) { if (options) { options = copyObj(options); if (options["params"]) { options["params"] = normalizeParams(options["params"]); } } else { options = {}; } return options; } function makeTimingAst(duration, delay, easing) { return { duration, delay, easing }; } function createTimelineInstruction(element, keyframes, preStyleProps, postStyleProps, duration, delay, easing = null, subTimeline = false) { return { type: 1, element, keyframes, preStyleProps, postStyleProps, duration, delay, totalTime: duration + delay, easing, subTimeline }; } var ElementInstructionMap = class { constructor() { this._map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } get(element) { return this._map.get(element) || []; } append(element, instructions) { let existingInstructions = this._map.get(element); if (!existingInstructions) { this._map.set(element, existingInstructions = []); } existingInstructions.push(...instructions); } has(element) { return this._map.has(element); } clear() { this._map.clear(); } }; var ONE_FRAME_IN_MILLISECONDS = 1; var ENTER_TOKEN = ":enter"; var ENTER_TOKEN_REGEX = new RegExp(ENTER_TOKEN, "g"); var LEAVE_TOKEN = ":leave"; var LEAVE_TOKEN_REGEX = new RegExp(LEAVE_TOKEN, "g"); function buildAnimationTimelines(driver, rootElement, ast, enterClassName, leaveClassName, startingStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), finalStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), options, subInstructions, errors = []) { return new AnimationTimelineBuilderVisitor().buildKeyframes(driver, rootElement, ast, enterClassName, leaveClassName, startingStyles, finalStyles, options, subInstructions, errors); } var AnimationTimelineBuilderVisitor = class { buildKeyframes(driver, rootElement, ast, enterClassName, leaveClassName, startingStyles, finalStyles, options, subInstructions, errors = []) { subInstructions = subInstructions || new ElementInstructionMap(); const context = new AnimationTimelineContext(driver, rootElement, subInstructions, enterClassName, leaveClassName, errors, []); context.options = options; const delay = options.delay ? resolveTimingValue(options.delay) : 0; context.currentTimeline.delayNextStep(delay); context.currentTimeline.setStyles([startingStyles], null, context.errors, options); visitDslNode(this, ast, context); const timelines = context.timelines.filter((timeline) => timeline.containsAnimation()); if (timelines.length && finalStyles.size) { let lastRootTimeline; for (let i = timelines.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const timeline = timelines[i]; if (timeline.element === rootElement) { lastRootTimeline = timeline; break; } } if (lastRootTimeline && !lastRootTimeline.allowOnlyTimelineStyles()) { lastRootTimeline.setStyles([finalStyles], null, context.errors, options); } } return timelines.length ? => timeline.buildKeyframes()) : [createTimelineInstruction(rootElement, [], [], [], 0, delay, "", false)]; } visitTrigger(ast, context) { } visitState(ast, context) { } visitTransition(ast, context) { } visitAnimateChild(ast, context) { const elementInstructions = context.subInstructions.get(context.element); if (elementInstructions) { const innerContext = context.createSubContext(ast.options); const startTime = context.currentTimeline.currentTime; const endTime = this._visitSubInstructions(elementInstructions, innerContext, innerContext.options); if (startTime != endTime) { context.transformIntoNewTimeline(endTime); } } context.previousNode = ast; } visitAnimateRef(ast, context) { const innerContext = context.createSubContext(ast.options); innerContext.transformIntoNewTimeline(); this._applyAnimationRefDelays([ast.options, ast.animation.options], context, innerContext); this.visitReference(ast.animation, innerContext); context.transformIntoNewTimeline(innerContext.currentTimeline.currentTime); context.previousNode = ast; } _applyAnimationRefDelays(animationsRefsOptions, context, innerContext) { for (const animationRefOptions of animationsRefsOptions) { const animationDelay = animationRefOptions?.delay; if (animationDelay) { const animationDelayValue = typeof animationDelay === "number" ? animationDelay : resolveTimingValue(interpolateParams(animationDelay, animationRefOptions?.params ?? {}, context.errors)); innerContext.delayNextStep(animationDelayValue); } } } _visitSubInstructions(instructions, context, options) { const startTime = context.currentTimeline.currentTime; let furthestTime = startTime; const duration = options.duration != null ? resolveTimingValue(options.duration) : null; const delay = options.delay != null ? resolveTimingValue(options.delay) : null; if (duration !== 0) { instructions.forEach((instruction) => { const instructionTimings = context.appendInstructionToTimeline(instruction, duration, delay); furthestTime = Math.max(furthestTime, instructionTimings.duration + instructionTimings.delay); }); } return furthestTime; } visitReference(ast, context) { context.updateOptions(ast.options, true); visitDslNode(this, ast.animation, context); context.previousNode = ast; } visitSequence(ast, context) { const subContextCount = context.subContextCount; let ctx = context; const options = ast.options; if (options && (options.params || options.delay)) { ctx = context.createSubContext(options); ctx.transformIntoNewTimeline(); if (options.delay != null) { if (ctx.previousNode.type == 6) { ctx.currentTimeline.snapshotCurrentStyles(); ctx.previousNode = DEFAULT_NOOP_PREVIOUS_NODE; } const delay = resolveTimingValue(options.delay); ctx.delayNextStep(delay); } } if (ast.steps.length) { ast.steps.forEach((s) => visitDslNode(this, s, ctx)); ctx.currentTimeline.applyStylesToKeyframe(); if (ctx.subContextCount > subContextCount) { ctx.transformIntoNewTimeline(); } } context.previousNode = ast; } visitGroup(ast, context) { const innerTimelines = []; let furthestTime = context.currentTimeline.currentTime; const delay = ast.options && ast.options.delay ? resolveTimingValue(ast.options.delay) : 0; ast.steps.forEach((s) => { const innerContext = context.createSubContext(ast.options); if (delay) { innerContext.delayNextStep(delay); } visitDslNode(this, s, innerContext); furthestTime = Math.max(furthestTime, innerContext.currentTimeline.currentTime); innerTimelines.push(innerContext.currentTimeline); }); innerTimelines.forEach((timeline) => context.currentTimeline.mergeTimelineCollectedStyles(timeline)); context.transformIntoNewTimeline(furthestTime); context.previousNode = ast; } _visitTiming(ast, context) { if (ast.dynamic) { const strValue = ast.strValue; const timingValue = context.params ? interpolateParams(strValue, context.params, context.errors) : strValue; return resolveTiming(timingValue, context.errors); } else { return { duration: ast.duration, delay: ast.delay, easing: ast.easing }; } } visitAnimate(ast, context) { const timings = context.currentAnimateTimings = this._visitTiming(ast.timings, context); const timeline = context.currentTimeline; if (timings.delay) { context.incrementTime(timings.delay); timeline.snapshotCurrentStyles(); } const style2 =; if (style2.type == 5) { this.visitKeyframes(style2, context); } else { context.incrementTime(timings.duration); this.visitStyle(style2, context); timeline.applyStylesToKeyframe(); } context.currentAnimateTimings = null; context.previousNode = ast; } visitStyle(ast, context) { const timeline = context.currentTimeline; const timings = context.currentAnimateTimings; if (!timings && timeline.hasCurrentStyleProperties()) { timeline.forwardFrame(); } const easing = timings && timings.easing || ast.easing; if (ast.isEmptyStep) { timeline.applyEmptyStep(easing); } else { timeline.setStyles(ast.styles, easing, context.errors, context.options); } context.previousNode = ast; } visitKeyframes(ast, context) { const currentAnimateTimings = context.currentAnimateTimings; const startTime = context.currentTimeline.duration; const duration = currentAnimateTimings.duration; const innerContext = context.createSubContext(); const innerTimeline = innerContext.currentTimeline; innerTimeline.easing = currentAnimateTimings.easing; ast.styles.forEach((step) => { const offset = step.offset || 0; innerTimeline.forwardTime(offset * duration); innerTimeline.setStyles(step.styles, step.easing, context.errors, context.options); innerTimeline.applyStylesToKeyframe(); }); context.currentTimeline.mergeTimelineCollectedStyles(innerTimeline); context.transformIntoNewTimeline(startTime + duration); context.previousNode = ast; } visitQuery(ast, context) { const startTime = context.currentTimeline.currentTime; const options = ast.options || {}; const delay = options.delay ? resolveTimingValue(options.delay) : 0; if (delay && (context.previousNode.type === 6 || startTime == 0 && context.currentTimeline.hasCurrentStyleProperties())) { context.currentTimeline.snapshotCurrentStyles(); context.previousNode = DEFAULT_NOOP_PREVIOUS_NODE; } let furthestTime = startTime; const elms = context.invokeQuery(ast.selector, ast.originalSelector, ast.limit, ast.includeSelf, options.optional ? true : false, context.errors); context.currentQueryTotal = elms.length; let sameElementTimeline = null; elms.forEach((element, i) => { context.currentQueryIndex = i; const innerContext = context.createSubContext(ast.options, element); if (delay) { innerContext.delayNextStep(delay); } if (element === context.element) { sameElementTimeline = innerContext.currentTimeline; } visitDslNode(this, ast.animation, innerContext); innerContext.currentTimeline.applyStylesToKeyframe(); const endTime = innerContext.currentTimeline.currentTime; furthestTime = Math.max(furthestTime, endTime); }); context.currentQueryIndex = 0; context.currentQueryTotal = 0; context.transformIntoNewTimeline(furthestTime); if (sameElementTimeline) { context.currentTimeline.mergeTimelineCollectedStyles(sameElementTimeline); context.currentTimeline.snapshotCurrentStyles(); } context.previousNode = ast; } visitStagger(ast, context) { const parentContext = context.parentContext; const tl = context.currentTimeline; const timings = ast.timings; const duration = Math.abs(timings.duration); const maxTime = duration * (context.currentQueryTotal - 1); let delay = duration * context.currentQueryIndex; let staggerTransformer = timings.duration < 0 ? "reverse" : timings.easing; switch (staggerTransformer) { case "reverse": delay = maxTime - delay; break; case "full": delay = parentContext.currentStaggerTime; break; } const timeline = context.currentTimeline; if (delay) { timeline.delayNextStep(delay); } const startingTime = timeline.currentTime; visitDslNode(this, ast.animation, context); context.previousNode = ast; parentContext.currentStaggerTime = tl.currentTime - startingTime + (tl.startTime - parentContext.currentTimeline.startTime); } }; var DEFAULT_NOOP_PREVIOUS_NODE = {}; var AnimationTimelineContext = class _AnimationTimelineContext { constructor(_driver, element, subInstructions, _enterClassName, _leaveClassName, errors, timelines, initialTimeline) { this._driver = _driver; this.element = element; this.subInstructions = subInstructions; this._enterClassName = _enterClassName; this._leaveClassName = _leaveClassName; this.errors = errors; this.timelines = timelines; this.parentContext = null; this.currentAnimateTimings = null; this.previousNode = DEFAULT_NOOP_PREVIOUS_NODE; this.subContextCount = 0; this.options = {}; this.currentQueryIndex = 0; this.currentQueryTotal = 0; this.currentStaggerTime = 0; this.currentTimeline = initialTimeline || new TimelineBuilder(this._driver, element, 0); timelines.push(this.currentTimeline); } get params() { return this.options.params; } updateOptions(options, skipIfExists) { if (!options) return; const newOptions = options; let optionsToUpdate = this.options; if (newOptions.duration != null) { optionsToUpdate.duration = resolveTimingValue(newOptions.duration); } if (newOptions.delay != null) { optionsToUpdate.delay = resolveTimingValue(newOptions.delay); } const newParams = newOptions.params; if (newParams) { let paramsToUpdate = optionsToUpdate.params; if (!paramsToUpdate) { paramsToUpdate = this.options.params = {}; } Object.keys(newParams).forEach((name) => { if (!skipIfExists || !paramsToUpdate.hasOwnProperty(name)) { paramsToUpdate[name] = interpolateParams(newParams[name], paramsToUpdate, this.errors); } }); } } _copyOptions() { const options = {}; if (this.options) { const oldParams = this.options.params; if (oldParams) { const params = options["params"] = {}; Object.keys(oldParams).forEach((name) => { params[name] = oldParams[name]; }); } } return options; } createSubContext(options = null, element, newTime) { const target = element || this.element; const context = new _AnimationTimelineContext(this._driver, target, this.subInstructions, this._enterClassName, this._leaveClassName, this.errors, this.timelines, this.currentTimeline.fork(target, newTime || 0)); context.previousNode = this.previousNode; context.currentAnimateTimings = this.currentAnimateTimings; context.options = this._copyOptions(); context.updateOptions(options); context.currentQueryIndex = this.currentQueryIndex; context.currentQueryTotal = this.currentQueryTotal; context.parentContext = this; this.subContextCount++; return context; } transformIntoNewTimeline(newTime) { this.previousNode = DEFAULT_NOOP_PREVIOUS_NODE; this.currentTimeline = this.currentTimeline.fork(this.element, newTime); this.timelines.push(this.currentTimeline); return this.currentTimeline; } appendInstructionToTimeline(instruction, duration, delay) { const updatedTimings = { duration: duration != null ? duration : instruction.duration, delay: this.currentTimeline.currentTime + (delay != null ? delay : 0) + instruction.delay, easing: "" }; const builder = new SubTimelineBuilder(this._driver, instruction.element, instruction.keyframes, instruction.preStyleProps, instruction.postStyleProps, updatedTimings, instruction.stretchStartingKeyframe); this.timelines.push(builder); return updatedTimings; } incrementTime(time) { this.currentTimeline.forwardTime(this.currentTimeline.duration + time); } delayNextStep(delay) { if (delay > 0) { this.currentTimeline.delayNextStep(delay); } } invokeQuery(selector, originalSelector, limit, includeSelf, optional, errors) { let results = []; if (includeSelf) { results.push(this.element); } if (selector.length > 0) { selector = selector.replace(ENTER_TOKEN_REGEX, "." + this._enterClassName); selector = selector.replace(LEAVE_TOKEN_REGEX, "." + this._leaveClassName); const multi = limit != 1; let elements = this._driver.query(this.element, selector, multi); if (limit !== 0) { elements = limit < 0 ? elements.slice(elements.length + limit, elements.length) : elements.slice(0, limit); } results.push(...elements); } if (!optional && results.length == 0) { errors.push(invalidQuery(originalSelector)); } return results; } }; var TimelineBuilder = class _TimelineBuilder { constructor(_driver, element, startTime, _elementTimelineStylesLookup) { this._driver = _driver; this.element = element; this.startTime = startTime; this._elementTimelineStylesLookup = _elementTimelineStylesLookup; this.duration = 0; this.easing = null; this._previousKeyframe = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._currentKeyframe = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._keyframes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._styleSummary = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._localTimelineStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._pendingStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._backFill = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._currentEmptyStepKeyframe = null; if (!this._elementTimelineStylesLookup) { this._elementTimelineStylesLookup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } this._globalTimelineStyles = this._elementTimelineStylesLookup.get(element); if (!this._globalTimelineStyles) { this._globalTimelineStyles = this._localTimelineStyles; this._elementTimelineStylesLookup.set(element, this._localTimelineStyles); } this._loadKeyframe(); } containsAnimation() { switch (this._keyframes.size) { case 0: return false; case 1: return this.hasCurrentStyleProperties(); default: return true; } } hasCurrentStyleProperties() { return this._currentKeyframe.size > 0; } get currentTime() { return this.startTime + this.duration; } delayNextStep(delay) { const hasPreStyleStep = this._keyframes.size === 1 && this._pendingStyles.size; if (this.duration || hasPreStyleStep) { this.forwardTime(this.currentTime + delay); if (hasPreStyleStep) { this.snapshotCurrentStyles(); } } else { this.startTime += delay; } } fork(element, currentTime) { this.applyStylesToKeyframe(); return new _TimelineBuilder(this._driver, element, currentTime || this.currentTime, this._elementTimelineStylesLookup); } _loadKeyframe() { if (this._currentKeyframe) { this._previousKeyframe = this._currentKeyframe; } this._currentKeyframe = this._keyframes.get(this.duration); if (!this._currentKeyframe) { this._currentKeyframe = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._keyframes.set(this.duration, this._currentKeyframe); } } forwardFrame() { this.duration += ONE_FRAME_IN_MILLISECONDS; this._loadKeyframe(); } forwardTime(time) { this.applyStylesToKeyframe(); this.duration = time; this._loadKeyframe(); } _updateStyle(prop, value) { this._localTimelineStyles.set(prop, value); this._globalTimelineStyles.set(prop, value); this._styleSummary.set(prop, { time: this.currentTime, value }); } allowOnlyTimelineStyles() { return this._currentEmptyStepKeyframe !== this._currentKeyframe; } applyEmptyStep(easing) { if (easing) { this._previousKeyframe.set("easing", easing); } for (let [prop, value] of this._globalTimelineStyles) { this._backFill.set(prop, value || AUTO_STYLE); this._currentKeyframe.set(prop, AUTO_STYLE); } this._currentEmptyStepKeyframe = this._currentKeyframe; } setStyles(input, easing, errors, options) { if (easing) { this._previousKeyframe.set("easing", easing); } const params = options && options.params || {}; const styles = flattenStyles(input, this._globalTimelineStyles); for (let [prop, value] of styles) { const val = interpolateParams(value, params, errors); this._pendingStyles.set(prop, val); if (!this._localTimelineStyles.has(prop)) { this._backFill.set(prop, this._globalTimelineStyles.get(prop) ?? AUTO_STYLE); } this._updateStyle(prop, val); } } applyStylesToKeyframe() { if (this._pendingStyles.size == 0) return; this._pendingStyles.forEach((val, prop) => { this._currentKeyframe.set(prop, val); }); this._pendingStyles.clear(); this._localTimelineStyles.forEach((val, prop) => { if (!this._currentKeyframe.has(prop)) { this._currentKeyframe.set(prop, val); } }); } snapshotCurrentStyles() { for (let [prop, val] of this._localTimelineStyles) { this._pendingStyles.set(prop, val); this._updateStyle(prop, val); } } getFinalKeyframe() { return this._keyframes.get(this.duration); } get properties() { const properties = []; for (let prop in this._currentKeyframe) { properties.push(prop); } return properties; } mergeTimelineCollectedStyles(timeline) { timeline._styleSummary.forEach((details1, prop) => { const details0 = this._styleSummary.get(prop); if (!details0 || details1.time > details0.time) { this._updateStyle(prop, details1.value); } }); } buildKeyframes() { this.applyStylesToKeyframe(); const preStyleProps = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const postStyleProps = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const isEmpty = this._keyframes.size === 1 && this.duration === 0; let finalKeyframes = []; this._keyframes.forEach((keyframe, time) => { const finalKeyframe = copyStyles(keyframe, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this._backFill); finalKeyframe.forEach((value, prop) => { if (value === ɵPRE_STYLE) { preStyleProps.add(prop); } else if (value === AUTO_STYLE) { postStyleProps.add(prop); } }); if (!isEmpty) { finalKeyframe.set("offset", time / this.duration); } finalKeyframes.push(finalKeyframe); }); const preProps = preStyleProps.size ? iteratorToArray(preStyleProps.values()) : []; const postProps = postStyleProps.size ? iteratorToArray(postStyleProps.values()) : []; if (isEmpty) { const kf0 = finalKeyframes[0]; const kf1 = new Map(kf0); kf0.set("offset", 0); kf1.set("offset", 1); finalKeyframes = [kf0, kf1]; } return createTimelineInstruction(this.element, finalKeyframes, preProps, postProps, this.duration, this.startTime, this.easing, false); } }; var SubTimelineBuilder = class extends TimelineBuilder { constructor(driver, element, keyframes, preStyleProps, postStyleProps, timings, _stretchStartingKeyframe = false) { super(driver, element, timings.delay); this.keyframes = keyframes; this.preStyleProps = preStyleProps; this.postStyleProps = postStyleProps; this._stretchStartingKeyframe = _stretchStartingKeyframe; this.timings = { duration: timings.duration, delay: timings.delay, easing: timings.easing }; } containsAnimation() { return this.keyframes.length > 1; } buildKeyframes() { let keyframes = this.keyframes; let { delay, duration, easing } = this.timings; if (this._stretchStartingKeyframe && delay) { const newKeyframes = []; const totalTime = duration + delay; const startingGap = delay / totalTime; const newFirstKeyframe = copyStyles(keyframes[0]); newFirstKeyframe.set("offset", 0); newKeyframes.push(newFirstKeyframe); const oldFirstKeyframe = copyStyles(keyframes[0]); oldFirstKeyframe.set("offset", roundOffset(startingGap)); newKeyframes.push(oldFirstKeyframe); const limit = keyframes.length - 1; for (let i = 1; i <= limit; i++) { let kf = copyStyles(keyframes[i]); const oldOffset = kf.get("offset"); const timeAtKeyframe = delay + oldOffset * duration; kf.set("offset", roundOffset(timeAtKeyframe / totalTime)); newKeyframes.push(kf); } duration = totalTime; delay = 0; easing = ""; keyframes = newKeyframes; } return createTimelineInstruction(this.element, keyframes, this.preStyleProps, this.postStyleProps, duration, delay, easing, true); } }; function roundOffset(offset, decimalPoints = 3) { const mult = Math.pow(10, decimalPoints - 1); return Math.round(offset * mult) / mult; } function flattenStyles(input, allStyles) { const styles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let allProperties; input.forEach((token) => { if (token === "*") { allProperties = allProperties || allStyles.keys(); for (let prop of allProperties) { styles.set(prop, AUTO_STYLE); } } else { copyStyles(token, styles); } }); return styles; } function createTransitionInstruction(element, triggerName, fromState, toState, isRemovalTransition, fromStyles, toStyles, timelines, queriedElements, preStyleProps, postStyleProps, totalTime, errors) { return { type: 0, element, triggerName, isRemovalTransition, fromState, fromStyles, toState, toStyles, timelines, queriedElements, preStyleProps, postStyleProps, totalTime, errors }; } var EMPTY_OBJECT = {}; var AnimationTransitionFactory = class { constructor(_triggerName, ast, _stateStyles) { this._triggerName = _triggerName; this.ast = ast; this._stateStyles = _stateStyles; } match(currentState, nextState, element, params) { return oneOrMoreTransitionsMatch(this.ast.matchers, currentState, nextState, element, params); } buildStyles(stateName, params, errors) { let styler = this._stateStyles.get("*"); if (stateName !== void 0) { styler = this._stateStyles.get(stateName?.toString()) || styler; } return styler ? styler.buildStyles(params, errors) : /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } build(driver, element, currentState, nextState, enterClassName, leaveClassName, currentOptions, nextOptions, subInstructions, skipAstBuild) { const errors = []; const transitionAnimationParams = this.ast.options && this.ast.options.params || EMPTY_OBJECT; const currentAnimationParams = currentOptions && currentOptions.params || EMPTY_OBJECT; const currentStateStyles = this.buildStyles(currentState, currentAnimationParams, errors); const nextAnimationParams = nextOptions && nextOptions.params || EMPTY_OBJECT; const nextStateStyles = this.buildStyles(nextState, nextAnimationParams, errors); const queriedElements = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const preStyleMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const postStyleMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const isRemoval = nextState === "void"; const animationOptions = { params: applyParamDefaults(nextAnimationParams, transitionAnimationParams), delay: this.ast.options?.delay }; const timelines = skipAstBuild ? [] : buildAnimationTimelines(driver, element, this.ast.animation, enterClassName, leaveClassName, currentStateStyles, nextStateStyles, animationOptions, subInstructions, errors); let totalTime = 0; timelines.forEach((tl) => { totalTime = Math.max(tl.duration + tl.delay, totalTime); }); if (errors.length) { return createTransitionInstruction(element, this._triggerName, currentState, nextState, isRemoval, currentStateStyles, nextStateStyles, [], [], preStyleMap, postStyleMap, totalTime, errors); } timelines.forEach((tl) => { const elm = tl.element; const preProps = getOrSetDefaultValue(preStyleMap, elm, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); tl.preStyleProps.forEach((prop) => preProps.add(prop)); const postProps = getOrSetDefaultValue(postStyleMap, elm, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); tl.postStyleProps.forEach((prop) => postProps.add(prop)); if (elm !== element) { queriedElements.add(elm); } }); if (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) { checkNonAnimatableInTimelines(timelines, this._triggerName, driver); } const queriedElementsList = iteratorToArray(queriedElements.values()); return createTransitionInstruction(element, this._triggerName, currentState, nextState, isRemoval, currentStateStyles, nextStateStyles, timelines, queriedElementsList, preStyleMap, postStyleMap, totalTime); } }; function checkNonAnimatableInTimelines(timelines, triggerName, driver) { if (!driver.validateAnimatableStyleProperty) { return; } const allowedNonAnimatableProps = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ // 'easing' is a utility/synthetic prop we use to represent // easing functions, it represents a property of the animation // which is not animatable but different values can be used // in different steps "easing" ]); const invalidNonAnimatableProps = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); timelines.forEach(({ keyframes }) => { const nonAnimatablePropsInitialValues = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); keyframes.forEach((keyframe) => { const entriesToCheck = Array.from(keyframe.entries()).filter(([prop]) => !allowedNonAnimatableProps.has(prop)); for (const [prop, value] of entriesToCheck) { if (!driver.validateAnimatableStyleProperty(prop)) { if (nonAnimatablePropsInitialValues.has(prop) && !invalidNonAnimatableProps.has(prop)) { const propInitialValue = nonAnimatablePropsInitialValues.get(prop); if (propInitialValue !== value) { invalidNonAnimatableProps.add(prop); } } else { nonAnimatablePropsInitialValues.set(prop, value); } } } }); }); if (invalidNonAnimatableProps.size > 0) { console.warn(`Warning: The animation trigger "${triggerName}" is attempting to animate the following not animatable properties: ` + Array.from(invalidNonAnimatableProps).join(", ") + "\n(to check the list of all animatable properties visit"); } } function oneOrMoreTransitionsMatch(matchFns, currentState, nextState, element, params) { return matchFns.some((fn) => fn(currentState, nextState, element, params)); } function applyParamDefaults(userParams, defaults) { const result = copyObj(defaults); for (const key in userParams) { if (userParams.hasOwnProperty(key) && userParams[key] != null) { result[key] = userParams[key]; } } return result; } var AnimationStateStyles = class { constructor(styles, defaultParams, normalizer) { this.styles = styles; this.defaultParams = defaultParams; this.normalizer = normalizer; } buildStyles(params, errors) { const finalStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const combinedParams = copyObj(this.defaultParams); Object.keys(params).forEach((key) => { const value = params[key]; if (value !== null) { combinedParams[key] = value; } }); this.styles.styles.forEach((value) => { if (typeof value !== "string") { value.forEach((val, prop) => { if (val) { val = interpolateParams(val, combinedParams, errors); } const normalizedProp = this.normalizer.normalizePropertyName(prop, errors); val = this.normalizer.normalizeStyleValue(prop, normalizedProp, val, errors); finalStyles.set(prop, val); }); } }); return finalStyles; } }; function buildTrigger(name, ast, normalizer) { return new AnimationTrigger(name, ast, normalizer); } var AnimationTrigger = class { constructor(name, ast, _normalizer) { = name; this.ast = ast; this._normalizer = _normalizer; this.transitionFactories = []; this.states = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); ast.states.forEach((ast2) => { const defaultParams = ast2.options && ast2.options.params || {}; this.states.set(, new AnimationStateStyles(, defaultParams, _normalizer)); }); balanceProperties(this.states, "true", "1"); balanceProperties(this.states, "false", "0"); ast.transitions.forEach((ast2) => { this.transitionFactories.push(new AnimationTransitionFactory(name, ast2, this.states)); }); this.fallbackTransition = createFallbackTransition(name, this.states, this._normalizer); } get containsQueries() { return this.ast.queryCount > 0; } matchTransition(currentState, nextState, element, params) { const entry = this.transitionFactories.find((f) => f.match(currentState, nextState, element, params)); return entry || null; } matchStyles(currentState, params, errors) { return this.fallbackTransition.buildStyles(currentState, params, errors); } }; function createFallbackTransition(triggerName, states, normalizer) { const matchers = [(fromState, toState) => true]; const animation = { type: 2, steps: [], options: null }; const transition = { type: 1, animation, matchers, options: null, queryCount: 0, depCount: 0 }; return new AnimationTransitionFactory(triggerName, transition, states); } function balanceProperties(stateMap, key1, key2) { if (stateMap.has(key1)) { if (!stateMap.has(key2)) { stateMap.set(key2, stateMap.get(key1)); } } else if (stateMap.has(key2)) { stateMap.set(key1, stateMap.get(key2)); } } var EMPTY_INSTRUCTION_MAP = new ElementInstructionMap(); var TimelineAnimationEngine = class { constructor(bodyNode, _driver, _normalizer) { this.bodyNode = bodyNode; this._driver = _driver; this._normalizer = _normalizer; this._animations = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._playersById = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.players = []; } register(id, metadata) { const errors = []; const warnings = []; const ast = buildAnimationAst(this._driver, metadata, errors, warnings); if (errors.length) { throw registerFailed(errors); } else { if (warnings.length) { warnRegister(warnings); } this._animations.set(id, ast); } } _buildPlayer(i, preStyles, postStyles) { const element = i.element; const keyframes = normalizeKeyframes$1(this._normalizer, i.keyframes, preStyles, postStyles); return this._driver.animate(element, keyframes, i.duration, i.delay, i.easing, [], true); } create(id, element, options = {}) { const errors = []; const ast = this._animations.get(id); let instructions; const autoStylesMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); if (ast) { instructions = buildAnimationTimelines(this._driver, element, ast, ENTER_CLASSNAME, LEAVE_CLASSNAME, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), options, EMPTY_INSTRUCTION_MAP, errors); instructions.forEach((inst) => { const styles = getOrSetDefaultValue(autoStylesMap, inst.element, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); inst.postStyleProps.forEach((prop) => styles.set(prop, null)); }); } else { errors.push(missingOrDestroyedAnimation()); instructions = []; } if (errors.length) { throw createAnimationFailed(errors); } autoStylesMap.forEach((styles, element2) => { styles.forEach((_, prop) => { styles.set(prop, this._driver.computeStyle(element2, prop, AUTO_STYLE)); }); }); const players = => { const styles = autoStylesMap.get(i.element); return this._buildPlayer(i, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), styles); }); const player = optimizeGroupPlayer(players); this._playersById.set(id, player); player.onDestroy(() => this.destroy(id)); this.players.push(player); return player; } destroy(id) { const player = this._getPlayer(id); player.destroy(); this._playersById.delete(id); const index = this.players.indexOf(player); if (index >= 0) { this.players.splice(index, 1); } } _getPlayer(id) { const player = this._playersById.get(id); if (!player) { throw missingPlayer(id); } return player; } listen(id, element, eventName, callback) { const baseEvent = makeAnimationEvent(element, "", "", ""); listenOnPlayer(this._getPlayer(id), eventName, baseEvent, callback); return () => { }; } command(id, element, command, args) { if (command == "register") { this.register(id, args[0]); return; } if (command == "create") { const options = args[0] || {}; this.create(id, element, options); return; } const player = this._getPlayer(id); switch (command) { case "play":; break; case "pause": player.pause(); break; case "reset": player.reset(); break; case "restart": player.restart(); break; case "finish": player.finish(); break; case "init": player.init(); break; case "setPosition": player.setPosition(parseFloat(args[0])); break; case "destroy": this.destroy(id); break; } } }; var QUEUED_CLASSNAME = "ng-animate-queued"; var QUEUED_SELECTOR = ".ng-animate-queued"; var DISABLED_CLASSNAME = "ng-animate-disabled"; var DISABLED_SELECTOR = ".ng-animate-disabled"; var STAR_CLASSNAME = "ng-star-inserted"; var STAR_SELECTOR = ".ng-star-inserted"; var EMPTY_PLAYER_ARRAY = []; var NULL_REMOVAL_STATE = { namespaceId: "", setForRemoval: false, setForMove: false, hasAnimation: false, removedBeforeQueried: false }; var NULL_REMOVED_QUERIED_STATE = { namespaceId: "", setForMove: false, setForRemoval: false, hasAnimation: false, removedBeforeQueried: true }; var REMOVAL_FLAG = "__ng_removed"; var StateValue = class { get params() { return this.options.params; } constructor(input, namespaceId = "") { this.namespaceId = namespaceId; const isObj = input && input.hasOwnProperty("value"); const value = isObj ? input["value"] : input; this.value = normalizeTriggerValue(value); if (isObj) { const options = copyObj(input); delete options["value"]; this.options = options; } else { this.options = {}; } if (!this.options.params) { this.options.params = {}; } } absorbOptions(options) { const newParams = options.params; if (newParams) { const oldParams = this.options.params; Object.keys(newParams).forEach((prop) => { if (oldParams[prop] == null) { oldParams[prop] = newParams[prop]; } }); } } }; var VOID_VALUE = "void"; var DEFAULT_STATE_VALUE = new StateValue(VOID_VALUE); var AnimationTransitionNamespace = class { constructor(id, hostElement, _engine) { = id; this.hostElement = hostElement; this._engine = _engine; this.players = []; this._triggers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._queue = []; this._elementListeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._hostClassName = "ng-tns-" + id; addClass(hostElement, this._hostClassName); } listen(element, name, phase, callback) { if (!this._triggers.has(name)) { throw missingTrigger(phase, name); } if (phase == null || phase.length == 0) { throw missingEvent(name); } if (!isTriggerEventValid(phase)) { throw unsupportedTriggerEvent(phase, name); } const listeners = getOrSetDefaultValue(this._elementListeners, element, []); const data = { name, phase, callback }; listeners.push(data); const triggersWithStates = getOrSetDefaultValue(this._engine.statesByElement, element, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); if (!triggersWithStates.has(name)) { addClass(element, NG_TRIGGER_CLASSNAME); addClass(element, NG_TRIGGER_CLASSNAME + "-" + name); triggersWithStates.set(name, DEFAULT_STATE_VALUE); } return () => { this._engine.afterFlush(() => { const index = listeners.indexOf(data); if (index >= 0) { listeners.splice(index, 1); } if (!this._triggers.has(name)) { triggersWithStates.delete(name); } }); }; } register(name, ast) { if (this._triggers.has(name)) { return false; } else { this._triggers.set(name, ast); return true; } } _getTrigger(name) { const trigger = this._triggers.get(name); if (!trigger) { throw unregisteredTrigger(name); } return trigger; } trigger(element, triggerName, value, defaultToFallback = true) { const trigger = this._getTrigger(triggerName); const player = new TransitionAnimationPlayer(, triggerName, element); let triggersWithStates = this._engine.statesByElement.get(element); if (!triggersWithStates) { addClass(element, NG_TRIGGER_CLASSNAME); addClass(element, NG_TRIGGER_CLASSNAME + "-" + triggerName); this._engine.statesByElement.set(element, triggersWithStates = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); } let fromState = triggersWithStates.get(triggerName); const toState = new StateValue(value,; const isObj = value && value.hasOwnProperty("value"); if (!isObj && fromState) { toState.absorbOptions(fromState.options); } triggersWithStates.set(triggerName, toState); if (!fromState) { fromState = DEFAULT_STATE_VALUE; } const isRemoval = toState.value === VOID_VALUE; if (!isRemoval && fromState.value === toState.value) { if (!objEquals(fromState.params, toState.params)) { const errors = []; const fromStyles = trigger.matchStyles(fromState.value, fromState.params, errors); const toStyles = trigger.matchStyles(toState.value, toState.params, errors); if (errors.length) { this._engine.reportError(errors); } else { this._engine.afterFlush(() => { eraseStyles(element, fromStyles); setStyles(element, toStyles); }); } } return; } const playersOnElement = getOrSetDefaultValue(this._engine.playersByElement, element, []); playersOnElement.forEach((player2) => { if (player2.namespaceId == && player2.triggerName == triggerName && player2.queued) { player2.destroy(); } }); let transition = trigger.matchTransition(fromState.value, toState.value, element, toState.params); let isFallbackTransition = false; if (!transition) { if (!defaultToFallback) return; transition = trigger.fallbackTransition; isFallbackTransition = true; } this._engine.totalQueuedPlayers++; this._queue.push({ element, triggerName, transition, fromState, toState, player, isFallbackTransition }); if (!isFallbackTransition) { addClass(element, QUEUED_CLASSNAME); player.onStart(() => { removeClass(element, QUEUED_CLASSNAME); }); } player.onDone(() => { let index = this.players.indexOf(player); if (index >= 0) { this.players.splice(index, 1); } const players = this._engine.playersByElement.get(element); if (players) { let index2 = players.indexOf(player); if (index2 >= 0) { players.splice(index2, 1); } } }); this.players.push(player); playersOnElement.push(player); return player; } deregister(name) { this._triggers.delete(name); this._engine.statesByElement.forEach((stateMap) => stateMap.delete(name)); this._elementListeners.forEach((listeners, element) => { this._elementListeners.set(element, listeners.filter((entry) => { return != name; })); }); } clearElementCache(element) { this._engine.statesByElement.delete(element); this._elementListeners.delete(element); const elementPlayers = this._engine.playersByElement.get(element); if (elementPlayers) { elementPlayers.forEach((player) => player.destroy()); this._engine.playersByElement.delete(element); } } _signalRemovalForInnerTriggers(rootElement, context) { const elements = this._engine.driver.query(rootElement, NG_TRIGGER_SELECTOR, true); elements.forEach((elm) => { if (elm[REMOVAL_FLAG]) return; const namespaces = this._engine.fetchNamespacesByElement(elm); if (namespaces.size) { namespaces.forEach((ns) => ns.triggerLeaveAnimation(elm, context, false, true)); } else { this.clearElementCache(elm); } }); this._engine.afterFlushAnimationsDone(() => elements.forEach((elm) => this.clearElementCache(elm))); } triggerLeaveAnimation(element, context, destroyAfterComplete, defaultToFallback) { const triggerStates = this._engine.statesByElement.get(element); const previousTriggersValues = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); if (triggerStates) { const players = []; triggerStates.forEach((state, triggerName) => { previousTriggersValues.set(triggerName, state.value); if (this._triggers.has(triggerName)) { const player = this.trigger(element, triggerName, VOID_VALUE, defaultToFallback); if (player) { players.push(player); } } }); if (players.length) { this._engine.markElementAsRemoved(, element, true, context, previousTriggersValues); if (destroyAfterComplete) { optimizeGroupPlayer(players).onDone(() => this._engine.processLeaveNode(element)); } return true; } } return false; } prepareLeaveAnimationListeners(element) { const listeners = this._elementListeners.get(element); const elementStates = this._engine.statesByElement.get(element); if (listeners && elementStates) { const visitedTriggers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); listeners.forEach((listener) => { const triggerName =; if (visitedTriggers.has(triggerName)) return; visitedTriggers.add(triggerName); const trigger = this._triggers.get(triggerName); const transition = trigger.fallbackTransition; const fromState = elementStates.get(triggerName) || DEFAULT_STATE_VALUE; const toState = new StateValue(VOID_VALUE); const player = new TransitionAnimationPlayer(, triggerName, element); this._engine.totalQueuedPlayers++; this._queue.push({ element, triggerName, transition, fromState, toState, player, isFallbackTransition: true }); }); } } removeNode(element, context) { const engine = this._engine; if (element.childElementCount) { this._signalRemovalForInnerTriggers(element, context); } if (this.triggerLeaveAnimation(element, context, true)) return; let containsPotentialParentTransition = false; if (engine.totalAnimations) { const currentPlayers = engine.players.length ? engine.playersByQueriedElement.get(element) : []; if (currentPlayers && currentPlayers.length) { containsPotentialParentTransition = true; } else { let parent = element; while (parent = parent.parentNode) { const triggers = engine.statesByElement.get(parent); if (triggers) { containsPotentialParentTransition = true; break; } } } } this.prepareLeaveAnimationListeners(element); if (containsPotentialParentTransition) { engine.markElementAsRemoved(, element, false, context); } else { const removalFlag = element[REMOVAL_FLAG]; if (!removalFlag || removalFlag === NULL_REMOVAL_STATE) { engine.afterFlush(() => this.clearElementCache(element)); engine.destroyInnerAnimations(element); engine._onRemovalComplete(element, context); } } } insertNode(element, parent) { addClass(element, this._hostClassName); } drainQueuedTransitions(microtaskId) { const instructions = []; this._queue.forEach((entry) => { const player = entry.player; if (player.destroyed) return; const element = entry.element; const listeners = this._elementListeners.get(element); if (listeners) { listeners.forEach((listener) => { if ( == entry.triggerName) { const baseEvent = makeAnimationEvent(element, entry.triggerName, entry.fromState.value, entry.toState.value); baseEvent["_data"] = microtaskId; listenOnPlayer(entry.player, listener.phase, baseEvent, listener.callback); } }); } if (player.markedForDestroy) { this._engine.afterFlush(() => { player.destroy(); }); } else { instructions.push(entry); } }); this._queue = []; return instructions.sort((a, b) => { const d0 = a.transition.ast.depCount; const d1 = b.transition.ast.depCount; if (d0 == 0 || d1 == 0) { return d0 - d1; } return this._engine.driver.containsElement(a.element, b.element) ? 1 : -1; }); } destroy(context) { this.players.forEach((p) => p.destroy()); this._signalRemovalForInnerTriggers(this.hostElement, context); } }; var TransitionAnimationEngine = class { /** @internal */ _onRemovalComplete(element, context) { this.onRemovalComplete(element, context); } constructor(bodyNode, driver, _normalizer) { this.bodyNode = bodyNode; this.driver = driver; this._normalizer = _normalizer; this.players = []; this.newHostElements = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.playersByElement = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.playersByQueriedElement = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.statesByElement = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.disabledNodes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); this.totalAnimations = 0; this.totalQueuedPlayers = 0; this._namespaceLookup = {}; this._namespaceList = []; this._flushFns = []; this._whenQuietFns = []; this.namespacesByHostElement = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.collectedEnterElements = []; this.collectedLeaveElements = []; this.onRemovalComplete = (element, context) => { }; } get queuedPlayers() { const players = []; this._namespaceList.forEach((ns) => { ns.players.forEach((player) => { if (player.queued) { players.push(player); } }); }); return players; } createNamespace(namespaceId, hostElement) { const ns = new AnimationTransitionNamespace(namespaceId, hostElement, this); if (this.bodyNode && this.driver.containsElement(this.bodyNode, hostElement)) { this._balanceNamespaceList(ns, hostElement); } else { this.newHostElements.set(hostElement, ns); this.collectEnterElement(hostElement); } return this._namespaceLookup[namespaceId] = ns; } _balanceNamespaceList(ns, hostElement) { const namespaceList = this._namespaceList; const namespacesByHostElement = this.namespacesByHostElement; const limit = namespaceList.length - 1; if (limit >= 0) { let found = false; let ancestor = this.driver.getParentElement(hostElement); while (ancestor) { const ancestorNs = namespacesByHostElement.get(ancestor); if (ancestorNs) { const index = namespaceList.indexOf(ancestorNs); namespaceList.splice(index + 1, 0, ns); found = true; break; } ancestor = this.driver.getParentElement(ancestor); } if (!found) { namespaceList.unshift(ns); } } else { namespaceList.push(ns); } namespacesByHostElement.set(hostElement, ns); return ns; } register(namespaceId, hostElement) { let ns = this._namespaceLookup[namespaceId]; if (!ns) { ns = this.createNamespace(namespaceId, hostElement); } return ns; } registerTrigger(namespaceId, name, trigger) { let ns = this._namespaceLookup[namespaceId]; if (ns && ns.register(name, trigger)) { this.totalAnimations++; } } destroy(namespaceId, context) { if (!namespaceId) return; this.afterFlush(() => { }); this.afterFlushAnimationsDone(() => { const ns = this._fetchNamespace(namespaceId); this.namespacesByHostElement.delete(ns.hostElement); const index = this._namespaceList.indexOf(ns); if (index >= 0) { this._namespaceList.splice(index, 1); } ns.destroy(context); delete this._namespaceLookup[namespaceId]; }); } _fetchNamespace(id) { return this._namespaceLookup[id]; } fetchNamespacesByElement(element) { const namespaces = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const elementStates = this.statesByElement.get(element); if (elementStates) { for (let stateValue of elementStates.values()) { if (stateValue.namespaceId) { const ns = this._fetchNamespace(stateValue.namespaceId); if (ns) { namespaces.add(ns); } } } } return namespaces; } trigger(namespaceId, element, name, value) { if (isElementNode(element)) { const ns = this._fetchNamespace(namespaceId); if (ns) { ns.trigger(element, name, value); return true; } } return false; } insertNode(namespaceId, element, parent, insertBefore) { if (!isElementNode(element)) return; const details = element[REMOVAL_FLAG]; if (details && details.setForRemoval) { details.setForRemoval = false; details.setForMove = true; const index = this.collectedLeaveElements.indexOf(element); if (index >= 0) { this.collectedLeaveElements.splice(index, 1); } } if (namespaceId) { const ns = this._fetchNamespace(namespaceId); if (ns) { ns.insertNode(element, parent); } } if (insertBefore) { this.collectEnterElement(element); } } collectEnterElement(element) { this.collectedEnterElements.push(element); } markElementAsDisabled(element, value) { if (value) { if (!this.disabledNodes.has(element)) { this.disabledNodes.add(element); addClass(element, DISABLED_CLASSNAME); } } else if (this.disabledNodes.has(element)) { this.disabledNodes.delete(element); removeClass(element, DISABLED_CLASSNAME); } } removeNode(namespaceId, element, context) { if (isElementNode(element)) { const ns = namespaceId ? this._fetchNamespace(namespaceId) : null; if (ns) { ns.removeNode(element, context); } else { this.markElementAsRemoved(namespaceId, element, false, context); } const hostNS = this.namespacesByHostElement.get(element); if (hostNS && !== namespaceId) { hostNS.removeNode(element, context); } } else { this._onRemovalComplete(element, context); } } markElementAsRemoved(namespaceId, element, hasAnimation, context, previousTriggersValues) { this.collectedLeaveElements.push(element); element[REMOVAL_FLAG] = { namespaceId, setForRemoval: context, hasAnimation, removedBeforeQueried: false, previousTriggersValues }; } listen(namespaceId, element, name, phase, callback) { if (isElementNode(element)) { return this._fetchNamespace(namespaceId).listen(element, name, phase, callback); } return () => { }; } _buildInstruction(entry, subTimelines, enterClassName, leaveClassName, skipBuildAst) { return, entry.element, entry.fromState.value, entry.toState.value, enterClassName, leaveClassName, entry.fromState.options, entry.toState.options, subTimelines, skipBuildAst); } destroyInnerAnimations(containerElement) { let elements = this.driver.query(containerElement, NG_TRIGGER_SELECTOR, true); elements.forEach((element) => this.destroyActiveAnimationsForElement(element)); if (this.playersByQueriedElement.size == 0) return; elements = this.driver.query(containerElement, NG_ANIMATING_SELECTOR, true); elements.forEach((element) => this.finishActiveQueriedAnimationOnElement(element)); } destroyActiveAnimationsForElement(element) { const players = this.playersByElement.get(element); if (players) { players.forEach((player) => { if (player.queued) { player.markedForDestroy = true; } else { player.destroy(); } }); } } finishActiveQueriedAnimationOnElement(element) { const players = this.playersByQueriedElement.get(element); if (players) { players.forEach((player) => player.finish()); } } whenRenderingDone() { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (this.players.length) { return optimizeGroupPlayer(this.players).onDone(() => resolve()); } else { resolve(); } }); } processLeaveNode(element) { const details = element[REMOVAL_FLAG]; if (details && details.setForRemoval) { element[REMOVAL_FLAG] = NULL_REMOVAL_STATE; if (details.namespaceId) { this.destroyInnerAnimations(element); const ns = this._fetchNamespace(details.namespaceId); if (ns) { ns.clearElementCache(element); } } this._onRemovalComplete(element, details.setForRemoval); } if (element.classList?.contains(DISABLED_CLASSNAME)) { this.markElementAsDisabled(element, false); } this.driver.query(element, DISABLED_SELECTOR, true).forEach((node) => { this.markElementAsDisabled(node, false); }); } flush(microtaskId = -1) { let players = []; if (this.newHostElements.size) { this.newHostElements.forEach((ns, element) => this._balanceNamespaceList(ns, element)); this.newHostElements.clear(); } if (this.totalAnimations && this.collectedEnterElements.length) { for (let i = 0; i < this.collectedEnterElements.length; i++) { const elm = this.collectedEnterElements[i]; addClass(elm, STAR_CLASSNAME); } } if (this._namespaceList.length && (this.totalQueuedPlayers || this.collectedLeaveElements.length)) { const cleanupFns = []; try { players = this._flushAnimations(cleanupFns, microtaskId); } finally { for (let i = 0; i < cleanupFns.length; i++) { cleanupFns[i](); } } } else { for (let i = 0; i < this.collectedLeaveElements.length; i++) { const element = this.collectedLeaveElements[i]; this.processLeaveNode(element); } } this.totalQueuedPlayers = 0; this.collectedEnterElements.length = 0; this.collectedLeaveElements.length = 0; this._flushFns.forEach((fn) => fn()); this._flushFns = []; if (this._whenQuietFns.length) { const quietFns = this._whenQuietFns; this._whenQuietFns = []; if (players.length) { optimizeGroupPlayer(players).onDone(() => { quietFns.forEach((fn) => fn()); }); } else { quietFns.forEach((fn) => fn()); } } } reportError(errors) { throw triggerTransitionsFailed(errors); } _flushAnimations(cleanupFns, microtaskId) { const subTimelines = new ElementInstructionMap(); const skippedPlayers = []; const skippedPlayersMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const queuedInstructions = []; const queriedElements = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const allPreStyleElements = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const allPostStyleElements = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const disabledElementsSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); this.disabledNodes.forEach((node) => { disabledElementsSet.add(node); const nodesThatAreDisabled = this.driver.query(node, QUEUED_SELECTOR, true); for (let i2 = 0; i2 < nodesThatAreDisabled.length; i2++) { disabledElementsSet.add(nodesThatAreDisabled[i2]); } }); const bodyNode = this.bodyNode; const allTriggerElements = Array.from(this.statesByElement.keys()); const enterNodeMap = buildRootMap(allTriggerElements, this.collectedEnterElements); const enterNodeMapIds = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let i = 0; enterNodeMap.forEach((nodes, root) => { const className = ENTER_CLASSNAME + i++; enterNodeMapIds.set(root, className); nodes.forEach((node) => addClass(node, className)); }); const allLeaveNodes = []; const mergedLeaveNodes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const leaveNodesWithoutAnimations = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); for (let i2 = 0; i2 < this.collectedLeaveElements.length; i2++) { const element = this.collectedLeaveElements[i2]; const details = element[REMOVAL_FLAG]; if (details && details.setForRemoval) { allLeaveNodes.push(element); mergedLeaveNodes.add(element); if (details.hasAnimation) { this.driver.query(element, STAR_SELECTOR, true).forEach((elm) => mergedLeaveNodes.add(elm)); } else { leaveNodesWithoutAnimations.add(element); } } } const leaveNodeMapIds = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const leaveNodeMap = buildRootMap(allTriggerElements, Array.from(mergedLeaveNodes)); leaveNodeMap.forEach((nodes, root) => { const className = LEAVE_CLASSNAME + i++; leaveNodeMapIds.set(root, className); nodes.forEach((node) => addClass(node, className)); }); cleanupFns.push(() => { enterNodeMap.forEach((nodes, root) => { const className = enterNodeMapIds.get(root); nodes.forEach((node) => removeClass(node, className)); }); leaveNodeMap.forEach((nodes, root) => { const className = leaveNodeMapIds.get(root); nodes.forEach((node) => removeClass(node, className)); }); allLeaveNodes.forEach((element) => { this.processLeaveNode(element); }); }); const allPlayers = []; const erroneousTransitions = []; for (let i2 = this._namespaceList.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) { const ns = this._namespaceList[i2]; ns.drainQueuedTransitions(microtaskId).forEach((entry) => { const player = entry.player; const element = entry.element; allPlayers.push(player); if (this.collectedEnterElements.length) { const details = element[REMOVAL_FLAG]; if (details && details.setForMove) { if (details.previousTriggersValues && details.previousTriggersValues.has(entry.triggerName)) { const previousValue = details.previousTriggersValues.get(entry.triggerName); const triggersWithStates = this.statesByElement.get(entry.element); if (triggersWithStates && triggersWithStates.has(entry.triggerName)) { const state = triggersWithStates.get(entry.triggerName); state.value = previousValue; triggersWithStates.set(entry.triggerName, state); } } player.destroy(); return; } } const nodeIsOrphaned = !bodyNode || !this.driver.containsElement(bodyNode, element); const leaveClassName = leaveNodeMapIds.get(element); const enterClassName = enterNodeMapIds.get(element); const instruction = this._buildInstruction(entry, subTimelines, enterClassName, leaveClassName, nodeIsOrphaned); if (instruction.errors && instruction.errors.length) { erroneousTransitions.push(instruction); return; } if (nodeIsOrphaned) { player.onStart(() => eraseStyles(element, instruction.fromStyles)); player.onDestroy(() => setStyles(element, instruction.toStyles)); skippedPlayers.push(player); return; } if (entry.isFallbackTransition) { player.onStart(() => eraseStyles(element, instruction.fromStyles)); player.onDestroy(() => setStyles(element, instruction.toStyles)); skippedPlayers.push(player); return; } const timelines = []; instruction.timelines.forEach((tl) => { tl.stretchStartingKeyframe = true; if (!this.disabledNodes.has(tl.element)) { timelines.push(tl); } }); instruction.timelines = timelines; subTimelines.append(element, instruction.timelines); const tuple = { instruction, player, element }; queuedInstructions.push(tuple); instruction.queriedElements.forEach((element2) => getOrSetDefaultValue(queriedElements, element2, []).push(player)); instruction.preStyleProps.forEach((stringMap, element2) => { if (stringMap.size) { let setVal = allPreStyleElements.get(element2); if (!setVal) { allPreStyleElements.set(element2, setVal = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); } stringMap.forEach((_, prop) => setVal.add(prop)); } }); instruction.postStyleProps.forEach((stringMap, element2) => { let setVal = allPostStyleElements.get(element2); if (!setVal) { allPostStyleElements.set(element2, setVal = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); } stringMap.forEach((_, prop) => setVal.add(prop)); }); }); } if (erroneousTransitions.length) { const errors = []; erroneousTransitions.forEach((instruction) => { errors.push(transitionFailed(instruction.triggerName, instruction.errors)); }); allPlayers.forEach((player) => player.destroy()); this.reportError(errors); } const allPreviousPlayersMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const animationElementMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); queuedInstructions.forEach((entry) => { const element = entry.element; if (subTimelines.has(element)) { animationElementMap.set(element, element); this._beforeAnimationBuild(entry.player.namespaceId, entry.instruction, allPreviousPlayersMap); } }); skippedPlayers.forEach((player) => { const element = player.element; const previousPlayers = this._getPreviousPlayers(element, false, player.namespaceId, player.triggerName, null); previousPlayers.forEach((prevPlayer) => { getOrSetDefaultValue(allPreviousPlayersMap, element, []).push(prevPlayer); prevPlayer.destroy(); }); }); const replaceNodes = allLeaveNodes.filter((node) => { return replacePostStylesAsPre(node, allPreStyleElements, allPostStyleElements); }); const postStylesMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const allLeaveQueriedNodes = cloakAndComputeStyles(postStylesMap, this.driver, leaveNodesWithoutAnimations, allPostStyleElements, AUTO_STYLE); allLeaveQueriedNodes.forEach((node) => { if (replacePostStylesAsPre(node, allPreStyleElements, allPostStyleElements)) { replaceNodes.push(node); } }); const preStylesMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); enterNodeMap.forEach((nodes, root) => { cloakAndComputeStyles(preStylesMap, this.driver, new Set(nodes), allPreStyleElements, ɵPRE_STYLE); }); replaceNodes.forEach((node) => { const post = postStylesMap.get(node); const pre = preStylesMap.get(node); postStylesMap.set(node, new Map([ ?? [], ...pre?.entries() ?? []])); }); const rootPlayers = []; const subPlayers = []; const NO_PARENT_ANIMATION_ELEMENT_DETECTED = {}; queuedInstructions.forEach((entry) => { const { element, player, instruction } = entry; if (subTimelines.has(element)) { if (disabledElementsSet.has(element)) { player.onDestroy(() => setStyles(element, instruction.toStyles)); player.disabled = true; player.overrideTotalTime(instruction.totalTime); skippedPlayers.push(player); return; } let parentWithAnimation = NO_PARENT_ANIMATION_ELEMENT_DETECTED; if (animationElementMap.size > 1) { let elm = element; const parentsToAdd = []; while (elm = elm.parentNode) { const detectedParent = animationElementMap.get(elm); if (detectedParent) { parentWithAnimation = detectedParent; break; } parentsToAdd.push(elm); } parentsToAdd.forEach((parent) => animationElementMap.set(parent, parentWithAnimation)); } const innerPlayer = this._buildAnimation(player.namespaceId, instruction, allPreviousPlayersMap, skippedPlayersMap, preStylesMap, postStylesMap); player.setRealPlayer(innerPlayer); if (parentWithAnimation === NO_PARENT_ANIMATION_ELEMENT_DETECTED) { rootPlayers.push(player); } else { const parentPlayers = this.playersByElement.get(parentWithAnimation); if (parentPlayers && parentPlayers.length) { player.parentPlayer = optimizeGroupPlayer(parentPlayers); } skippedPlayers.push(player); } } else { eraseStyles(element, instruction.fromStyles); player.onDestroy(() => setStyles(element, instruction.toStyles)); subPlayers.push(player); if (disabledElementsSet.has(element)) { skippedPlayers.push(player); } } }); subPlayers.forEach((player) => { const playersForElement = skippedPlayersMap.get(player.element); if (playersForElement && playersForElement.length) { const innerPlayer = optimizeGroupPlayer(playersForElement); player.setRealPlayer(innerPlayer); } }); skippedPlayers.forEach((player) => { if (player.parentPlayer) { player.syncPlayerEvents(player.parentPlayer); } else { player.destroy(); } }); for (let i2 = 0; i2 < allLeaveNodes.length; i2++) { const element = allLeaveNodes[i2]; const details = element[REMOVAL_FLAG]; removeClass(element, LEAVE_CLASSNAME); if (details && details.hasAnimation) continue; let players = []; if (queriedElements.size) { let queriedPlayerResults = queriedElements.get(element); if (queriedPlayerResults && queriedPlayerResults.length) { players.push(...queriedPlayerResults); } let queriedInnerElements = this.driver.query(element, NG_ANIMATING_SELECTOR, true); for (let j = 0; j < queriedInnerElements.length; j++) { let queriedPlayers = queriedElements.get(queriedInnerElements[j]); if (queriedPlayers && queriedPlayers.length) { players.push(...queriedPlayers); } } } const activePlayers = players.filter((p) => !p.destroyed); if (activePlayers.length) { removeNodesAfterAnimationDone(this, element, activePlayers); } else { this.processLeaveNode(element); } } allLeaveNodes.length = 0; rootPlayers.forEach((player) => { this.players.push(player); player.onDone(() => { player.destroy(); const index = this.players.indexOf(player); this.players.splice(index, 1); });; }); return rootPlayers; } afterFlush(callback) { this._flushFns.push(callback); } afterFlushAnimationsDone(callback) { this._whenQuietFns.push(callback); } _getPreviousPlayers(element, isQueriedElement, namespaceId, triggerName, toStateValue) { let players = []; if (isQueriedElement) { const queriedElementPlayers = this.playersByQueriedElement.get(element); if (queriedElementPlayers) { players = queriedElementPlayers; } } else { const elementPlayers = this.playersByElement.get(element); if (elementPlayers) { const isRemovalAnimation = !toStateValue || toStateValue == VOID_VALUE; elementPlayers.forEach((player) => { if (player.queued) return; if (!isRemovalAnimation && player.triggerName != triggerName) return; players.push(player); }); } } if (namespaceId || triggerName) { players = players.filter((player) => { if (namespaceId && namespaceId != player.namespaceId) return false; if (triggerName && triggerName != player.triggerName) return false; return true; }); } return players; } _beforeAnimationBuild(namespaceId, instruction, allPreviousPlayersMap) { const triggerName = instruction.triggerName; const rootElement = instruction.element; const targetNameSpaceId = instruction.isRemovalTransition ? void 0 : namespaceId; const targetTriggerName = instruction.isRemovalTransition ? void 0 : triggerName; for (const timelineInstruction of instruction.timelines) { const element = timelineInstruction.element; const isQueriedElement = element !== rootElement; const players = getOrSetDefaultValue(allPreviousPlayersMap, element, []); const previousPlayers = this._getPreviousPlayers(element, isQueriedElement, targetNameSpaceId, targetTriggerName, instruction.toState); previousPlayers.forEach((player) => { const realPlayer = player.getRealPlayer(); if (realPlayer.beforeDestroy) { realPlayer.beforeDestroy(); } player.destroy(); players.push(player); }); } eraseStyles(rootElement, instruction.fromStyles); } _buildAnimation(namespaceId, instruction, allPreviousPlayersMap, skippedPlayersMap, preStylesMap, postStylesMap) { const triggerName = instruction.triggerName; const rootElement = instruction.element; const allQueriedPlayers = []; const allConsumedElements = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const allSubElements = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const allNewPlayers = => { const element = timelineInstruction.element; allConsumedElements.add(element); const details = element[REMOVAL_FLAG]; if (details && details.removedBeforeQueried) return new NoopAnimationPlayer(timelineInstruction.duration, timelineInstruction.delay); const isQueriedElement = element !== rootElement; const previousPlayers = flattenGroupPlayers((allPreviousPlayersMap.get(element) || EMPTY_PLAYER_ARRAY).map((p) => p.getRealPlayer())).filter((p) => { const pp = p; return pp.element ? pp.element === element : false; }); const preStyles = preStylesMap.get(element); const postStyles = postStylesMap.get(element); const keyframes = normalizeKeyframes$1(this._normalizer, timelineInstruction.keyframes, preStyles, postStyles); const player2 = this._buildPlayer(timelineInstruction, keyframes, previousPlayers); if (timelineInstruction.subTimeline && skippedPlayersMap) { allSubElements.add(element); } if (isQueriedElement) { const wrappedPlayer = new TransitionAnimationPlayer(namespaceId, triggerName, element); wrappedPlayer.setRealPlayer(player2); allQueriedPlayers.push(wrappedPlayer); } return player2; }); allQueriedPlayers.forEach((player2) => { getOrSetDefaultValue(this.playersByQueriedElement, player2.element, []).push(player2); player2.onDone(() => deleteOrUnsetInMap(this.playersByQueriedElement, player2.element, player2)); }); allConsumedElements.forEach((element) => addClass(element, NG_ANIMATING_CLASSNAME)); const player = optimizeGroupPlayer(allNewPlayers); player.onDestroy(() => { allConsumedElements.forEach((element) => removeClass(element, NG_ANIMATING_CLASSNAME)); setStyles(rootElement, instruction.toStyles); }); allSubElements.forEach((element) => { getOrSetDefaultValue(skippedPlayersMap, element, []).push(player); }); return player; } _buildPlayer(instruction, keyframes, previousPlayers) { if (keyframes.length > 0) { return this.driver.animate(instruction.element, keyframes, instruction.duration, instruction.delay, instruction.easing, previousPlayers); } return new NoopAnimationPlayer(instruction.duration, instruction.delay); } }; var TransitionAnimationPlayer = class { constructor(namespaceId, triggerName, element) { this.namespaceId = namespaceId; this.triggerName = triggerName; this.element = element; this._player = new NoopAnimationPlayer(); this._containsRealPlayer = false; this._queuedCallbacks = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.destroyed = false; this.parentPlayer = null; this.markedForDestroy = false; this.disabled = false; this.queued = true; this.totalTime = 0; } setRealPlayer(player) { if (this._containsRealPlayer) return; this._player = player; this._queuedCallbacks.forEach((callbacks, phase) => { callbacks.forEach((callback) => listenOnPlayer(player, phase, void 0, callback)); }); this._queuedCallbacks.clear(); this._containsRealPlayer = true; this.overrideTotalTime(player.totalTime); this.queued = false; } getRealPlayer() { return this._player; } overrideTotalTime(totalTime) { this.totalTime = totalTime; } syncPlayerEvents(player) { const p = this._player; if (p.triggerCallback) { player.onStart(() => p.triggerCallback("start")); } player.onDone(() => this.finish()); player.onDestroy(() => this.destroy()); } _queueEvent(name, callback) { getOrSetDefaultValue(this._queuedCallbacks, name, []).push(callback); } onDone(fn) { if (this.queued) { this._queueEvent("done", fn); } this._player.onDone(fn); } onStart(fn) { if (this.queued) { this._queueEvent("start", fn); } this._player.onStart(fn); } onDestroy(fn) { if (this.queued) { this._queueEvent("destroy", fn); } this._player.onDestroy(fn); } init() { this._player.init(); } hasStarted() { return this.queued ? false : this._player.hasStarted(); } play() { !this.queued &&; } pause() { !this.queued && this._player.pause(); } restart() { !this.queued && this._player.restart(); } finish() { this._player.finish(); } destroy() { this.destroyed = true; this._player.destroy(); } reset() { !this.queued && this._player.reset(); } setPosition(p) { if (!this.queued) { this._player.setPosition(p); } } getPosition() { return this.queued ? 0 : this._player.getPosition(); } /** @internal */ triggerCallback(phaseName) { const p = this._player; if (p.triggerCallback) { p.triggerCallback(phaseName); } } }; function deleteOrUnsetInMap(map, key, value) { let currentValues = map.get(key); if (currentValues) { if (currentValues.length) { const index = currentValues.indexOf(value); currentValues.splice(index, 1); } if (currentValues.length == 0) { map.delete(key); } } return currentValues; } function normalizeTriggerValue(value) { return value != null ? value : null; } function isElementNode(node) { return node && node["nodeType"] === 1; } function isTriggerEventValid(eventName) { return eventName == "start" || eventName == "done"; } function cloakElement(element, value) { const oldValue =; = value != null ? value : "none"; return oldValue; } function cloakAndComputeStyles(valuesMap, driver, elements, elementPropsMap, defaultStyle) { const cloakVals = []; elements.forEach((element) => cloakVals.push(cloakElement(element))); const failedElements = []; elementPropsMap.forEach((props, element) => { const styles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); props.forEach((prop) => { const value = driver.computeStyle(element, prop, defaultStyle); styles.set(prop, value); if (!value || value.length == 0) { element[REMOVAL_FLAG] = NULL_REMOVED_QUERIED_STATE; failedElements.push(element); } }); valuesMap.set(element, styles); }); let i = 0; elements.forEach((element) => cloakElement(element, cloakVals[i++])); return failedElements; } function buildRootMap(roots, nodes) { const rootMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); roots.forEach((root) => rootMap.set(root, [])); if (nodes.length == 0) return rootMap; const NULL_NODE = 1; const nodeSet = new Set(nodes); const localRootMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); function getRoot(node) { if (!node) return NULL_NODE; let root = localRootMap.get(node); if (root) return root; const parent = node.parentNode; if (rootMap.has(parent)) { root = parent; } else if (nodeSet.has(parent)) { root = NULL_NODE; } else { root = getRoot(parent); } localRootMap.set(node, root); return root; } nodes.forEach((node) => { const root = getRoot(node); if (root !== NULL_NODE) { rootMap.get(root).push(node); } }); return rootMap; } function addClass(element, className) { element.classList?.add(className); } function removeClass(element, className) { element.classList?.remove(className); } function removeNodesAfterAnimationDone(engine, element, players) { optimizeGroupPlayer(players).onDone(() => engine.processLeaveNode(element)); } function flattenGroupPlayers(players) { const finalPlayers = []; _flattenGroupPlayersRecur(players, finalPlayers); return finalPlayers; } function _flattenGroupPlayersRecur(players, finalPlayers) { for (let i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { const player = players[i]; if (player instanceof AnimationGroupPlayer) { _flattenGroupPlayersRecur(player.players, finalPlayers); } else { finalPlayers.push(player); } } } function objEquals(a, b) { const k1 = Object.keys(a); const k2 = Object.keys(b); if (k1.length != k2.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < k1.length; i++) { const prop = k1[i]; if (!b.hasOwnProperty(prop) || a[prop] !== b[prop]) return false; } return true; } function replacePostStylesAsPre(element, allPreStyleElements, allPostStyleElements) { const postEntry = allPostStyleElements.get(element); if (!postEntry) return false; let preEntry = allPreStyleElements.get(element); if (preEntry) { postEntry.forEach((data) => preEntry.add(data)); } else { allPreStyleElements.set(element, postEntry); } allPostStyleElements.delete(element); return true; } var AnimationEngine = class { constructor(doc, _driver, _normalizer) { this._driver = _driver; this._normalizer = _normalizer; this._triggerCache = {}; this.onRemovalComplete = (element, context) => { }; this._transitionEngine = new TransitionAnimationEngine(doc.body, _driver, _normalizer); this._timelineEngine = new TimelineAnimationEngine(doc.body, _driver, _normalizer); this._transitionEngine.onRemovalComplete = (element, context) => this.onRemovalComplete(element, context); } registerTrigger(componentId, namespaceId, hostElement, name, metadata) { const cacheKey = componentId + "-" + name; let trigger = this._triggerCache[cacheKey]; if (!trigger) { const errors = []; const warnings = []; const ast = buildAnimationAst(this._driver, metadata, errors, warnings); if (errors.length) { throw triggerBuildFailed(name, errors); } if (warnings.length) { warnTriggerBuild(name, warnings); } trigger = buildTrigger(name, ast, this._normalizer); this._triggerCache[cacheKey] = trigger; } this._transitionEngine.registerTrigger(namespaceId, name, trigger); } register(namespaceId, hostElement) { this._transitionEngine.register(namespaceId, hostElement); } destroy(namespaceId, context) { this._transitionEngine.destroy(namespaceId, context); } onInsert(namespaceId, element, parent, insertBefore) { this._transitionEngine.insertNode(namespaceId, element, parent, insertBefore); } onRemove(namespaceId, element, context) { this._transitionEngine.removeNode(namespaceId, element, context); } disableAnimations(element, disable) { this._transitionEngine.markElementAsDisabled(element, disable); } process(namespaceId, element, property, value) { if (property.charAt(0) == "@") { const [id, action] = parseTimelineCommand(property); const args = value; this._timelineEngine.command(id, element, action, args); } else { this._transitionEngine.trigger(namespaceId, element, property, value); } } listen(namespaceId, element, eventName, eventPhase, callback) { if (eventName.charAt(0) == "@") { const [id, action] = parseTimelineCommand(eventName); return this._timelineEngine.listen(id, element, action, callback); } return this._transitionEngine.listen(namespaceId, element, eventName, eventPhase, callback); } flush(microtaskId = -1) { this._transitionEngine.flush(microtaskId); } get players() { return [...this._transitionEngine.players, ...this._timelineEngine.players]; } whenRenderingDone() { return this._transitionEngine.whenRenderingDone(); } afterFlushAnimationsDone(cb) { this._transitionEngine.afterFlushAnimationsDone(cb); } }; function packageNonAnimatableStyles(element, styles) { let startStyles = null; let endStyles = null; if (Array.isArray(styles) && styles.length) { startStyles = filterNonAnimatableStyles(styles[0]); if (styles.length > 1) { endStyles = filterNonAnimatableStyles(styles[styles.length - 1]); } } else if (styles instanceof Map) { startStyles = filterNonAnimatableStyles(styles); } return startStyles || endStyles ? new SpecialCasedStyles(element, startStyles, endStyles) : null; } var _SpecialCasedStyles = class _SpecialCasedStyles { constructor(_element, _startStyles, _endStyles) { this._element = _element; this._startStyles = _startStyles; this._endStyles = _endStyles; this._state = 0; let initialStyles = _SpecialCasedStyles.initialStylesByElement.get(_element); if (!initialStyles) { _SpecialCasedStyles.initialStylesByElement.set(_element, initialStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); } this._initialStyles = initialStyles; } start() { if (this._state < 1) { if (this._startStyles) { setStyles(this._element, this._startStyles, this._initialStyles); } this._state = 1; } } finish() { this.start(); if (this._state < 2) { setStyles(this._element, this._initialStyles); if (this._endStyles) { setStyles(this._element, this._endStyles); this._endStyles = null; } this._state = 1; } } destroy() { this.finish(); if (this._state < 3) { _SpecialCasedStyles.initialStylesByElement.delete(this._element); if (this._startStyles) { eraseStyles(this._element, this._startStyles); this._endStyles = null; } if (this._endStyles) { eraseStyles(this._element, this._endStyles); this._endStyles = null; } setStyles(this._element, this._initialStyles); this._state = 3; } } }; _SpecialCasedStyles.initialStylesByElement = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); var SpecialCasedStyles = _SpecialCasedStyles; function filterNonAnimatableStyles(styles) { let result = null; styles.forEach((val, prop) => { if (isNonAnimatableStyle(prop)) { result = result || /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); result.set(prop, val); } }); return result; } function isNonAnimatableStyle(prop) { return prop === "display" || prop === "position"; } var WebAnimationsPlayer = class { constructor(element, keyframes, options, _specialStyles) { this.element = element; this.keyframes = keyframes; this.options = options; this._specialStyles = _specialStyles; this._onDoneFns = []; this._onStartFns = []; this._onDestroyFns = []; this._initialized = false; this._finished = false; this._started = false; this._destroyed = false; this._originalOnDoneFns = []; this._originalOnStartFns = []; this.time = 0; this.parentPlayer = null; this.currentSnapshot = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._duration = options["duration"]; this._delay = options["delay"] || 0; this.time = this._duration + this._delay; } _onFinish() { if (!this._finished) { this._finished = true; this._onDoneFns.forEach((fn) => fn()); this._onDoneFns = []; } } init() { this._buildPlayer(); this._preparePlayerBeforeStart(); } _buildPlayer() { if (this._initialized) return; this._initialized = true; const keyframes = this.keyframes; this.domPlayer = this._triggerWebAnimation(this.element, keyframes, this.options); this._finalKeyframe = keyframes.length ? keyframes[keyframes.length - 1] : /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const onFinish = () => this._onFinish(); this.domPlayer.addEventListener("finish", onFinish); this.onDestroy(() => { this.domPlayer.removeEventListener("finish", onFinish); }); } _preparePlayerBeforeStart() { if (this._delay) { this._resetDomPlayerState(); } else { this.domPlayer.pause(); } } _convertKeyframesToObject(keyframes) { const kfs = []; keyframes.forEach((frame) => { kfs.push(Object.fromEntries(frame)); }); return kfs; } /** @internal */ _triggerWebAnimation(element, keyframes, options) { return element.animate(this._convertKeyframesToObject(keyframes), options); } onStart(fn) { this._originalOnStartFns.push(fn); this._onStartFns.push(fn); } onDone(fn) { this._originalOnDoneFns.push(fn); this._onDoneFns.push(fn); } onDestroy(fn) { this._onDestroyFns.push(fn); } play() { this._buildPlayer(); if (!this.hasStarted()) { this._onStartFns.forEach((fn) => fn()); this._onStartFns = []; this._started = true; if (this._specialStyles) { this._specialStyles.start(); } }; } pause() { this.init(); this.domPlayer.pause(); } finish() { this.init(); if (this._specialStyles) { this._specialStyles.finish(); } this._onFinish(); this.domPlayer.finish(); } reset() { this._resetDomPlayerState(); this._destroyed = false; this._finished = false; this._started = false; this._onStartFns = this._originalOnStartFns; this._onDoneFns = this._originalOnDoneFns; } _resetDomPlayerState() { if (this.domPlayer) { this.domPlayer.cancel(); } } restart() { this.reset();; } hasStarted() { return this._started; } destroy() { if (!this._destroyed) { this._destroyed = true; this._resetDomPlayerState(); this._onFinish(); if (this._specialStyles) { this._specialStyles.destroy(); } this._onDestroyFns.forEach((fn) => fn()); this._onDestroyFns = []; } } setPosition(p) { if (this.domPlayer === void 0) { this.init(); } this.domPlayer.currentTime = p * this.time; } getPosition() { return +(this.domPlayer.currentTime ?? 0) / this.time; } get totalTime() { return this._delay + this._duration; } beforeDestroy() { const styles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); if (this.hasStarted()) { const finalKeyframe = this._finalKeyframe; finalKeyframe.forEach((val, prop) => { if (prop !== "offset") { styles.set(prop, this._finished ? val : computeStyle(this.element, prop)); } }); } this.currentSnapshot = styles; } /** @internal */ triggerCallback(phaseName) { const methods = phaseName === "start" ? this._onStartFns : this._onDoneFns; methods.forEach((fn) => fn()); methods.length = 0; } }; var WebAnimationsDriver = class { validateStyleProperty(prop) { if (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) { return validateStyleProperty(prop); } return true; } validateAnimatableStyleProperty(prop) { if (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) { const cssProp = camelCaseToDashCase(prop); return validateWebAnimatableStyleProperty(cssProp); } return true; } matchesElement(_element, _selector) { return false; } containsElement(elm1, elm2) { return containsElement(elm1, elm2); } getParentElement(element) { return getParentElement(element); } query(element, selector, multi) { return invokeQuery(element, selector, multi); } computeStyle(element, prop, defaultValue) { return window.getComputedStyle(element)[prop]; } animate(element, keyframes, duration, delay, easing, previousPlayers = []) { const fill = delay == 0 ? "both" : "forwards"; const playerOptions = { duration, delay, fill }; if (easing) { playerOptions["easing"] = easing; } const previousStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const previousWebAnimationPlayers = previousPlayers.filter((player) => player instanceof WebAnimationsPlayer); if (allowPreviousPlayerStylesMerge(duration, delay)) { previousWebAnimationPlayers.forEach((player) => { player.currentSnapshot.forEach((val, prop) => previousStyles.set(prop, val)); }); } let _keyframes = normalizeKeyframes(keyframes).map((styles) => copyStyles(styles)); _keyframes = balancePreviousStylesIntoKeyframes(element, _keyframes, previousStyles); const specialStyles = packageNonAnimatableStyles(element, _keyframes); return new WebAnimationsPlayer(element, _keyframes, playerOptions, specialStyles); } }; var ANIMATION_PREFIX = "@"; var DISABLE_ANIMATIONS_FLAG = "@.disabled"; var BaseAnimationRenderer = class { constructor(namespaceId, delegate, engine, _onDestroy) { this.namespaceId = namespaceId; this.delegate = delegate; this.engine = engine; this._onDestroy = _onDestroy; this.ɵtype = 0; } get data() { return; } destroyNode(node) { this.delegate.destroyNode?.(node); } destroy() { this.engine.destroy(this.namespaceId, this.delegate); this.engine.afterFlushAnimationsDone(() => { queueMicrotask(() => { this.delegate.destroy(); }); }); this._onDestroy?.(); } createElement(name, namespace) { return this.delegate.createElement(name, namespace); } createComment(value) { return this.delegate.createComment(value); } createText(value) { return this.delegate.createText(value); } appendChild(parent, newChild) { this.delegate.appendChild(parent, newChild); this.engine.onInsert(this.namespaceId, newChild, parent, false); } insertBefore(parent, newChild, refChild, isMove = true) { this.delegate.insertBefore(parent, newChild, refChild); this.engine.onInsert(this.namespaceId, newChild, parent, isMove); } removeChild(parent, oldChild, isHostElement) { this.engine.onRemove(this.namespaceId, oldChild, this.delegate); } selectRootElement(selectorOrNode, preserveContent) { return this.delegate.selectRootElement(selectorOrNode, preserveContent); } parentNode(node) { return this.delegate.parentNode(node); } nextSibling(node) { return this.delegate.nextSibling(node); } setAttribute(el, name, value, namespace) { this.delegate.setAttribute(el, name, value, namespace); } removeAttribute(el, name, namespace) { this.delegate.removeAttribute(el, name, namespace); } addClass(el, name) { this.delegate.addClass(el, name); } removeClass(el, name) { this.delegate.removeClass(el, name); } setStyle(el, style2, value, flags) { this.delegate.setStyle(el, style2, value, flags); } removeStyle(el, style2, flags) { this.delegate.removeStyle(el, style2, flags); } setProperty(el, name, value) { if (name.charAt(0) == ANIMATION_PREFIX && name == DISABLE_ANIMATIONS_FLAG) { this.disableAnimations(el, !!value); } else { this.delegate.setProperty(el, name, value); } } setValue(node, value) { this.delegate.setValue(node, value); } listen(target, eventName, callback) { return this.delegate.listen(target, eventName, callback); } disableAnimations(element, value) { this.engine.disableAnimations(element, value); } }; var AnimationRenderer = class extends BaseAnimationRenderer { constructor(factory, namespaceId, delegate, engine, onDestroy) { super(namespaceId, delegate, engine, onDestroy); this.factory = factory; this.namespaceId = namespaceId; } setProperty(el, name, value) { if (name.charAt(0) == ANIMATION_PREFIX) { if (name.charAt(1) == "." && name == DISABLE_ANIMATIONS_FLAG) { value = value === void 0 ? true : !!value; this.disableAnimations(el, value); } else { this.engine.process(this.namespaceId, el, name.slice(1), value); } } else { this.delegate.setProperty(el, name, value); } } listen(target, eventName, callback) { if (eventName.charAt(0) == ANIMATION_PREFIX) { const element = resolveElementFromTarget(target); let name = eventName.slice(1); let phase = ""; if (name.charAt(0) != ANIMATION_PREFIX) { [name, phase] = parseTriggerCallbackName(name); } return this.engine.listen(this.namespaceId, element, name, phase, (event) => { const countId = event["_data"] || -1; this.factory.scheduleListenerCallback(countId, callback, event); }); } return this.delegate.listen(target, eventName, callback); } }; function resolveElementFromTarget(target) { switch (target) { case "body": return document.body; case "document": return document; case "window": return window; default: return target; } } function parseTriggerCallbackName(triggerName) { const dotIndex = triggerName.indexOf("."); const trigger = triggerName.substring(0, dotIndex); const phase = triggerName.slice(dotIndex + 1); return [trigger, phase]; } var AnimationRendererFactory = class { constructor(delegate, engine, _zone) { this.delegate = delegate; this.engine = engine; this._zone = _zone; this._currentId = 0; this._microtaskId = 1; this._animationCallbacksBuffer = []; this._rendererCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._cdRecurDepth = 0; engine.onRemovalComplete = (element, delegate2) => { const parentNode = delegate2?.parentNode(element); if (parentNode) { delegate2.removeChild(parentNode, element); } }; } createRenderer(hostElement, type) { const EMPTY_NAMESPACE_ID = ""; const delegate = this.delegate.createRenderer(hostElement, type); if (!hostElement || !type?.data?.["animation"]) { const cache = this._rendererCache; let renderer = cache.get(delegate); if (!renderer) { const onRendererDestroy = () => cache.delete(delegate); renderer = new BaseAnimationRenderer(EMPTY_NAMESPACE_ID, delegate, this.engine, onRendererDestroy); cache.set(delegate, renderer); } return renderer; } const componentId =; const namespaceId = + "-" + this._currentId; this._currentId++; this.engine.register(namespaceId, hostElement); const registerTrigger = (trigger) => { if (Array.isArray(trigger)) { trigger.forEach(registerTrigger); } else { this.engine.registerTrigger(componentId, namespaceId, hostElement,, trigger); } }; const animationTriggers =["animation"]; animationTriggers.forEach(registerTrigger); return new AnimationRenderer(this, namespaceId, delegate, this.engine); } begin() { this._cdRecurDepth++; if (this.delegate.begin) { this.delegate.begin(); } } _scheduleCountTask() { queueMicrotask(() => { this._microtaskId++; }); } /** @internal */ scheduleListenerCallback(count, fn, data) { if (count >= 0 && count < this._microtaskId) { => fn(data)); return; } const animationCallbacksBuffer = this._animationCallbacksBuffer; if (animationCallbacksBuffer.length == 0) { queueMicrotask(() => { => { animationCallbacksBuffer.forEach((tuple) => { const [fn2, data2] = tuple; fn2(data2); }); this._animationCallbacksBuffer = []; }); }); } animationCallbacksBuffer.push([fn, data]); } end() { this._cdRecurDepth--; if (this._cdRecurDepth == 0) { this._zone.runOutsideAngular(() => { this._scheduleCountTask(); this.engine.flush(this._microtaskId); }); } if (this.delegate.end) { this.delegate.end(); } } whenRenderingDone() { return this.engine.whenRenderingDone(); } }; // node_modules/@angular/platform-browser/fesm2022/animations.mjs var _InjectableAnimationEngine = class _InjectableAnimationEngine extends AnimationEngine { // The `ApplicationRef` is injected here explicitly to force the dependency ordering. // Since the `ApplicationRef` should be created earlier before the `AnimationEngine`, they // both have `ngOnDestroy` hooks and `flush()` must be called after all views are destroyed. constructor(doc, driver, normalizer, appRef) { super(doc, driver, normalizer); } ngOnDestroy() { this.flush(); } }; _InjectableAnimationEngine.ɵfac = function InjectableAnimationEngine_Factory(t) { return new (t || _InjectableAnimationEngine)(ɵɵinject(DOCUMENT), ɵɵinject(AnimationDriver), ɵɵinject(AnimationStyleNormalizer), ɵɵinject(ApplicationRef)); }; _InjectableAnimationEngine.ɵprov = ɵɵdefineInjectable({ token: _InjectableAnimationEngine, factory: _InjectableAnimationEngine.ɵfac }); var InjectableAnimationEngine = _InjectableAnimationEngine; (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(InjectableAnimationEngine, [{ type: Injectable }], () => [{ type: Document, decorators: [{ type: Inject, args: [DOCUMENT] }] }, { type: AnimationDriver }, { type: AnimationStyleNormalizer }, { type: ApplicationRef }], null); })(); function instantiateDefaultStyleNormalizer() { return new WebAnimationsStyleNormalizer(); } function instantiateRendererFactory(renderer, engine, zone) { return new AnimationRendererFactory(renderer, engine, zone); } var SHARED_ANIMATION_PROVIDERS = [{ provide: AnimationStyleNormalizer, useFactory: instantiateDefaultStyleNormalizer }, { provide: AnimationEngine, useClass: InjectableAnimationEngine }, { provide: RendererFactory2, useFactory: instantiateRendererFactory, deps: [DomRendererFactory2, AnimationEngine, NgZone] }]; var BROWSER_ANIMATIONS_PROVIDERS = [{ provide: AnimationDriver, useFactory: () => new WebAnimationsDriver() }, { provide: ANIMATION_MODULE_TYPE, useValue: "BrowserAnimations" }, ...SHARED_ANIMATION_PROVIDERS]; var BROWSER_NOOP_ANIMATIONS_PROVIDERS = [{ provide: AnimationDriver, useClass: NoopAnimationDriver }, { provide: ANIMATION_MODULE_TYPE, useValue: "NoopAnimations" }, ...SHARED_ANIMATION_PROVIDERS]; var _BrowserAnimationsModule = class _BrowserAnimationsModule { /** * Configures the module based on the specified object. * * @param config Object used to configure the behavior of the `BrowserAnimationsModule`. * @see {@link BrowserAnimationsModuleConfig} * * @usageNotes * When registering the `BrowserAnimationsModule`, you can use the `withConfig` * function as follows: * ``` * @NgModule({ * imports: [BrowserAnimationsModule.withConfig(config)] * }) * class MyNgModule {} * ``` */ static withConfig(config) { return { ngModule: _BrowserAnimationsModule, providers: config.disableAnimations ? BROWSER_NOOP_ANIMATIONS_PROVIDERS : BROWSER_ANIMATIONS_PROVIDERS }; } }; _BrowserAnimationsModule.ɵfac = function BrowserAnimationsModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || _BrowserAnimationsModule)(); }; _BrowserAnimationsModule.ɵmod = ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: _BrowserAnimationsModule, exports: [BrowserModule] }); _BrowserAnimationsModule.ɵinj = ɵɵdefineInjector({ providers: BROWSER_ANIMATIONS_PROVIDERS, imports: [BrowserModule] }); var BrowserAnimationsModule = _BrowserAnimationsModule; (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(BrowserAnimationsModule, [{ type: NgModule, args: [{ exports: [BrowserModule], providers: BROWSER_ANIMATIONS_PROVIDERS }] }], null, null); })(); function provideAnimations() { return [...BROWSER_ANIMATIONS_PROVIDERS]; } var _NoopAnimationsModule = class _NoopAnimationsModule { }; _NoopAnimationsModule.ɵfac = function NoopAnimationsModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NoopAnimationsModule)(); }; _NoopAnimationsModule.ɵmod = ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: _NoopAnimationsModule, exports: [BrowserModule] }); _NoopAnimationsModule.ɵinj = ɵɵdefineInjector({ providers: BROWSER_NOOP_ANIMATIONS_PROVIDERS, imports: [BrowserModule] }); var NoopAnimationsModule = _NoopAnimationsModule; (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NoopAnimationsModule, [{ type: NgModule, args: [{ exports: [BrowserModule], providers: BROWSER_NOOP_ANIMATIONS_PROVIDERS }] }], null, null); })(); function provideNoopAnimations() { return [...BROWSER_NOOP_ANIMATIONS_PROVIDERS]; } export { InjectableAnimationEngine, BrowserAnimationsModule, provideAnimations, NoopAnimationsModule, provideNoopAnimations }; /*! Bundled license information: @angular/animations/fesm2022/browser.mjs: (** * @license Angular v17.0.7 * (c) 2010-2022 Google LLC. * License: MIT *) @angular/platform-browser/fesm2022/animations.mjs: (** * @license Angular v17.0.7 * (c) 2010-2022 Google LLC. * License: MIT *) */ //#