import { NzDragService, NzResizeService } from "./chunk-I4PM4FPC.js"; import { LEFT_ARROW, RIGHT_ARROW } from "./chunk-JGP5BR6B.js"; import { NzConfigService, WithConfig } from "./chunk-R3YQA6NO.js"; import "./chunk-KBVCKJGB.js"; import { Directionality } from "./chunk-XJ6U6HBE.js"; import { Platform } from "./chunk-MQMU2B2N.js"; import { InputBoolean, InputNumber } from "./chunk-JXVDBMEG.js"; import { NgForOf, NgIf, NgTemplateOutlet } from "./chunk-GRUKGTMG.js"; import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ContentChildren, Directive, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Inject, InjectionToken, Input, NgModule, NgZone, Optional, Output, Renderer2, ViewChild, ViewEncapsulation$1, setClassMetadata, ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature, ɵɵStandaloneFeature, ɵɵadvance, ɵɵclassProp, ɵɵcontentQuery, ɵɵdefineComponent, ɵɵdefineDirective, ɵɵdefineInjector, ɵɵdefineNgModule, ɵɵdirectiveInject, ɵɵelementEnd, ɵɵelementStart, ɵɵgetCurrentView, ɵɵlistener, ɵɵloadQuery, ɵɵnextContext, ɵɵprojection, ɵɵprojectionDef, ɵɵproperty, ɵɵpureFunction1, ɵɵqueryRefresh, ɵɵreference, ɵɵresetView, ɵɵrestoreView, ɵɵtemplate, ɵɵtemplateRefExtractor, ɵɵtext, ɵɵtextInterpolate, ɵɵviewQuery } from "./chunk-A6CRNF4U.js"; import { Subject, __decorate, fromEvent, takeUntil, timer } from "./chunk-ZAWZRDJR.js"; import "./chunk-HSNDBVJ3.js"; // node_modules/ng-zorro-antd/fesm2022/ng-zorro-antd-carousel.mjs var _c0 = ["slickList"]; var _c1 = ["slickTrack"]; function NzCarouselComponent_ul_6_li_1_ng_template_1_Template(rf, ctx) { } var _c2 = (a0) => ({ $implicit: a0 }); function NzCarouselComponent_ul_6_li_1_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { const _r10 = ɵɵgetCurrentView(); ɵɵelementStart(0, "li", 9); ɵɵlistener("click", function NzCarouselComponent_ul_6_li_1_Template_li_click_0_listener() { const restoredCtx = ɵɵrestoreView(_r10); const i_r7 = restoredCtx.index; const ctx_r9 = ɵɵnextContext(2); return ɵɵresetView(ctx_r9.onLiClick(i_r7)); }); ɵɵtemplate(1, NzCarouselComponent_ul_6_li_1_ng_template_1_Template, 0, 0, "ng-template", 10); ɵɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const i_r7 = ctx.index; const ctx_r5 = ɵɵnextContext(2); const _r4 = ɵɵreference(8); ɵɵclassProp("slick-active", i_r7 === ctx_r5.activeIndex); ɵɵadvance(1); ɵɵproperty("ngTemplateOutlet", ctx_r5.nzDotRender || _r4)("ngTemplateOutletContext", ɵɵpureFunction1(4, _c2, i_r7)); } } function NzCarouselComponent_ul_6_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵelementStart(0, "ul", 7); ɵɵtemplate(1, NzCarouselComponent_ul_6_li_1_Template, 2, 6, "li", 8); ɵɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const ctx_r2 = ɵɵnextContext(); ɵɵclassProp("slick-dots-top", ctx_r2.nzDotPosition === "top")("slick-dots-bottom", ctx_r2.nzDotPosition === "bottom")("slick-dots-left", ctx_r2.nzDotPosition === "left")("slick-dots-right", ctx_r2.nzDotPosition === "right"); ɵɵadvance(1); ɵɵproperty("ngForOf", ctx_r2.carouselContents); } } function NzCarouselComponent_ng_template_7_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵelementStart(0, "button"); ɵɵtext(1); ɵɵelementEnd(); } if (rf & 2) { const index_r11 = ctx.$implicit; ɵɵadvance(1); ɵɵtextInterpolate(index_r11 + 1); } } var _c3 = ["*"]; var _NzCarouselContentDirective = class _NzCarouselContentDirective { set isActive(value) { this._active = value; if (this.isActive) { this.renderer.addClass(this.el, "slick-active"); } else { this.renderer.removeClass(this.el, "slick-active"); } } get isActive() { return this._active; } constructor(elementRef, renderer) { this.renderer = renderer; this._active = false; this.el = elementRef.nativeElement; } }; _NzCarouselContentDirective.ɵfac = function NzCarouselContentDirective_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NzCarouselContentDirective)(ɵɵdirectiveInject(ElementRef), ɵɵdirectiveInject(Renderer2)); }; _NzCarouselContentDirective.ɵdir = ɵɵdefineDirective({ type: _NzCarouselContentDirective, selectors: [["", "nz-carousel-content", ""]], hostAttrs: [1, "slick-slide"], exportAs: ["nzCarouselContent"], standalone: true }); var NzCarouselContentDirective = _NzCarouselContentDirective; (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NzCarouselContentDirective, [{ type: Directive, args: [{ selector: "[nz-carousel-content]", exportAs: "nzCarouselContent", host: { class: "slick-slide" }, standalone: true }] }], () => [{ type: ElementRef }, { type: Renderer2 }], null); })(); var NzCarouselBaseStrategy = class { get maxIndex() { return this.length - 1; } get firstEl() { return this.contents[0].el; } get lastEl() { return this.contents[this.maxIndex].el; } constructor(carouselComponent, cdr, renderer, platform, options) { this.cdr = cdr; this.renderer = renderer; this.platform = platform; this.options = options; this.carouselComponent = carouselComponent; } /** * Initialize dragging sequences. * * @param contents */ withCarouselContents(contents) { const carousel = this.carouselComponent; this.slickListEl = carousel.slickListEl; this.slickTrackEl = carousel.slickTrackEl; this.contents = contents?.toArray() || []; this.length = this.contents.length; if (this.platform.isBrowser) { const rect = carousel.el.getBoundingClientRect(); this.unitWidth = rect.width; this.unitHeight = rect.height; } else { contents?.forEach((content, index) => { if (index === 0) { this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "width", "100%"); } else { this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "display", "none"); } }); } } /** * When user drag the carousel component. * * @optional */ dragging(_vector) { } /** * Destroy a scroll strategy. */ dispose() { } getFromToInBoundary(f, t) { const length = this.maxIndex + 1; return { from: (f + length) % length, to: (t + length) % length }; } }; var NzCarouselOpacityStrategy = class extends NzCarouselBaseStrategy { withCarouselContents(contents) { super.withCarouselContents(contents); if (this.contents) { = `${this.length * this.unitWidth}px`; this.contents.forEach((content, i) => { this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "opacity", this.carouselComponent.activeIndex === i ? "1" : "0"); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "position", "relative"); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "width", `${this.unitWidth}px`); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "left", `${-this.unitWidth * i}px`); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "transition", ["opacity 500ms ease 0s", "visibility 500ms ease 0s"]); }); } } switch(_f, _t) { const { to: t } = this.getFromToInBoundary(_f, _t); const complete$ = new Subject(); this.contents.forEach((content, i) => { this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "opacity", t === i ? "1" : "0"); }); setTimeout(() => { complete$.next(); complete$.complete(); }, this.carouselComponent.nzTransitionSpeed); return complete$; } dispose() { this.contents.forEach((content) => { this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "transition", null); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "opacity", null); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "width", null); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "left", null); }); super.dispose(); } }; var NzCarouselTransformStrategy = class extends NzCarouselBaseStrategy { get vertical() { return this.carouselComponent.vertical; } constructor(carouselComponent, cdr, renderer, platform, options) { super(carouselComponent, cdr, renderer, platform, options); this.isDragging = false; this.isTransitioning = false; } dispose() { super.dispose(); this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transform", null); } withCarouselContents(contents) { super.withCarouselContents(contents); const carousel = this.carouselComponent; const activeIndex = carousel.activeIndex; if (this.platform.isBrowser && this.contents.length) { this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickListEl, "height", `${this.unitHeight}px`); if (this.vertical) { this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "width", `${this.unitWidth}px`); this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "height", `${this.length * this.unitHeight}px`); this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transform", `translate3d(0, ${-activeIndex * this.unitHeight}px, 0)`); } else { this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "height", `${this.unitHeight}px`); this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "width", `${this.length * this.unitWidth}px`); this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transform", `translate3d(${-activeIndex * this.unitWidth}px, 0, 0)`); } this.contents.forEach((content) => { this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "position", "relative"); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "width", `${this.unitWidth}px`); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "height", `${this.unitHeight}px`); }); } } switch(_f, _t) { const { to: t } = this.getFromToInBoundary(_f, _t); const complete$ = new Subject(); this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transition", `transform ${this.carouselComponent.nzTransitionSpeed}ms ease`); if (this.vertical) { this.verticalTransform(_f, _t); } else { this.horizontalTransform(_f, _t); } this.isTransitioning = true; this.isDragging = false; setTimeout(() => { this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transition", null); this.contents.forEach((content) => { this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, this.vertical ? "top" : "left", null); }); if (this.vertical) { this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transform", `translate3d(0, ${-t * this.unitHeight}px, 0)`); } else { this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transform", `translate3d(${-t * this.unitWidth}px, 0, 0)`); } this.isTransitioning = false; complete$.next(); complete$.complete(); }, this.carouselComponent.nzTransitionSpeed); return complete$.asObservable(); } dragging(_vector) { if (this.isTransitioning) { return; } const activeIndex = this.carouselComponent.activeIndex; if (this.carouselComponent.vertical) { if (!this.isDragging && this.length > 2) { if (activeIndex === this.maxIndex) { this.prepareVerticalContext(true); } else if (activeIndex === 0) { this.prepareVerticalContext(false); } } this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transform", `translate3d(0, ${-activeIndex * this.unitHeight + _vector.x}px, 0)`); } else { if (!this.isDragging && this.length > 2) { if (activeIndex === this.maxIndex) { this.prepareHorizontalContext(true); } else if (activeIndex === 0) { this.prepareHorizontalContext(false); } } this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transform", `translate3d(${-activeIndex * this.unitWidth + _vector.x}px, 0, 0)`); } this.isDragging = true; } verticalTransform(_f, _t) { const { from: f, to: t } = this.getFromToInBoundary(_f, _t); const needToAdjust = this.length > 2 && _t !== t; if (needToAdjust) { this.prepareVerticalContext(t < f); this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transform", `translate3d(0, ${-_t * this.unitHeight}px, 0)`); } else { this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transform", `translate3d(0, ${-t * this.unitHeight}px, 0`); } } horizontalTransform(_f, _t) { const { from: f, to: t } = this.getFromToInBoundary(_f, _t); const needToAdjust = this.length > 2 && _t !== t; if (needToAdjust) { this.prepareHorizontalContext(t < f); this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transform", `translate3d(${-_t * this.unitWidth}px, 0, 0)`); } else { this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transform", `translate3d(${-t * this.unitWidth}px, 0, 0`); } } prepareVerticalContext(lastToFirst) { if (lastToFirst) { this.renderer.setStyle(this.firstEl, "top", `${this.length * this.unitHeight}px`); this.renderer.setStyle(this.lastEl, "top", null); } else { this.renderer.setStyle(this.firstEl, "top", null); this.renderer.setStyle(this.lastEl, "top", `${-this.unitHeight * this.length}px`); } } prepareHorizontalContext(lastToFirst) { if (lastToFirst) { this.renderer.setStyle(this.firstEl, "left", `${this.length * this.unitWidth}px`); this.renderer.setStyle(this.lastEl, "left", null); } else { this.renderer.setStyle(this.firstEl, "left", null); this.renderer.setStyle(this.lastEl, "left", `${-this.unitWidth * this.length}px`); } } }; var NZ_CAROUSEL_CUSTOM_STRATEGIES = new InjectionToken("nz-carousel-custom-strategies"); var NZ_CONFIG_MODULE_NAME = "carousel"; var _NzCarouselComponent = class _NzCarouselComponent { set nzDotPosition(value) { this._dotPosition = value; if (value === "left" || value === "right") { this.vertical = true; } else { this.vertical = false; } } get nzDotPosition() { return this._dotPosition; } constructor(elementRef, nzConfigService, ngZone, renderer, cdr, platform, resizeService, nzDragService, directionality, customStrategies) { this.nzConfigService = nzConfigService; this.ngZone = ngZone; this.renderer = renderer; this.cdr = cdr; this.platform = platform; this.resizeService = resizeService; this.nzDragService = nzDragService; this.directionality = directionality; this.customStrategies = customStrategies; this._nzModuleName = NZ_CONFIG_MODULE_NAME; this.nzEffect = "scrollx"; this.nzEnableSwipe = true; this.nzDots = true; this.nzAutoPlay = false; this.nzAutoPlaySpeed = 3e3; this.nzTransitionSpeed = 500; this.nzLoop = true; this.nzStrategyOptions = void 0; this._dotPosition = "bottom"; this.nzBeforeChange = new EventEmitter(); this.nzAfterChange = new EventEmitter(); this.activeIndex = 0; this.vertical = false; this.transitionInProgress = null; this.dir = "ltr"; this.destroy$ = new Subject(); this.gestureRect = null; this.pointerDelta = null; this.isTransiting = false; this.isDragging = false; this.onLiClick = (index) => { if (this.dir === "rtl") { this.goTo(this.carouselContents.length - 1 - index); } else { this.goTo(index); } }; this.pointerDown = (event) => { if (!this.isDragging && !this.isTransiting && this.nzEnableSwipe) { this.clearScheduledTransition(); this.gestureRect = this.slickListEl.getBoundingClientRect(); this.nzDragService.requestDraggingSequence(event).subscribe((delta) => { this.pointerDelta = delta; this.isDragging = true; this.strategy?.dragging(this.pointerDelta); }, () => { }, () => { if (this.nzEnableSwipe && this.isDragging) { const xDelta = this.pointerDelta ? this.pointerDelta.x : 0; if (Math.abs(xDelta) > this.gestureRect.width / 3 && (this.nzLoop || xDelta <= 0 && this.activeIndex + 1 < this.carouselContents.length || xDelta > 0 && this.activeIndex > 0)) { this.goTo(xDelta > 0 ? this.activeIndex - 1 : this.activeIndex + 1); } else { this.goTo(this.activeIndex); } this.gestureRect = null; this.pointerDelta = null; } this.isDragging = false; }); } }; this.nzDotPosition = "bottom"; this.el = elementRef.nativeElement; } ngOnInit() { this.slickListEl = this.slickList.nativeElement; this.slickTrackEl = this.slickTrack.nativeElement; this.dir = this.directionality.value; this.directionality.change.pipe(takeUntil(this.destroy$)).subscribe((direction) => { this.dir = direction; this.markContentActive(this.activeIndex); this.cdr.detectChanges(); }); this.ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => { fromEvent(this.slickListEl, "keydown").pipe(takeUntil(this.destroy$)).subscribe((event) => { const { keyCode } = event; if (keyCode !== LEFT_ARROW && keyCode !== RIGHT_ARROW) { return; } event.preventDefault(); => { if (keyCode === LEFT_ARROW) { this.pre(); } else {; } this.cdr.markForCheck(); }); }); }); } ngAfterContentInit() { this.markContentActive(0); } ngAfterViewInit() { this.carouselContents.changes.subscribe(() => { this.markContentActive(0); this.layout(); }); this.resizeService.subscribe().pipe(takeUntil(this.destroy$)).subscribe(() => { this.layout(); }); this.switchStrategy(); this.markContentActive(0); this.layout(); Promise.resolve().then(() => { this.layout(); }); } ngOnChanges(changes) { const { nzEffect, nzDotPosition } = changes; if (nzEffect && !nzEffect.isFirstChange()) { this.switchStrategy(); this.markContentActive(0); this.layout(); } if (nzDotPosition && !nzDotPosition.isFirstChange()) { this.switchStrategy(); this.markContentActive(0); this.layout(); } if (!this.nzAutoPlay || !this.nzAutoPlaySpeed) { this.clearScheduledTransition(); } else { this.scheduleNextTransition(); } } ngOnDestroy() { this.clearScheduledTransition(); if (this.strategy) { this.strategy.dispose(); } this.destroy$.next(); this.destroy$.complete(); } next() { this.goTo(this.activeIndex + 1); } pre() { this.goTo(this.activeIndex - 1); } goTo(index) { if (this.carouselContents && this.carouselContents.length && !this.isTransiting && (this.nzLoop || index >= 0 && index < this.carouselContents.length)) { const length = this.carouselContents.length; const from = this.activeIndex; const to = (index + length) % length; this.isTransiting = true; this.nzBeforeChange.emit({ from, to }); this.strategy.switch(this.activeIndex, index).subscribe(() => { this.scheduleNextTransition(); this.nzAfterChange.emit(to); this.isTransiting = false; }); this.markContentActive(to); this.cdr.markForCheck(); } } switchStrategy() { if (this.strategy) { this.strategy.dispose(); } const customStrategy = this.customStrategies ? this.customStrategies.find((s) => === this.nzEffect) : null; if (customStrategy) { this.strategy = new customStrategy.strategy(this, this.cdr, this.renderer, this.platform); return; } this.strategy = this.nzEffect === "scrollx" ? new NzCarouselTransformStrategy(this, this.cdr, this.renderer, this.platform) : new NzCarouselOpacityStrategy(this, this.cdr, this.renderer, this.platform); } scheduleNextTransition() { this.clearScheduledTransition(); if (this.nzAutoPlay && this.nzAutoPlaySpeed > 0 && this.platform.isBrowser) { this.transitionInProgress = setTimeout(() => { this.goTo(this.activeIndex + 1); }, this.nzAutoPlaySpeed); } } clearScheduledTransition() { if (this.transitionInProgress) { clearTimeout(this.transitionInProgress); this.transitionInProgress = null; } } markContentActive(index) { this.activeIndex = index; if (this.carouselContents) { this.carouselContents.forEach((slide, i) => { if (this.dir === "rtl") { slide.isActive = index === this.carouselContents.length - 1 - i; } else { slide.isActive = index === i; } }); } this.cdr.markForCheck(); } layout() { if (this.strategy) { this.strategy.withCarouselContents(this.carouselContents); } } }; _NzCarouselComponent.ɵfac = function NzCarouselComponent_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NzCarouselComponent)(ɵɵdirectiveInject(ElementRef), ɵɵdirectiveInject(NzConfigService), ɵɵdirectiveInject(NgZone), ɵɵdirectiveInject(Renderer2), ɵɵdirectiveInject(ChangeDetectorRef), ɵɵdirectiveInject(Platform), ɵɵdirectiveInject(NzResizeService), ɵɵdirectiveInject(NzDragService), ɵɵdirectiveInject(Directionality, 8), ɵɵdirectiveInject(NZ_CAROUSEL_CUSTOM_STRATEGIES, 8)); }; _NzCarouselComponent.ɵcmp = ɵɵdefineComponent({ type: _NzCarouselComponent, selectors: [["nz-carousel"]], contentQueries: function NzCarouselComponent_ContentQueries(rf, ctx, dirIndex) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵcontentQuery(dirIndex, NzCarouselContentDirective, 4); } if (rf & 2) { let _t; ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx.carouselContents = _t); } }, viewQuery: function NzCarouselComponent_Query(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵviewQuery(_c0, 7); ɵɵviewQuery(_c1, 7); } if (rf & 2) { let _t; ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx.slickList = _t.first); ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx.slickTrack = _t.first); } }, hostAttrs: [1, "ant-carousel"], hostVars: 4, hostBindings: function NzCarouselComponent_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 2) { ɵɵclassProp("ant-carousel-vertical", ctx.vertical)("ant-carousel-rtl", ctx.dir === "rtl"); } }, inputs: { nzDotRender: "nzDotRender", nzEffect: "nzEffect", nzEnableSwipe: "nzEnableSwipe", nzDots: "nzDots", nzAutoPlay: "nzAutoPlay", nzAutoPlaySpeed: "nzAutoPlaySpeed", nzTransitionSpeed: "nzTransitionSpeed", nzLoop: "nzLoop", nzStrategyOptions: "nzStrategyOptions", nzDotPosition: "nzDotPosition" }, outputs: { nzBeforeChange: "nzBeforeChange", nzAfterChange: "nzAfterChange" }, exportAs: ["nzCarousel"], standalone: true, features: [ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature, ɵɵStandaloneFeature], ngContentSelectors: _c3, decls: 9, vars: 3, consts: [[1, "slick-initialized", "slick-slider"], ["tabindex", "-1", 1, "slick-list", 3, "mousedown", "touchstart"], ["slickList", ""], [1, "slick-track"], ["slickTrack", ""], ["class", "slick-dots", 3, "slick-dots-top", "slick-dots-bottom", "slick-dots-left", "slick-dots-right", 4, "ngIf"], ["renderDotTemplate", ""], [1, "slick-dots"], [3, "slick-active", "click", 4, "ngFor", "ngForOf"], [3, "click"], [3, "ngTemplateOutlet", "ngTemplateOutletContext"]], template: function NzCarouselComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { ɵɵprojectionDef(); ɵɵelementStart(0, "div", 0)(1, "div", 1, 2); ɵɵlistener("mousedown", function NzCarouselComponent_Template_div_mousedown_1_listener($event) { return ctx.pointerDown($event); })("touchstart", function NzCarouselComponent_Template_div_touchstart_1_listener($event) { return ctx.pointerDown($event); }); ɵɵelementStart(3, "div", 3, 4); ɵɵprojection(5); ɵɵelementEnd()(); ɵɵtemplate(6, NzCarouselComponent_ul_6_Template, 2, 9, "ul", 5); ɵɵelementEnd(); ɵɵtemplate(7, NzCarouselComponent_ng_template_7_Template, 2, 1, "ng-template", null, 6, ɵɵtemplateRefExtractor); } if (rf & 2) { ɵɵclassProp("slick-vertical", ctx.nzDotPosition === "left" || ctx.nzDotPosition === "right"); ɵɵadvance(6); ɵɵproperty("ngIf", ctx.nzDots); } }, dependencies: [NgIf, NgForOf, NgTemplateOutlet], encapsulation: 2, changeDetection: 0 }); var NzCarouselComponent = _NzCarouselComponent; __decorate([WithConfig()], NzCarouselComponent.prototype, "nzEffect", void 0); __decorate([WithConfig(), InputBoolean()], NzCarouselComponent.prototype, "nzEnableSwipe", void 0); __decorate([WithConfig(), InputBoolean()], NzCarouselComponent.prototype, "nzDots", void 0); __decorate([WithConfig(), InputBoolean()], NzCarouselComponent.prototype, "nzAutoPlay", void 0); __decorate([WithConfig(), InputNumber()], NzCarouselComponent.prototype, "nzAutoPlaySpeed", void 0); __decorate([InputNumber()], NzCarouselComponent.prototype, "nzTransitionSpeed", void 0); __decorate([WithConfig()], NzCarouselComponent.prototype, "nzLoop", void 0); __decorate([WithConfig()], NzCarouselComponent.prototype, "nzDotPosition", null); (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NzCarouselComponent, [{ type: Component, args: [{ changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation$1.None, selector: "nz-carousel", exportAs: "nzCarousel", preserveWhitespaces: false, template: `
`, host: { class: "ant-carousel", "[class.ant-carousel-vertical]": "vertical", "[class.ant-carousel-rtl]": `dir === 'rtl'` }, imports: [NgIf, NgForOf, NgTemplateOutlet], standalone: true }] }], () => [{ type: ElementRef }, { type: NzConfigService }, { type: NgZone }, { type: Renderer2 }, { type: ChangeDetectorRef }, { type: Platform }, { type: NzResizeService }, { type: NzDragService }, { type: Directionality, decorators: [{ type: Optional }] }, { type: void 0, decorators: [{ type: Optional }, { type: Inject, args: [NZ_CAROUSEL_CUSTOM_STRATEGIES] }] }], { carouselContents: [{ type: ContentChildren, args: [NzCarouselContentDirective] }], slickList: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ["slickList", { static: true }] }], slickTrack: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ["slickTrack", { static: true }] }], nzDotRender: [{ type: Input }], nzEffect: [{ type: Input }], nzEnableSwipe: [{ type: Input }], nzDots: [{ type: Input }], nzAutoPlay: [{ type: Input }], nzAutoPlaySpeed: [{ type: Input }], nzTransitionSpeed: [{ type: Input }], nzLoop: [{ type: Input }], nzStrategyOptions: [{ type: Input }], nzDotPosition: [{ type: Input }], nzBeforeChange: [{ type: Output }], nzAfterChange: [{ type: Output }] }); })(); var _NzCarouselModule = class _NzCarouselModule { }; _NzCarouselModule.ɵfac = function NzCarouselModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || _NzCarouselModule)(); }; _NzCarouselModule.ɵmod = ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: _NzCarouselModule, imports: [NzCarouselComponent, NzCarouselContentDirective], exports: [NzCarouselComponent, NzCarouselContentDirective] }); _NzCarouselModule.ɵinj = ɵɵdefineInjector({}); var NzCarouselModule = _NzCarouselModule; (() => { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(NzCarouselModule, [{ type: NgModule, args: [{ imports: [NzCarouselComponent, NzCarouselContentDirective], exports: [NzCarouselComponent, NzCarouselContentDirective] }] }], null, null); })(); var NzCarouselTransformNoLoopStrategy = class extends NzCarouselBaseStrategy { get vertical() { return this.carouselComponent.vertical; } constructor(carouselComponent, cdr, renderer, platform, options) { super(carouselComponent, cdr, renderer, platform, options); this.isTransitioning = false; } dispose() { this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transform", null); super.dispose(); } withCarouselContents(contents) { super.withCarouselContents(contents); const carousel = this.carouselComponent; const activeIndex = carousel.activeIndex; if (this.platform.isBrowser && this.contents.length) { this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickListEl, "height", `${this.unitHeight}px`); if (this.platform.isBrowser && this.contents.length) { this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickListEl, "height", `${this.unitHeight}px`); if (this.vertical) { this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "width", `${this.unitWidth}px`); this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "height", `${this.length * this.unitHeight}px`); this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transform", `translate3d(0, ${-activeIndex * this.unitHeight}px, 0)`); } else { this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "height", `${this.unitHeight}px`); this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "width", `${this.length * this.unitWidth}px`); this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transform", `translate3d(${-activeIndex * this.unitWidth}px, 0, 0)`); } this.contents.forEach((content) => { this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "position", "relative"); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "width", `${this.unitWidth}px`); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "height", `${this.unitHeight}px`); }); } } } switch(_f, _t) { const to = (_t + this.length) % this.length; const transitionSpeed = this.carouselComponent.nzTransitionSpeed; const complete$ = new Subject(); this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transition", `transform ${transitionSpeed}ms ease`); if (this.vertical) { this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transform", `translate3d(0, ${-to * this.unitHeight}px, 0)`); } else { this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transform", `translate3d(${-to * this.unitWidth}px, 0, 0)`); } this.isTransitioning = true; setTimeout(() => { this.isTransitioning = false; complete$.next(); complete$.complete(); }, transitionSpeed); return complete$.asObservable(); } dragging(vector) { if (this.isTransitioning) { return; } const activeIndex = this.carouselComponent.activeIndex; if (this.vertical) { this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transform", `translate3d(0, ${-activeIndex * this.unitHeight + vector.x}px, 0)`); } else { this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "transform", `translate3d(${-activeIndex * this.unitWidth + vector.x}px, 0, 0)`); } } }; var NzCarouselFlipStrategy = class extends NzCarouselBaseStrategy { withCarouselContents(contents) { super.withCarouselContents(contents); if (this.contents) { this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickListEl, "width", `${this.unitWidth}px`); this.renderer.setStyle(this.slickTrackEl, "width", `${this.length * this.unitWidth}px`); this.contents.forEach((content, i) => { const cur = this.carouselComponent.activeIndex === i; this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "transform", cur ? "rotateY(0deg)" : "rotateY(180deg)"); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "position", "relative"); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "width", `${this.unitWidth}px`); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "left", `${-this.unitWidth * i}px`); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "transform-style", "preserve-3d"); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "backface-visibility", "hidden"); }); const { carouselComponent } = this; carouselComponent.ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => { timer(carouselComponent.nzTransitionSpeed).subscribe(() => { this.contents.forEach((c) => this.renderer.setStyle(c.el, "transition", ["transform 500ms ease 0s"])); }); }); } } switch(rawF, rawT) { const { from, to } = this.getFromToInBoundary(rawF, rawT); const complete$ = new Subject(); const speed = this.carouselComponent.nzTransitionSpeed; timer(speed).subscribe(() => { complete$.next(); complete$.complete(); }); if (rawF === rawT) { return complete$; } this.contents.forEach((content, i) => { if (i === from) { this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "transform", "rotateY(180deg)"); } else if (i === to) { this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "transform", "rotateY(0deg)"); } }); return complete$.asObservable(); } dispose() { this.contents.forEach((content) => { this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "transition", null); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "transform", null); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "width", null); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "left", null); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "transform-style", null); this.renderer.setStyle(content.el, "backface-visibility", null); }); super.dispose(); } }; export { NZ_CAROUSEL_CUSTOM_STRATEGIES, NzCarouselBaseStrategy, NzCarouselComponent, NzCarouselContentDirective, NzCarouselFlipStrategy, NzCarouselModule, NzCarouselOpacityStrategy, NzCarouselTransformNoLoopStrategy, NzCarouselTransformStrategy }; //#