import { NzToolTipModule, NzTooltipDirective } from "./chunk-5MZJ5XYV.js"; import "./chunk-6RXUTAFR.js"; import "./chunk-XAGDQPFO.js"; import "./chunk-D5ODNR6D.js"; import "./chunk-55A2ZGND.js"; import "./chunk-6U656R5M.js"; import "./chunk-VOD2PKZN.js"; import { DOWN_ARROW, LEFT_ARROW, RIGHT_ARROW, UP_ARROW } from "./chunk-JGP5BR6B.js"; import "./chunk-WB57DPWD.js"; import { NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR } from "./chunk-D4IIJHV7.js"; import "./chunk-ZHMJ6SNN.js"; import { Directionality } from "./chunk-6NZ2BEBG.js"; import { Platform } from "./chunk-IAC53GOD.js"; import { InputBoolean, InputNumber, arraysEqual, ensureNumberInRange, getElementOffset, getPercent, getPrecision, isNil, silentEvent } from "./chunk-M5GY4FCO.js"; import "./chunk-ECVKT3ZH.js"; import "./chunk-KI2JSLP6.js"; import "./chunk-Y4CEYMY2.js"; import "./chunk-X7WBA24Z.js"; import { NgForOf, NgIf, NgStyle } from "./chunk-OSQBUYO6.js"; import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, EventEmitter, Injectable, Input, NgModule, Optional, Output, Subject, ViewChild, ViewChildren, ViewEncapsulation$1, __decorate, distinctUntilChanged, filter, forwardRef, fromEvent, map, merge, setClassMetadata, takeUntil, tap, ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature, ɵɵProvidersFeature, ɵɵStandaloneFeature, ɵɵadvance, ɵɵclassProp, ɵɵdefineComponent, ɵɵdefineInjectable, ɵɵdefineInjector, ɵɵdefineNgModule, ɵɵdirectiveInject, ɵɵelement, ɵɵelementEnd, ɵɵelementStart, ɵɵgetCurrentView, ɵɵlistener, ɵɵloadQuery, ɵɵnextContext, ɵɵproperty, ɵɵpureFunction1, ɵɵqueryRefresh, ɵɵresetView, ɵɵrestoreView, ɵɵsanitizeHtml, ɵɵtemplate, ɵɵviewQuery } from "./chunk-FGESKT7O.js"; import { __spreadProps, __spreadValues } from "./chunk-HSNDBVJ3.js"; // node_modules/ng-zorro-antd/fesm2022/ng-zorro-antd-slider.mjs var _c0 = ["handle"]; var _c1 = (a0) => ({ $implicit: a0 }); function NzSliderMarksComponent_span_1_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵelement(0, "span", 2); } if (rf & 2) { const attr_r1 = ctx.$implicit; ɵɵclassProp("ant-slider-mark-active",; ɵɵproperty("ngStyle","innerHTML", attr_r1.label, ɵɵsanitizeHtml); } } function NzSliderStepComponent_span_1_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵelement(0, "span", 2); } if (rf & 2) { const mark_r1 = ctx.$implicit; ɵɵclassProp("ant-slider-dot-active",; ɵɵproperty("ngStyle",; } } var _c2 = ["slider"]; function NzSliderComponent_nz_slider_step_4_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵelement(0, "nz-slider-step", 6); } if (rf & 2) { const ctx_r1 = ɵɵnextContext(); ɵɵproperty("vertical", ctx_r1.nzVertical)("min", ctx_r1.nzMin)("max", ctx_r1.nzMax)("lowerBound", ctx_r1.bounds.lower)("upperBound", ctx_r1.bounds.upper)("marksArray", ctx_r1.marksArray)("included", ctx_r1.nzIncluded)("reverse", ctx_r1.nzReverse); } } function NzSliderComponent_nz_slider_handle_5_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { const _r7 = ɵɵgetCurrentView(); ɵɵelementStart(0, "nz-slider-handle", 7); ɵɵlistener("focusin", function NzSliderComponent_nz_slider_handle_5_Template_nz_slider_handle_focusin_0_listener() { const restoredCtx = ɵɵrestoreView(_r7); const handleIndex_r5 = restoredCtx.index; const ctx_r6 = ɵɵnextContext(); return ɵɵresetView(ctx_r6.onHandleFocusIn(handleIndex_r5)); }); ɵɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const handle_r4 = ctx.$implicit; const ctx_r2 = ɵɵnextContext(); ɵɵproperty("vertical", ctx_r2.nzVertical)("reverse", ctx_r2.nzReverse)("offset", handle_r4.offset)("value", handle_r4.value)("active","tooltipFormatter", ctx_r2.nzTipFormatter)("tooltipVisible", ctx_r2.nzTooltipVisible)("tooltipPlacement", ctx_r2.nzTooltipPlacement)("dir", ctx_r2.dir); } } function NzSliderComponent_nz_slider_marks_6_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵelement(0, "nz-slider-marks", 6); } if (rf & 2) { const ctx_r3 = ɵɵnextContext(); ɵɵproperty("vertical", ctx_r3.nzVertical)("min", ctx_r3.nzMin)("max", ctx_r3.nzMax)("lowerBound", ctx_r3.bounds.lower)("upperBound", ctx_r3.bounds.upper)("marksArray", ctx_r3.marksArray)("included", ctx_r3.nzIncluded)("reverse", ctx_r3.nzReverse); } } var _NzSliderService = class _NzSliderService { constructor() { this.isDragging = false; } }; _NzSliderService.ɵfac = function NzSliderService_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NzSliderService)(); }; _NzSliderService.ɵprov = ɵɵdefineInjectable({ token: _NzSliderService, factory: _NzSliderService.ɵfac }); var NzSliderService = _NzSliderService; (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NzSliderService, [{ type: Injectable }], null, null); })(); var _NzSliderHandleComponent = class _NzSliderHandleComponent { constructor(sliderService, cdr) { this.sliderService = sliderService; this.cdr = cdr; this.tooltipVisible = "default"; = false; this.dir = "ltr"; = {}; this.enterHandle = () => { if (!this.sliderService.isDragging) { this.toggleTooltip(true); this.updateTooltipPosition(); this.cdr.detectChanges(); } }; this.leaveHandle = () => { if (!this.sliderService.isDragging) { this.toggleTooltip(false); this.cdr.detectChanges(); } }; } ngOnChanges(changes) { const { offset, value, active, tooltipVisible, reverse, dir } = changes; if (offset || reverse || dir) { this.updateStyle(); } if (value) { this.updateTooltipTitle(); this.updateTooltipPosition(); } if (active) { if (active.currentValue) { this.toggleTooltip(true); } else { this.toggleTooltip(false); } } if (tooltipVisible?.currentValue === "always") { Promise.resolve().then(() => this.toggleTooltip(true, true)); } } focus() { this.handleEl?.nativeElement.focus(); } toggleTooltip(show, force = false) { if (!force && (this.tooltipVisible !== "default" || !this.tooltip)) { return; } if (show) { this.tooltip?.show(); } else { this.tooltip?.hide(); } } updateTooltipTitle() { if (this.tooltipFormatter) { this.tooltipTitle = typeof this.tooltipFormatter === "function" ? this.tooltipFormatter(this.value) : this.tooltipFormatter; } else { this.tooltipTitle = `${this.value}`; } } updateTooltipPosition() { if (this.tooltip) { Promise.resolve().then(() => this.tooltip?.updatePosition()); } } updateStyle() { const vertical = this.vertical; const reverse = this.reverse; const offset = this.offset; const positionStyle = vertical ? { [reverse ? "top" : "bottom"]: `${offset}%`, [reverse ? "bottom" : "top"]: "auto", transform: reverse ? null : `translateY(+50%)` } : __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, this.getHorizontalStylePosition()), { transform: `translateX(${reverse ? this.dir === "rtl" ? "-" : "+" : this.dir === "rtl" ? "+" : "-"}50%)` }); = positionStyle; this.cdr.markForCheck(); } getHorizontalStylePosition() { let left = this.reverse ? "auto" : `${this.offset}%`; let right = this.reverse ? `${this.offset}%` : "auto"; if (this.dir === "rtl") { const tmp = left; left = right; right = tmp; } return { left, right }; } }; _NzSliderHandleComponent.ɵfac = function NzSliderHandleComponent_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NzSliderHandleComponent)(ɵɵdirectiveInject(NzSliderService), ɵɵdirectiveInject(ChangeDetectorRef)); }; _NzSliderHandleComponent.ɵcmp = ɵɵdefineComponent({ type: _NzSliderHandleComponent, selectors: [["nz-slider-handle"]], viewQuery: function NzSliderHandleComponent_Query(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵviewQuery(_c0, 5); ɵɵviewQuery(NzTooltipDirective, 5); } if (rf & 2) { let _t; ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx.handleEl = _t.first); ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx.tooltip = _t.first); } }, hostBindings: function NzSliderHandleComponent_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵlistener("mouseenter", function NzSliderHandleComponent_mouseenter_HostBindingHandler() { return ctx.enterHandle(); })("mouseleave", function NzSliderHandleComponent_mouseleave_HostBindingHandler() { return ctx.leaveHandle(); }); } }, inputs: { vertical: "vertical", reverse: "reverse", offset: "offset", value: "value", tooltipVisible: "tooltipVisible", tooltipPlacement: "tooltipPlacement", tooltipFormatter: "tooltipFormatter", active: "active", dir: "dir" }, exportAs: ["nzSliderHandle"], standalone: true, features: [ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature, ɵɵStandaloneFeature], decls: 2, vars: 7, consts: [["tabindex", "0", "nz-tooltip", "", 1, "ant-slider-handle", 3, "ngStyle", "nzTooltipTitle", "nzTooltipTitleContext", "nzTooltipTrigger", "nzTooltipPlacement"], ["handle", ""]], template: function NzSliderHandleComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵelement(0, "div", 0, 1); } if (rf & 2) { ɵɵproperty("ngStyle","nzTooltipTitle", ctx.tooltipFormatter === null || ctx.tooltipVisible === "never" ? null : ctx.tooltipTitle)("nzTooltipTitleContext", ɵɵpureFunction1(5, _c1, ctx.value))("nzTooltipTrigger", null)("nzTooltipPlacement", ctx.tooltipPlacement); } }, dependencies: [NzToolTipModule, NzTooltipDirective, NgStyle], encapsulation: 2, changeDetection: 0 }); var NzSliderHandleComponent = _NzSliderHandleComponent; __decorate([InputBoolean()], NzSliderHandleComponent.prototype, "active", void 0); (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NzSliderHandleComponent, [{ type: Component, args: [{ changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation$1.None, selector: "nz-slider-handle", exportAs: "nzSliderHandle", preserveWhitespaces: false, template: `
`, host: { "(mouseenter)": "enterHandle()", "(mouseleave)": "leaveHandle()" }, imports: [NzToolTipModule, NgStyle], standalone: true }] }], () => [{ type: NzSliderService }, { type: ChangeDetectorRef }], { handleEl: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ["handle", { static: false }] }], tooltip: [{ type: ViewChild, args: [NzTooltipDirective, { static: false }] }], vertical: [{ type: Input }], reverse: [{ type: Input }], offset: [{ type: Input }], value: [{ type: Input }], tooltipVisible: [{ type: Input }], tooltipPlacement: [{ type: Input }], tooltipFormatter: [{ type: Input }], active: [{ type: Input }], dir: [{ type: Input }] }); })(); var _NzSliderMarksComponent = class _NzSliderMarksComponent { constructor() { this.lowerBound = null; this.upperBound = null; this.marksArray = []; this.vertical = false; this.included = false; this.marks = []; } ngOnChanges(changes) { const { marksArray, lowerBound, upperBound, reverse } = changes; if (marksArray || reverse) { this.buildMarks(); } if (marksArray || lowerBound || upperBound || reverse) { this.togglePointActive(); } } trackById(_index, mark) { return mark.value; } buildMarks() { const range = this.max - this.min; this.marks = => { const { value, offset, config } = mark; const style = this.getMarkStyles(value, range, config); const label = isConfigObject(config) ? config.label : config; return { label, offset, style, value, config, active: false }; }); } getMarkStyles(value, range, config) { let style; const markValue = this.reverse ? this.max + this.min - value : value; if (this.vertical) { style = { marginBottom: "-50%", bottom: `${(markValue - this.min) / range * 100}%` }; } else { style = { transform: `translate3d(-50%, 0, 0)`, left: `${(markValue - this.min) / range * 100}%` }; } if (isConfigObject(config) && { style = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, style),; } return style; } togglePointActive() { if (this.marks && this.lowerBound !== null && this.upperBound !== null) { this.marks.forEach((mark) => { const value = mark.value; const isActive = !this.included && value === this.upperBound || this.included && value <= this.upperBound && value >= this.lowerBound; = isActive; }); } } }; _NzSliderMarksComponent.ɵfac = function NzSliderMarksComponent_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NzSliderMarksComponent)(); }; _NzSliderMarksComponent.ɵcmp = ɵɵdefineComponent({ type: _NzSliderMarksComponent, selectors: [["nz-slider-marks"]], inputs: { lowerBound: "lowerBound", upperBound: "upperBound", marksArray: "marksArray", min: "min", max: "max", vertical: "vertical", included: "included", reverse: "reverse" }, exportAs: ["nzSliderMarks"], standalone: true, features: [ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature, ɵɵStandaloneFeature], decls: 2, vars: 2, consts: [[1, "ant-slider-mark"], ["class", "ant-slider-mark-text", 3, "ant-slider-mark-active", "ngStyle", "innerHTML", 4, "ngFor", "ngForOf", "ngForTrackBy"], [1, "ant-slider-mark-text", 3, "ngStyle", "innerHTML"]], template: function NzSliderMarksComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵelementStart(0, "div", 0); ɵɵtemplate(1, NzSliderMarksComponent_span_1_Template, 1, 4, "span", 1); ɵɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { ɵɵadvance(1); ɵɵproperty("ngForOf", ctx.marks)("ngForTrackBy", ctx.trackById); } }, dependencies: [NgStyle, NgForOf], encapsulation: 2, changeDetection: 0 }); var NzSliderMarksComponent = _NzSliderMarksComponent; __decorate([InputBoolean()], NzSliderMarksComponent.prototype, "vertical", void 0); __decorate([InputBoolean()], NzSliderMarksComponent.prototype, "included", void 0); (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NzSliderMarksComponent, [{ type: Component, args: [{ changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation$1.None, preserveWhitespaces: false, selector: "nz-slider-marks", exportAs: "nzSliderMarks", template: `
`, imports: [NgStyle, NgForOf], standalone: true }] }], null, { lowerBound: [{ type: Input }], upperBound: [{ type: Input }], marksArray: [{ type: Input }], min: [{ type: Input }], max: [{ type: Input }], vertical: [{ type: Input }], included: [{ type: Input }], reverse: [{ type: Input }] }); })(); function isConfigObject(config) { return typeof config !== "string"; } var _NzSliderStepComponent = class _NzSliderStepComponent { constructor() { this.lowerBound = null; this.upperBound = null; this.marksArray = []; this.vertical = false; this.included = false; this.steps = []; } ngOnChanges(changes) { const { marksArray, lowerBound, upperBound, reverse } = changes; if (marksArray || reverse) { this.buildSteps(); } if (marksArray || lowerBound || upperBound || reverse) { this.togglePointActive(); } } trackById(_index, step) { return step.value; } buildSteps() { const orient = this.vertical ? "bottom" : "left"; this.steps = => { const { value, config } = mark; let offset = mark.offset; const range = this.max - this.min; if (this.reverse) { offset = (this.max - value) / range * 100; } return { value, offset, config, active: false, style: { [orient]: `${offset}%`, transform: "translateX(-50%)" } }; }); } togglePointActive() { if (this.steps && this.lowerBound !== null && this.upperBound !== null) { this.steps.forEach((step) => { const value = step.value; const isActive = !this.included && value === this.upperBound || this.included && value <= this.upperBound && value >= this.lowerBound; = isActive; }); } } }; _NzSliderStepComponent.ɵfac = function NzSliderStepComponent_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NzSliderStepComponent)(); }; _NzSliderStepComponent.ɵcmp = ɵɵdefineComponent({ type: _NzSliderStepComponent, selectors: [["nz-slider-step"]], inputs: { lowerBound: "lowerBound", upperBound: "upperBound", marksArray: "marksArray", min: "min", max: "max", vertical: "vertical", included: "included", reverse: "reverse" }, exportAs: ["nzSliderStep"], standalone: true, features: [ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature, ɵɵStandaloneFeature], decls: 2, vars: 2, consts: [[1, "ant-slider-step"], ["class", "ant-slider-dot", 3, "ant-slider-dot-active", "ngStyle", 4, "ngFor", "ngForOf", "ngForTrackBy"], [1, "ant-slider-dot", 3, "ngStyle"]], template: function NzSliderStepComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵelementStart(0, "div", 0); ɵɵtemplate(1, NzSliderStepComponent_span_1_Template, 1, 3, "span", 1); ɵɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { ɵɵadvance(1); ɵɵproperty("ngForOf", ctx.steps)("ngForTrackBy", ctx.trackById); } }, dependencies: [NgStyle, NgForOf], encapsulation: 2, changeDetection: 0 }); var NzSliderStepComponent = _NzSliderStepComponent; __decorate([InputBoolean()], NzSliderStepComponent.prototype, "vertical", void 0); __decorate([InputBoolean()], NzSliderStepComponent.prototype, "included", void 0); (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NzSliderStepComponent, [{ type: Component, args: [{ changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation$1.None, selector: "nz-slider-step", exportAs: "nzSliderStep", preserveWhitespaces: false, template: `
`, imports: [NgStyle, NgForOf], standalone: true }] }], null, { lowerBound: [{ type: Input }], upperBound: [{ type: Input }], marksArray: [{ type: Input }], min: [{ type: Input }], max: [{ type: Input }], vertical: [{ type: Input }], included: [{ type: Input }], reverse: [{ type: Input }] }); })(); var _NzSliderTrackComponent = class _NzSliderTrackComponent { constructor() { this.offset = 0; this.reverse = false; this.dir = "ltr"; this.length = 0; this.vertical = false; this.included = false; = {}; } ngOnChanges() { const vertical = this.vertical; const reverse = this.reverse; const visibility = this.included ? "visible" : "hidden"; const offset = this.offset; const length = this.length; const positonStyle = vertical ? { [reverse ? "top" : "bottom"]: `${offset}%`, [reverse ? "bottom" : "top"]: "auto", height: `${length}%`, visibility } : __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, this.getHorizontalStylePosition()), { width: `${length}%`, visibility }); = positonStyle; } getHorizontalStylePosition() { let left = this.reverse ? "auto" : `${this.offset}%`; let right = this.reverse ? `${this.offset}%` : "auto"; if (this.dir === "rtl") { const tmp = left; left = right; right = tmp; } return { left, right }; } }; _NzSliderTrackComponent.ɵfac = function NzSliderTrackComponent_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NzSliderTrackComponent)(); }; _NzSliderTrackComponent.ɵcmp = ɵɵdefineComponent({ type: _NzSliderTrackComponent, selectors: [["nz-slider-track"]], inputs: { offset: "offset", reverse: "reverse", dir: "dir", length: "length", vertical: "vertical", included: "included" }, exportAs: ["nzSliderTrack"], standalone: true, features: [ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature, ɵɵStandaloneFeature], decls: 1, vars: 1, consts: [[1, "ant-slider-track", 3, "ngStyle"]], template: function NzSliderTrackComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵelement(0, "div", 0); } if (rf & 2) { ɵɵproperty("ngStyle",; } }, dependencies: [NgStyle], encapsulation: 2, changeDetection: 0 }); var NzSliderTrackComponent = _NzSliderTrackComponent; __decorate([InputNumber()], NzSliderTrackComponent.prototype, "offset", void 0); __decorate([InputBoolean()], NzSliderTrackComponent.prototype, "reverse", void 0); __decorate([InputNumber()], NzSliderTrackComponent.prototype, "length", void 0); __decorate([InputBoolean()], NzSliderTrackComponent.prototype, "vertical", void 0); __decorate([InputBoolean()], NzSliderTrackComponent.prototype, "included", void 0); (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NzSliderTrackComponent, [{ type: Component, args: [{ changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation$1.None, selector: "nz-slider-track", exportAs: "nzSliderTrack", preserveWhitespaces: false, template: `
`, imports: [NgStyle], standalone: true }] }], null, { offset: [{ type: Input }], reverse: [{ type: Input }], dir: [{ type: Input }], length: [{ type: Input }], vertical: [{ type: Input }], included: [{ type: Input }] }); })(); var _NzSliderComponent = class _NzSliderComponent { constructor(sliderService, cdr, platform, directionality) { this.sliderService = sliderService; this.cdr = cdr; this.platform = platform; this.directionality = directionality; this.nzDisabled = false; this.nzDots = false; this.nzIncluded = true; this.nzRange = false; this.nzVertical = false; this.nzReverse = false; this.nzMarks = null; this.nzMax = 100; this.nzMin = 0; this.nzStep = 1; this.nzTooltipVisible = "default"; this.nzTooltipPlacement = "top"; this.nzOnAfterChange = new EventEmitter(); this.value = null; this.cacheSliderStart = null; this.cacheSliderLength = null; this.activeValueIndex = void 0; this.track = { offset: null, length: null }; this.handles = []; this.marksArray = null; this.bounds = { lower: null, upper: null }; this.dir = "ltr"; this.destroy$ = new Subject(); this.isNzDisableFirstChange = true; } ngOnInit() { this.dir = this.directionality.value; this.directionality.change?.pipe(takeUntil(this.destroy$)).subscribe((direction) => { this.dir = direction; this.cdr.detectChanges(); this.updateTrackAndHandles(); this.onValueChange(this.getValue(true)); }); this.handles = generateHandlers(this.nzRange ? 2 : 1); this.marksArray = this.nzMarks ? this.generateMarkItems(this.nzMarks) : null; this.bindDraggingHandlers(); this.toggleDragDisabled(this.nzDisabled); if (this.getValue() === null) { this.setValue(this.formatValue(null)); } } ngOnChanges(changes) { const { nzDisabled, nzMarks, nzRange } = changes; if (nzDisabled && !nzDisabled.firstChange) { this.toggleDragDisabled(nzDisabled.currentValue); } else if (nzMarks && !nzMarks.firstChange) { this.marksArray = this.nzMarks ? this.generateMarkItems(this.nzMarks) : null; } else if (nzRange && !nzRange.firstChange) { this.handles = generateHandlers(nzRange.currentValue ? 2 : 1); this.setValue(this.formatValue(null)); } } ngOnDestroy() { this.unsubscribeDrag(); this.destroy$.next(true); this.destroy$.complete(); } writeValue(val) { this.setValue(val, true); } onValueChange(_value) { } onTouched() { } registerOnChange(fn) { this.onValueChange = fn; } registerOnTouched(fn) { this.onTouched = fn; } setDisabledState(isDisabled) { this.nzDisabled = this.isNzDisableFirstChange && this.nzDisabled || isDisabled; this.isNzDisableFirstChange = false; this.toggleDragDisabled(this.nzDisabled); this.cdr.markForCheck(); } /** * Event handler is only triggered when a slider handler is focused. */ onKeyDown(e) { if (this.nzDisabled) { return; } const code = e.keyCode; const isIncrease = code === RIGHT_ARROW || code === UP_ARROW; const isDecrease = code === LEFT_ARROW || code === DOWN_ARROW; if (!(isIncrease || isDecrease)) { return; } e.preventDefault(); let step = (isDecrease ? -this.nzStep : this.nzStep) * (this.nzReverse ? -1 : 1); step = this.dir === "rtl" ? step * -1 : step; const newVal = this.nzRange ? this.value[this.activeValueIndex] + step : this.value + step; this.setActiveValue(ensureNumberInRange(newVal, this.nzMin, this.nzMax)); this.nzOnAfterChange.emit(this.getValue(true)); } onHandleFocusIn(index) { this.activeValueIndex = index; } setValue(value, isWriteValue = false) { if (isWriteValue) { this.value = this.formatValue(value); this.updateTrackAndHandles(); } else if (!valuesEqual(this.value, value)) { this.value = value; this.updateTrackAndHandles(); this.onValueChange(this.getValue(true)); } } getValue(cloneAndSort = false) { if (cloneAndSort && this.value && isValueRange(this.value)) { return [...this.value].sort((a, b) => a - b); } return this.value; } /** * Clone & sort current value and convert them to offsets, then return the new one. */ getValueToOffset(value) { let normalizedValue = value; if (typeof normalizedValue === "undefined") { normalizedValue = this.getValue(true); } return isValueRange(normalizedValue) ? => this.valueToOffset(val)) : this.valueToOffset(normalizedValue); } /** * Find the closest value to be activated. */ setActiveValueIndex(pointerValue) { const value = this.getValue(); if (isValueRange(value)) { let minimal = null; let gap; let activeIndex = -1; value.forEach((val, index) => { gap = Math.abs(pointerValue - val); if (minimal === null || gap < minimal) { minimal = gap; activeIndex = index; } }); this.activeValueIndex = activeIndex; this.handlerComponents.toArray()[activeIndex].focus(); } else { this.handlerComponents.toArray()[0].focus(); } } setActiveValue(pointerValue) { if (isValueRange(this.value)) { const newValue = [...this.value]; newValue[this.activeValueIndex] = pointerValue; this.setValue(newValue); } else { this.setValue(pointerValue); } } /** * Update track and handles' position and length. */ updateTrackAndHandles() { const value = this.getValue(); const offset = this.getValueToOffset(value); const valueSorted = this.getValue(true); const offsetSorted = this.getValueToOffset(valueSorted); const boundParts = isValueRange(valueSorted) ? valueSorted : [0, valueSorted]; const trackParts = isValueRange(offsetSorted) ? [offsetSorted[0], offsetSorted[1] - offsetSorted[0]] : [0, offsetSorted]; this.handles.forEach((handle, index) => { handle.offset = isValueRange(offset) ? offset[index] : offset; handle.value = isValueRange(value) ? value[index] : value || 0; }); [this.bounds.lower, this.bounds.upper] = boundParts; [this.track.offset, this.track.length] = trackParts; this.cdr.markForCheck(); } onDragStart(value) { this.toggleDragMoving(true); this.cacheSliderProperty(); this.setActiveValueIndex(this.getLogicalValue(value)); this.setActiveValue(this.getLogicalValue(value)); this.showHandleTooltip(this.nzRange ? this.activeValueIndex : 0); } onDragMove(value) { this.setActiveValue(this.getLogicalValue(value)); this.cdr.markForCheck(); } getLogicalValue(value) { if (this.nzReverse) { if (!this.nzVertical && this.dir === "rtl") { return value; } return this.nzMax - value + this.nzMin; } if (!this.nzVertical && this.dir === "rtl") { return this.nzMax - value + this.nzMin; } return value; } onDragEnd() { this.nzOnAfterChange.emit(this.getValue(true)); this.toggleDragMoving(false); this.cacheSliderProperty(true); this.hideAllHandleTooltip(); this.cdr.markForCheck(); } /** * Create user interactions handles. */ bindDraggingHandlers() { if (!this.platform.isBrowser) { return; } const pluckFunc = (keys) => (event) => keys.reduce((acc, key) => acc[key] || acc, event); const sliderDOM = this.slider.nativeElement; const orientField = this.nzVertical ? "pageY" : "pageX"; const mouse = { start: "mousedown", move: "mousemove", end: "mouseup", pluckKey: [orientField] }; const touch = { start: "touchstart", move: "touchmove", end: "touchend", pluckKey: ["touches", "0", orientField], filter: (e) => e instanceof TouchEvent }; [mouse, touch].forEach((source) => { const { start, move, end, pluckKey, filter: filterFunc = () => true } = source; source.startPlucked$ = fromEvent(sliderDOM, start).pipe(filter(filterFunc), tap(silentEvent), map(pluckFunc(pluckKey)), map((position) => this.findClosestValue(position))); source.end$ = fromEvent(document, end); source.moveResolved$ = fromEvent(document, move).pipe(filter(filterFunc), tap(silentEvent), map(pluckFunc(pluckKey)), distinctUntilChanged(), map((position) => this.findClosestValue(position)), distinctUntilChanged(), takeUntil(source.end$)); }); this.dragStart$ = merge(mouse.startPlucked$, touch.startPlucked$); this.dragMove$ = merge(mouse.moveResolved$, touch.moveResolved$); this.dragEnd$ = merge(mouse.end$, touch.end$); } subscribeDrag(periods = ["start", "move", "end"]) { if (periods.indexOf("start") !== -1 && this.dragStart$ && !this.dragStart_) { this.dragStart_ = this.dragStart$.subscribe(this.onDragStart.bind(this)); } if (periods.indexOf("move") !== -1 && this.dragMove$ && !this.dragMove_) { this.dragMove_ = this.dragMove$.subscribe(this.onDragMove.bind(this)); } if (periods.indexOf("end") !== -1 && this.dragEnd$ && !this.dragEnd_) { this.dragEnd_ = this.dragEnd$.subscribe(this.onDragEnd.bind(this)); } } unsubscribeDrag(periods = ["start", "move", "end"]) { if (periods.indexOf("start") !== -1 && this.dragStart_) { this.dragStart_.unsubscribe(); this.dragStart_ = null; } if (periods.indexOf("move") !== -1 && this.dragMove_) { this.dragMove_.unsubscribe(); this.dragMove_ = null; } if (periods.indexOf("end") !== -1 && this.dragEnd_) { this.dragEnd_.unsubscribe(); this.dragEnd_ = null; } } toggleDragMoving(movable) { const periods = ["move", "end"]; if (movable) { this.sliderService.isDragging = true; this.subscribeDrag(periods); } else { this.sliderService.isDragging = false; this.unsubscribeDrag(periods); } } toggleDragDisabled(disabled) { if (disabled) { this.unsubscribeDrag(); } else { this.subscribeDrag(["start"]); } } findClosestValue(position) { const sliderStart = this.getSliderStartPosition(); const sliderLength = this.getSliderLength(); const ratio = ensureNumberInRange((position - sliderStart) / sliderLength, 0, 1); const val = (this.nzMax - this.nzMin) * (this.nzVertical ? 1 - ratio : ratio) + this.nzMin; const points = this.nzMarks === null ? [] : Object.keys(this.nzMarks).map(parseFloat).sort((a, b) => a - b); if (this.nzStep !== 0 && !this.nzDots) { const closestOne = Math.round(val / this.nzStep) * this.nzStep; points.push(closestOne); } const gaps = => Math.abs(val - point)); const closest = points[gaps.indexOf(Math.min(...gaps))]; return this.nzStep === 0 ? closest : parseFloat(closest.toFixed(getPrecision(this.nzStep))); } valueToOffset(value) { return getPercent(this.nzMin, this.nzMax, value); } getSliderStartPosition() { if (this.cacheSliderStart !== null) { return this.cacheSliderStart; } const offset = getElementOffset(this.slider.nativeElement); return this.nzVertical ? : offset.left; } getSliderLength() { if (this.cacheSliderLength !== null) { return this.cacheSliderLength; } const sliderDOM = this.slider.nativeElement; return this.nzVertical ? sliderDOM.clientHeight : sliderDOM.clientWidth; } /** * Cache DOM layout/reflow operations for performance (may not necessary?) */ cacheSliderProperty(remove = false) { this.cacheSliderStart = remove ? null : this.getSliderStartPosition(); this.cacheSliderLength = remove ? null : this.getSliderLength(); } formatValue(value) { if (isNil(value)) { return this.nzRange ? [this.nzMin, this.nzMax] : this.nzMin; } else if (assertValueValid(value, this.nzRange)) { return isValueRange(value) ? => ensureNumberInRange(val, this.nzMin, this.nzMax)) : ensureNumberInRange(value, this.nzMin, this.nzMax); } else { return this.nzDefaultValue ? this.nzDefaultValue : this.nzRange ? [this.nzMin, this.nzMax] : this.nzMin; } } /** * Show one handle's tooltip and hide others'. */ showHandleTooltip(handleIndex = 0) { this.handles.forEach((handle, index) => { = index === handleIndex; }); } hideAllHandleTooltip() { this.handles.forEach((handle) => = false); } generateMarkItems(marks) { const marksArray = []; for (const key in marks) { if (marks.hasOwnProperty(key)) { const mark = marks[key]; const val = typeof key === "number" ? key : parseFloat(key); if (val >= this.nzMin && val <= this.nzMax) { marksArray.push({ value: val, offset: this.valueToOffset(val), config: mark }); } } } return marksArray.length ? marksArray : null; } }; _NzSliderComponent.ɵfac = function NzSliderComponent_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NzSliderComponent)(ɵɵdirectiveInject(NzSliderService), ɵɵdirectiveInject(ChangeDetectorRef), ɵɵdirectiveInject(Platform), ɵɵdirectiveInject(Directionality, 8)); }; _NzSliderComponent.ɵcmp = ɵɵdefineComponent({ type: _NzSliderComponent, selectors: [["nz-slider"]], viewQuery: function NzSliderComponent_Query(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵviewQuery(_c2, 7); ɵɵviewQuery(NzSliderHandleComponent, 5); } if (rf & 2) { let _t; ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx.slider = _t.first); ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx.handlerComponents = _t); } }, hostBindings: function NzSliderComponent_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵlistener("keydown", function NzSliderComponent_keydown_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onKeyDown($event); }); } }, inputs: { nzDisabled: "nzDisabled", nzDots: "nzDots", nzIncluded: "nzIncluded", nzRange: "nzRange", nzVertical: "nzVertical", nzReverse: "nzReverse", nzDefaultValue: "nzDefaultValue", nzMarks: "nzMarks", nzMax: "nzMax", nzMin: "nzMin", nzStep: "nzStep", nzTooltipVisible: "nzTooltipVisible", nzTooltipPlacement: "nzTooltipPlacement", nzTipFormatter: "nzTipFormatter" }, outputs: { nzOnAfterChange: "nzOnAfterChange" }, exportAs: ["nzSlider"], standalone: true, features: [ɵɵProvidersFeature([{ provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, useExisting: forwardRef(() => _NzSliderComponent), multi: true }, NzSliderService]), ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature, ɵɵStandaloneFeature], decls: 7, vars: 17, consts: [[1, "ant-slider"], ["slider", ""], [1, "ant-slider-rail"], [3, "vertical", "included", "offset", "length", "reverse", "dir"], [3, "vertical", "min", "max", "lowerBound", "upperBound", "marksArray", "included", "reverse", 4, "ngIf"], [3, "vertical", "reverse", "offset", "value", "active", "tooltipFormatter", "tooltipVisible", "tooltipPlacement", "dir", "focusin", 4, "ngFor", "ngForOf"], [3, "vertical", "min", "max", "lowerBound", "upperBound", "marksArray", "included", "reverse"], [3, "vertical", "reverse", "offset", "value", "active", "tooltipFormatter", "tooltipVisible", "tooltipPlacement", "dir", "focusin"]], template: function NzSliderComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵelementStart(0, "div", 0, 1); ɵɵelement(2, "div", 2)(3, "nz-slider-track", 3); ɵɵtemplate(4, NzSliderComponent_nz_slider_step_4_Template, 1, 8, "nz-slider-step", 4)(5, NzSliderComponent_nz_slider_handle_5_Template, 1, 9, "nz-slider-handle", 5)(6, NzSliderComponent_nz_slider_marks_6_Template, 1, 8, "nz-slider-marks", 4); ɵɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { ɵɵclassProp("ant-slider-rtl", ctx.dir === "rtl")("ant-slider-disabled", ctx.nzDisabled)("ant-slider-vertical", ctx.nzVertical)("ant-slider-with-marks", ctx.marksArray); ɵɵadvance(3); ɵɵproperty("vertical", ctx.nzVertical)("included", ctx.nzIncluded)("offset", ctx.track.offset)("length", ctx.track.length)("reverse", ctx.nzReverse)("dir", ctx.dir); ɵɵadvance(1); ɵɵproperty("ngIf", ctx.marksArray); ɵɵadvance(1); ɵɵproperty("ngForOf", ctx.handles); ɵɵadvance(1); ɵɵproperty("ngIf", ctx.marksArray); } }, dependencies: [NzSliderTrackComponent, NzSliderStepComponent, NzSliderHandleComponent, NgForOf, NzSliderMarksComponent, NgIf], encapsulation: 2, changeDetection: 0 }); var NzSliderComponent = _NzSliderComponent; __decorate([InputBoolean()], NzSliderComponent.prototype, "nzDisabled", void 0); __decorate([InputBoolean()], NzSliderComponent.prototype, "nzDots", void 0); __decorate([InputBoolean()], NzSliderComponent.prototype, "nzIncluded", void 0); __decorate([InputBoolean()], NzSliderComponent.prototype, "nzRange", void 0); __decorate([InputBoolean()], NzSliderComponent.prototype, "nzVertical", void 0); __decorate([InputBoolean()], NzSliderComponent.prototype, "nzReverse", void 0); __decorate([InputNumber()], NzSliderComponent.prototype, "nzMax", void 0); __decorate([InputNumber()], NzSliderComponent.prototype, "nzMin", void 0); __decorate([InputNumber()], NzSliderComponent.prototype, "nzStep", void 0); (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NzSliderComponent, [{ type: Component, args: [{ changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation$1.None, selector: "nz-slider", exportAs: "nzSlider", preserveWhitespaces: false, providers: [{ provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, useExisting: forwardRef(() => NzSliderComponent), multi: true }, NzSliderService], host: { "(keydown)": "onKeyDown($event)" }, template: `
`, imports: [NzSliderTrackComponent, NzSliderStepComponent, NzSliderHandleComponent, NgForOf, NzSliderMarksComponent, NgIf], standalone: true }] }], () => [{ type: NzSliderService }, { type: ChangeDetectorRef }, { type: Platform }, { type: Directionality, decorators: [{ type: Optional }] }], { slider: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ["slider", { static: true }] }], handlerComponents: [{ type: ViewChildren, args: [NzSliderHandleComponent] }], nzDisabled: [{ type: Input }], nzDots: [{ type: Input }], nzIncluded: [{ type: Input }], nzRange: [{ type: Input }], nzVertical: [{ type: Input }], nzReverse: [{ type: Input }], nzDefaultValue: [{ type: Input }], nzMarks: [{ type: Input }], nzMax: [{ type: Input }], nzMin: [{ type: Input }], nzStep: [{ type: Input }], nzTooltipVisible: [{ type: Input }], nzTooltipPlacement: [{ type: Input }], nzTipFormatter: [{ type: Input }], nzOnAfterChange: [{ type: Output }] }); })(); function getValueTypeNotMatchError() { return new Error(`The "nzRange" can't match the "ngModel"'s type, please check these properties: "nzRange", "ngModel", "nzDefaultValue".`); } function isValueRange(value) { if (value instanceof Array) { return value.length === 2; } else { return false; } } function generateHandlers(amount) { return Array(amount).fill(0).map(() => ({ offset: null, value: null, active: false })); } function assertValueValid(value, isRange) { if (!isValueRange(value) && isNaN(value) || isValueRange(value) && value.some((v) => isNaN(v))) { return false; } return assertValueTypeMatch(value, isRange); } function assertValueTypeMatch(value, isRange = false) { if (isValueRange(value) !== isRange) { throw getValueTypeNotMatchError(); } return true; } function valuesEqual(valA, valB) { if (typeof valA !== typeof valB) { return false; } return isValueRange(valA) && isValueRange(valB) ? arraysEqual(valA, valB) : valA === valB; } var _NzSliderModule = class _NzSliderModule { }; _NzSliderModule.ɵfac = function NzSliderModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NzSliderModule)(); }; _NzSliderModule.ɵmod = ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: _NzSliderModule, imports: [NzSliderComponent, NzSliderTrackComponent, NzSliderHandleComponent, NzSliderStepComponent, NzSliderMarksComponent], exports: [NzSliderComponent, NzSliderTrackComponent, NzSliderHandleComponent, NzSliderStepComponent, NzSliderMarksComponent] }); _NzSliderModule.ɵinj = ɵɵdefineInjector({ imports: [NzSliderComponent, NzSliderHandleComponent] }); var NzSliderModule = _NzSliderModule; (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NzSliderModule, [{ type: NgModule, args: [{ imports: [NzSliderComponent, NzSliderTrackComponent, NzSliderHandleComponent, NzSliderStepComponent, NzSliderMarksComponent], exports: [NzSliderComponent, NzSliderTrackComponent, NzSliderHandleComponent, NzSliderStepComponent, NzSliderMarksComponent] }] }], null, null); })(); var NzMarks = class { }; export { NzMarks, NzSliderComponent, NzSliderModule, NzSliderHandleComponent as ɵNzSliderHandleComponent, NzSliderMarksComponent as ɵNzSliderMarksComponent, NzSliderService as ɵNzSliderService, NzSliderStepComponent as ɵNzSliderStepComponent, NzSliderTrackComponent as ɵNzSliderTrackComponent }; //#