* dev: no message 修改话费订单导出问题 修改话费订单导出问题 1 1 1 提交代码 提交代码 1 新增油站生成二维码 # Conflicts: # src/app/admin/promotion/distribution-integral-list/distribution-integral-list.component.ts # src/app/app-common.module.ts # src/app/pipes/index.ts # src/app/pipes/paytype.pipe.ts # src/environments/environment.tspull/1/head
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ |
.width_input { |
width: 200px; |
} |
.width_input_chlid { |
width: 200px; |
margin-left: 10px; |
} |
[nz-form] { |
max-width: 600px; |
} |
button { |
margin-left: 8px; |
} |
:host ::ng-deep .upload-list-inline .ant-upload-list-item { |
float: left; |
width: 200px; |
margin-right: 8px; |
} |
.search-result-list { |
margin-top: 16px; |
border: 1px dashed #e9e9e9; |
border-radius: 6px; |
background-color: #fafafa; |
min-height: 200px; |
text-align: center; |
padding-top: 80px; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
<p>content-edit works!</p> |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; |
@Component({ |
selector: 'app-content-edit', |
templateUrl: './content-edit.component.html', |
styleUrls: ['./content-edit.component.scss'] |
}) |
export class ContentEditComponent implements OnInit { |
constructor() { } |
ngOnInit(): void { |
} |
} |
@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ |
<!--<section>--> |
<!-- 大家好!我是:{{currentUser}}--> |
<!--</section>--> |
<!--<section *ngFor="let msg of messages">--> |
<!-- <section>{{msg}}</section>--> |
<!--</section>--> |
<!--<section>--> |
<!-- 当前登录用户:{{users}}--> |
<!--</section>--> |
<!--<section>--> |
<!-- <label>--> |
<!-- <select name="type" [(ngModel)]="type">--> |
<!-- <option value="all">发送给所有人</option>--> |
<!-- <option value="single">发送给个人</option>--> |
<!-- </select>--> |
<!-- </label>--> |
<!--</section>--> |
<!--<section>--> |
<!-- <label *ngIf="type === 'single'">--> |
<!-- <select name="user" [(ngModel)]="sendToUser">--> |
<!-- <option *ngFor="let person of users" [value]="person">{{person}}</option>--> |
<!-- </select>--> |
<!-- </label>--> |
<!--</section>--> |
<!--<p *ngIf="error">{{error | json}}</p>--> |
<!--<p *ngIf="completed">completed!</p>--> |
<!--<label>--> |
<!-- <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="message">--> |
<!--</label>--> |
<!--<button (click)="send()">发送</button>--> |
<section> |
大家好!我是:{{currentUser}} |
</section> |
<section *ngFor="let msg of messages"> |
<section>{{msg}}</section> |
</section> |
<section> |
当前登录用户:{{users}} |
</section> |
<section> |
<label> |
<select name="type" [(ngModel)]="type"> |
<option value="all">发送给所有人</option> |
<option value="single">发送给个人</option> |
</select> |
</label> |
</section> |
<section> |
<label *ngIf="type === 'single'"> |
<select name="user" [(ngModel)]="sendToUser"> |
<option *ngFor="let person of users" [value]="person">{{person}}</option> |
</select> |
</label> |
</section> |
<p *ngIf="error">{{error | json}}</p> |
<p *ngIf="completed">completed!</p> |
<label> |
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="message"> |
</label> |
<button (click)="send()">发送</button> |
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ |
<!-- start 面包屑 --> |
<app-breadcrumb></app-breadcrumb> |
<!-- end 面包屑 --> |
<!-- start 搜索条件 --> |
<div [@openClose]="isCollapse ? 'open' : 'closed'"> |
<div class="inner-content"> |
<form nz-form [formGroup]="searchForm" (ngSubmit)="getRequest(true , searchForm.value)"> |
<div nz-row> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="8">交易单号</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<input nz-input formControlName="orderNo" /> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="8">客户电话</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<input nz-input formControlName="memPhone" /> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="8">交易状态</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<nz-select formControlName="status" nzAllowClear> |
<nz-option *ngFor="let item of orderStatusArray" nzValue="{{item.codeValue}}" nzLabel="{{item.codeName}}"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div nz-row *ngIf="isCollapse"> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8" *ngIf="roleType == 0 || roleType == 1"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="8">分公司</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<nz-select nzShowSearch formControlName="companyId" nzAllowClear> |
<nz-option *ngFor="let item of companyArray" nzValue="{{item['id']}}" nzLabel="{{item['name']}}"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="8">支付方式</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<nz-select nzAllowClear formControlName="payType"> |
<nz-option nzValue="1" nzLabel="支付宝"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzValue="2" nzLabel="微信"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzValue="3" nzLabel="积分抵扣"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzValue="4" nzLabel="汇联通工会卡"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzValue="5" nzLabel="银联"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzValue="6" nzLabel="银联分期"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzValue="7" nzLabel="嗨森逛油卡"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="8">支付卡号</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<input nz-input formControlName="memCardNo" /> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="8">支付时间</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<nz-range-picker |
[nzShowTime]="{ nzHideDisabledOptions: true }" |
formControlName="payTimeArray" |
nzFormat="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" |
></nz-range-picker> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="8">创建时间</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<nz-range-picker |
[nzShowTime]="{ nzHideDisabledOptions: true }" |
formControlName="createTimeArray" |
nzFormat="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" |
></nz-range-picker> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="8">退款时间</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<nz-range-picker |
[nzShowTime]="{ nzHideDisabledOptions: true }" |
formControlName="refundTimeArray" |
nzFormat="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" |
></nz-range-picker> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div nz-row> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="24" class="search-button"> |
<button nz-button nzType="primary"><i nz-icon nzType="search" nzTheme="outline"></i>搜索</button> |
<button nz-button nzType="default" (click)="searchForm.reset();"><i nz-icon nzType="reload" nzTheme="outline"></i>重置</button> |
<a class="collapse" (click)="isCollapse = !isCollapse;">{{!isCollapse ? '更多条件' : '隐藏条件'}}<i nz-icon [nzType]="!isCollapse ? 'down' : 'up'"></i></a> |
</div> |
</div> |
</form> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- end 搜索条件 --> |
<!--列表数据--> |
<div class="inner-content"> |
<span>共计 {{total?total:0}} 条数据</span> |
<div class="operating-button"> |
<!-- <button nz-button nzType="primary" class="right-btn" (click)="exportExcel()" ><i nz-icon nzType="export" nzTheme="outline"></i>导出Excel</button>--> |
</div> |
<!--数组表格 --> |
<nz-table #basicTable |
nzShowPagination |
nzShowSizeChanger |
nzBordered |
[nzData]="requestData" |
[nzTotal]="total" |
[nzLoading]="loading" |
[nzFrontPagination]="false" |
[(nzPageIndex)]="pageNum" |
[(nzPageSize)]="pageSize" |
(nzPageIndexChange)="getRequest(false , searchForm.value)" |
(nzPageSizeChange)="getRequest(false , searchForm.value)" |
[nzPageSizeOptions]="[10,20,50,100]" |
[nzScroll]="{ x: '1200px'}"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th nzWidth="200px">交易单号</th> |
<th nzWidth="130px">客户电话</th> |
<th nzWidth="200px">订单名称</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">订单金额</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">支付金额</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">支付方式</th> |
<th nzWidth="140px">支付卡号</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">订单状态</th> |
<th nzWidth="180px">创建时间</th> |
<th nzWidth="110px" nzRight="0px">操作</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr *ngFor="let data of basicTable.data;let i = index"> |
<td>{{data.orderNo}}</td> |
<td>{{data.memPhone}}</td> |
<td>{{data.title}}</td> |
<td>¥{{data.totalPrice}}</td> |
<td>¥{{data.payPrice}}</td> |
<td>{{data.orderStatus == 1 || data.orderStatus == 5 ? '未支付' : data.payType | orderPayType}}</td> |
<td>{{data.memCardNo}}</td> |
<td>{{data.orderStatus | orderStatus}}</td> |
<td>{{data.createTime | date : 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'}}</td> |
<td nzRight="0px" class="table-td-operation"> |
<a nz-dropdown [nzDropdownMenu]="menu"> 操作列表 <i nz-icon nzType="down"></i> </a> |
<nz-dropdown-menu #menu="nzDropdownMenu"> |
<ul nz-menu nzSelectable> |
<!-- <li nz-menu-item (click)="showOrderDetail(data.orderNo)"><a>详情</a></li>--> |
</ul> |
</nz-dropdown-menu> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</nz-table> |
</div> |
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; |
import {FormBuilder, FormGroup} from '@angular/forms'; |
import {ADMIN_INFO_OBJECT} from '../../../../services/local-storage.namespace'; |
import {LocalStorageService} from '../../../../services/local-storage.service'; |
import {CompanyService} from '../../../../services/company.service'; |
import {CommonsService} from '../../../../services/commons.service'; |
import {animate, state, style, transition, trigger} from '@angular/animations'; |
import {OrderKfcService} from '../../../../services/order/order-kfc.service'; |
import {NzMessageService} from 'ng-zorro-antd'; |
@Component({ |
selector: 'app-kfc-order-list', |
animations: [ |
trigger('openClose', [ |
state('open', style({ |
height: '260px', |
opacity: 1, |
backgroundColor: 'white' |
})), |
state('closed', style({ |
opacity: 1, |
backgroundColor: 'white' |
})), |
transition('open => closed', [ |
animate('0.3s') |
]), |
transition('closed => open', [ |
animate('0.3s') |
]), |
]), |
], |
templateUrl: './kfc-order-list.component.html', |
styleUrls: ['./kfc-order-list.component.scss'] |
}) |
export class KfcOrderListComponent implements OnInit { |
// 搜索框
searchForm: FormGroup; |
// 搜索框折叠
isCollapse = false; |
// 订单状态数据
orderStatusArray = []; |
// 公司数据
companyArray = []; |
// 角色类型
roleType: number; |
// 列表相关参数
// 总条数
total: number; |
// 页码
pageNum = 1; |
// 条码
pageSize = 10; |
// 列表数据
requestData = []; |
// 列表加载
loading = true; |
constructor( |
private form: FormBuilder, |
private store: LocalStorageService, |
private message: NzMessageService, |
private kfcOrder: OrderKfcService, |
private companyService: CompanyService, |
private commonsService: CommonsService, |
) { } |
ngOnInit(): void { |
// 搜索表单初始化
this.searchForm = this.form.group({ |
orderNo: [null], |
memPhone: [null], |
payTimeArray: [null], |
status: [null], |
createTimeArray: [null], |
refundTimeArray: [null], |
companyId: [null], |
payType: [null], |
memCardNo: [null], |
}); |
// 角色类型初始化
this.roleType = Number(this.store.get(ADMIN_INFO_OBJECT)['secRole'].roleType); |
// 查询公司列表
if (this.roleType === 0 || this.roleType === 1) { |
this.companyService.selectCompanyList({ pageNum: 1, pageSize: 999 }, data => { |
this.companyArray = data['return_data']['list']; |
}); |
} |
// 查询订单状态数据
this.commonsService.getDictionary('ORDER_OIL_STATUS', data => { |
this.orderStatusArray = data['return_data']; |
}); |
this.getRequest(true, this.searchForm.value); |
} |
// 查询列表
public getRequest(reset: boolean = false, whereObject: object) { |
this.loading = true; |
if (reset) { |
this.pageNum = 1; |
} |
whereObject['pageNum'] = this.pageNum; |
whereObject['pageSize'] = this.pageSize; |
this.kfcOrder.getOrderKfcList(whereObject, data => { |
this.loading = false; |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
console.log(data); |
this.requestData = data['return_data'].list; |
this.total = data['return_data'].total; |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ |
<!-- start 面包屑 --> |
<app-breadcrumb></app-breadcrumb> |
<!-- end 面包屑 --> |
<!--条件搜索--> |
<nz-spin [nzSpinning]="loadingObject.spinning" nzTip="{{loadingObject.msg}}"> |
<div class="inner-content"> |
<form nz-form [formGroup]="searchForm" (ngSubmit)="search(searchForm.value)"> |
<div nz-row> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="8">订单号</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<input nz-input formControlName="orderNo" /> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="8">客户电话</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<input nz-input formControlName="memPhone" /> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="8">卡券名称</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<input nz-input formControlName="couponName" /> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="8">支付卡号</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<input nz-input formControlName="couponName" /> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="8">支付方式</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<nz-select nzAllowClear formControlName="payType"> |
<nz-option nzValue="1" nzLabel="支付宝"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzValue="2" nzLabel="微信"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzValue="3" nzLabel="积分抵扣"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzValue="4" nzLabel="汇联通工会卡"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzValue="5" nzLabel="银联"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzValue="6" nzLabel="银联分期"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzValue="7" nzLabel="嗨森逛油卡"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="8">订单状态</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<nz-select nzAllowClear formControlName="orderStatus"> |
<nz-option nzValue="1" nzLabel="待支付"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzValue="2" nzLabel="已支付"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzValue="3" nzLabel="已完成"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzValue="4" nzLabel="已退款"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzValue="5" nzLabel="已取消"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="8">创建时间</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<nz-range-picker [nzShowTime]="{ nzFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' }" formControlName="createTime"></nz-range-picker> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="8">支付时间</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<nz-range-picker [nzShowTime]="{ nzFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' }" formControlName="payTime"></nz-range-picker> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="8">完成时间</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="14"> |
<nz-range-picker [nzShowTime]="{ nzFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' }" formControlName="finishTime"></nz-range-picker> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div nz-row> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="24" class="search-button"> |
<button nz-button nzType="primary"><i nz-icon nzType="search" nzTheme="outline"></i>搜索</button> |
<button nz-button nzType="default" (click)="resetForm()"><i nz-icon nzType="reload" nzTheme="outline"></i>重置</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</form> |
</div> |
<div class="inner-content"> |
<span>共计 {{dataObject.total?dataObject.total:0}} 条数据</span> |
<div class="operating-button"> |
<button nz-button nzType="primary" class="right-btn" (click)="exportExcel()" ><i nz-icon nzType="export" nzTheme="outline"></i>导出Excel</button> |
</div> |
<!--数组表格 --> |
<nz-table #basicTable |
[nzData]="dataObject.list" |
[nzTotal]="dataObject.total" |
[nzFrontPagination]="false" |
[nzLoading]="tableLoading" |
[nzPageIndex]="whereObject.pageNum" |
(nzPageIndexChange)="requestData($event)" |
[nzScroll]="{ x: '1100px'}"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
<th nzWidth="60px">序号</th> |
<th nzWidth="200px">订单号</th> |
<th nzWidth="120px">客户电话</th> |
<th nzWidth="200px">卡券名称</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">订单总额</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">优惠金额</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">应付金额</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">积分抵扣</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">实付金额</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">支付方式</th> |
<th nzWidth="140px">支付卡号</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">订单状态</th> |
<th nzWidth="180px">创建时间</th> |
<th nzWidth="180px">支付时间</th> |
<th nzWidth="180px">完成时间</th> |
<!-- <th nzWidth="110px" nzRight="0px">操作</th>--> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr *ngFor="let data of basicTable.data;let i = index"> |
<td>{{i+1}}</td> |
<td>{{data.orderNo}}</td> |
<td>{{data.memPhone}}</td> |
<td>{{data.couponName}}</td> |
<td>{{data.totalPrice}}</td> |
<td>{{data.deductionPrice}}</td> |
<td>{{data.payablePrice}}</td> |
<td>{{data.payGold / 100}}</td> |
<td>{{data.payPrice}}</td> |
<td>{{data.payType}}</td> |
<td>{{data.memCardNo}}</td> |
<td>{{data.orderStatus}}</td> |
<td>{{data.createTime | date : 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'}}</td> |
<td>{{data.payTime | date : 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'}}</td> |
<td>{{data.finishTime | date : 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'}}</td> |
<!-- <td nzRight="0px" class="table-td-operation"> |
<a nz-dropdown [nzDropdownMenu]="menu"> 操作列表 <i nz-icon nzType="down"></i> </a> |
<nz-dropdown-menu #menu="nzDropdownMenu"> |
<ul nz-menu nzSelectable> |
<li nz-menu-item ><a>二维码</a></li> |
</ul> |
</nz-dropdown-menu> |
</td>--> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</nz-table> |
</div> |
</nz-spin> |
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; |
import {environment} from '../../../../environments/environment'; |
import {FormBuilder, FormGroup} from '@angular/forms'; |
import {NzMessageService, NzModalService} from 'ng-zorro-antd'; |
import {LocalStorageService} from '../../../services/local-storage.service'; |
import {GasStaffService} from '../../../services/gas-staff.service'; |
import {CommonsService} from '../../../services/commons.service'; |
import {Router} from '@angular/router'; |
import {ADMIN_INFO_OBJECT} from '../../../services/local-storage.namespace'; |
import {OrderService} from '../../../services/order.service'; |
@Component({ |
selector: 'app-order-coupon-list', |
templateUrl: './order-coupon-list.component.html', |
styleUrls: ['./order-coupon-list.component.scss'] |
}) |
export class OrderCouponListComponent implements OnInit { |
FILE_URL = environment.imageUrl; |
roleType; |
adminFlag; |
loadingObject = { |
spinning: false, |
msg: '加载中' |
}; |
dataObject: any = {}; |
tableLoading = true; |
searchForm: FormGroup; |
pageNum: number; |
whereObject: any = {}; |
positionTypeArray = []; |
gasStaffQrCodeImgUrl: string; |
gasStaffQrCodeModal = false; |
constructor(private modal: NzModalService, |
private message: NzMessageService, |
private store: LocalStorageService, |
private orderService: OrderService, |
private commonsService: CommonsService, |
private router: Router, |
private form: FormBuilder) { |
this.roleType = Number(this.store.get(ADMIN_INFO_OBJECT)['secRole'].roleType); |
this.adminFlag = Number(this.store.get(ADMIN_INFO_OBJECT)['secUser'].adminFlag); |
} |
ngOnInit(): void { |
this.searchForm = this.form.group({ |
orderNo: [null], |
memPhone: [null], |
couponName: [null], |
payType: [null], |
orderStatus: [null], |
createTime: [null], |
payTime: [null], |
finishTime: [null], |
}); |
this.requestData(1); |
} |
/** |
* 请求数据 |
*/ |
requestData(pageNum) { |
this.tableLoading = true; |
this.whereObject['pageNum'] = pageNum; |
this.whereObject['pageSize'] = 10; |
this.orderService.getOrderCouponList(this.whereObject, data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.dataObject = data['return_data']; |
} else { |
this.modal.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
this.tableLoading = false; |
}); |
} |
/** |
* 搜索 |
* @param whereObject 条件 |
*/ |
search(whereObject: object) { |
if (whereObject['createTime'] != null) { |
whereObject['createTimeS'] = whereObject['createTime'][0].getTime(); |
whereObject['createTimeE'] = whereObject['createTime'][1].getTime(); |
} else { |
whereObject['createTimeS'] = null; |
whereObject['createTimeE'] = null; |
} |
if (whereObject['payTime'] != null) { |
whereObject['payTimeS'] = whereObject['payTime'][0].getTime(); |
whereObject['payTimeE'] = whereObject['payTime'][1].getTime(); |
} else { |
whereObject['payTimeS'] = null; |
whereObject['payTimeE'] = null; |
} |
if (whereObject['finishTime'] != null) { |
whereObject['finishTimeS'] = whereObject['finishTime'][0].getTime(); |
whereObject['finishTimeE'] = whereObject['finishTime'][1].getTime(); |
} else { |
whereObject['finishTimeS'] = null; |
whereObject['finishTimeE'] = null; |
} |
this.whereObject = whereObject; |
this.requestData(1); |
} |
/** |
* 重置 |
*/ |
resetForm(): void { |
this.searchForm.reset(); |
} |
/** |
* 导出Excel |
*/ |
exportExcel(): void { |
this.loadingObject.spinning = true; |
this.loadingObject.msg = '处理中...'; |
this.orderService.exportOrderCouponExcel(this.whereObject, data => { |
this.loadingObject.spinning = false; |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
window.location.href = this.FILE_URL + data['return_data']; |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ |
<!--面包屑--> |
<nz-breadcrumb> |
<nz-breadcrumb-item> |
内容管理 |
</nz-breadcrumb-item> |
<nz-breadcrumb-item> |
内容发布 |
</nz-breadcrumb-item> |
</nz-breadcrumb> |
<!--条件搜索--> |
<div class="inner-content"> |
<form nz-form [formGroup]="searchForm" (ngSubmit)="getRequest(true , searchForm.value)"> |
<div nz-row> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6">站内信标题</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16"> |
<input formControlName="title" name="title" nz-input placeholder="请输入站内信标题!" nzSize="default"> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6">站内信类型</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16"> |
<nz-select class="width_input_chlid" nzShowSearch nzAllowClear nzPlaceHolder="请选择站内信类型" formControlName="type"> |
<nz-option nzLabel="请选择站内信类型" nzValue=""></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="服务通知" nzValue="1"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="支付信息" nzValue="2"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="客服信息" nzValue="3"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6">跳转类型</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16"> |
<nz-select class="width_input_chlid" nzShowSearch nzAllowClear nzPlaceHolder="请选择跳转类型" formControlName="jumpType"> |
<nz-option nzLabel="请选择跳转类型" nzValue=""></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="订单详情" [nzValue]="1"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="外部链接" [nzValue]="2"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="内部链接" [nzValue]="3"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="客服信息" [nzValue]="4"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div nz-row> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="24" class="search-button"> |
<button nz-button nzType="primary"><i nz-icon nzType="search" nzTheme="outline"></i>搜索</button> |
<button nz-button nzType="default" (click)="resetForm()"><i nz-icon nzType="reload" nzTheme="outline"></i>重置</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</form> |
</div> |
<div class="inner-content"> |
<span>共计 {{total}} 条数据</span> |
<div class="operating-button"> |
<button nz-button nzType="primary" class="right-btn" (click)="getAdd()" ><i nz-icon nzType="plus" nzTheme="outline"></i>添加</button> |
</div> |
<nz-table |
class="table" |
#ajaxTable |
nzShowSizeChanger |
[nzFrontPagination]="false" |
[nzData]="requestData" |
[nzLoading]="loading" |
[nzTotal]="total" |
[(nzPageIndex)]="pageNum" |
[(nzPageSize)]="pageSize" |
[nzScroll]="{ x: '1200px' }" |
(nzPageIndexChange)="getRequest(false , searchForm.value)" |
(nzPageSizeChange)="getRequest(false , searchForm.value)"> |
<thead nzSingleSort> |
<tr> |
<th nzWidth="80px">序号</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">标题</th> |
<th nzWidth="80px">类型</th> |
<th nzWidth="80px">跳转类型</th> |
<th nzWidth="80px">消息类型</th> |
<th nzWidth="80px">内容</th> |
<th nzWidth="80px">状态</th> |
<th nzWidth="120px">创建时间</th> |
<th nzRight="0px" nzAlign="left" nzWidth="100px">操作</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr *ngFor="let data of ajaxTable.data; let i = index"> |
<td>{{i+1}}</td> |
<td>{{data.title}}</td> |
<td>{{data.type | msgType : 1 }}</td> |
<td>{{data.jumpType | msgType : 2 }}</td> |
<td>{{data.msgType | msgType : 3 }}</td> |
<td>{{data.content}}</td> |
<td>{{data.status == 1? '编辑中': '已发布'}}</td> |
<td>{{data.createTime | date:'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss' }}</td> |
<td nzRight class="table-td-operation"> |
<a *ngIf="data.status == 1" nz-dropdown [nzDropdownMenu]="menu">更多操作<i nz-icon nzType="down"></i></a> |
<nz-dropdown-menu #menu="nzDropdownMenu"> |
<ul nz-menu nzSelectable> |
<li nz-menu-item><a (click)="getEdit(data)">查看</a></li> |
<li nz-menu-item><a (click)="getForbiddenUser(data.id)">发布</a></li> |
</ul> |
</nz-dropdown-menu> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</nz-table> |
</div> |
<nz-modal [(nzVisible)]="isVisible" nzTitle="编辑内容" nzWidth="700" [nzFooter]="modalFooter" (nzOnCancel)="isVisible = false"> |
<form nz-form [formGroup]="validateForm" class="login-form"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" nzRequired>内容标题</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16" nzErrorTip="请输入内容标题"> |
<input nz-input formControlName="title" placeholder="请输入内容标题!" /> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" >类型</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16" nzErrorTip="请输入类型"> |
<nz-select [nzDisabled]="editFlag" nzShowSearch nzAllowClear nzPlaceHolder="请选择类型" formControlName="type"> |
<nz-option nzLabel="服务通知" [nzValue]="1"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="支付信息" [nzValue]="2"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="客服信息" [nzValue]="3"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" >跳转类型</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16" nzErrorTip="请输入跳转类型"> |
<nz-select [nzDisabled]="editFlag" nzShowSearch nzAllowClear nzPlaceHolder="请选择跳转类型" formControlName="jumpType"> |
<nz-option nzLabel="外部链接" [nzValue]="2"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="内部链接" [nzValue]="3"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="客服信息" [nzValue]="4"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6" nzRequired>{{validateForm.value['jumpType'] == 4 ? '消息内容':'跳转路径'}}</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16" nzErrorTip="请输入{{validateForm.value['jumpType'] == 4 ? '消息内容':'跳转路径'}}"> |
<input nz-input formControlName="content" placeholder="请输入{{validateForm.value['jumpType'] == 4 ? '消息内容':'跳转路径'}}!" /> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6">信息图片</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16"> |
<nz-upload |
nzAction="{{POST_URL}}/fileUpload/uploadfile" |
nzListType="picture-card" |
[(nzFileList)]="imgFile" |
[nzShowButton]="imgFile.length < 1" |
[nzPreview]="handlePreview" |
> |
<i nz-icon nzType="plus"></i> |
<div class="ant-upload-text">上传图片</div> |
</nz-upload> |
<nz-modal [nzVisible]="previewVisible" [nzContent]="modalContent" [nzFooter]="null" (nzOnCancel)="previewVisible = false"> |
<ng-template #modalContent> |
<img [src]="previewImage" [ngStyle]="{ width: '100%' }" /> |
</ng-template> |
</nz-modal> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</form> |
<ng-template #modalFooter> |
<button nz-button nzType="default" (click)="isVisible = false">取消</button> |
<button *ngIf="!editFlag" nz-button nzType="primary" (click)="handleOk()">提交</button> |
</ng-template> |
</nz-modal> |
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; |
import {environment} from '../../../../environments/environment'; |
import {FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators} from '_@angular_forms@9.0.7@@angular/forms'; |
import {HttpClient} from '_@angular_common@9.0.7@@angular/common/http'; |
import {NzMessageService, NzUploadFile} from '_ng-zorro-antd@9.3.0@ng-zorro-antd'; |
import {Router} from '_@angular_router@9.0.7@@angular/router'; |
import {CommonsService} from '../../../services/commons.service'; |
import {MsgService} from '../../../services/msg.service'; |
function getBase64(file: File): Promise<string | ArrayBuffer | null> { |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
const reader = new FileReader(); |
reader.readAsDataURL(file); |
reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result); |
reader.onerror = error => reject(error); |
}); |
} |
@Component({ |
selector: 'app-system-msg', |
templateUrl: './system-msg.component.html', |
styleUrls: ['./system-msg.component.scss'] |
}) |
export class SystemMsgComponent implements OnInit { |
WEB_SERVE_URL = environment.imageUrl; |
POST_URL = environment.baseUrl; |
searchForm: FormGroup; // 搜索框
validateForm: FormGroup; // 添加框
requestData = []; // 列表数据
nodes = []; // 类型树
total: number; // 页码
pageNum = 1; // 页码
pageSize = 10; // 条码
loading = true; |
editFlag = false; |
isVisible = false; |
imgFile = []; |
previewImage: string | undefined = ''; |
previewVisible = false; |
id: number; |
constructor( |
private fb: FormBuilder, |
private http: HttpClient, // http请求
private message: NzMessageService, // 信息提示
private router: Router, |
private common: CommonsService, |
private msg: MsgService |
) { |
this.WEB_SERVE_URL = environment.baseUrl; |
} |
ngOnInit() { |
this.searchForm = this.fb.group({ |
type: [null], |
jumpType: [null], |
title: [null], |
}); |
this.validateForm = this.fb.group({ |
type: [null, [Validators.required]], |
title: [null, [Validators.required]], |
jumpType: [null, [Validators.required]], |
content: [null, [Validators.required]], |
}); |
this.getRequest(true, this.searchForm.value); |
} |
// 查询列表
public getRequest(reset: boolean = false, whereObject: object) { |
if (reset) { |
this.pageNum = 1; |
} |
whereObject['pageNum'] = this.pageNum; |
whereObject['pageSize'] = this.pageSize; |
this.msg.getMsgByList(whereObject, data => { |
console.log(data); |
this.loading = false; |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.requestData = data['return_data'].list; |
this.total = data['return_data'].total; |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} |
// 重置
public resetForm(): void { |
this.searchForm.reset(); |
} |
// 新增
getAdd() { |
this.isVisible = true; |
this.editFlag = false; |
} |
// 编辑
getEdit(data: object) { |
console.log(data); |
if (data['image'] != null && data['image'] !== '') { |
const logo = String(data['image']); |
const logoArray = []; |
logoArray.push( |
{ |
uid: 1, |
name: logo, |
status: 'done', |
url: environment.imageUrl + logo |
}); |
this.imgFile = logoArray; |
} |
this.id = data['id']; |
this.validateForm.patchValue(data); |
this.editFlag = true; |
this.isVisible = true; |
} |
// 提交内容
handleOk() { |
// tslint:disable-next-line:forin
for (const i in this.validateForm.controls) { |
this.validateForm.controls[i].markAsDirty(); |
this.validateForm.controls[i].updateValueAndValidity(); |
if (this.validateForm.controls[i].errors != null) { |
this.message.error('必填项不能为空'); |
return; |
} |
} |
if (this.imgFile.length !== 0) { |
if (this.imgFile[0]['response'] != null) { |
this.validateForm.value.image = this.imgFile[0]['response']['return_data'][0]; |
} else { |
this.validateForm.value.image = this.imgFile[0].name; |
} |
} |
this.msg.insertMsg(this.validateForm.value , data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.isVisible = false; |
this.getRequest(false, this.searchForm.value); |
this.message.success('新增成功'); |
} else { |
this.message.create('error', '修改失败'); |
} |
}); |
} |
// 图片查看
handlePreview = async (file: NzUploadFile) => { |
if (!file.url && !file.preview) { |
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-non-null-assertion
file.preview = await getBase64(file.originFileObj!); |
} |
this.previewImage = file.url || file.preview; |
this.previewVisible = true; |
} |
public getForbiddenUser(id): void { |
const message = '是否发布'; |
this.common.showConfirm(message, data => { |
if (data) { |
this.msg.pushMsg(id, dataUser => { |
if (dataUser['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.message.success(dataUser['return_data']); |
} else { |
this.message.error(dataUser['return_msg']); |
} |
this.getRequest(false , this.searchForm.value); |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@ |
import { |
FormsModule, |
ReactiveFormsModule, |
} from '@angular/forms'; |
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; |
import {CommonModule} from '@angular/common'; |
import {NgZorroAntdModule} from 'ng-zorro-antd'; |
import {NgxNeditorModule} from '@notadd/ngx-neditor'; |
// 管道
import { |
TimesPipe, |
TextareaPipe, |
SystemPipe, |
CouponStatusPipe, |
CouponCodePipe, |
AuditTypePipe, |
AuditStatusPipe, |
PaymodelPipe, |
PaytypePipe, |
DiscountTypePipe, |
OrderCouponStatusPipe, |
DiscountStatusPipe, |
DisplayAreaPipe, |
DiscountCodeStatusPipe, |
RechargePricePipe, |
RechargeStatusPipe, |
ChannelMarkPipe, |
TypePipe, |
StatusPipe, |
RechargePayTypePipe, |
RefundSourcePipe, |
RefundStatusPipe, |
PreOrderStatusPipe, |
ButtonPipe, |
DiscountPackageStatusPipe, |
PriceShowPipe, |
ShowTypePipe, |
EnergyTypePipe, |
CompanyAmountRecordTypePipe, |
CompanyAmountRecordSourceTypePipe, |
OilCardBindStatusPipe, |
OilCardRecordTypePipe, |
OilCardRecordSourceTypePipe, |
RechargePlatformPipe, |
PriceStatusPipe, |
GasStaffStatusPipe, |
PayStatusPipe, |
ChlidRechargeStatusPipe, |
SourceTypePipe, GasClassGroupTaskStatusPipe, GasOrderStatusPipe, OrderStatusPipe, OrderPayTypePipe, OrderChildGoodsTypePipe |
} from './pipes'; |
import {OilCardStatusPipe} from './pipes'; |
import {OilTypePipe} from './pipes/store/oil-type.pipe'; |
import {OilPriceTaskStatusPipe} from './pipes/gas-oil-price/oil-price-task-status.pipe'; |
import {OilPriceTaskExecutionTypePipe} from './pipes/gas-oil-price/oil-price-task-execution-type.pipe'; |
import {OilPriceTaskPriceTypePipe} from './pipes/gas-oil-price/oil-price-task-price-type.pipe'; |
import { PlatformPipe } from './pipes/recharge-pipe/platform.pipe'; |
import { IntegralTypePipe } from './pipes/integral/integral-type.pipe'; |
import { IntegralProductPipe } from './pipes/integral/integral-product.pipe'; |
import {OrderOilStatusPipe} from './pipes/order/order-oil-status.pipe'; |
const PIPES = [ |
TimesPipe, |
TextareaPipe, |
SystemPipe, |
CouponStatusPipe, |
CouponCodePipe, |
AuditTypePipe, |
AuditStatusPipe, |
OrderCouponStatusPipe, |
PaymodelPipe, |
PaytypePipe, |
DiscountTypePipe, |
DiscountStatusPipe, |
DisplayAreaPipe, |
DiscountCodeStatusPipe, |
RechargePricePipe, |
RechargeStatusPipe, |
ChannelMarkPipe, |
ChannelMarkPipe, |
TypePipe, |
StatusPipe, |
RechargePayTypePipe, |
RefundSourcePipe, |
RefundStatusPipe, |
PreOrderStatusPipe, |
ButtonPipe, |
DiscountPackageStatusPipe, |
ShowTypePipe, |
PriceShowPipe, |
EnergyTypePipe, |
CompanyAmountRecordTypePipe, |
CompanyAmountRecordSourceTypePipe, |
OilCardStatusPipe, |
OilCardBindStatusPipe, |
OilCardRecordTypePipe, |
OilCardRecordSourceTypePipe, |
GasStaffStatusPipe, |
OilTypePipe, |
RechargePlatformPipe, |
PriceStatusPipe, |
OilPriceTaskStatusPipe, |
OilPriceTaskExecutionTypePipe, |
OilPriceTaskPriceTypePipe, |
PayStatusPipe, |
ChlidRechargeStatusPipe, |
SourceTypePipe, |
GasClassGroupTaskStatusPipe, |
GasOrderStatusPipe, |
PlatformPipe, |
OrderOilStatusPipe, |
OrderStatusPipe, |
OrderPayTypePipe, |
OrderChildGoodsTypePipe, |
]; |
@NgModule({ |
imports: [ |
CommonModule, |
FormsModule, |
ReactiveFormsModule, |
NgZorroAntdModule, |
NgxNeditorModule |
], |
declarations: [ |
...PIPES, |
IntegralTypePipe, |
IntegralProductPipe, |
], |
exports: [ |
...PIPES, |
IntegralTypePipe, |
IntegralProductPipe, |
], |
}) |
export class AppCommonModule { |
static forRoot() { |
return { |
ngModule: AppCommonModule, |
providers: [], |
}; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core'; |
@Pipe({ |
name: 'msgType' |
}) |
export class MsgTypePipe implements PipeTransform { |
array = { |
1: ['服务通知', '支付信息', '客服信息'], |
2: ['订单详情' , '外部链接' , '内部链接' , '客服信息'], |
3: ['个人信息' , '全局信息'] |
}; |
transform(type: number , product: number): string { |
return this.array[product][type - 1]; |
} |
// transform(object: string , objectName: string): string {
// console.log(object);
// const o = JSON.parse(object);
// if (typeof o == 'object') {
// return o[objectName];
// }
// return null;
// }
} |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core'; |
@Pipe({ |
name: 'productType' |
}) |
export class ProductTypePipe implements PipeTransform { |
array = { |
1: ['星巴克'], |
2: ['', '肯德基'], |
3: ['', '', '第三方产品'], |
4: ['中石化', '消费券', '其他卡券' , '贵州中石化' , '重庆中石油'], |
5: ['', '', '', '', '在线加油'], |
}; |
transform(type: number , product: number): string { |
return this.array[type][product - 1]; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ |
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; |
import {HttpClient} from '_@angular_common@9.0.7@@angular/common/http'; |
import {CommonsService} from './commons.service'; |
import {environment} from '../../environments/environment'; |
@Injectable({ |
providedIn: 'root' |
}) |
export class MsgService { |
constructor( |
private http: HttpClient, |
private common: CommonsService |
) { } |
/** |
* 查询站内信消息 |
* |
* @param paramsObject 对象 |
* @param callBack 回调 |
*/ |
public getMsgByList(paramsObject: object, callBack) { |
this.http.get(environment.baseUrl + 'bsMsg/getMsgByList?' + this.common.getWhereCondition(paramsObject)).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* 新增站内信内容内容 |
* |
* @param params 上传对象 |
* @param callBack 回调 |
* @return data 返回结果 |
*/ |
public insertMsg(params: object, callBack) { |
this.http.post(environment.baseUrl + 'bsMsg/insertMsg', params).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* 发布站内信 |
* |
* @param iId id |
* @param callBack 回调 |
*/ |
public pushMsg(id: number, callBack) { |
this.http.get(environment.baseUrl + 'bsMsg/pushMsg?id=' + id).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; |
import {HttpClient} from '@angular/common/http'; |
import {CommonsService} from '../commons.service'; |
import {environment} from "../../../environments/environment"; |
@Injectable({ |
providedIn: 'root' |
}) |
export class OrderKfcService { |
constructor( |
private http: HttpClient, |
private common: CommonsService |
) { } |
/** |
* @Author Sum1Dream |
* @methodName getOrderKfcList |
* @Description // 查询肯德基订单
* @Date 17:20 2022/10/27 |
* @Param param |
*/ |
public getOrderKfcList(param: object, callBack) { |
this.http.get(environment.orderUrl + 'thirdParty/getOrderKfcList?' + this.common.getWhereCondition(param)).subscribe(data => { |
callBack(data); |
}); |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue