@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ |
<!-- start 面包屑 --> |
<app-breadcrumb></app-breadcrumb> |
<!-- end 面包屑 --> |
<div class="inner-content"> |
<span>共计 {{total}} 条数据</span> |
<nz-table |
class="table" |
#ajaxTable |
nzShowSizeChanger |
[nzFrontPagination]="false" |
[nzData]="requestData" |
[nzLoading]="loading" |
[nzTotal]="total" |
[(nzPageIndex)]="pageNum" |
[(nzPageSize)]="pageSize" |
[nzScroll]="{ x: '1200px' }" |
(nzPageIndexChange)="getRequest(false , {})" |
(nzPageSizeChange)="getRequest(false , {})"> |
<thead nzSingleSort> |
<tr> |
<th nzWidth="50px">编号</th> |
<th nzWidth="80px">优惠券KEY</th> |
<th nzWidth="80px">优惠券名称</th> |
<th nzWidth="80px">优惠券类型</th> |
<th nzWidth="70px">优惠内容</th> |
<th nzWidth="70px">有效天数</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">截止日期</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">创建时间</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">状态</th> |
<th nzWidth="80px" nzRight="0px">操作</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr *ngFor="let data of ajaxTable.data; let i = index"> |
<td>{{i + 1}}</td> |
<td>{{data['highDiscount'].discountKey}}</td> |
<td>{{data['highDiscount'].discountName}}</td> |
<td>{{data['highDiscount'].discountType | discountType}}</td> |
<td> |
<span *ngIf="data['highDiscount'].discountType === 1"> |
满{{data['highDiscount'].discountCondition}}抵扣{{data['highDiscount'].discountPrice}} |
</span> |
<span *ngIf="data['highDiscount'].discountType === 2"> |
抵扣{{data['highDiscount'].discountPrice}} |
</span> |
<span *ngIf="data['highDiscount'].discountType === 3"> |
{{data['highDiscount'].discountPrice}}折 |
</span> |
</td> |
<td>{{data['highDiscount'].effectiveDay}}</td> |
<td>{{data['highDiscount'].salesEndTime | date: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'}}</td> |
<td>{{data['highDiscount'].createTime}}</td> |
<td>{{data['highDiscount'].status | discountStatus}}</td> |
<td nzRight="0px" class="table-td-operation"> |
<a (click)="getDetail(data.id)">使用情况</a> |
</td> |
</tbody> |
</nz-table> |
</div> |
<nz-modal [(nzVisible)]="isVisible" nzTitle="使用情况" nzWidth="1000" (nzOnCancel)="handleCancel()" (nzOnOk)="handleOk()"> |
<form nz-form [formGroup]="searchForm" (ngSubmit)="getRequestCode(true , searchForm.value)"> |
<div nz-row> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="9"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6">优惠券状态</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16"> |
<nz-select nzShowSearch nzAllowClear formControlName="status" nzPlaceHolder="请选择优惠券状态"> |
<nz-option nzLabel="待领取" nzValue="1"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="待使用" nzValue="2"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="已使用" nzValue="3"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="已过期" nzValue="4"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div nz-row> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="24" class="search-button"> |
<button nz-button nzType="primary"><i nz-icon nzType="search" nzTheme="outline"></i>搜索</button> |
<button nz-button nzType="default" (click)="resetForm()"><i nz-icon nzType="reload" nzTheme="outline"></i>重置</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</form> |
<span>共计 {{totalCode}} 条数据</span> |
<nz-table |
class="table" |
#ajaxTableCode |
nzShowSizeChanger |
[nzFrontPagination]="false" |
[nzData]="requestDataCode" |
[nzLoading]="loadingCode" |
[nzTotal]="totalCode" |
[(nzPageIndex)]="pageNumCode" |
[(nzPageSize)]="pageSizeCode" |
(nzPageIndexChange)="getRequestCode(false , searchForm.value)" |
(nzPageSizeChange)="getRequestCode(false , searchForm.value)"> |
<thead nzSingleSort> |
<tr> |
<th nzWidth="50px">编号</th> |
<th nzWidth="70px">优惠券名称</th> |
<th nzWidth="70px">用户名称</th> |
<th nzWidth="70px">二维码生成时间</th> |
<th nzWidth="50px">状态</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr *ngFor="let data of ajaxTableCode.data; let i = index"> |
<td>{{i+1}}</td> |
<td>{{data['highDiscount'].discountName}}</td> |
<td> |
{{data['highUser'] == null ? '暂无': data['highUser'].name}} |
</td> |
<td>{{data.createTime | date: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'}}</td> |
<td>{{data.status | couponCode}}</td> |
</tbody> |
</nz-table> |
</nz-modal> |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
.head_img { |
height: 60px; |
width: 60px; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; |
import {environment} from '../../../../environments/environment'; |
import {FormBuilder, FormGroup} from '@angular/forms'; |
import {UserService} from '../../../services/user.service'; |
import {IconService} from '../../../services/icon.service'; |
import {NzMessageService} from 'ng-zorro-antd'; |
import {CommonsService} from '../../../services/commons.service'; |
import {AgentService} from '../../../services/agent.service'; |
import {DiscountService} from '../../../services/discount.service'; |
import {LocalStorageService} from '../../../services/local-storage.service'; |
import {ADMIN_INFO_OBJECT} from '../../../services/local-storage.namespace'; |
@Component({ |
selector: 'app-order-coupons', |
templateUrl: './order-coupons.component.html', |
styleUrls: ['./order-coupons.component.scss'] |
}) |
export class OrderCouponsComponent implements OnInit { |
IMAGE_URL = environment.imageUrl; |
searchForm: FormGroup; // 搜索框
requestData = []; // 列表数据
total: number; // 页码
pageNum = 1; // 页码
pageSize = 10; // 条码
loading = true; |
requestDataCode = []; // 列表数据
totalCode: number; // 页码
pageNumCode = 1; // 页码
pageSizeCode = 10; // 条码
loadingCode = true; |
isVisible = false; |
id: number; |
constructor( |
private form: FormBuilder, |
private agent: AgentService, |
private iconService: IconService, |
private message: NzMessageService, |
private store: LocalStorageService, // 数据请求
) { |
} |
ngOnInit(): void { |
this.init(); |
} |
public init(): void { |
this.searchForm = this.form.group({ |
status: [null], |
}); |
this.getRequest(true, {}); |
} |
// 查询列表
public getRequest(reset: boolean = false, whereObject: object) { |
this.loading = false; |
if (reset) { |
this.pageNum = 1; |
} |
whereObject['agentId'] = this.store.get(ADMIN_INFO_OBJECT)['highAgent'].id; |
whereObject['pageNum'] = this.pageNum; |
whereObject['pageSize'] = this.pageSize; |
this.agent.getDiscountAgentList(whereObject, data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.requestData = data['return_data'].list; |
this.total = data['return_data'].total; |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} |
// 重置
public resetForm(): void { |
this.searchForm.reset(); |
} |
// 查看使用情况
public getDetail(id: number): void { |
this.id = id; |
this.getRequestCode(false , this.searchForm.value); |
this.isVisible = true; |
} |
// 查询列表
public getRequestCode(reset: boolean = false, whereObject: object) { |
this.loadingCode = true; |
if (reset) { |
this.pageNumCode = 1; |
} |
this.searchForm.value['discountAgentId'] = this.id; |
whereObject['pageNum'] = this.pageNumCode; |
whereObject['pageSize'] = this.pageSizeCode; |
this.agent.getDiscountCodeList(whereObject, data => { |
this.loadingCode = false; |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.requestDataCode = data['return_data'].list; |
this.totalCode = data['return_data'].total; |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} |
handleOk(): void { |
this.isVisible = false; |
} |
handleCancel(): void { |
this.isVisible = false; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
<!-- start 面包屑 --> |
<app-breadcrumb></app-breadcrumb> |
<!-- end 面包屑 --> |
<!--条件搜索--> |
<div class="inner-content"> |
<form nz-form [formGroup]="searchForm" (ngSubmit)="getRequest(true , searchForm.value)"> |
<div nz-row> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="8"> |
<nz-form-item> |
<nz-form-label [nzSpan]="6">金币类型</nz-form-label> |
<nz-form-control [nzSpan]="16"> |
<nz-select nzShowSearch nzAllowClear formControlName="goldType" nzPlaceHolder="请选择金币类型"> |
<nz-option nzLabel="收入" nzValue="1"></nz-option> |
<nz-option nzLabel="支出" nzValue="2"></nz-option> |
</nz-select> |
</nz-form-control> |
</nz-form-item> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div nz-row> |
<div nz-col nzSpan="24" class="search-button"> |
<button nz-button nzType="primary"><i nz-icon nzType="search" nzTheme="outline"></i>搜索</button> |
<button nz-button nzType="default" (click)="resetForm()"><i nz-icon nzType="reload" nzTheme="outline"></i>重置</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</form> |
</div> |
<div class="inner-content"> |
<span>共计 {{total}} 条数据</span> |
<nz-table |
class="table" |
#ajaxTable |
nzShowSizeChanger |
[nzFrontPagination]="false" |
[nzData]="requestData" |
[nzLoading]="loading" |
[nzTotal]="total" |
[(nzPageIndex)]="pageNum" |
[(nzPageSize)]="pageSize" |
[nzScroll]="{ x: '1200px' }" |
(nzPageIndexChange)="getRequest(false , searchForm.value)" |
(nzPageSizeChange)="getRequest(false , searchForm.value)"> |
<thead nzSingleSort> |
<tr> |
<th nzWidth="50px">编号</th> |
<th nzWidth="80px">用户名称</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">用户电话</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">金币类型</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">来源类型</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">金币数</th> |
<th nzWidth="100px">产生时间</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody> |
<tr *ngFor="let data of ajaxTable.data; let i = index"> |
<td>{{i+1}}</td> |
<td>{{data['highUser'].name}}</td> |
<td>{{data['highUser'].phone}}</td> |
<td>{{data.goldType === 1 ? '收入' : '支出'}}</td> |
<td>{{data.resType === 1 ? '充值' : '订单'}}</td> |
<td>{{data.gold}}</td> |
<td>{{data.createTime | date: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'}}</td> |
</tbody> |
</nz-table> |
</div> |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
.head_img { |
height: 50px; |
width: 50px; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; |
import {environment} from '../../../../environments/environment'; |
import {FormBuilder, FormGroup} from '@angular/forms'; |
import {UserService} from '../../../services/user.service'; |
import {IconService} from '../../../services/icon.service'; |
import {NzMessageService} from 'ng-zorro-antd'; |
import {CommonsService} from '../../../services/commons.service'; |
@Component({ |
selector: 'app-user-gold', |
templateUrl: './user-gold.component.html', |
styleUrls: ['./user-gold.component.scss'] |
}) |
export class UserGoldComponent implements OnInit { |
searchForm: FormGroup; // 搜索框
requestData = []; // 列表数据
total: number; // 页码
pageNum = 1; // 页码
pageSize = 10; // 条码
loading = true; |
constructor( |
private form: FormBuilder, |
private user: UserService, |
private iconService: IconService, |
private message: NzMessageService, |
private common: CommonsService |
) { |
} |
ngOnInit(): void { |
this.init(); |
} |
public init(): void { |
this.searchForm = this.form.group({ |
goldType: [null], |
}); |
this.getRequest(true, this.searchForm.value); |
} |
// 查询列表
public getRequest(reset: boolean = false, whereObject: object) { |
this.loading = false; |
if (reset) { |
this.pageNum = 1; |
} |
whereObject['pageNum'] = this.pageNum; |
whereObject['pageSize'] = this.pageSize; |
this.user.getGoldRecList(whereObject, data => { |
if (data['return_code'] === '000000') { |
this.requestData = data['return_data'].list; |
this.total = data['return_data'].total; |
} else { |
this.message.error(data['return_msg']); |
} |
}); |
} |
// 重置
public resetForm(): void { |
this.searchForm.reset(); |
} |
} |
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ |
.head_img { |
.head_img { |
height: 60px; |
height: 50px; |
width: 60px; |
width: 60px; |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue